conversation just as it was spoken

Law at War The Law as it Was and the Law as it Should Be International Humanitarian Law

Law at War The Law as it Was and the Law as it Should Be International Humanitarian Law

... you see it and you are fully entitled to act in self-defence It was written with old fashioned wars in mind Thomas Franck offers critical comments on it He writes: “At San Francisco, it is beyond ... confrontation A reason why the action was undertaken was presumably that ignoring Security Council authorization – including Russian assent – was deemed to carry little risk as by 1999 Russian military power ... against Yugoslav military units in Kosovo, and then there was no longer agreement between the P5 in the Council It was not in dispute that the humanitarian situation in the province was grave Many...

Ngày tải lên: 13/10/2016, 11:42

341 538 0
b. much twice c. twice as much d. times two c 35. I’ll always remember that journey - it was an pot

b. much twice c. twice as much d. times two c 35. I’ll always remember that journey - it was an pot

... plumbers …………… noncorrosive a since it is b because of c it is d insofa as > a 40 I don't know where a was it made b it was made c was it made? d it was made? b 41 Fred lives in his bachelor ... work." a has sent b was send c was sent d sent c 11 Who was the first person America? a reaching b who reaches c to reach d reached > c 12 This is the novel was written by a famous writer a ... weather a easily damaged b precious c industrial d growing on farms a 27 This wet weather has lasted for a month now; rained every single day a there has b it has c there was d it was > b 28...

Ngày tải lên: 18/06/2014, 17:20

43 548 0


... furniture The kitchen with its rancid refrigerator and grease-clogged stove-top burners was hardly an improvement In the bathroom, the ceiling above the shower was peeling and streaked with so ... Coca-Cola has had some embarrassing product flops Remember 1985’s New Coke? Though it fared well in consumer research, once it hit the stores with great fanfare it tanked big-time, and the company was ... would watch it in preference to other programs if I’m at home I would watch it if there was nothing better on I would watch it only if I was with my partner or a friend who wanted to watch it I would...

Ngày tải lên: 17/10/2013, 18:20

8 316 0
Tài liệu Chiến lược xây dựng thương hiệu của Nike: "Just do it !" doc

Tài liệu Chiến lược xây dựng thương hiệu của Nike: "Just do it !" doc

... chiến dịch quảng cáo lại thành công Cay đắng có lẽ Adidas kỹ thuật chuyên môn để tạo loại giầy Air Jordan kỹ sư sáng chế đề nghị bán cho Adidas công ty từ chối không mua Viên kỹ sư chuyển sang đầu ... lầm y hệt mười nǎm trước Adidas thờ với thị trường giày chạy phải ngậm đắng nuốt cay nhìn Nike qua mặt vù Reebok, thương hiệu giày đứng hàng thứ ba sau hai đàn anh Adidas Nike, không bỏ lỡ hội,...

Ngày tải lên: 22/12/2013, 00:16

3 1,3K 8
Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: "Automatic Detection of Nonreferential It in Spoken Multi-Party Dialog" doc

Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: "Automatic Detection of Nonreferential It in Spoken Multi-Party Dialog" doc

... next toinfinitive and the next adjective: it now produced 54 10 11 13 20 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 Syntactic Patterns INF it it it was easy it BE adj it BE obj it s a simple ... information that a certain spurt position was associated with e.g an interruption point or a filled pause was not lost We then ran a simple algorithm to detect direct repetitions of to up to words, where ... it seems plausible to assume that smaller The value 500 is used as a MAX VALUE to indicate that no match was found units (as delimited by interruption points) may be beneficial for precision as...

Ngày tải lên: 22/02/2014, 02:20

8 436 0
Tài liệu "Just do it" nên dịch là gì? doc

Tài liệu "Just do it" nên dịch là gì? doc

... lự, người khuyến khích nói "Just it. " "Just" đầu câu có nghĩa khuyến khích "Cứ thử " (just listen to him=cứ thử nghe mà xem) "Do" làm Làm gỉ? Xấu hay tốt không rõ "It" nó, đó, chuyện Chuyện gì? ... Chuyện gì? Xấu hay tốt không rõ Vậy "Just it" lời khuyến khích hay thúc đẩy không rõ cách làm Chẳng khác chi em nhỏ tập xe đạp lần đầu, người giúp nói "Just it" (just pedal and keep balane=cứ ngồi ... Chúng ta nên dịch cụm từ "Just it" gì? Bài viết sau giải thích phần ý nghĩa cụm từ này, giúp bạn việc dịch xác Chúng ta nên dịch cụm từ "Just it" gì? Bài viết sau giải thích phần ý...

