... the 21st Century Insurance Child Safety Seat Program began: • • • • More than 60 events conducted More than 7,200 seats inspected More than 2,700 seats discarded More than 5,800 seats donated ... Words • More than of 10 Americans say they distrust CEOs of large corporations • 80 percent of surveyed CEOs agree non-financial indicators such as environmental and social performance metrics ... direction – Virtually no press coverage for any goodwill projects • Goals: – Continue philanthropy but with a more targeted approach – Raise 21st’s profile… and get press coverage for their goodwill...
Ngày tải lên: 01/07/2014, 07:45
Chapter 10 Leadership: Being an Effective Project Manager ppt
... 10-2 Managing versus Leading a Project Managing: Coping with Complexity Formulate plans and objectives Leading: Coping with Change Recognize the need to change to keep the project ... resources 10-3 Managing Project Stakeholders Project You Management Maxims: can’t it all and get it all done o Projects usually involve a vast web of relationships Hands-on work is not ... Dependencies for Financial Software Installation Project FIGURE 10.2 10-10 Management by Wandering Around (MBWA) Management by Wandering Around (MBWA) A management style that involves managers spending...
Ngày tải lên: 28/07/2014, 19:20
Servant-leadership An effective model for Project Management
... successful project outcomes would require an increased emphasis on the organizational and human aspects of project management Despite the plethora of research, project managers continue to face many ... successful project outcomes and the project manager being committed to the growth of project team members Ho8: There is no relationship between successful project outcomes and the project manager creating ... servant leadership The review then completes an analysis of leadership in project management, and closes with an analysis of leadership in relation to successful project outcomes Leadership An...
Ngày tải lên: 01/06/2014, 14:03
Creating an SMTP Session Policy Statement
... thêm vào danh sách LAN domains Remove Bấm nút để xóa lựa chọn danh sách LAN Domains LAN IPs These IPs are on my local LAN Như phần LAN Domains Danh sách danh sách địa IP mạng LAN không yêu cầu quay ... on my local LAN Những domain danh sách coi phần mạng local LAN Và không cần thiết lập nhâp thoại để chuyển thư New local LAN domain Điền domain name muốn điền vào danh sách Local LAN bấm nút Add ... Sevices ) AntiVirus Updates Simple Scheduling Wait XX minutes after the last AntiVirus update before conducting another one Chọn phần khoảng thời gian (theo phút) khoản thời gian mà MDaemon AntiVirus...
Ngày tải lên: 28/08/2012, 15:14
Tìm hiểu phần mềm quản lý dự án microsoft project
... Click đúp chuột vào biểu tượng mãu xanh xuất nội dung tệp tin liên kết ♥insert -> pagebreak : cho phép ngắt trang Chúng ta muốn ngắt công việc kiểm tra sang trang đặt chỏ vào dòng kiểm tra ->insert ... ta chèn công việc kiểm tra Đặt chỏ vào sơ đồ ngang làm việc, chọn insert -> recurring task +task name: kiem tra +durration:1 +range of recurrence( phạm vi định kỳ) Start( ngày ... người sử dụng chèn vào sơ đồ ngang đối tượng chương trình khác Insert -> object -> creat from file -> browse 15 Khi tệp tin word nhóm xuất nội dung tệp tin sơ đồ ngang hoạt động ♥insert -> hyperlink:...
Ngày tải lên: 01/03/2013, 17:03
... Brand Brand Extensions Extensions Co-Branding Co-Branding Creating aa Creating Range Brand Range Brand Figure 2.3 : A Variety of Ways of Leveraging Brand Source: Aaker (1996) 13 2.11 Important ... offer quality assurance and reduce risks • Brands help self-expression • Brands offer friendship and pleasure 2.3.2 A brand is more than a product Brand is more than a product Branding is about ... becomes an advertising tag line rather than a brand identity Table 2.1 The Brand Position Trap Brand Image Brand Identity Brand Position How the brand is now received How strategists want the brand...
Ngày tải lên: 13/04/2013, 10:29
Some strategies to give an effective PowerPoint presentation for the 4th year student of English Faculty, Hanoi Open University
... something or want something However, if you say, "Me?" and raise your tone, you mean to ask if someone really meant you! 3.3.3 Signpost language - What is signpost language? Signpost language is ... which are helpful in giving an effective PowerPoint presentation for senior students of English Faculty, Hanoi Open University There are many strategies for giving an effective PowerPoint Presentation ... signpost language to deliver their message more effectively - Most of the students (90 out of 95) not know what to with their hands and afraid of looking at the audience This means body language...
Ngày tải lên: 18/04/2013, 08:57
Creating an Open Source SAN
... Heartbeat and a DRBD This open source SAN is a good replacement for a SAN appliance In many enterprise environments, such a SAN is used as the storage back end for a cluster That means that you can ... editor CHAPTER CREATING AN OPEN SOURCE SAN Configuring the iSCSI Initiator The purpose of an iSCSI initiator is to access shared storage offered by an iSCSI target This shared storage can be nodes ... you wanted to that for the iSCSI connection that was just established, the following command would the job: CHAPTER CREATING AN OPEN SOURCE SAN You now have verified your iSCSI configuration and...
