corporate public and structured finance

Public risk for private gain? The public audit implications of risk transfer and private finance pptx

Public risk for private gain? The public audit implications of risk transfer and private finance pptx

... London: PwC, 2002 P.7 Standard & Poor’s Public Finance/ Infrastructure Finance: Credit Survey of the UK Private Finance Initiative and Public- Private Partnerships, Standard and Poor's, London, 2003 ... privately financed senior debt is estimated to be between and percentage points above the gilt rate 33 Public finance need not be provided from new borrowing; public investments can be financed ... Commission Green Paper on public private partnerships and community law on public contracts and concessions Com(2004) 327, Brussels 30 April 2004) Our study is limited to PFI schemes Public Risk for Private...

Ngày tải lên: 23/03/2014, 04:20

46 364 0
Corporate Values and Culture

Corporate Values and Culture

... that our customers (internal and external) expect and pay for solutions - and not the explanation of their problems c o l o r w o r k s f o r y o u Corporate Culture and Values We know that authenticity ... of yesterday and who will not be there in the company the day after tomorrow Corporate Culture and Values c o l o r w o r k s f o r y o u We have learnt how to manage conflict and use the Boston ... someone made a courageous decision Respect and fair play is the way how we deal with each other c o l o r w o r k s f o r y o u Corporate Culture and Values The team expects from each of us...

Ngày tải lên: 06/11/2012, 15:03

13 399 0
Safeguarding Public and Environmental Health: What are the Necessary Requirements of UV Reactor Validation Protocols?

Safeguarding Public and Environmental Health: What are the Necessary Requirements of UV Reactor Validation Protocols?

... reactors and placing an unjustified - 86 - Journal of Water and Environment Technology, Vol.3, No.1, 2005 expense (in terms of over sizing and operation with more power than necessary) on the owner and ... distribution, and without making any unsafe assumptions, provides a methodology that is safe with respect to the protection of public and environmental health - 88 - Journal of Water and Environment ... ALL TOGETHER: VALIDATION AND SAFETY FACTORS UV reactor validations quantify equipment performance, but contain some inherent and random uncertainty that can be quantified and applied as a safety...

Ngày tải lên: 05/09/2013, 09:08

8 545 0
Tìm hiểu về nhóm tài sản tài chính cấu trúc, tài chính phân lớp Structured Finance

Tìm hiểu về nhóm tài sản tài chính cấu trúc, tài chính phân lớp Structured Finance

... phái sinh tín dụng, kết hợp hai Một nghiên cứu khác Henry Davis tạp chí The Journal of Structure Finance, Fall 2005, thu nhận ý kiến 23 chuyên gia định nghĩa tài phân lớp Theo nghiên cứu này, ngày...

Ngày tải lên: 24/10/2013, 17:15

4 1,8K 2
Tài liệu Corporate Governance and Enterprise Reform in China docx

Tài liệu Corporate Governance and Enterprise Reform in China docx

... the one hand, most line ministries were merged into the SETC and their ownership functions were removed, and on the other hand, the bureau was dissolved and merged into the Ministry of Finance ... challenges of globalization and add to the urgent need to tackle corporate governance issues in a comprehensive and systematic manner In this context, Corporate Governance and Enterprise Reform in ... International Accounting Standards International Finance Corporation Initial public offering Merger and acquisition People’s Bank of China Small business investment company Securities and Exchange Commission...

Ngày tải lên: 09/12/2013, 17:22

185 419 0
Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: "A Composite Kernel to Extract Relations between Entities with both Flat and Structured Features" ppt

Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: "A Composite Kernel to Extract Relations between Entities with both Flat and Structured Features" ppt

... ) where N1 and N2 are the sets of nodes in trees T1 and T2, respectively, and I subtreei (n) is a function that is iff the subtreei occurs with root at node n and zero otherwise, and ∆(n1 , n2 ... relation types and 24 relation subtypes The ACE 2004 data contains 451 documents and 5702 relation instances It redefines entity types, major relation types and 23 subtypes Since Zhao and Grishman ... type and order information incorporated into tree nodes (“E1-PER”, “E2-PER” and “E-GPE” as shown in Fig 1) also show that PT performs best with 76.1/62.6/68.7 in P/R/F on the 2003 data and 74.1/62.4/67.7...