Ngày tải lên: 25/02/2014, 19:20

6 894 0
Ngữ pháp tiếng anh "IT WAS NOT UNTIL ....THAT...." ppt

Ngữ pháp tiếng anh "IT WAS NOT UNTIL ....THAT...." ppt

... IT WAS NOT UNTIL THAT  17 He hadn’t been a famous singer before he went to HCM city  ... could they go on working She had not seen him until last Friday = Not until last Friday had she seen him The structure is not restricted to the past perfect tense She will not see him until next ... English until 2002  21 He didn’t know how to swim until he was 30  22 They didn’t begin to learn English until 1980...

Ngày tải lên: 16/03/2014, 09:20

2 28,9K 447
how to listen to music not just hear it

how to listen to music not just hear it

... got bit by the quality sound bug Press play on the compact disc player and sit back and listen to your favorite song Turn the volume up; don¹t be afraid Now, turn it up to the ten o¹clock position ... control has to be an extension of your hand You need to love the remote control, and the remote control needs to love you Play with it until you can move your thumb and index finger over it with grace ... turn it up a little more Try the twelve o¹clock position If there's some or no distortion, you¹ve found the maximum sound out-put I would recommend that you don¹t go over the twelve o¹clock position,...

Ngày tải lên: 21/03/2014, 22:04

2 182 0
Báo cáo khoa học: " It was provocative.” Learning the meaning of scalar adjectives" potx

Báo cáo khoa học: " It was provocative.” Learning the meaning of scalar adjectives" potx

... sentiment lexicons in which each word has a positive or negative value associated with it, representing its strength The algorithm begins with seed sets of positive, negative, and neutral terms, ... bad Was it a good ad? B: It was a great ad A: That seems to be the biggest sign of progress there Is that accurate? B: That’s absolutely accurate (10) A: Am I clear? B: I wish you were a little ... the intuitions that people have about the relation between age and “little kids” or “young kids”, as well as between Fahrenheit degrees and “warm weather” For “little kids”, the probabilities of...

Ngày tải lên: 23/03/2014, 16:20

10 283 0
the truth about human origins an investi gation of the creationevolution controversy as it relates to the origin of mankind

the truth about human origins an investi gation of the creationevolution controversy as it relates to the origin of mankind

... admittedly an ape - 19 - The Truth About Human Origins Ramapithecus brevirostris G Edward Lewis, a student at Yale University, was the first to discover Ramapithecus, and it was he who named it ... bigger, just like the geladas? It is possible, but we simply don’t know (p 36) - 22 - How bright was Ramapithecus? With little more than a fossil teeth and jaws for evidence, it is not easy to ... today, it is certain that it has no genetic relationship to man Yet it has many of the facial, dental, and mandibular characteristics used to classify Ramapithecus as a hominid - 24 - While it is...

Ngày tải lên: 01/06/2014, 11:24

530 2,6K 0
leo treitler. with voice and pen coming to know medieval song and how it was made

leo treitler. with voice and pen coming to know medieval song and how it was made

... it became fixed—fixity is as much an expression of the northern character as is variability an expression of the southern character; with fixity goes unity: fixity is a necessary condition of unity, ... Bodmer are witnesses in some sense to the unwritten tradition that preceded it (and perhaps continued around it) , and they are as close in time to such a tradition as it is possible to come with surviving ... chant tradition The other, clearly, is the eighteenth-century fashion for the ‘free fantasy’, as described and exemplified by C P E Bach, with its qualities of flowing spontaneity, eccentricity, abruptness,...

Ngày tải lên: 04/06/2014, 15:41

537 333 0
– ACT READING TEST PRACTICE – 67. The word exhausted, as it is used in line 23, most nearly doc

– ACT READING TEST PRACTICE – 67. The word exhausted, as it is used in line 23, most nearly doc

... classified as a planet based on new evidence that has come to light in the last few years When Pluto was first discovered, nothing was known about its orbit or its composition Pluto has an orbit ... Pluto orbits the Sun just as the other eight planets do, and it has a moon, Charon, and a stable orbit Based on its distance from the Sun, Pluto should be grouped with the planets known as gas giants ... our republic was a rope of sand that would part the moment the slightest strain was brought upon it Now it has shown itself capable of dealing with one of the greatest wars that was ever made,...

