control and estimation of synchronous motor drives



... Variation of Torque of a 3-in case of closed loop PI control for constant V/f control method Figure 4.18: Variation of Rotor Speed of a 3-in case of closed loop PI control for constant V/f control ... PI control for constant V/f control method Figure 4.12: Variation of Torque of a 3-in case of open loop PI control for constant V/f control method Figure 4.13: Variation of Rotor Speed of a ... using PI controller Figure 4.10: Variation of Stator current of a 3-in case of open loop PI control for constant V/f control method Figure 4.11: Variation of DC bus voltage of a 3-in case of open...

Ngày tải lên: 18/12/2013, 22:06

76 684 0
Điện tử công suât mạch MMC  Control and experiment of pulse width modulated modular multilevel converters

Điện tử công suât mạch MMC Control and experiment of pulse width modulated modular multilevel converters

... Control and Experiment of Pulse-Width-Modulated Modular Multilevel Converters Makoto Hagiwara, Member, IEEE, and Hirofumi Akagi, Fellow, IEEE Department of Electrical and Electronic ... rating of 1 to 10 MVA, a dc-link voltage of 10 to 30 kV, and a switching frequency of 200 to 2000 Hz. Combining averaging control with balancing control enables to achieve voltage balancing of multiple ... averaging control, and 2) balancing control. A. Averaging Control Fig. 4(a) shows a block diagram of the averaging control. It forces the u-phase average voltage ¯v Cu to follow its command v ∗...

Ngày tải lên: 15/10/2013, 16:24

10 512 0
Development of a Regional Risk Management Framework for APEC Economies for use in the Control and Prevention of Introduced Marine Pests

Development of a Regional Risk Management Framework for APEC Economies for use in the Control and Prevention of Introduced Marine Pests

... Trang 1Development of a Regional Risk Management Framework for APEC Economies for use in the Control and Prevention of Introduced Marine PestsAustralia and Chile Mr Philip Burgess, ... Vector management is limited and unbalanced Trang 5Priorities and hazards for Economies  Variable levels of activity and management capability Ships’ ballast water and hull fouling are the most ... pre- border, border and post border levels  Need to develop awareness of the problem in APEC Economies  Need appropriate information systems and tools  Need to develop and adapt current institutional...

Ngày tải lên: 28/10/2013, 11:15

10 584 0
Chapter 24 Congestion Control and Quality of Service pdf

Chapter 24 Congestion Control and Quality of Service pdf

... congestion control and quality of The main focus of congestion control and quality of service is service is data traffic data traffic . In congestion control we try to . In congestion control ... network can handle. Congestion number of packets a network can handle. Congestion control refers to the mechanisms and techniques to control refers to the mechanisms and techniques to control ... Packet delay and throughput as functions of load 24.8 24-3 CONGESTION CONTROL 24-3 CONGESTION CONTROL Congestion control refers to techniques and Congestion control refers to techniques and mechanisms...

Ngày tải lên: 06/03/2014, 12:20

48 590 0
control and monitoring of chemical batch reactors advances in industrial control

control and monitoring of chemical batch reactors advances in industrial control

... obtaining a satisfactory performance of the plant, in terms of safety of operations, quality of products, and productivity Control and monitoring of the chemical reactor play ... the science of control engineering and the demanding control problems of batch reactors They should find the application of the techniques to the case study a source of inspiration ... Richalet and. .. control system ideas and the potential of nonlinear control more comprehensively will find much to study The research community of control academics and postgraduate...

Ngày tải lên: 01/04/2014, 10:59

205 635 0
Báo cáo sinh học: " Involvement of PKR and RNase L in translational control and induction of apoptosis after Hepatitis C polyprotein expression from a Vaccinia virus recombinant" doc

Báo cáo sinh học: " Involvement of PKR and RNase L in translational control and induction of apoptosis after Hepatitis C polyprotein expression from a Vaccinia virus recombinant" doc

... phosphorylation of eIF-2α and inhibition of translation caused by the expression of HCV polyproteinFigure 7 PKR mediates phosphorylation of eIF-2α and inhibition of translation caused by the expression of ... (C, E1, E2 and p7) and nonstructural (NS3, NS4A, NS4B, NS5A and the amino terminal region of NS5B) proteins of HCV from genotype 1b was cloned into a unique EcoRI restriction site of pVOTE.1 ... BioMed Central Page 1 of 19 (page number not for citation purposes) Virology Journal Open Access Research Involvement of PKR and RNase L in translational control and induction of apoptosis after...

Ngày tải lên: 19/06/2014, 08:20

19 373 0
Monitoring Control and Effects of Air Pollution Part 1 pptx

Monitoring Control and Effects of Air Pollution Part 1 pptx

... MONITORING, CONTROL AND EFFECTS OF AIR POLLUTION Edited by Andrzej G. Chmielewski Monitoring, Control and Effects of Air Pollution Edited by Andrzej G. Chmielewski ... Pollution Control 227 Chapter 14 Plasma-Based Depollution of Exhausts: Principles, State of the Art and Future Prospects 229 Ronny Brandenburg, Hana Barankova, Ladislav Bardos, Andrzej G. ... Andrzej Pawelec and Eugen Stamate Preface The municipal and industrial activities of the man affects human health, leads to degradation of the environment and...

