... Prof. dr.ir. A.Y. Hoekstra University of Twente Prof. dr.ir. H.G. Wind University of Twente Prof. dr.ir. A.E. Mynett UNESCO-IHE / WL | Delft Hydraulics Prof. dr. S.M. de Jong University of ... extract k samples of elementary effect; each with a size r (k is the number of analyzed factors and r is the number of elementary effects constructing one F i ). The total number of model runs ... years of experience, source of knowledge and level of interest of expert i on a certain set of questions, respectively. Their values are in the range between zero and two. The result of Eq....
Ngày tải lên: 06/11/2012, 10:35
Ngày tải lên: 05/09/2013, 15:28
Diffusion of photovoltaic systems for rural electrification in Thailand
... iii. Office of the Basic Education Commission (OBEC); iv. Office of the Non-formal and Informal Education (ONIE); v. Vocational Education Commission (VEC); 1 NSTDA (2008). Memorandum of understanding ... rate the quality of the training on a scale of 1-10 ranging from poor to excellent and the degree of adequacy of the knowledge acquired from the training sessions on a scale of 1-10 ranging from ... description The study analyses a project engaged in the diffusion of PV systems to rural areas. The PV systems in focus are stand-alone or off-grid installations designed to be used in remote areas...
Ngày tải lên: 05/09/2013, 16:10
Technology and market future prospects of photovoltaic systems
... to encourage their people to adopt the eco-friendly PV systems as an alternative source of energy. The use of PV systems provides a number of key benefits: • Energy security: Solar energy provides ... principal PV systems described in the following sections are the grid connected (or on-grid) systems and the stand alone systems (or off-grid) systems. 3.5.1 Grid connected systems In grid ... the highest level of installed PV power capacity of 2382MW which holds 47% of the market as illustrated in Figure 8. A growing number of countries have followed the examples of Germany, Japan...
Ngày tải lên: 05/09/2013, 16:10
The concepts of art and poetry in Emmanuel Levinas’s writings
... conception of the work of art as an event that ‘holds open the Open of the world’. 20 The work of the workof art is the uncovering of ontological difference: Art and poetry in Levinas 223 figure of the ... traditions of poetics had taught) a form of mediation in the service of other fields of discourse – namely, the versifying of mean- ings derived from various contexts of learning, or the rehearsal of traditional ... Levinas means the limits of the ethical. a poetics of proximity In the experience of the workof art, Levinas says, we enter into ‘a mode of being to which applies neither the form of consciousness, since...
Ngày tải lên: 01/11/2013, 10:20
Introduction to statistics, Number Systems and Boolean Algebra
Ngày tải lên: 04/11/2013, 20:15
... equal to the atomic number of the atom, which is also equal to the number of protons in the nucleus of the atom. The electronic configuration of the nitrogen atom, atomic number 7 (Fig. 1.41), is ... assignments of H and He. It does not, however, indicate a group number assignment to any of the two rows of inner transition metals consisting of 14 elements each (which would require 32 instead of 18 ... MOMENTUM) QUANTUM NUMBER l The quantum number with values of l ϭ 0,1,2, ,(n Ϫ 1) that determines the shape of the orbital. The value of l implies particular angular momenta of the electron resulting...
Ngày tải lên: 13/12/2013, 16:15
Tài liệu Number Systems Decoded pdf
... intended use, numbers are constructed in the same way and follow the same basic set of rules. Understanding those rules is the key to advancing your appreciation of numbers. Several systems of numbers ... convey the significance of the digits within a given number Conversion between these systems is a common chore. You can do it manually by applying your knowledge of these number systems. Or, you might ... of the alphabet in numbers. Put your confusion aside. Just as the regular-old-every- day digit 5 makes you think of the number of fingers on your hand, the hex digit C should make you think of...
Ngày tải lên: 21/12/2013, 04:18
Tài liệu Integration and Automation of Manufacturing Systems pdf
... 64MB of memory, and 2 GB of disk space. On newer computers the performance of the operating system is extremely fast. The list below gives some idea of the capabilities, but complete lists of ... help close security holes 2.4 INTERMEDIATE CONCEPTS Above the basic features of the Linux system are a number of more advanced features and commands. Some of these are listed below. pine a simple ... distributions of Linux. While these all contain the Linux Kernel, they often include different pieces of software, and installation processes vary somewhat. The basic page 39 *Mouse - Microsoft Intellimouse Install...
