components of vaccines used in the national immunisation program †

cáo khoa học: " The medium-term sustainability of organisational innovations in the national health service" docx

cáo khoa học: " The medium-term sustainability of organisational innovations in the national health service" docx

... ways of working and obtaining follow-up funding after initial pilot money ceased Having tracked them during the process of establishing their innovative ways of working and sustaining these in the ... earlier work in these sites and others and knowledge of the literature These areas include the changing nature of leadership in the sites; the development of the function and remit of the projects ... to come into play earlier on in the introduction of an organisational innovation, whereas others are likely to be more important in sustaining, maintaining, and routinising change (e.g., interorganisational...

Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2014, 10:23

7 319 0
figures of substitution used in the language of advertising in some vietnamese and english advertisements = các phép tu từ thay thế được dùng trong ngôn ngữ quảng cáo qua một số quảng cáo bằng tiếng việt và tiếng anh

figures of substitution used in the language of advertising in some vietnamese and english advertisements = các phép tu từ thay thế được dùng trong ngôn ngữ quảng cáo qua một số quảng cáo bằng tiếng việt và tiếng anh

... remember than those in the book The reason why I choose Calvin and Hobbes as one of the teaching materials in the class is the author of the story are very creative in bring us the image of great water ... used the comic, I meet difficulties in asking them to use the material I designed in their class Not having survey from the teachers is the most pity in this thesis Hence, the commitment of the ... what they think about how the type of material impacts their learning In particular, the importance of this study is to find out from the students, if they feel whether they can learn best when they...

Ngày tải lên: 02/03/2015, 14:31

52 553 0


... the product; - the sales place: the ambience created by the interior organization of the shop; - the manner of selling: sales methods In a synthetic manner, the cardinal points of merchandising ... Merchandising involves a certain view characterized by the following defining elements [5]: Merchandising - modern technique used in the process of goods sales 131 - planning the activity of the shop ... support the sales and gain new markets As a result of its practical importance, in the key point of the sales (the shop), the issues and techniques of merchandising are the preoccupation of both...

Ngày tải lên: 16/03/2014, 15:20

6 516 3
Nonresponse in the National Survey of Children’s Health, 2007 pot

Nonresponse in the National Survey of Children’s Health, 2007 pot

... Consistent Insurance in the Past 12 Months Inconsistent measures were obtained for the bias in the estimates of percentage of children with consistent insurance in the past 12 months The final, national ... those completing in five or more calls and those completing in four or fewer calls would suggest the presence of nonresponse bias The following summarizes the findings of the level -of- effort analyses ... subgroups each continuous sampling frame variable in Table had to be categorized into groups, resulting in a loss of some of the information contained in these variables Second, the ‘‘adjusted’’...

Ngày tải lên: 22/03/2014, 09:20

30 414 0


... estimate of the benchmark’s PD The true PD of the benchmark is unknown We should therefore combine the variance of the ex-ante estimated probability of default of the rating source and that of the ... 99% confidence interval The column “average DF” is an estimated average using in occurrences at the midpoint of the first interval and in occurrences at the midpoint of the second These averages ... the same rating grade at the beginning of a year Y In our case N Y denotes the number of entities rated “A” at the beginning of year Y The cohort method simply records the number of entities...

Ngày tải lên: 22/03/2014, 20:20

42 639 0
Bloodletting Instruments in the National Museum of History and Technology pot

Bloodletting Instruments in the National Museum of History and Technology pot

... is then grasped by the thumb, fore and middle fingers of the left hand, leaving the little and ring fingers free; the edge of the glass is then detached from the skin by the middle finger of the ... weight into the skin During the minute that the skin was allowed to tumefy under the cup, the scarificator was warmed in the palm of the hand in preparation for the most difficult part of the operation ... with the bloody purposes for which the instruments were used Yet, the beauty of the instruments and their containers must have added to the esteem of the physician or surgeon in the mind of the...

Ngày tải lên: 23/03/2014, 17:20

84 482 0
báo cáo sinh học:" Non-European Union doctors in the National Health Service: why, when and how do they come to the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland?" pdf

báo cáo sinh học:" Non-European Union doctors in the National Health Service: why, when and how do they come to the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland?" pdf

... with the increased resource investment in the NHS at the end of the last century resulted in an influx of doctors to the UK [6] Places available for the final part of Professional and Linguistics ... suggesting some had failed to secure further employment even after obtaining a paid post in the NHS At the time of reporting, there were 48% of our respondents employed in junior training posts ... preference of living in the UK (7.4%) and the presence of family and friends in the UK (7.1%) (Figure 4) All respondents were asked to report their 'main' and 'other' reasons of immigration to the UK...

