connecting to a microsoft excel workbook

AFC-Modeler: A Microsoft® Excel© workbook program for modelling assimilation combined with fractional crystallization (AFC) process in magmatic systems by using equations of DePaolo (1981)

AFC-Modeler: A Microsoft® Excel© workbook program for modelling assimilation combined with fractional crystallization (AFC) process in magmatic systems by using equations of DePaolo (1981)

... problematic data format conversions: instead they allow the users to enter the data directly and (iii) the calculations are almost instantaneous when a parameter changed in a model However, an Excel workbook ... element or isotopic ratio is selected along one of the axes, the program automatically extracts a set of variables (i.e C0m, Ca, e0m, ea and D) related to that particular element or isotopic ratio ... plotted along the X and Y axes are displayed in a table format in this area These values are automatically calculated by the program by using the crustal and magmatic end-member compositions chosen

Ngày tải lên: 13/01/2020, 19:31

16 34 0
Upgrading IBM Systems Director Server on Windows and migrating to a Microsoft SQL Server or Microsoft SQL Server Express database Version 6 Release 3 pptx

Upgrading IBM Systems Director Server on Windows and migrating to a Microsoft SQL Server or Microsoft SQL Server Express database Version 6 Release 3 pptx

... the database to a non-default database 30 Verifying a successful database connection . . 32 Switching the database to the managed IBM DB2 database 33 Database configuration attributes 36 Database ... non-default database The upgrade process automatically migrates your Apache Derby database to the managed IBM DB2 database However, when you switch to a non-default database, you lose ... database with IBM Systems Director 6. 3. x The upgrade process automatically migrates your Apache Derby database to the managed IBM DB2® database The managed IBM DB2 database

Ngày tải lên: 31/03/2014, 16:20

66 600 0
excel by example a microsoft excel cookbook for electronics engineers phần 1 docx

excel by example a microsoft excel cookbook for electronics engineers phần 1 docx

... beneficial to. .. combination will appear in exactly the same way Any text that is entered either as data, formula or as code in VBA appears in italics VBA Help/Add-Ins: When Excel/ Office is installed, ... the measured output... this example, the data is keyed in by hand It is simple enough to do, but we will see in a later application how the data can be acquired automatically 1 Excel ... check the formula in the formula bar: =A7 /A1 7 Excel has made the relative translation for the cell and this is very handy except that A1 7 does not contain Vmax In Parenthesis: Adding Columns/Rows

Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 06:22

39 424 0
excel by example a microsoft excel cookbook for electronics engineers phần 2 pdf

excel by example a microsoft excel cookbook for electronics engineers phần 2 pdf

... equivalent. Using the look up table of standard baud rates, we will find the nearest standard value less than the actual baud rate, and the nearest standard value greater than the actual baud rate. ... The model is based on an actual example where the prescalers had been cast in stone in order to refresh a display at a constant rate. The available baud rates were subservient to this requirement. ... high-speed access to data and many other applications. Excel provides this feature and it can be set up as a hori- zontal or a vertical lookup. Let’s consider the case of a horizontal lookup. The data

Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 06:22

38 367 0
excel by example a microsoft excel cookbook for electronics engineers phần 3 pdf

excel by example a microsoft excel cookbook for electronics engineers phần 3 pdf

... serendipitously came across a brilliant design idea by Alberto Ricci Bitti in EDN The idea was to lay out the matrix on a worksheet to visually create the character and use Excel to automatically ... the caption to read “Shade Matrix” and click away from the button Save to Data File All this is well and good, but in creating a whole character set it is a good idea... character we want and ... that are based on the Hitachi standard, have a built in character generator However, the Hitachi designers recognized that the user may want to have special characters and allows the creation

Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 06:22

38 473 0
excel by example a microsoft excel cookbook for electronics engineers phần 4 docx

excel by example a microsoft excel cookbook for electronics engineers phần 4 docx

... format: MATCH(lookup_value,lookup_array,match_type) This searches a lookup array for a. .. resistors can have up to six bands and it is not always easy to tell which is the first or last band, ... in a formula evaluation, Excel is flexible enough to interpret it as a number In Parenthesis: Data Tables The data tables approach in Excel can be applied in one or two dimensions In a ... (passed as parameters) that will allow for any set of lines on any sheet to be hidden. Once these param- eters are added, the procedure (macro) cannot be accessed as a macro from any Excel feature

Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 06:22

38 380 0
excel by example a microsoft excel cookbook for electronics engineers phần 5 pot

excel by example a microsoft excel cookbook for electronics engineers phần 5 pot

... should do that just yet. In Parenthesis: Exporting a Toolbar Toolbars are normally associated with an Excel installation. They can be inserted into a workbook for transportation, which is what I hope ... changed to engineering notation The mantissa is a variable titled StandardForm in the code, and the exponent is a variable called Power Function NearestResistorA(CalculatedValue As Double) As ... see... calculated value, but otherwise it is much the same It is named NearestPot Finally, there is also a procedure that will take a number and format it to a standard resistor notation (as

Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 07:20

38 386 0
excel by example a microsoft excel cookbook for electronics engineers phần 6 potx

excel by example a microsoft excel cookbook for electronics engineers phần 6 potx

... solution was to create a table of standard values (as opposed to the NearestValue approach) I wanted to access the standard value by using an INDEX function based on an integer that would vary ... capacitance value Note that rows 20 to 43 are hidden 183 Excel by Example Standard Capacitance Value I am sure that it comes as no surprise to you that as with resistors, there are standard ... Voltage Regulator: LM317 Half-Wave Rectification It is very common to provide a rectified and smoothed voltage as a source to a voltage regula- tor. Throughout the building automation sector, 24VAC

Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 07:20

38 459 0
excel by example a microsoft excel cookbook for electronics engineers phần 7 docx

excel by example a microsoft excel cookbook for electronics engineers phần 7 docx

... created a worksheet with the standard values of resistors and capacitors. It will be easy enough to cut and paste this to any workbook, so I am not going to attempt to create any form of standard ... are many values, but the standard range of values for capacitors has some sizeable gaps and the result may not be reasonable. As we saw at the end of the last example, it is not possible to ... standard capacitor values. Standard Values There are times when the approach used to find standard component values in the Nearest- Values functions is not suitable. To remedy this, I have created

Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 07:20

38 372 0
excel by example a microsoft excel cookbook for electronics engineers phần 8 pps

excel by example a microsoft excel cookbook for electronics engineers phần 8 pps

... the capability to read the caliper data into Excel and the ensuing statistical data analysis is a cinch Figure 15-1: Vernier caliper with cable attached 281 Excel by Example The Mitutoyo ... looking again... RS-232 and then requires additional software to place the data in Excel If you are prepared to make a very simple hardware interface consisting of one transistor and four resistors, ... unit to a particular range (anything but autorange). I hope you find this approach reasonable. It will certainly make the code shorter and more understandable. [...]... Range( a2 ”).Value =

Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 07:20

38 300 0
excel by example a microsoft excel cookbook for electronics engineers phần 9 pdf

excel by example a microsoft excel cookbook for electronics engineers phần 9 pdf

... function returns an array of numbers, and as a result, must be entered as an array formula. The syntax is: FREQUENCY (data_array,bins_array) where the data array is the array of measurements where ... information that is certainly not available normally, like RMS voltage and Crest Factor Serial Interface The serial protocol... generate a standard waveform and then manipulate it either by manually ... that you wanted Since the chart is always based on a tabular input and since we know it is possible to create a chart that expands dynamically to cover the exact amount of data, I 301 Excel

Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 07:20

38 272 0
excel by example a microsoft excel cookbook for electronics engineers phần 10 ppt

excel by example a microsoft excel cookbook for electronics engineers phần 10 ppt

... SetupTriangle(varPer As Variant) Dim iMin As Integer Dim iMax As Integer Dim iI1 As Integer Dim varSlope1 As Variant Dim varSlope2 As Variant Dim varConst1 As Variant Dim varConst2 As Variant ... divisor varFactor = 1 Else varFactor = 2 End If 332 Excel by Example varTemp = Round(Range(“Avefactor”) * Range(“scale”) * Range(“vpp”) / varFactor, 3) Sheet1.txtAvg.Value = Str(varTemp) varTemp ... Function Generator can be in generating custom waveforms. VBA and Excel A APPENDIX 333 Since it is a standard across all Microsoft Office applications (and now other applications), VBA is obviously

Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 07:20

42 390 0
Connecting to a unixlinux system

Connecting to a unixlinux system

... 141 • Labs are mandatory. Attendance will be taken in each lab. • Make account on moodle. • Projects will be submitted via moodle. Connecting to a Unix/Linux system  Open up a terminal: Connecting ...  cat  less  head  tail Command: cat  Dumps an entire file to standard output  Good for displaying short, simple files Command: less  “less” displays a file, allowing forward/backward ... forward one line, space one page  y scrolls back one line, b one page  use “/” to search for a string  Press q to quit Command: head  “head” displays the top part of a file... By default

Ngày tải lên: 24/10/2014, 10:51

49 363 0
PETROMODELER (Petrological Modeler): a Microsoft® Excel© spreadsheet program for modelling melting, mixing, crystallization and assimilation processes in magmatic systems

PETROMODELER (Petrological Modeler): a Microsoft® Excel© spreadsheet program for modelling melting, mixing, crystallization and assimilation processes in magmatic systems