Ngày tải lên: 20/02/2014, 12:20

8 467 0
Can Taxes and Bonds Finance Government Spending? pdf

Can Taxes and Bonds Finance Government Spending? pdf

... operations, technical one and requires an understanding The argument is a that Federal Reserve notes (and reserves) are booked as liabilities on the Fed’s balance sheet and that these liabilities ... money collected from taxation and bond sales cannot possibly finance the government’s spending This is because in order to ‘get its hands on’ the proceeds from taxation and bond sales, the government ... bank money and -21- HPM Modern governments, (high-powered) then, finance all of their spending through the direct creation of new money SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS If the government (Fed and Treasury)...

Ngày tải lên: 06/03/2014, 04:21

28 254 0
The Impact of a Corporate Culture of Sustainability on Corporate Behavior and Performance pptx

The Impact of a Corporate Culture of Sustainability on Corporate Behavior and Performance pptx

... Ioannou, I and Serafeim, G 2011 Corporate Social Responsibility and Access to Finance HBS Working Paper Series 11-130 Choi, J., and Wang, H., 2009 Stakeholder Relations and the Persistence of Corporate ... Human Rights Standards), labor standards/requirements (18.6% vs 8.1%, Labor Standards), and occupational, health, and safety standards (62.9% vs 25.7%, OHS Standards) Finally, High Sustainability ... Survey and the Integrity Line for employees, survey and focus groups for customers and Nutritional label and Green Index, factory assessments and capacity building for suppliers etc (Eccles and...

Ngày tải lên: 06/03/2014, 20:21

57 447 0
The Greenhouse Gas Protocol: A Corporate Accounting and Reporting Standard pdf

The Greenhouse Gas Protocol: A Corporate Accounting and Reporting Standard pdf

... Protocol Corporate Accounting and Reporting Standard (GHG Protocol Corporate Standard), published in September 2001, enjoyed broad adoption and acceptance around the globe by businesses, NGOs, and ... most GHG inventories • Public reporting and participation in voluntary GHG programs This GHG Protocol Corporate Standard provides standards and guidance for companies and other types of organizations2 ... accounting and reporting standards for business and to promote their broad adoption The GHG Protocol Initiative comprises two separate but linked standards: • GHG Protocol Corporate Accounting and Reporting...

Ngày tải lên: 06/03/2014, 21:20

116 377 1
Water and Wastewater Finance and Pricing pot

Water and Wastewater Finance and Pricing pot

... life and maintain the public trust Mission Statement: Figure 2.3 Sample Partial Strategic Framework 16 Water and Wastewater Finance and Pricing Capital and Financial Planning for Water and Wastewater ... financial planning/rate model Evaluate the fee and rate structure and use it as a revenue-generation and demandmanagement tool 18 Water and Wastewater Finance and Pricing Implementation Plans ... ensuring water quality standards throughout America and mandated one of the largest public works programs in history All water and wastewater utilities were affected by this law, and billions of dollars...

Ngày tải lên: 08/03/2014, 23:20

429 965 1
influence of corporate social responsibility disclosure on corporate governance and company performance

influence of corporate social responsibility disclosure on corporate governance and company performance

... the CG and CSR: Model 1: Corporate Governance as foundation for Corporate social reponsibility Model : Corporate social responsibility as an extended model of Corporate governance Model : Corporate ... perceptions and practices, rooted in traditional activities of enterprises and govern her feelings, thinking and behavior for all members of the business in the pursuit and implementation purposes Corporate ... environmental protection, security, labor and business rights of the community standards of participation, markets, business and economic development, health and education and leadership development The...

Ngày tải lên: 13/03/2014, 14:20

58 791 1
the relationship between corporate culture and the use of management accounting innovations in vietnamese companies  a study of techcombank

the relationship between corporate culture and the use of management accounting innovations in vietnamese companies a study of techcombank

... or capital flows but also corporate culture to ensure management success and access to international market According to Maloney and Federle (1990), and Flamholtz and Randle (1998), nearly all ... and the society Because of this reason, the research focuses on understanding the value of the corporate culture, in particular, understanding the relationship between the corporate culture and ... training and 20 development, communication, and rewards and recognition to indentify objective of corporate culture in invention organizational commitment Corporate culture  Teamwork  Training and...

