control of entry and progression through s phase

Control of Dioxins (and other Organochlorines) from the Pulp and Paper Industry under the Clean Water Act and Lead in Soil at Superfund Mining Sites: Two Case Studies in EPA''''s Use of Science potx

Control of Dioxins (and other Organochlorines) from the Pulp and Paper Industry under the Clean Water Act and Lead in Soil at Superfund Mining Sites: Two Case Studies in EPA''''s Use of Science potx

... regulatory standards for organochlorine emissions (OTA 1989) March and June First results of “104 Mill study,” released EPA issues Assessment of Risks from Exposure of Humans, Terrestrial and Avian ... default assumptions, ad hoc assumptions, and professional judgments produced by all levels of government, industry, and academia Table A-5 Sources of the Estimates Used in Dioxin Exposure Assessment ... regulatory science issues, and others regarding EPA s acquisition and use of science The case studies also incorporate many comments and insights from these interviewees In all instances, interviewees...

Ngày tải lên: 24/03/2014, 05:20

65 641 0
Báo cáo y học: " Classic swine fever virus NS2 protein leads to the induction of cell cycle arrest at S-phase and endoplasmic reticulum stress" potx

Báo cáo y học: " Classic swine fever virus NS2 protein leads to the induction of cell cycle arrest at S-phase and endoplasmic reticulum stress" potx

... Mattson MP: The endoplasmic reticulum stressresponsive protein GRP78 protects neurons against excitotoxicity and apoptosis: suppression of oxidative stress and stabilization of calcium homeostasis ... arrest in the S- phase, rather than inducing apoptosis The results showed that relative to control cells, NS2 expression causes a significant increase in the proportion of cells in the S- phase ... The proportions of G0/G1 phase, S- phase and G2/M phases for the control cells were 57.96%, 35.98% and 6.06%, respectively For SUVEC expressing GFP, the proportions of the phases Tang et al Virology...

Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 04:21

12 303 0
Báo cáo y học: "Mechanisms of HIV non-progression; robust and sustained CD4+ T-cell proliferative responses to p24 antigen correlate with control of viraemia and lack of disease progression after long-term transfusion-acquired HIV-1 infection" pdf

Báo cáo y học: "Mechanisms of HIV non-progression; robust and sustained CD4+ T-cell proliferative responses to p24 antigen correlate with control of viraemia and lack of disease progression after long-term transfusion-acquired HIV-1 infection" pdf

... responses, regardless of the strength and breadth of the CTL response A decline in this protective p24 response preceded or correlated with loss of non-progressor status and/ or signs of disease progression ... was used to associate genetic and immune factors with viraemia and non-progressor status Results Status of the non-progressor cohort From all reported TAHIV cases from the state of NSW, Australia, ... expressed as stimulation index (SI; mean counts antigen wells/mean counts control wells), and a SI >3 was considered a positive response The response of CD8+ T cells to HIV antigen was measured...

Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 05:21

14 253 0
Intrathecal baclofen for the control of spinal and supraspinal spasticity

Intrathecal baclofen for the control of spinal and supraspinal spasticity

... for spasticity have been largely supplanted by ITB Unselective rhizotomy often results in significant loss of sensory function, and nonreflex stiffness and spasms may supervene The effects of intrathecal ... demonstrate a sustained benefit to quality of life, despite a sustained benefit to measures of impairment, such as spasticity or spasms (Zahavi et al., 2004) Cost-benefit analysis Effects of ITB ... hours to diffuse to the relevant layers in the dorsal horn of the cord Neurophysiological effects of ITB Spasticity score ITB reduces spasticity, as clinically assessed using the Ashworth scale...

Ngày tải lên: 01/11/2013, 10:20

12 579 0
Tài liệu Voices of Fear and Safety¿ Women¿s ambivalence towards breast cancer and breast health: a qualitative study from Jordan pdf

Tài liệu Voices of Fear and Safety¿ Women¿s ambivalence towards breast cancer and breast health: a qualitative study from Jordan pdf

... breast cancer in our society hides having that illness, because breast is a sensitive issue for a woman and because that illness is considered to be vicious” (9, 4) “Even she herself feels insecure ... the risk of diminished femininity and husband s rejection; c) fear of social stigmatization of the disease, and d) apprehensions about breast health examinations An incurable disease associated ... to seek early detection of breast cancer This study also exposed misconceptions among husbands about breast cancer being contagious and misapprehensions among physicians towards mammography screening...