... Ercan ALDANMAZ, Erdin BOZKURT and Mehmet KARACA for editorial handling References Anderson, A. T & Greenland, L.P 1969 Phosphorus fractionation diagram as a quantitative indicator of crystallization ... (normalized to 100%), are automatically calculated on this sheet 3.2 Data output 3.2.1 Classification sheet In this sheet, the total alkali (K2O+Na2O) - silica (SiO2) classification diagram (LeBas ... advantages, as they are easier and faster to use during data conversion, storing, and evaluation In this study, I present a Microsoft? ? Excel? ? spreadsheet program that can be used for nearly all

Ngày tải lên: 13/01/2020, 19:04

11 47 0
a guide to microsoft excel 2002 for scientists and engineers phần 8 ppsx

a guide to microsoft excel 2002 for scientists and engineers phần 8 ppsx

... the value of the differential function for various x andy values The second parameter,... set the method of calculation to manual A status bar message of Calculate will to recalculate ... resulting value... provide a simple way to illustrate a Monte Carlo calculation A large worksheet would be needed to model a true stochastic process The author’s web page has a workbook ... help Alternatively, we could record the result for, say, 20 recalculations and take an average This could be done automatically using a VBA subroutine (f) If you have set the calculation

Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 06:22

33 432 0
a guide to microsoft excel 2002 for scientists and engineers phần 9 potx

a guide to microsoft excel 2002 for scientists and engineers phần 9 potx

... which has the syntax: TTEST(array1, array2, taiZs, type) where tails has the same meaning as before, and type is given a value of 1 for paired arrays ... deviation of 0.5 (a) Open a new workbook ... measure of spread is the standard deviation Statisticians speak ofpopulation and sample standard deviations In theory, a measurement could be repeated an infinite number of times Our actual ... a data set DEVSQ Calculates the sum ofthe squares ofthe deviations of the values from their mean FFEQUENCY Calculates how often values in a data set occur within a range of values in a

Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 06:22

33 393 0
a guide to microsoft excel 2002 for scientists and engineers phần 10 ppt

a guide to microsoft excel 2002 for scientists and engineers phần 10 ppt

... controls 185 Analysis ToolPak 70 Analysis ToolPak VBA 168 AND 82 Anova 295 Argument 55 Arithmetic operators 20 Array formulas 88 ATAN2 65 Atpvbaen.xls 168 AutoCalculate 58 AutoComplete I95 AutoCorrect ... evaluation 89 natural language 4 1 printing 52 Formula bar 2, 5 Four-bar crank 255 Fractions 40 FREQUENCY 278 Function 275 ABS 67 AND 82 array 69 ASINH 66 ATAN2 65 AutoSum 58 AVERAGE 60 AVERAGEA ... experimental values in columns A and B. Select A4 :B 19 and use the InsertlEame command to name Al :A1 9 as A and B1:B19 as B. This will allow the worksheet to be used with up to 15 data points.

Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 06:22

40 353 0
A definitive guide to microsoft excel 2019

A definitive guide to microsoft excel 2019

... Two 12 Excel Basics 12 Customizing Excel Environment 12 Customizing the Quick Access Toolbar 13 Saving A Workbook .18 Saving A Workbook without ... to Column 111 Editing Data 116 Editing Cells, Columns and Rows 116 Find & Replace Data 117 Go To Option 120 Transpose Data 123 AutoFormat ... Functions 23 SUM & AVERAGE Function 24 AVERAGE Function .29 ii RANK.AVG Function 30 AVERAGEA Function .32 AVERAGEIF Function .33 SUMIF

Ngày tải lên: 21/09/2022, 08:31

241 6 0
Introduction to using macros in Microsoft Excel 2003 pot

Introduction to using macros in Microsoft Excel 2003 pot

... ways of running a macro. A macro can be assigned to: • a drawing object on a worksheet or chart • a button on a toolbar • a command on one of Excel& apos;s menus 3.1 Running a macro from a ... button, select Assig n Macro and choose a different one. 3.2 Running a macro from a button on a toolbar A macro can also be run from a button on any of the built-in toolbars or on a custom toolbar. ... instructions that tells Excel what to do. These commands are written in a computer programming language called Visual Basic for Applications (VBA). This document first explains how to create macros

Ngày tải lên: 27/06/2014, 08:20

63 357 0
Tài liệu To create a Microsoft SQL Server database for OPN Systemô XT Server pptx

Tài liệu To create a Microsoft SQL Server database for OPN Systemô XT Server pptx

... database to a new database, see the How to export Contact list from McKoi database to Microsoft SQL Server? document. Step 1: Download a shareware database management tool You need a database ... Save to add the database handler to the configuration. 4. Navigate to Database > Selection and select the newly created Microsoft SQL Server database for all database selections. How to ... text editor, click Edit > Replace to change the $DATABASE_NAME$ to the designated database name, e.g. opnMSSQL: 4. Save the file. How to create a Microsoft SQL Server database for...

Ngày tải lên: 20/12/2013, 23:15

10 580 0

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