Trees, Hierarchies, and Graphs
... hierarchy containing a root node and several levels of subordinates 372 CHAPTER 12 TREES, HIERARCHIES, AND GRAPHS Figure 12-3 A hierarchy must have exactly one root node, and each nonroot node must ... routinely applied to trees and hierarchies, but I’ve personally found that it can get confusing trying to figure out which node is the cousin of another, and so have abandoned most of this extended ... differences between directed and undirected edges and the way in which they are modeled Figure 12-4 shows two graphs: I is undirected and J is directed Figure 12-4 Directed and undirected graphs have...
Ngày tải lên: 05/10/2013, 08:48
... the tribe and help to co-create the evolving story Believe Me why your vision, brand and leadership need a bigger story MICHAEL MARGOLIS a storytelling manifesto for change-makers and innovators ... Bedbury Author, New Brand World: Eight Principles for Achieving Brand Leadership in the 21st Century I had to know and understand my own story before ... view of storytelling and presents many possibilities for the crafting of future stories Success has always been defined by how we weave stories into our brands and products.” Randy Voss, Senior...
Ngày tải lên: 19/10/2013, 19:21
Moral capital and leadership
... 1985); and A Bryman, Charisma and Leadership in Organizations (London, Sage, 1992) À John W Gardner, On Leadership (New York, The Free Press, 1990), pp 2–3 and 18 Ã James MacGregor Burns, Leadership ... the understanding of politics generally and of leadership in particular If I tend to dwell on crises and conXicts of legitimacy it is, to repeat, because the political generation and operation ... views and values The need to capture votes militates against taking the sort of strong stands on positions that generate moral credibility Political candidates need to oVer strong leadership and...
Ngày tải lên: 01/11/2013, 10:20
... I'ART I STRATEGIC LEADERSHIP ction Strategic leadership Strategic leadership and conversational style ction Strategic leadership - brain-based communication ction Strategic leadership - the thinking ... multinational companies and international NGOs It is popular with final-year undergraduates and MBA and Master's students of business, management and marketing It is fully internationalized and rooted in ... marketer and the entrepreneur m ay be one and the sam e person This book is concerned with h ow marketers and managers can learn to lead and think s trategically Part I focuses on strategic leadership...
Ngày tải lên: 15/03/2014, 15:33
Ngày tải lên: 16/03/2014, 03:20
The Handbook of Management and Leadership
... Setting and achieving goals and objectives 94 Decision-making and problem-solving 98 Creativity and innovation 100 Part Managing others Chapter ⅷ Leadership and teambuilding Leadership ... them, and ensuring their understanding of the why and ‘how to’ of tasks delegated to them (and in imparting to them an understanding of business aims and policies) Try not to interfere – stand ... Handbook of Management and Leadership Target time When measuring and assessing improvements you cannot lose sight of the cost and quality dimension.Time improvements should not compromise standards...
Ngày tải lên: 18/03/2014, 11:45
Social Work Management and Leadership
... Anne and Adam and his Mum, Eileen, for all they give and for who they are, and to the memory of his Dad, Norman This book is for Anna and Emma, who are my future and never require management, and ... selected managerial and leadership theories and approaches Continuum of leadership and management The rational-objectivist and individual quadrant The reflective-pluralist and individual quadrant ... work management and leadership Towards ethical management and leadership in social work References Index ix xi xiii Figures The x matrix for categorization of management and leadership theories...
Ngày tải lên: 18/03/2014, 11:53
Handbook of Management and Leadership
... i ARMSTRONG’S HANDBOOK OF MANAGEMENT AND LEADERSHIP ii This page is intentionally left blank iii ARMSTRONG’S HANDBOOK OF MANAGEMENT AND LEADERSHIP A guide to managing for ... Michael, 1928– Armstrong’s handbook of management and leadership : a guide to managing for results / Michael Armstrong p cm Rev ed of: A handbook of management and leadership : a guide to managing ... index ISBN 978-0-7494-5417-3 Management Handbooks, manuals, etc Leadership Handbooks, manuals, etc I Armstrong, Michael, 1928- Handbook of management and leadership II Title HD38.15.A76 2009 658.4’092...
Ngày tải lên: 18/03/2014, 11:54
Leaders and Leadership in the School, College and University
... written widely on education and is the author of standard books on further education in England and Wales, including Further Education Today, and on Comparative Education and Training Bernard Clarke ... individual and substantial conversations on leaders and leadership between the heads of a variety of different kinds of educational institutions and a researcher from higher education on leaders and leadership ... good time to examine leaders and leadership in education? How was this organized before, during and after the conference? Leaders and leadership in the school, college and university Why is this...
Ngày tải lên: 18/03/2014, 11:58
Client Management and Leadership Success
... my nephew Benjamin and Paula, my grandparents, my aunts, uncles, and cousins have always been there for me My children, Teresa and Aaron, always keep my life interesting, and without them life ... father and mother, TSgt Leo R and Nancy Hargrove, and to my husband, who will always be with me, Hans Jorgen “Bill” Huttel Kathryn Cadenhead Colgrove I would like to acknowledge my friend Sandra ... life Thank you for your love and patience Special thanks go to my husband, Larry, daughter, Laurie, and son-in-law, T odd, son, Larry Jr., and daughterin-law, Mai, and the most wonderful group...
