creativity at the heart of business strategy

The Impact of Business Strategy on Firm Performance of Listed Firms in Vietnam45697

The Impact of Business Strategy on Firm Performance of Listed Firms in Vietnam45697

... through the development and determination of their business strategy” However, up to now, while there have been many studies on the impact of business strategy In the current new era, the business ... sales/cost of goods sold) representing a differentiation strategy Moreover, the research shows that although the market appreciates the strategy of differentiation, it still underestimates the difference, ... Source: Data analysis from STATA software The results show that the differentiation strategy (DIFF) has the highest correlation with the return on assets (ROA) with a correlation coefficient of 16.86%

Ngày tải lên: 02/04/2022, 11:56

11 3 0


... and strategy of international organisations such as the World Bank (2005, 2006), the United Nations, the International Labour Organisation, as well as international aid organisations including the ... that they may be democratic and socially just towards themselves and others at home and around the world 35 For example, at the Calgary Board of Education, one of the largest districts in the ... institutions to the new realities of pluralism These powerful ideals recognize the dynamic nature of a pluralist society as well as the need for mutual adaptation at the heart of integration, between

Ngày tải lên: 20/10/2022, 04:25

16 2 0


... confused with the effectiveness of the strategy. .. the strategy because they had difficulty in applying what they learned in the class into practice and they found that that did not ... indicator of the success of the employment of prediction strategy is In the first reading test in Cycle 1, the result of the test showed that the average score of the students ... complete the reading passage if they try to use prediction strategy Therefore, they read naturally through the passage and passed the strategy 3.2 Discussion Based on the result of

Ngày tải lên: 10/07/2015, 15:13

44 578 0
An investigation into the use of useful expressions to enhance speaking skills for the third year students at hanoi university of business and technology

An investigation into the use of useful expressions to enhance speaking skills for the third year students at hanoi university of business and technology

... consists of the rationale, aims, research questions, significance of the study, scope of the study, and the design of the study In the second part, chapter - Literature Review mentions the theoretical ... introducing the rationale of the study, the problem to be addressed in the study, the aims and objectives of the study, and the research questions to be answered It will also present the scope of the ... list of them note the Tell the students to pay attention to some of the objectives of the language associated with a presentation that lessons and teacher is going to introduce based on the useful

Ngày tải lên: 19/07/2017, 19:26

71 601 2
Development of business strategy for song da 11 joint stock company in the period of 2018   2023 with visions to 2030

Development of business strategy for song da 11 joint stock company in the period of 2018 2023 with visions to 2030

... ABOUT DESIGNING BUSINESS STRATEGY 1.1 Concept and classification of business strategy 1.1.1 Concept of business strategy 1.1.2 Roles of business strategy 1.1.3 ... and feasible business strategy and launch a series of solutions to deploy the strategy in the most effective manner A good business strategy facilitates the enterprises to grasp the business opportunities, ... develop the treatment and talent attraction policies, ensuring the competition with other organizations * Network the cooperation relation: - Setup the expansive cooperation relation with the Vietnamese

Ngày tải lên: 16/02/2020, 17:44

96 67 0
An investigation into the applicability of critical strategy in group work to the teaching of speaking skills for the second year students at English department of Hong Duc university

An investigation into the applicability of critical strategy in group work to the teaching of speaking skills for the second year students at English department of Hong Duc university

... What modifications are necessary to make the critical strategy possible ? Scope of the Study There has existed a variety of strategies to the teaching of speaking skills at English Department of ... which consists of three chapters: chapter is the literature on knowledge of speaking skills, of the Critical Strategy (CS) and offactors affecting the application of CS in the teaching of speaking; ... groups in the speaking lessons ? How is Critical Strategy applied in the speaking lessons? What are the challenges underlying the application of the critical strategy in teaching speaking to the English

Ngày tải lên: 23/09/2020, 17:08

64 27 0
An evaluation of the application of the courseware “Learn To Speak English Deluxe 10” in language lab for the first year non-major of English students at Hanoi University of Business and Technology

An evaluation of the application of the courseware “Learn To Speak English Deluxe 10” in language lab for the first year non-major of English students at Hanoi University of Business and Technology

... ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The author of this thesis is grateful to a great number of people who did offer assistance and support in the preparation of the dissertation I am most grateful to Prof Nguyễn Hòa- my ... presentation, organization of the content of LTSE were investigated The evaluation also releases some strengths and weaknesses of this software And finally, the evaluator suggests some recommendations ... provided 30 The video, audio enhances the presentation of information IX Satisfactory Good Excellent Part II Information about the benefits, the problems as well as the recomendation for LTSE software