Ngày tải lên: 18/06/2014, 17:20

34 761 0
Boundary Value Problems This Provisional PDF corresponds to the article as it appeared upon doc

Boundary Value Problems This Provisional PDF corresponds to the article as it appeared upon doc

... exists Passing to the limit for j → +∞ in (21), we obtain the final error estimate (17) The limit function x∗ satisfies the initial condition x∗ (0, z, λ) = z as well as the boundary conditions ... Dini condition for a composite function F (t) = f (t, x(t)) Lemma 14 Let the function f = f (t, x) satisfy the Dini condition with respect to t ∈ [0, T ] and the Lipschitz condition with respect ... satisfy the initial condition xm (0, z, λ) = z as well as the boundary conditions in (6) Let us establish the uniform convergence of the sequence (14) and the relation of the limit function to...

Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 21:20

29 355 0
Face Your Fe ars !9trying because she felt it was hopeless, given her lack of experience. ppt

Face Your Fe ars !9trying because she felt it was hopeless, given her lack of experience. ppt

... saying, It wasn’t a good fit.” Dump one thing:  Never speak badly of your former employer, no matter how much you hated your job Don’t say, It was a horrible place to work,” or “My boss was insane,” ... what doesn’t If an item of clothing gets the thumbs down, dump it and don’t look back! Excuse 6: I Was Fired from My Last Job As traumatizing as getting fired or laid off can be, it no longer carries ... if it was the seventh circle of hell If your new employer calls to check references, negative statements will inevitably come back to bite you Say instead, “My job was stressful at times, but it...

Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 13:20

23 200 0
LUYỆN ĐỌC TIẾNG ANH QUA CÁC TÁC PHẨM VĂN HỌC –The Black Tulip ALEXANDRE DUMAS CHAPTER 9 9. The Family Cell It was about midnight when poor Van pot

LUYỆN ĐỌC TIẾNG ANH QUA CÁC TÁC PHẨM VĂN HỌC –The Black Tulip ALEXANDRE DUMAS CHAPTER 9 9. The Family Cell It was about midnight when poor Van pot

... least as well as it would close, considering that it was half demolished It was easy to see that a hurricane of mighty fury had vented itself upon it About four o'clock a return of the noise was ... room where he was, "the family cell," as Gryphus had called it, as the fatal passage leading to ignominious death And as he was a philosopher, and, more than that, as he was a Christian, ... years! such sweet hopes crushed; his discovery was, after all, to lead to naught, just as his own career was to be cut short Here, in his prison, there was not a trace of vegetation, not an atom of...

Ngày tải lên: 02/07/2014, 14:20

8 312 0
it was not until...; will and be going to

it was not until...; will and be going to

... Naomi: It was an ……………… (excite) film, wasn’t it? Michael: Oh, you think so? I’m (surprise) …………… you like it I thought it was rather (disappoint) ……………… Naomi: Well, I was (puzzle) ……………… once or ... the whole story I was (confuse) ………………… in places But the end was good Michael: I was (bore) ……………… most of the time I didn’t find it very (interest) ………………… III/ Read the situations and complete ... news was ………………… 21/ I like to study sea life The subject of marine biology fascinates me (fascinate) a I am ………………… by marine biology b Marine biology is a ……………… subject 22/ Naomi: It was an...

Ngày tải lên: 07/07/2014, 01:00

2 1,5K 49
It was not such a good bargainaf ppt

It was not such a good bargainaf ppt

... from his former employer, year after year for he was hardworking and diligent As he was then financially tight, he had to sell all the watches I was convinced beyond the shadow of a doubt when ... to cheat a young boy like you It was lucky that you didn’t buy the watch.” Without a single word, I nodded and shook hands with the man I suppose that gesture was worth a thousand words The ... That man was a thief He stole the watches and some jewelry from a goldsmith shop Police have been tracking him ever since and thank goodness, at last they found him The nerve of him was trying...

Ngày tải lên: 22/07/2014, 03:21

7 357 1