Tài liệu Microsoft PowerPoint - Day 3 Afternoon - Use of charts- V doc
... thời gian riêng rẽ, v dụ tỷ lệ học sinh học đến một lớp nào đó tương ứng của nam v nữ được so sánh theo cấp học v /hoặc giữa v ng nông thôn v thành thị z V a dễ tạo lại v a dễ đọc z Được sử ... thói quen đọc: là mắtsẽ nhìn v mô hình tổng thể trướcsauđómới đivàochi tiết; z Mộtmẫutiêubiểu đốivớingười đọclàtậptrung v o tiêu đề, sau đómới chuyểnxuống phần đồ thị, v cuối cùng là tớiphần chú ... biết rộng hơn v biết đọc biết viết 44 Phân tích s ố liệu tron g Báo cáo GSTC – Một số điểm nhấn mạnh Hướng tới sự hiểu biết rộng hơn v biết đọc biết viết–Khả năng tính toán trên v dưới mức...
Ngày tải lên: 16/01/2014, 22:20
Tài liệu Risky Business? Evaluating the Use of Pension Obligation Bonds pdf
... encompass the alternative of a package of politically more difficult spending and tax decisions. JAMES B. BURNHAM, PH.D., is the Murrin Professor of Global Competitiveness at Duquesne University’s Donahue ... would have the effect of reducing total liabilities), the bond market may offer an appealing alternative for elected officials. Indeed, the favorable publicity surrounding the elimination of a large ... ultimate verdict on the wisdom of Pittsburgh’s use of pension bonds will have to wait until the final bond is retired, an interim evaluation is certainly in order. While no one can invest in retrospect,...
Ngày tải lên: 15/02/2014, 13:20
Tài liệu Ownership of Mutual Funds, Shareholder Sentiment, and Use of the Internet, 2011 pdf
... PERSPECTIVE, VOL. 17, NO. 5 | OCTOBER 2011 19 FIGURE 17 Hlf of Mutul Fund Shreholders Use n Adviser Percentage of mutual fund–owning households, May 2011 Shareholder adviser use Contact with advisers ... substantial gain Above-average risk for above-average gain Average risk for average gain Below-average risk for below-average gain Unwilling to take any risk 65 or older Level of risk willing to ... substantial gain Above-average risk for above-average gain Average risk for average gain Below-average risk for below-average gain Unwilling to take any risk Younger than 35 Level of risk willing...
Ngày tải lên: 19/02/2014, 09:20
Tài liệu Ownership of Mutual Funds, Shareholder Sentiment, and Use of the Internet, 2012 pdf
... substantial gain Above-average risk for above-average gain Average risk for average gain Below-average risk for below-average gain Unwilling to take any risk Y ounger than 35 Level of risk willing ... see “Profile of Mutual Fund Shareholders, 2012,” ICI’s full report of the findings of the 2012 Annual Mutual Fund Shareholder Tracking Survey. “Profile” presents a comprehensive overview of mutual ... 35 17 22 17 20 24 21 19 22 18 20 Households owning mutual funds All U.S. households 3 Ag e of head of household 1 1 Age is based on the age of the sole or co-decisionmaker for household saving and investing. 2 For...
Ngày tải lên: 19/02/2014, 09:20
... because more than one rule is involved in the parsing of many of the types. Using the ANLT NP rules, an average of 5 rules applied - 260 - sequences of simple adjectival or possessive premodifiers ... represent 6.41% of the total sample). This column gives another perspective on the 'generalising power' of the rules involved. COMPARISON OF RULES AND TYPES We suggested above that Sampson's ... Infinitival VP complement N2[+Spec] -> DET N2[-Spec] - the book Partitive, plural - many of the books Wh version - how many of the books Without of- all the books Partitive, singular...
Ngày tải lên: 09/03/2014, 01:20
Báo cáo khoa học: "Oxford Dictionary of English: Current Developments" pdf
... applications involv- ing word-sense disambiguation. Since collocates were not given explicitly in the original dictionary content of ODE, the task involves examining all available elements of a sense ... Dictionary of English (ODE) is a high-level dictionary intended for fluent English speakers (especially native speakers) rather than for learners. Hence its coverage is very extensive, and definitional ... dictionary. 1 Introduction The goal of the project is to enhance the database of the Oxford Dictionary of English (a forthcoming new edition of the 1998 New Oxford Dictionary of English) so that it contains...
Ngày tải lên: 24/03/2014, 03:20
Senior 9 term 3 use of english and reading
... caused by great masses of air rising and mixing, for the atmosphere is never still. Some of the motion is (10)__________ the fact that the envelope of gases rests on a spinning globe; because ... Galileo's invention of the telescope, that it was possible to prove that, (3) ……………. to popular belief, the earth (4)……………… fact revolved round the sun. Telescopes have improved greatly (5)…………… ... atmospheric pollution. It can detect galaxies that have never been seen, and can transmit images of even the (12)………… distant stars at the very edge of the universe. â The British Council, Madrid Young...
Ngày tải lên: 28/04/2014, 21:44