... create Data Access Layer. Data Access Layer [DAL - PersonDAL.cs] The way you created BO folder inside App_Code folder, create another folder named DAL. Create a .cs file inside it and name ... application, I am going to take example of a Person that will have 3 properties: FirstName, LastName, Age. We will create a separate pages to insert these records (default.aspx) into database and ... application, I am going to take example of a Person that will have 3 properties: FirstName, LastName, Age. We will create a separate pages to insert these records (default.aspx) into database and...
Ngày tải lên: 17/10/2013, 14:15
... load a DataSet from this stream, inferring or reading schema information as needed. 2. You are building a client application that calls a Web service. What must you do before calling a Web ... students in your class. ! What are some other ways that you could fill the local DataSet with data other than by using a DataAdapter? ! What is the purpose of creating an empty, local instance ... Consuming a Web Service That Uses ADO .NET ! Lab 7.1, “Debugging a Windows Application and an XML Web Service That Uses ADO .NET To prepare for this module: ! Read all of the materials...
Ngày tải lên: 10/12/2013, 16:15
Tài liệu BEGINNING ASP.NET 4.5 in C# and VB doc
... Sending E-mail 3 34 Creating E-mail Messages 336 Reading from Text Files 3 40 Practical Tips on Validating Data 345 Summary 346 CHAPTER 10: ASP. NET AJAX 349 Introducing Ajax 3 50 Using ASP. NET AJAX ... AM 10/ 8/ 201 2 10: 17: 24 AM BEGINNING ASP. NET 4. 5 IN C# AND VB Imar Spaanjaars ffirs.indd vffirs.indd v 10/ 8/ 201 2 10: 16 :49 AM 10/ 8/ 201 2 10: 16 :49 AM flast.indd xlivflast.indd xliv 10/ 8/ 201 2 10: 17:25 ... 397 Basic Filters 40 0 Advanced Filters 40 2 Modifying the DOM with jQuery 40 4 CSS Methods 40 4 css(name, value) 40 4 css(name) 40 4 css(properties) 40 4 addClass, removeClass, and toggleClass 40 4 attr(attributeName)...
Ngày tải lên: 15/02/2014, 07:20
Tài liệu Sams Teach Yourself ASP.NET 4 in 24 Hours ppt
... 277 Part III: Working with Databases HOUR 13: Introducing Databases 283 Examining Database Fundamentals . 2 84 Storing Structured Data 285 Creating a New Database 2 90 Creating Database Tables 292 Adding ... functionality for creating, editing, and deleting the structure and contents of these databases. Creating a New ASP. NET Website To create and design an ASP. NET page, we must first create an ASP. NET website. ... Understanding Visual Basic’s Variables and Operators 101 The Purpose of Programming Languages 102 Declaring and Using Variables 103 Examining Visual Basic’s Operators . 1 10 Learning Visual Basic’s...
Ngày tải lên: 17/02/2014, 22:20
Beginning ASP.NET 4: in C# and VB potx
... Database Data 40 5 Retrieving and Manipulating Data with SQL 40 7 Reading Data 40 8 Creating Data 41 7 Updating Data 41 8 Deleting Data 41 8 Creating Your Own Tables 42 1 Data Types in SQL Server 42 1 Understanding ... a language to your liking. 502 211c01.indd 6 2/19/ 10 10: 01 :07 AM xx CONTENTS introduCinG dataBases 40 ChaPter 12: 3 What Is a Database? 40 4 Dierent Kinds of Relational Databases 40 5 Using SQL ... Inserting Data 45 9 Using DetailsView to Insert and Update Data 45 9 Practical Tips for Displaying and Updating Data 47 3 Summary 47 4 linQ and the ado .net entitY Framework 47 ChaPter 14: 7 Introducing...
Ngày tải lên: 05/03/2014, 22:20
Beginning ASp.NET 4.5 in C# potx
... stack multiple case vi ■ Contents At A GLAnCe Part 4: Working with Data 42 3 ■ Chapter 14: ADO .NET Fundamentals ■ 42 5 Chapter 15: Data Binding ■ 47 3 Chapter 16: The Data Controls ■ 511 Chapter ... days. It then creates a string that indicates the year that the new date falls in (for example, 201 2). DateTime myDate = DateTime.Now; myDate = myDate.AddDays( 100 ); string dateString = myDate.Year.ToString(); e ... written in one .NET language in an application written in another .NET language. No data type conversions are required. 15 Chapter 2 The C# Language Before you can create an ASP. NET application,...
Ngày tải lên: 06/03/2014, 03:20
Pro ASP.NET 4 in C# 2010, 4th edition pot
... Dynamic .NET 4. 0 Applications Pro Windows Azure Pro C# 201 0 and the .NET 4 Platform Pro ASP. NET 4 in C# 201 0, Introducing .NET 4. 0 Accelerated C# 201 0 2529 -4 MacDonald.indd 1 6/7/ 10 12 :08 ... Rows 343 Using the DataSet in a Data Access Class 344 Data Binding 345 The DataView Class 345 Sorting with a DataView 346 Filtering with a DataView 348 Advanced Filtering with Relationships ... Creating a Dynamic Data Application 1397 Creating the Dynamic Data Site 1397 Exploring the Dynamic Data Site 1 40 0 Understanding the Anatomy of a Dynamic Data Project 1 40 3 Customizing a Dynamic...