Ngày tải lên: 23/09/2020, 21:42

89 15 0
The Impacts of Listening Strategy Training on 10-Grade Students’ Listening Performance at Mỹ Đức C High School: A Quasi-Experimental Study

The Impacts of Listening Strategy Training on 10-Grade Students’ Listening Performance at Mỹ Đức C High School: A Quasi-Experimental Study

... strategy use of the control group Table 3: Bottom-up strategy use of the experimental group Table 4: Top-down strategy use of the control group Table 5: Top-down strategy use of the experimental ... encourage the learners to be aware of their existing strategies and the choices of strategies they can use with new materials Through verbalizing the strategies, “application and repeated applications ... requirements there are no new words XXVIII Top down strategy - Ask them what strategy they use in these - Guess the answer - Compare their answer in kinds of task - Ask them to guess the answers

Ngày tải lên: 23/09/2020, 22:02

91 29 0
A survey on the first – year students’ English language learning style preferences at Hanoi University of Business and Technology

A survey on the first – year students’ English language learning style preferences at Hanoi University of Business and Technology

... backgrounds Therefore, teaching students how to communicate effectively, cooperate with others and learn independently has become the basics of education That is the reason for the appearance of the ... toward the class and the subject, the atmosphere and the outcome Aims of the study The survey on the first-year students‟ English language learning style preferences at Hanoi University of Business ... preferences of the first-year students at Hanoi University of Business and Technology and the extent of teachers‟ awareness of them Particularly, the study seeks answers to the following questions: What

Ngày tải lên: 23/09/2020, 22:34

62 18 0
Teachers'''' and students'''' perception and attitudes to the application of New Dynamic English at Hanoi University of Business and Technology

Teachers'''' and students'''' perception and attitudes to the application of New Dynamic English at Hanoi University of Business and Technology

... challenges in the application of New Dynamic English at HUBT In light of the goals of the study, the following research questions are made: What are the HUBT English teachers’ understandings of and ... evaluative comments on New Dynamic English programme, to reveal the difficulties they faced in the application of NDE as well as disclose their expectation for the improvement of the program at ... English and their second year, non English majors as the main participants of the research Due to the limit of the study and constrain of time, my thesis would focus on investigating the teachers

Ngày tải lên: 23/09/2020, 22:47

62 17 0
An investigation into the use of useful expressions to enhance speaking skills for the third-year students at hanoi university of business and technology

An investigation into the use of useful expressions to enhance speaking skills for the third-year students at hanoi university of business and technology

... consists of the rationale, aims, research questions, significance of the study, scope of the study, and the design of the study In the second part, chapter - Literature Review mentions the theoretical ... introducing the rationale of the study, the problem to be addressed in the study, the aims and objectives of the study, and the research questions to be answered It will also present the scope of the ... list of them note the Tell the students to pay attention to some of the objectives of the language associated with a presentation that lessons and teacher is going to introduce based on the useful

Ngày tải lên: 23/09/2020, 22:56

71 36 0
A study on the use of oral presentation activities to motivate the second year students at hanoi university of business and technology in english speaking lessons

A study on the use of oral presentation activities to motivate the second year students at hanoi university of business and technology in english speaking lessons

... references to the others‟ work I also accept all the requirements of Hanoi University of Languages and International Studies relating to the retention and use of M.A Graduation Thesis deposited in the ... brief, all of the reasons mentioned above have inspired the author to conduct “A study on the use of oral presentation activities to motivate the second-year students at Hanoi University of Business ... and Objectives of the Study The study aims to explore the situation of using oral presentation activities (hereafter OPAs) to motivate second-year students at Hanoi Unversity of Business and Technology

Ngày tải lên: 30/09/2020, 12:30

65 40 0
Application of task based language teaching in teaching speaking to the 1st year non english major students  an action research at hanoi university of business and technology

Application of task based language teaching in teaching speaking to the 1st year non english major students an action research at hanoi university of business and technology

... walk from the hotel to the office?  No,… The office isn‟t open until a.m  use the Internet at the office?  Yes,…., but it‟s very busy at lunchtime  Yes,… You can use the computer in my office ... Finally,… Aims By the end of my presentation, you will have a clear idea of the new system By the end of my talk, you will understand how/why this benefits us all At the end of the presentation, you ... 1 Rationale of the study Aims and objectives of the study Research questions Scope of the study Method of the study Significance of the