Ngày tải lên: 22/12/2013, 20:17
Tài liệu 78 Rapid Design and Prototyping of DSP Systems docx
... D packet is the data size of a transmitting packet, D link is the number of bytes passed through the link, N transmitting is the number of transmitting packets, N passing is the number of passing packets, ... design of embedded hardware-software systems, IEEE Design & Test of Computers, pp. 53-67, Spring 1995. [14] DeBardelaben, J. and Madisetti, V., Hardware/software codesign for signal processingsystems— A ... required for the transfer of a complete frame of data ( 28Kbytes) to the memory was approximately 19 min of CPU time and1hofwallclocktime. These numbers indicate the usefulness of this abstraction...
Ngày tải lên: 25/12/2013, 06:16
Reliability assessment of power systems considering reactive power sources
... rate of component j respectively, P k is the available real power capacity of generator k, Q k is reactive power capacity of compensator or generator k, and N gi is the total number of generators ... University of Technology, China, in 1987, and the M. Sc. and Ph.D. degrees from the University of Saskatchewan, Canada, in 1995 and 1998, respectively. Currently, he is an associate professor of Nanyang ... Costas, Voltage Stability of Electric Power Systems, Boston/London/Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1998. [18] R. Billinton, R. N. Allan, Reliability Evaluation of Power Systems, 2nd ed., New...
Ngày tải lên: 03/01/2014, 19:39
Lập trình hướng đối tượng C/C++ - OOP 02 basic concepts of object
Ngày tải lên: 12/01/2014, 16:56
03 analysis of mechanical systems using interval computations applied to finite element methods o dessombz
... problematic of solving linear systems of interval equations. We will then introduce a new formulation of the problem, based on interval parameters which is adapted for the modeling of mechanical systems. An ... convergence of the iterative scheme. The smaller the spectral radius of |[G]|, the faster the convergence of the algorithm and the smaller the overestimation of the solution. 4.2. TEST OF THE NEW ... spectral radius of the absolute value of [G]. Few iterations are necessary to get a result if the matrix [G] is contracting. If the number of iterations remains small, the overestimation of the solution...
Ngày tải lên: 12/01/2014, 21:45
22 global optimization for parameter estimation of dynamic systems lin chinese 2005
... can be used to estimate the parameters of dynamic systems • A validated solver for parametric ODEs is used to construct bounds on the states of dynamic systems • An efficient constraint propagation ... Optimization for Parameter Estimation of Dynamic Systems Youdong Lin and Mark A. Stadtherr Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering University of Notre Dame Notre Dame, IN 46556 AIChE ... Energy 18 Background • Parameter estimation is a key step in development of mathematical models • Models of interest may be ODEs/DAEs • Minimization of a weighted squared error min θ,z µ φ = m∈M r µ=1 (z µ,m −...
Ngày tải lên: 12/01/2014, 22:03
Global optimization for parameter estimation of dynamic systems lin chinese 2005
... can be used to estimate the parameters of dynamic systems • A validated solver for parametric ODEs is used to construct bounds on the states of dynamic systems • An efficient constraint propagation ... Optimization for Parameter Estimation of Dynamic Systems Youdong Lin and Mark A. Stadtherr Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering University of Notre Dame Notre Dame, IN 46556 AIChE ... domain 4 Background • Parameter estimation is a key step in development of mathematical models • Models of interest may be ODEs/DAEs • Minimization of a weighted squared error min θ,z µ φ = m∈M r µ=1 (z µ,m −...
Ngày tải lên: 12/01/2014, 22:16
... graph nonmetallic không thuộc kim loại nucleus nhân parameter giới hạn Los Angeles County Office of Education Office of Science Consultants- 11/04 5 Grade 8 Science Standards Vocabulary (Includes Investigation/Experimentation ... chiều universe vũ trụ Uranus sao Thiên Vương variation sự biến đổi Los Angeles County Office of Education Office of Science Consultants- 11/04 2 Grade 8 Science Standards Vocabulary (Includes Investigation/Experimentation ... danh lục regular liquid thể lỏng bình thường Mercury sao Thủy Los Angeles County Office of Education Office of Science Consultants- 11/04 1 Grade 8 Science Standards Vocabulary (Includes Investigation/Experimentation...
Ngày tải lên: 16/01/2014, 23:20
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