Ngày tải lên: 13/02/2014, 06:20

19 513 0
Tài liệu 100 Years Of Protecting And Promoting Women''''s Health pptx

Tài liệu 100 Years Of Protecting And Promoting Women''''s Health pptx

... radiation emitting devices (such as microwaves and televisions),  • vaccines, blood and tissue products, and • cosmetics This booklet outlines the FDA s historical and present role as a public health ... Actions, cont 1987:  irst of a new class of drugs (selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors F [SSRIs]) approved for depression 1988:  irth control pills containing more than 50 micrograms of estrogen ... materials through outreach activities and collaborative partnerships OWH has also developed dozens of fact sheets and publications on topics including: heart disease, stroke, Lasik eye surgery,...

Ngày tải lên: 13/02/2014, 08:20

15 531 0
Control of Innate and Adaptive Immune Responses during Infectious Diseases ppt

Control of Innate and Adaptive Immune Responses during Infectious Diseases ppt

... IL-22 is distinct and consists of IL-22R, which most studies indicate is restricted to the surfaces of epithelial cells, keratinocytes, and some fibroblasts, and IL-10R2, which is ubiquitous In ... parasites switch, probably as a response to immune attack, to a slow replicating form known as bradyzoites and seclude themselves in cysts in certain tissues, such as the central nervous system ... those strains present little to no adaptation to mouse hosts 8 J Aliberti With the onset of the chronic phase parasites make use of two major mechanisms to evade immune responses: Parasites become...

Ngày tải lên: 05/03/2014, 23:20

189 1,4K 1
Báo cáo khoa học: A new molecular tool for transgenic diatoms Control of mRNA and protein biosynthesis by an inducible promoter–terminator cassette docx

Báo cáo khoa học: A new molecular tool for transgenic diatoms Control of mRNA and protein biosynthesis by an inducible promoter–terminator cassette docx

... medium) Western blot analysis Separation of proteins by SDS ⁄ PAGE [37], Coomassie staining of SDS gels [38], and western blot analysis [39] were performed according to standard protocols For western ... Tnr cassette of C fusiformis represents a paradigm for establishing inducible gene expression systems also in other diatom species Experimental procedures Culture conditions C fusiformis was grown ... analysis of the role of diatom proteins in short-lived cellular processes such as cytokinesis and valve and girdle band formation which are completed in less than h In future, analysis of cell...

Ngày tải lên: 07/03/2014, 21:20

11 668 0
Procedures for the Proper Disposition of Equipment and Materials Through Lion Surplus pot

Procedures for the Proper Disposition of Equipment and Materials Through Lion Surplus pot

... Contact EHS OPP EHS EHS EHS EHS S& S EHS EHS EHS OPP OPP, EHS OPP GS, EHS EHS EHS OPP, EHS EHS EHS EHS EHS GS, EHS EHS EHS OPP, EHS EHS GS, ... EHS before requesting the system be picked up by Lion Surplus e Class 1, 2, and 3A lasers, with no imbedded Class 3B or systems, may be sold without restriction Examples of several types of lasers ... Lion Surplus is responsible for the collection, sale, and disposal of University-owned equipment, supplies and materials that are obsolete or surplus to the needs of Penn State Some equipment and...

Ngày tải lên: 23/03/2014, 23:20

25 394 0
Báo cáo khoa học: Roles of prolactin-releasing peptide and RFamide related peptides in the control of stress and food intake potx

Báo cáo khoa học: Roles of prolactin-releasing peptide and RFamide related peptides in the control of stress and food intake potx

... Takayanagi and T Onaka PrRP and RFRPs in metabolism and stress Table Summary of mammalian RFamide peptides and their receptors The effects of administration of RFamide peptides upon stress responses (hormone ... consumption under stressful conditions Stressful stimuli increase oxygen consumption This increase in oxygen consumption after stressful stimuli is lower in PrRP-deficient mice [25] Stressful stimuli ... neuroendocrine stress responses On the PrRP and RFRPs in metabolism and stress other hand, the administration of PrRP-neutralizing antibodies facilitates ACTH release in response to exercise, suggesting that...