Ngày tải lên: 30/09/2020, 12:41

69 20 0
An investigation into the use of role  play for enhancing second year non  english major students’ speaking performance at hanoi university of business and technology

An investigation into the use of role play for enhancing second year non english major students’ speaking performance at hanoi university of business and technology

... groups of 5, one member is the leader - The leader introduces the reasons for the meeting, aims of the meeting, the agenda‟s items and asks other members for their opinions - The rest of the groups ... aims of the meeting, the agenda‟s items and asks other members for their opinions - The rest of the groups are members who discuss which of the four places will be the most suitable for the conference ... reasons for the choice - Work in groups of 4, one member is the leader - The leader introduces the reasons for the meeting, aims of the meeting, the agenda‟s items and asks other members for their

Ngày tải lên: 30/09/2020, 12:42

84 39 0
The effect of prediction strategy on improving reading comprehension skills of non english majored students at ho chi minh university of industry (HUI)

The effect of prediction strategy on improving reading comprehension skills of non english majored students at ho chi minh university of industry (HUI)

... and they found that that did not have enough time to complete the reading passage if they try to use prediction strategy Therefore, they read naturally through the passage and passed the strategy ... Limitation of the study Despite my effort to take all aspects of the research into consideration, the study still bore some limitations in terms of the data collection instruments Some of the ... passages Therefore, the result from question was not very positive In short, most of the students express their expectation to continue using this kind of strategy for the next classes They found that

Ngày tải lên: 30/09/2020, 13:12

44 28 0


... FIRST The creation of value for the customer must lie at the heart of any customer relationship strategy Yet, I encounter companies that talk about creating customer value, but what they are really ... little to with the creation of customer relationships In fact, such a short-term strategy is generally antithetical to the establishment of customer relationships Thus the creation of shareholder ... items for themselves Such initiatives on the part of companies create an emotional response from customers They are pleased that the company has thought of them and that employees go out of their...

Ngày tải lên: 23/01/2014, 23:20

23 603 0
Brilliant At The Basics of Business 100:1 pdf

Brilliant At The Basics of Business 100:1 pdf

... points of margin? Or employee satisfaction? © Nicholas Bate 2010 Brilliant At The Basics of Business 100: 74 Get out of the office and find out what’s going on What customers ... your flight call Meditate on the plane Arrive refreshed © Nicholas Bate 2010 Brilliant At The Basics of Business 100: 49 What happens to the data in the complaint’s file? ... Nicholas Bate 2010 Brilliant At The Basics of Business 100: 19 Train your people Soft skills: how to answer the phone warmly Technical skills: how to use the spreadsheet quickly Business skills: what...

Ngày tải lên: 06/03/2014, 19:20

10 501 0
Báo cáo hóa học: "Programmed cell death-1 (PD-1) at the heart of heterologous prime-boost vaccines and regulation of CD8+ T cell immunity" doc

Báo cáo hóa học: "Programmed cell death-1 (PD-1) at the heart of heterologous prime-boost vaccines and regulation of CD8+ T cell immunity" doc

... prime-boost immunization regimens requires a deeper understanding of the mechanism of action of DNA vaccination A key observation from many studies to date is that interchanging the order of vectors ... vectors could very well be at the heart of both the mechanism and advantage of heterologous primeboost regimens Therefore, the remainder of this review will focus on this key feature and its underlying ... (summary of results in ref [42]) This tandem co-regulation of inhibitory receptors [45-47] raised the possibility that this phenomenon, consisting of the generation of specific T cells that fail...

Ngày tải lên: 18/06/2014, 16:20

11 506 0
At the heart of student migration education, mobility, and the time space production of everyday life

At the heart of student migration education, mobility, and the time space production of everyday life

... the limits of resources by internationalizing its spaces of education In Section 3.2, I present the rationale for Singapore’s mobilization of education as part of the national strategy to boost ... Rather, the literature presented in the following is an outcome of abstracting what I consider to be critical junctures in the relatively disparate sets of literature These abstractions will then ... present, and future Whether these assumptions are figments of the mind or products of material relations, a close examination of the specific timings and spacings of these narratives can open up...

Ngày tải lên: 30/09/2015, 14:23

130 550 0