Ngày tải lên: 19/10/2013, 02:20
The GED Language Arts,Writing Exam - Writing an Effective Essay
... organization: how writers arrange their ideas Chapter reviewed essay structure and organizational patterns, effective paragraphs, and transitions When you encounter a GED question about organization, ... that you took this particular stance A logical and effective way to present those reasons is by rank Organize ideas from the least important to the most important reason, from the least compelling ... importance The most important characteristic and most compelling examples come last 81 – WRITING AN EFFECTIVE ESSAY – Ex: S TRONG S UPPORTING PARAGRAPHS Outlining your ideas not only sets up an effective...
Ngày tải lên: 02/11/2013, 17:20
Tài liệu Module 7: Creating an ASP.NET Web Application pptx
... reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, for any purpose, without the express written permission of Microsoft Corporation If, however, your only means of access ... authenticate and authorize users who can access the application ! Performance and scalability All Web applications should be built with high-performance and scalability in mind Caching is an extremely ... specific settings and services An ASP.NET application is defined as all the files, pages, handlers, modules, and executable code that can be invoked from a virtual directory and its sub-directories...
Ngày tải lên: 11/12/2013, 14:15
... participants: an apologizer and a recipient of the apology When a person has performed an act (action or utterance), or failed to so, which has offended another person, and for which he/she can be ... your pardon for… [2:189] Some tips for an effective apology An effective apology, like any effective messages, must be crafted for the specific situation An effective apology to a long-time lover, ... giving an effective apology, ways of giving effective apology, a comparison between English and Vietnamese in way of giving apology, some tips to have an effective apology and seven words you can...
Ngày tải lên: 11/12/2013, 23:51
A study on how to make an effective presentation for the fourth year english major at haiphong private university
... idiom means that life is a series of miseries and difficulties Beauty is only skin deep (nhan sắc bề ngoài) It means that characteristic is better than appearance 4.2 Semantic classification Many ... meaning of its individual words and which must be learnt as whole unit (in Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary) The Longman Dictionary of Language Teaching and Applied Linguistics regards an ... hoàn chỉnh An idiom is a meaningful stable phrase (most of them not make a full sentence in tern of grammar), (cannot be replaced and modified in terms of language), and separated and independently...
Ngày tải lên: 11/12/2013, 23:51
... was very important 18% of them answered it was important and the rest (2%) chose response of not very important No one chose “not important” So we can see that they all understand the necessity ... important and 35% of them thought it as important 6% of students thought it was not very important and no one considered it not important This proves that almost all students understand the importance ... images, personal language 44 2.2.3 Use body language effectively 45 2.2.4 Good appearance 47 2.2.5 Use visual aids to enhance the message 48 2.2.6 Create an effective conclusion...
Ngày tải lên: 11/12/2013, 23:51
A study on how to write an effective cause and effect essay in english
... essay will be organized in one way and an expository essay in another way (Oshima, A, 2007: 01) An overview on essay 2.1 What is an essay? According to Oshima, Alice and Hogue Ann (2004:16)– the ... demanded for us is to deal with both positive and negative side of Internet and, hopefully, to change its negative effects for the better In short, a cause-effect analysis is an important analytical ... Thanks to of/ of Above all/ What is more important is… / Equally/Importantly/Most The most important…is…/ importantly/ Levels One of the most important importa More importantly/ nce First and...
Ngày tải lên: 11/12/2013, 23:51
Tài liệu Creating an XML File That Shows Changes Made to a DataSet pptx
... with the diffgr:hasChanges="modified" annotation while new elements are identified with the diffgr:hasChanges="inserted" annotation Deleted elements are not annotated, rather, they appear only ... elements in the section using the diffgr:id annotation with matching values This section contains error information for an element in the section ... WriteXml( ) method of the DataSet The GetXml( ) method cannot be used to generate a DiffGram A DataSet can be loaded from an XML DiffGram by specifying an XmlWriteMode of DiffGram when calling the ReadXml(...
Ngày tải lên: 21/01/2014, 11:20
Tài liệu Creating an Interactive Placeholder ppt
... instance, copied the x and y values shown there, and set placeholderStartX and placeholderStartY accordingly, but the method shown in Step is much more dynamic It allows the values to change ... the black rectangle maskClip_mc movie clip instance so that its x and y values equal placeholderStartX and placeholderStartY, respectively This action places the maskClip_mc instance directly ... line of script makes the instance invisible as soon as it loads, and it remains this way because our movie doesn't contain an action to change it Because the instance is invisible, it won't interfere...
Ngày tải lên: 21/01/2014, 13:20