Ngày tải lên: 19/06/2014, 14:20

20 436 0
Monitoring Control and Effects of Air Pollution Part 2 docx

Monitoring Control and Effects of Air Pollution Part 2 docx

... emissions and were applied uniformly over the whole model domain “S2” and “Sh” indicate double and half the SO2 emission of the CNTRL run, and “NH2” and “NHh” indicates double and. .. ... Miyakejima volcanic (b and d) monthly mean surface concentrations of (a and b) SO2 (ppb) and (c and d) SO 42- (μg m-3) (e) The gas-phase fraction of t-NO3 (%) and (f) its increase ... HNO 3 are high (Seinfeld and Pandis, 2006). Thus, as the SO 4 2- concentration increases, the concentration fraction of HNO 3 Monitoring, Control and Effects of Air Pollution 18 increases,...

Ngày tải lên: 19/06/2014, 14:20

20 509 0
Monitoring Control and Effects of Air Pollution Part 3 pptx

Monitoring Control and Effects of Air Pollution Part 3 pptx

... concentrations and depositions of t-NO 3 accurately, accurate estimations of emission inventories of SO 2 and NH 3 and of its precursor NO x are important. Simulated dry deposition velocities and ... atmosphere and gas phase fraction of HNO 3 2. The gas phase fraction of HNO 3 and wet deposition rate of total nitrate 3. A long-range transport indicator and the wet deposition rate of total ... simulated (CNTRL) spatial distributions of the SO 2 and NO x emission fluxes and monthly mean surface concentrations of SO 4 2- and t-NO 3 in March 2006. SO 2 and NO x emissions peaks are seen...

Ngày tải lên: 19/06/2014, 14:20

20 455 0
Monitoring Control and Effects of Air Pollution Part 5 docx

Monitoring Control and Effects of Air Pollution Part 5 docx

... Island (or “Pulau Pinang” in Malay Language) and a portion of mainland called “SeberangPerai” in Malay Language. Penang Island is an island of 293 square kilometres located in the Straits of ... Malacca and “SeberangPerai” is a narrow hinterland of 753 square kilometres (Tan, et al., 2010). The island and the mainland are linked by the 13.5 km long Penang Bridge and ferry. Penang Island ... Straits of Malacca and “Seberang Perai” is a narrow hinterland of 753 square kilometres (Tan, et al., 2010) The island and the mainland are linked by the 13 .5 km long Penang Bridge and...

Ngày tải lên: 19/06/2014, 14:20

20 358 0
Monitoring Control and Effects of Air Pollution Part 6 pdf

Monitoring Control and Effects of Air Pollution Part 6 pdf

... composition, and aerodynamic and chemical properties (Chang et al 1982; Walker 1966) Of 94 Monitoring, Control and Effects of Air Pollution these, size is very important It is related to the source of ... Department of Statistics, Jordan imported about six million tons of crude oil in 2005 (Department of Statistics, 2010) Combustion of oil and other fossil fuel is recognized as a major source of air ... capital, Amman (Department of Driving and Vehicles Licensing 2010) More than 31% of the vehicles in Jordan are diesel-powered Vans and trucks represent 33% and 42.7% of the total diesel-powered...

Ngày tải lên: 19/06/2014, 14:20

20 474 0
Monitoring Control and Effects of Air Pollution Part 7 pdf

Monitoring Control and Effects of Air Pollution Part 7 pdf

... (National Institute of Standards and. .. enabled researchers to measure the 122 Monitoring, Control and Effects of Air Pollution ultrafine particles of nanoscale range and have provided ... and mass concentration of particles in photocopier center A and B 130 Monitoring, Control and Effects of Air Pollution To date, the information regarding the formations of ... environments The economies of the Indian and other... 124 Monitoring, Control and Effects of Air Pollution works on dual technology i.e the principle of scattering of light at 90° to...

Ngày tải lên: 19/06/2014, 14:20

20 343 0
Monitoring Control and Effects of Air Pollution Part 8 potx

Monitoring Control and Effects of Air Pollution Part 8 potx

... simulated office enclosure and a... aerosol hazards arising from the opening of an anthrax-tainted letter in an open office environment using 150 Monitoring, Control and Effects of Air ... significant means of bioagent dispersion. This chapter seeks to further advance our understanding of fluid and aerosol dynamic processes of exposures resulting from dust lying on the surface of a letter ... interactions of dispersion, deposition, and resuspension. Understanding these processes is predicated on understanding the interaction between turbulent airflow and particles. Rooms often have...