Ngày tải lên: 29/03/2014, 21:20

8 490 0
cirstea, m. n. (2002). neural and fuzzy logic control of drives and power systemsl

cirstea, m. n. (2002). neural and fuzzy logic control of drives and power systemsl

... three stator windings  Ψsa = Ψsasa + Ψsasb + Ψsasc + Ψsara + Ψsarb + Ψsarc   Ψsb = Ψsbsa + Ψsbsb + Ψsbsc + Ψsbra + Ψsbrb + Ψsbrc Ψ = Ψ + Ψ + Ψ + Ψ + Ψ scsa scsc scra scsb scrb + Ψscrc  sc  ... Multi-channel control systems (F) The synchronisation between the signals within the control system and input voltages: • Synchronous control systems • Asynchronous control systems 1.2.2 Characteristics of ... interfaces of a PC 16 Neural and Fuzzy Logic Control of Drives and Power Systems 2.4 ASICs for power systems and drives The development of a traditional microprocessor-based motion control system is...

Ngày tải lên: 18/04/2014, 12:29

408 629 0
Báo cáo hóa học: " Development of targeted therapy for bladder cancer mediated by a double promoter plasmid expressing diphtheria toxin under the control of H19 and IGF2-P4 regulatory sequences" potx

Báo cáo hóa học: " Development of targeted therapy for bladder cancer mediated by a double promoter plasmid expressing diphtheria toxin under the control of H19 and IGF2-P4 regulatory sequences" potx

... treatment), their bladders were processed for assessment of tumor sizes and for PCR and histology analyses (see Materials and Methods) As can be seen in Figure 8, two treatments of 20 μg of H19-DTA-P4-DTA ... expression analysis of the intensity and quantity of both transcripts H19 + IGF2-P4 was determined, then 100% (28/28) of the samples showed positive expression and 26 out of 28 TCC samples (96%) showed ... presence of units/μl RNase inhibitor T7 and Sp6 promoters were respectively used to drive the synthesis of the antisense and the control sense Digoxigenin-labeled UTP probes The resulting probes...

Ngày tải lên: 18/06/2014, 16:20

18 746 0
báo cáo hóa học: " Control of interjoint coordination during the swing phase of normal gait at different speeds" ppt

báo cáo hóa học: " Control of interjoint coordination during the swing phase of normal gait at different speeds" ppt

... mean point was determined This angle measures 3.9 degrees This indicates that PC1 passes very close to the origin of this space As discussed in Thomas and colleagues [29], this suggests that the ... time series is very similar during the swing phase of gait across all three joints, and that this is independent of speed (Figure 5) The common kinetic time series underlying the swing phase of ... the shapes of the joint torque time series suggests a similarity within joints during the swing phase (most clearly illustrated in Figure 2B) The results of the PC analysis showed that a single...

Ngày tải lên: 19/06/2014, 10:20

14 287 0
Báo cáo hóa học: " Differential control of CXCR4 and CD4 downregulation by HIV-1 Gag" docx

Báo cáo hóa học: " Differential control of CXCR4 and CD4 downregulation by HIV-1 Gag" docx

... complexes to sites of viral assembly by HIV-1 Gag mediates the separation of viral and host membranes during the virus release process We have previously shown that Gag expression results in the ... experiments were performed as previously described [14] Immunofluorescence microscopy Transfected COS-1 cells grown on coverslips were serum starved for 16 hours, and then processed 48 hours posttransfection ... version 4.1 (FujiFilm) Samples before IP were also subjected to SDS-PAGE and Western blotting to determine levels of actin and other exogenous proteins in the samples To test the effect of lysosomal...

Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 01:20

14 437 0
Báo cáo hóa học: " Research Article A Robust Structural PGN Model for Control of Cell-Cycle Progression Stabilized by Negative Feedbacks" pdf

Báo cáo hóa học: " Research Article A Robust Structural PGN Model for Control of Cell-Cycle Progression Stabilized by Negative Feedbacks" pdf

... divides in two daughter cells It is organized in four phases: G1 (the cell progressively grows and by the end of this phase becomes irreversibly committed to division), S (phase of DNA synthesis and ... requires sequential expression of genes encoding families of master transcription factors, for instance the fos and jun families of proto-oncogenes Among the fos genes c-fos and fos B are essentially ... level of expression of each gene depends on both its own expression value and the expression values of other genes at previous instants of time, and on previous external stimuli This kind of interactions...