Ngày tải lên: 06/03/2014, 20:21
Beginning ASP.NET 4.5 in VB doc
... let ASP. NET handle it automatically when a web page is requested. Variables and Data Types As with all programming languages, you keep track of data in VB by using variables. Variables can store ... bound: ' Create an array with four strings (from index 0 to index 3). Dim StringArray(3) As String ' Create a 2 x 4 grid array (with a total of eight integers). Dim IntArray(1, 3) As Integer You ... LANGUAGE 20 To access an element in an array, you specify the corresponding index number in parentheses. Array indices are always zero-based. That means that MyArray (0) accesses the first value in a...
Ngày tải lên: 15/03/2014, 20:20
giáo trình lập trình web asp.net 4.5 dùng ngôn ngữ c#
... 12.3. LINQ to Objects 40 4 12 .4. LINQ to DataSet 40 5 12.5. LINQ to SQL 40 8 Chƣơng 13. Lập trình Web Services 41 5 13.1. Giới thiệu Web services. 41 5 13.2. Kiến trúc và các thành phần Web services ... 3 .4 Trang DefaultContent.master sau khi cập nhật nội dung. Tạo trang DefaultContentPage.aspx sử dụng trang master là DefaultContent.master. Chỉnh s a nội dung trang DefaultContentPage.aspx ... System .Web. UI.HtmlControls; using System .Web. UI.WebControls; using System .Web. UI.WebControls.WebParts; using System.Xml.Linq; namespace Sample { public partial class _Default : System .Web. UI.Page...
Ngày tải lên: 18/04/2014, 06:16
asp.net 4.0 in practice
... that reflects the input is added at the top of the form. Part 1 ASP. NET Fundamentals Welcome to ASP. NET 4. 0 In Practice, dear reader! ASP. NET was first introduced in the early 200 0s as an ... 100 Modifying IIS behavior with managed modules 44 3 TECHNIQUE 101 Configuring application warm-up in IIS 7.5 44 5 appendix B Data access fundamentals 44 8 TECHNIQUE 102 UsiQuerying the database ... your application. Part 2: ASP. NET Web Forms Part 2 covers how to use ASP. NET Web Forms, the original model provided in ASP. NET to build the user interface. Chapter 4 takes a tour into ASP. NET Web...
Ngày tải lên: 31/05/2014, 00:21
Beginning ASP.NET 4 in C# 2010 ppsx
... Data 49 2 Selecting Multiple Tables 49 4 Defining Relationships 49 5 The Last Word 49 8 ■ Chapter 15: Data Binding 49 9 Introducing Data Binding 49 9 Types of ASP. NET Data Binding 500 How Data ... Data Binding Works 500 Single-Value Data Binding 500 A Simple Data Binding Example 501 Simple Data Binding with Properties 5 04 Problems with Single-Value Data Binding 505 Using Code Instead ... Pages 40 3 Style-Based Layouts 40 3 Code in a Master Page 40 8 Interacting with a Master Page Programmatically 40 9 The Last Word 41 0 ■ Chapter 13: Website Navigation 41 1 Site Maps 41 1 Defining...
Ngày tải lên: 29/06/2014, 13:20
Web Service in .NET ppt
... Architecture ASP. NET Web Services ASP. NET Web Services Data Types Work in VS 200 5 ASP. NET Web Services Tips Demo Web Service with AJAX Microsoft ASP. NET AJAX Allow to call ASP. NET Web services ... XML's time), and XmlQualifiedName (as XML's QName) Work in VS 200 5 To make a Web Service Start a new web site (from Visual Studio 200 5); Select ASP. NET Web Service; Change ... (Standard Generalized Markup Language) a general document markup language designed for the American military. 6 language designed for the American military. It is defined by w3c. ASP. NET Web...
Ngày tải lên: 12/07/2014, 13:20
professional asp.net 4.5 in c# and vb
... 862 Developing with ASP. NET AJAX 862 Building ASP. NET AJAX Applications 862 Building a Simple ASP. NET Page without Ajax 8 64 Building a Simple ASP. NET Page with Ajax 865 ftoc.indd xxxftoc.indd xxx 4/ 10/ 201 3 ... the ASP. NET team also put considerable effort into making the managing of applications easier. In the past, using ASP. NET 1 .0/ 1.1, you managed ASP. NET applications by changing values in an XML ... 842 Enabling Databases for SQL Server Cache Invalidation 843 Enabling Tables for SQL Server Cache Invalidation 843 Looking at SQL Server 843 Looking at the Tables That Are Enabled 844 Disabling...
Ngày tải lên: 01/08/2014, 16:34
pro asp.net 4.5 in vb, 5th edition
... discipline and planning to create a complex Web Forms application that is easy to extend and maintain. The calm and thoughtful approach to building a Web Forms applications with good separation ... description of ASP. NET 4. 5 and Visual Basic, or an explanation that is geared more for beginners, then you might want to try Beginning ASP. NET 4. 5 in VB by Matthew MacDonald, also published by Apress. This ... because it can stand on its own in explaining what you need to write basic systems using ASP. NET. In Chapter 1, a simple ASP. NET system is developed that accepts user input, checks it against...
Ngày tải lên: 01/08/2014, 16:43
pro asp.net 4.5 in c#, 5th edition
... discipline and planning to create a complex Web Forms application that is easy to extend and maintain. The calm and thoughtful approach to building a Web Forms application with good separation ... Evolution and Restructuring of ASP. NET In the early days of ASP. NET, you had to use Web Forms to generate dynamic HTML because there was no alternative. When someone said they were building an ASP. NET ... demonstrate later in Chapter 5). www.it-ebooks.info Part 1 Getting Started We start this book by jumping straight into ASP. NET and creating a simple application. We’ll then explain the C# language...
Ngày tải lên: 01/08/2014, 16:43