Ngày tải lên: 19/06/2014, 14:20

20 343 0
Monitoring Control and Effects of Air Pollution Part 9 pot

Monitoring Control and Effects of Air Pollution Part 9 pot

... approach of the problem of confrontation of historic buildings and monuments decay because of air pollution presupposes the finding of the relation between “cause and effect”, namely of “how and ... history. These unique and unprecedented fingerprints of human civilization form the natural and cultural heritage of a place, of a country, of a people, the peculiar features of a nation which ... Journals and reported in Scientific Symposiums both in Greece and abroad as well. Monitoring, Control and Effects of Air Pollution 156 3. A brief overview of various methods and techniques...

Ngày tải lên: 19/06/2014, 14:20

20 351 0
Monitoring Control and Effects of Air Pollution Part 10 pdf

Monitoring Control and Effects of Air Pollution Part 10 pdf

... interior of the Museum of Kavala: (on the top) before the injection of gaseous pollutants and (at the bottom) after the injection of gaseous pollutants. Monitoring, Control and Effects of Air ... black crust and particles from the combustion of fuel oil and coal, containing a quantity of Carbon, Iron, Manganese and Sulphur 188 Monitoring, Control and Effects of Air ... diverse and mostly uncontrolled and include The resuspension of soil by wind and mechanical disturbance [27] The resuspension of surface dust from roads and. .. (H) Singer and Slar...

Ngày tải lên: 19/06/2014, 14:20

20 429 0
Monitoring Control and Effects of Air Pollution Part 11 potx

Monitoring Control and Effects of Air Pollution Part 11 potx

... of Environment and the Ministry of Interior, the decree of the Minister of Interior was issued: a. To link between the issuance of the licenses of the Vehicles and its emissions testing, and ... start of the implementation of this decree in the Qaluibia and Giza governorates. Such decree provides a new hope of the improvement of air quality and the first step of overcoming the problem of ... used, and talc, chalk and even flour are traditional poultice materials. A mixture of clay and paper fabric produces an absorbent and plastic mixture that is often favoured by conservators of...

Ngày tải lên: 19/06/2014, 14:20

20 448 0
Monitoring Control and Effects of Air Pollution Part 12 docx

Monitoring Control and Effects of Air Pollution Part 12 docx

... degradation of colonial military and religious buildings at Campeche City) financed by the Government of State of Campeche and the Council of Science and Technology of México Also... ... 3Institute of Nuclear Chemistry and. .. Matti Laan6, Jerzy Mizeraczyk4, Andrzej Pawelec3, Eugen Stamate7 230 Monitoring, Control and Effects of Air Pollution 2 Plasmas and plasma-based ... majority presence of calcium carbonates in crust formed on walls of Forts of San Carlos and San Pedro seems to confirm this fact On the other hand, in spite of the low levels of atmospheric...

Ngày tải lên: 19/06/2014, 14:20

20 337 0
Monitoring Control and Effects of Air Pollution Part 13 ppt

Monitoring Control and Effects of Air Pollution Part 13 ppt

... removal of PM and it was possible to remove 50 % and 80 % of PM at SIE of 20 and 40 J/sl respectively (Mok and Huh, 2005) Up to 85 % of NOx reduction with 2 % of fuel... et al., ... selectivity S A of one possible chemical product A. It is given by the ratio of its concentration (or number density of molecules etc.) and the sum of concentrations of all possible products of one ... removal of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and deodorization, NOx- and SOx removal and removal of particulate matter (PM), e.g soot 4.1 VOC-removal and deodorization... reduction of...

Ngày tải lên: 19/06/2014, 14:20

20 487 0
báo cáo hóa học:" Involvement of PKR and RNase L in translational control and induction of apoptosis after Hepatitis C polyprotein expression from a Vaccinia virus recombinant" docx

báo cáo hóa học:" Involvement of PKR and RNase L in translational control and induction of apoptosis after Hepatitis C polyprotein expression from a Vaccinia virus recombinant" docx

... phosphorylation of eIF-2α and inhibition of translation caused by the expression of HCV polyproteinFigure 7 PKR mediates phosphorylation of eIF-2α and inhibition of translation caused by the expression of ... (C, E1, E2 and p7) and nonstructural (NS3, NS4A, NS4B, NS5A and the amino terminal region of NS5B) proteins of HCV from genotype 1b was cloned into a unique EcoRI restriction site of pVOTE.1 ... BioMed Central Page 1 of 19 (page number not for citation purposes) Virology Journal Open Access Research Involvement of PKR and RNase L in translational control and induction of apoptosis after...

Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 04:20

19 390 0
Milestone 4: Identification of suitable high priority project interventions and selected smallholders for training and demonstration units and estimation of potential physical and financial impacts " doc

Milestone 4: Identification of suitable high priority project interventions and selected smallholders for training and demonstration units and estimation of potential physical and financial impacts " doc

... (duration of treatment, and a record of any samples collected for NIVR) o Age and speculative cause of death o Number weaned and date o Date of next service (an example of a sow ... Milestone 4: Identification of suitable high priority project interventions and selected smallholders for training and demonstration units and estimation of potential physical and financial impacts ... improve air quality and heat index. o A number of buildings had ridge vents which appear to work well and give the farmer more options in controlling inside temperatures. o Roofing material-tiles...

Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 06:20

14 236 0