Ngày tải lên: 13/03/2014, 14:20

86 900 0


... discussions in 1997 and 1998 One set was with housing finance consultants and policy advisers working in the central European states of Hungary, Poland, and the Czech Republic and in the Russian ... income and higher share of population with incomes below the poverty level compared with Hungary and Poland (figure 1.3) Russia’s per capita income in 1997 was only 62 percent of Hungary’s, and Poland’s ... Poland and Hungary will be for the Bausparkassen and the KM to be larger loan originators than mortgage banks; and there will be few borrowers who take multiple loans Because the Bausparkassen and...

Ngày tải lên: 15/03/2014, 10:20

236 317 0


... of England which emphasised the need for fit and proper standards for senior managers and directors of banks In both the US and UK, the soundness principle and prudential regulatory standards ... laws and regulations; disclosure and listing requirements by securities regulators and stock exchanges; sound accounting and auditing standards as a basis for communicating to the board and senior ... mean different strategies and objectives for the bank 12 III UK FINANCIAL REGULATION AND CORPORATE GOVERNANCE: THE STATUTORY AND REGULATORY REGIME A Corporate Governance and Company Law – Recent...

Ngày tải lên: 15/03/2014, 10:20

51 470 1
A Corporate Accounting and Reporting Standard potx

A Corporate Accounting and Reporting Standard potx

... Protocol Corporate Accounting and Reporting Standard (GHG Protocol Corporate Standard), published in September 2001, enjoyed broad adoption and acceptance around the globe by businesses, NGOs, and ... most GHG inventories • Public reporting and participation in voluntary GHG programs This GHG Protocol Corporate Standard provides standards and guidance for companies and other types of organizations2 ... accounting and reporting standards for business and to promote their broad adoption The GHG Protocol Initiative comprises two separate but linked standards: • GHG Protocol Corporate Accounting and Reporting...

Ngày tải lên: 15/03/2014, 22:20

116 321 0


... 17, 2002, at A1; and N.Y Times, O’Neil Condemns Corporate Scandals, June 24, 2002, at C2 Bengt Holmstrom & Steven N Kaplan, The State of U.S Corporate Governance: What’s Right and What’s Wrong? ... sample and data and describes the stock price reaction and mediumterm abnormal returns around restatement announcements Section V investigates the relation between corporate governance mechanisms and ... returns for our restating and control samples, Section IVD describes the source and measurement of our corporate governance variables, and Section IVE describes the operating and financial characteristics...

Ngày tải lên: 15/03/2014, 22:20

36 606 0
Fair Trade, Corporate Accountability and Beyond potx

Fair Trade, Corporate Accountability and Beyond potx

... Mandarin Chinese, French and German and has published articles in major refereed law journals in the United States, China and Australia, such as the Comparative Labor Law and Policy Journal and ... including: the interface between the public and social sectors; organizational legitimacy and governance; the development of social finance markets; and impact measurement and innovation Nicholls is widely ... conduct and other sets of principles and guidelines, social and environmental management systems, Occupational Health and Safety and companycommunity relations, triple bottom line accounting and...

Ngày tải lên: 16/03/2014, 07:20

417 252 0


... international courts and tribunals respond to sovereign defaults Broader research interests include international finance and trade, investment and monetary law, and public finance and economic history ... Institute of Public Finance and Policy, New Delhi; a senior research fellow at the Centre for Advanced Studies in Industrial Economics and Public Finance, University of Bombay; and a postdoctoral ... particularly urban and local economics, fiscal federalism, and demand and supply of public goods and services He has also provided policy advice to governments in both industrial and developing countries...

Ngày tải lên: 16/03/2014, 16:20

362 500 1
Banking Crisis: reforming corporate governance and pay in the City docx

Banking Crisis: reforming corporate governance and pay in the City docx

... objectives and review management performance The board should set the company’s values and standards and ensure that its obligations to its shareholders and others are understood and met.204 ... providing relevant and current market data; • ensuring committees are aware of shareholder views and concerns and facilitating an open dialogue between companies and shareholders and their representative ... payments at the part -and wholly nationalised banks and ensure that clear and comprehensive information about bonus payments and promises made by these banks is brought into the public domain 95 We...

Ngày tải lên: 19/03/2014, 11:20

118 479 0