Ngày tải lên: 22/06/2014, 19:20

11 342 0
The Encyclopedia Of Nutrition And Good Health - S pdf

The Encyclopedia Of Nutrition And Good Health - S pdf

... SUCROSE sugar beet See SUCROSE sugarcane See SUCROSE sugar-free foods sugarless gum See SUCROSE See CHEWING GUM sulfites (sulfiting agents, sodium sulfite, potassium and sodium metabisulfite, potassium-sodium ... pounds of sesame seeds annually; most of this is used for hamburger buns Ground sesame seeds are used in hummus and tahini (a sesame seed paste) Halvah is a confection made with ground sesame seeds ... digests SUCROSE (table sugar) to its simple sugar components, GLUCOSE and FRUCTOSE This enzyme is necessary because sucrose cannot be absorbed by the intestine, while each of these simple sugars is...

Ngày tải lên: 02/07/2014, 14:20

47 455 0
electromechanical dampers for vibration control of structures and rotors

electromechanical dampers for vibration control of structures and rotors

... either as an actuator and a sensor This configuration permits lower costs and shorter shafts (and thus higher bending frequencies) than classical configurations provided with sensors and non-collocation ... rotor and the stator is measured by means of position sensors and this information is then used by the controller to regulate the current of the power amplifiers driving the magnet coils Selfsensing ... mechanical equivalent of the damper is shown in Figure 8b where a spring of stiffness K eq is in parallel to the series of a viscous damper of coefficient C and a spring of stiffness −K em Due to...

Ngày tải lên: 27/07/2014, 23:21

33 379 0
Báo cáo khoa học: "Genetic control of pulp and timber properties in maritime pine (Pinus pinaster Ait.)" docx

Báo cáo khoa học: "Genetic control of pulp and timber properties in maritime pine (Pinus pinaster Ait.)" docx

... control of stiffness of standing douglas-fir; from the standing stem to the standardised wood sample, relationships between modulus of elasticity and wood density parameters, Ann For Sci 56 (1999) ... which is an assessment of the straightness of the fibres) Finally average tensile strength of individual fibres (zspan) was derived from the measurement of the wet zero-span tensile value using ... selfed crosses) analysis instead of 66 was due to the low number of individuals for some families Assuming that maternal effects were low at 15 years of age [18], some families from the opposite...

Ngày tải lên: 08/08/2014, 14:20

14 398 0
Molecular control of adipogenesis and obesity potx

Molecular control of adipogenesis and obesity potx

... development of obesity and in the actions of the insulin sensitizer rosiglitazone Sethi 327.3 comment that a subset is co-regulated across many tissues and highly expressed in insulin-responsive, glucose-disposal ... 5, Issue 6, Article 327 Sethi adipose-tissue expression profiles from various models of adiposity led him and his colleagues to the finding that adipose tissue from obese rodents and human subjects ... In conclusion, the past few years have seen an avalanche of new technologies being successfully applied to understanding complex disease states such as obesity and diabetes Transgenics and knockout...

Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 20:20

3 204 0
Báo cáo y học: "Gene expression profiling in circulating endothelial cells from systemic sclerosis patients shows an altered control of apoptosis and angiogenesis that is modified by iloprost infusion" potx

Báo cáo y học: "Gene expression profiling in circulating endothelial cells from systemic sclerosis patients shows an altered control of apoptosis and angiogenesis that is modified by iloprost infusion" potx

... iloprost treatment exerts a strong effect on the transcriptional profiles of CECs obtained from SSc patients Finally, we compared the gene expression profiles of CECs from the two subsets of SSc ... cells of patients with skin ulcers and those of normal controls Additional file 4: Gene expression profile in SSc patients without ulcers Raw intensity signal values obtained from the sample of SSc ... represents a geometric mean Statistical analysis Calculations were performed with the SPSS 16 statistical package Comparison of CECs and EPCs levels between healthy controls and patients affected by SSc...

Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 14:22

15 407 0