Ngày tải lên: 18/03/2014, 11:58
... Association and the Academy of Management Schein is married and has three children and seven grandchildren He and his wife, Mary, live in Cambridge, Massachusetts Organizational Culture and Leadership ... stabilizes, and provides structure and meaning to the group members These dynamic processes of culture creation and management are the essence of leadership and make one realize that leadership and culture ... being constantly enacted and created by our interactions with others and shaped by leadership behavior, and a set of structures, routines, rules, and norms that guide and constrain behavior When...
Ngày tải lên: 28/05/2014, 20:34
True North Groups A Powerful Path to Personal and Leadership Development BK Business_1 doc
... Guide (2008) (with Andrew McLean and Nick Craig) Lessons for Leading in Crisis (2009) TRUE NORTH GROUPS A Powerful Path to Personal and Leadership Development Bill George and Doug Baker True ... “get me” and understand and reflect back to me my true story They know how to pose a powerful question and are rarely reluctant to ask it It is their curiosity that keeps me curious and alive ... Medtronic and spending two years teaching in Switzerland and at Yale School of Management, I joined the faculty of Harvard Business School in 2004 to teach a new course called Leadership and Corporate...
Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 12:20
True North Groups A Powerful Path to Personal and Leadership Development BK Business_2 pptx
... member; divorce; birth of children and grandchildren and their graduations and marriages; career successes and some failures; and health issues, both our own and in our families We came to rely ... Opening Up and Sharing Intimately Over the years, we have built relationships of trust and intimacy Vantine notes, “The group enriches my life and my understanding of what I want out of life and what ... have a chance to test our assumptions and beliefs and to make necessary changes as we learn more about ourselves, others, and the world Over time, we expand our self-awareness into self-acceptance...
Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 12:20
True North Groups A Powerful Path to Personal and Leadership Development BK Business_3 doc
... RETHINKING LEADERSHIP AND THE DEVELOPMENT OF LEADERS Just as human motivation is being reinterpreted, leadership development is also being rethought With multiple failures of command -and- control ... life, your beliefs, and your values more deeply In doing so, it offers a powerful path between your personal life and the larger organizations you are part of, and supports your leadership roles ... your leadership roles First, some context As a result of myriad leadership and economic failures in the past, both personal growth and leadership development are undergoing a significant rethinking...
Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 12:20
True North Groups A Powerful Path to Personal and Leadership Development BK Business_4 doc
... and tend to be more open than men and more comfortable in talking about relationships.” She explains, On the other hand, a mixed-gender group can build relationships with both men and women and ... treating all members as equals and fully engaging them from the outset This promotes involvement and commitment and provides opportunities for members to use their creativity and ideas to introduce topics ... best model to enhance members’ leadership by sharpening their facilitation skills and getting feedback and coaching from their peers about ways to improve their leadership Its disadvantage is...
Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 12:20
True North Groups A Powerful Path to Personal and Leadership Development BK Business_8 potx
... recruiting required Membership criteria and procedures to add new people Meeting length, frequency, location, and days and times Typical meeting format Handling of any expenses Review the proposed ... on ideas, behavior, leadership traits, and communication styles Attendance I will make every effort to attend all meetings and retreats scheduled for the group, to be on time, and to not leave early ... you will be addressing personal topics, and the task is to know yourself better, to enable other group members to understand themselves, and to build trust and bonding within the group 141 142 true...
Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 12:20
True North Groups A Powerful Path to Personal and Leadership Development BK Business_10 doc
... members and, 77–78 boundaries and, 82–83 commitment and, 80 confidentiality and, 86–88 dogmatism and, 84–85 intellectualizing and, 85 norms and, 81–82 openness and, 83–84 trust and, 81 talents and ... 102–103 attendance and, 97–98 chemistry and, 99–100 essential ingredients, 93, 97–103 facilitation and, 100 norms and, 98–99 retreats and, 101–102 topics and, 100–101 trust and, 98 personal development, ... facilitator and, 53, 141 introspection and, 61 personal questions and, 117 intimacy as criterion of success, 164 degree of, 25 differences and, 37–38 forming groups and, 44–46 trust and, 17, 21–22...
Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 12:20
True North Groups A Powerful Path to Personal and Leadership Development BK Business_11 pdf
... also in tune with demands for openness in our institutions, and a dislike of secrecy and obfuscation People are less willing to be pawns in other people’s games and stories, and are more financially ... CEO in the company’s strategic and other balance-sheet moves, and appropriate in a company committed to openness and candor, if the board, the board committees, and the executive committee were ... “contextspecific” leadership developed by the Nhunggabarra in Australia tens of thousands of years ago (see Chapter 6) I have no quarrel with this kind of leadership, but it is not what most people understand...
Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 12:20
A Powerful Path to Personal and Leadership Development_1 pptx
... RETHINKING LEADERSHIP AND THE DEVELOPMENT OF LEADERS Just as human motivation is being reinterpreted, leadership development is also being rethought With multiple failures of command -and- control ... life, your beliefs, and your values more deeply In doing so, it offers a powerful path between your personal life and the larger organizations you are part of, and supports your leadership roles ... your leadership roles First, some context As a result of myriad leadership and economic failures in the past, both personal growth and leadership development are undergoing a significant rethinking...
Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 23:20
A Powerful Path to Personal and Leadership Development_3 pptx
... coworkers and neighbors know much about this tragedy and how deeply I was affected.” He continues, In my Forum group I could bare my soul I talked about my fears, frustrations, and feelings, and knew ... true north groups time to connect and get to know the others Then they have ample time to share their stories and to learn the dos and don’ts of the group Both Culp and Kirscht have found their group ... months Retreats are the fastest and best way for the group to bond and build trust Overnight retreats are preferable, as group activities and the fun of preparing and sharing meals create opportunities...
Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 23:20