Ngày tải lên: 18/06/2014, 17:20

6 534 0
báo cáo sinh học:" A national survey of ‘inactive’ physicians in the United States of America: enticements to reentry" potx

báo cáo sinh học:" A national survey of ‘inactive’ physicians in the United States of America: enticements to reentry" potx

... recuperate its financial investment in the initial training of these physicians In this study of inactive physicians younger than age 65, the average length of time away from medicine for reentered ... cohort of physicians not highly engaged in medicine, with a Page of 10 matching lack of interest in a survey about their inactivity In addition, over 20% of initial respondents considered themselves ... physicians is working in fields other than medicine, which may be the result of their dissatisfaction with the structure of the current health care system The ‘hassle factor’ of practice, rising malpractice...

Ngày tải lên: 18/06/2014, 17:20

10 552 0


... ppm at beginning and end of satellite life respectively The main filtering of the band is performed in the SAR transponder block using a SAW filter operating in the uplink frequency band The specified ... are directly involved in the uplink quality, the worst case combination of the two effects has been estimated: min[(Gain - Polarisation Loss)] This occurs at a point in the west of the coverage ... on-axis gain of 10 dB The receive line loss between the antenna terminal and the low noise preamplifier is 1.9 dB Therefore, the effective gain relative to the preamplifer input is 8.1 dB The receive...

Ngày tải lên: 27/06/2014, 04:20

48 369 0
Lignocell ulosic Precursors used in the Synthesis of Activated Ca rbon - Characterization Techniques and Appl ications in the Wastewa ter Treatment potx

Lignocell ulosic Precursors used in the Synthesis of Activated Ca rbon - Characterization Techniques and Appl ications in the Wastewa ter Treatment potx

... number of works increased in the years from 2000 to 2010 The obtained carbons were mainly employed in the removal of water pollutants In the present chapter the principal methods used in the preparation ... according with the following equation, (1) where W0 is the weight of the original carbon and W1 refers to the mass of the activated carbon The use of CO2 during the activation process of a carbon ... carbon washing process The effect of the increase in proportion of the impregnation over the carbon porous structure is greater than the one obtained with the increase of carbonizing temperature (Olivares-Marớn...

Ngày tải lên: 28/06/2014, 17:20

100 406 0
The Project Gutenberg EBook of Explanation of Terms Used in Entomology, by John. B. Smith potx

The Project Gutenberg EBook of Explanation of Terms Used in Entomology, by John. B. Smith potx

... to produce it The names in parentheses ( ) are those of the writers whose definitions are used, or who have used the term in the sense defined In the terms of venation, these parentheses occur ... legs in the adult stage Abdominal: belonging or pertaining to the abdomen Abdominal feet: see pro-legs Abdominal groove : the concave lobe of the inner margin of secondaries enveloping the abdomen ... Amnion: the inner of the two membranes enveloping the embryo Amnion cavity: a tube-like insinking from the ventral plate of the embryo, extending cephalad Amnion fold: the extensions of the amnion...

Ngày tải lên: 28/06/2014, 19:20

912 286 0
Báo cáo lâm nghiệp: "Nutrition of silver fir (Abies alba Mill) growing at the upper limit of its occurrence in the Šumava National Park and Protected Landscape Area" pot

Báo cáo lâm nghiệp: "Nutrition of silver fir (Abies alba Mill) growing at the upper limit of its occurrence in the Šumava National Park and Protected Landscape Area" pot

... The natural range of silver fir is discontinuous It grows in the mountains of Southern Europe, from the Pyrenees to the Balkans The main centres of the range are situated in Central ... above In a number of the samples (55 of 67), the content of other stress elements was also analyzed – i.e fluorine and chlorine The content of fluorine ranged from 0.1 to 6.4 mg·kg–1, with the ... higher in FTG 8K than in other FTGs, is the only exception When comparing all the samples, the histograms show differences in the content of sulphur between the 6th altitudinal vegetation zone on the...

Ngày tải lên: 07/08/2014, 10:21

8 333 0
Báo cáo lâm nghiệp: "Historical development of floodplain forests in the Upper Moravian Vale (Vrapač National Nature Reserve, Czech Republic)" pot

Báo cáo lâm nghiệp: "Historical development of floodplain forests in the Upper Moravian Vale (Vrapač National Nature Reserve, Czech Republic)" pot

... probably the cause of a gradual decease in some of the intermittent river arms (the so-called “smohy”) that originate in the main stream of the Morava River in the area of Vrapač The recess of the ... results of the historical analysis of the floodplain forest in the Vrapač National Nature Reserve The present state of the species-rich geobiocoenoses of the floodplain forest in the Vrapač National ... Sedlisko) The importance of fishing for the life of local inhabitants is also indicated by the instructions that were issued in 1681 by the Prince Karl Eusebius of Liechtenstein for the Úsov dominion...

Ngày tải lên: 07/08/2014, 10:21

12 350 0
Báo cáo y học: "Ethnomedical survey of plants used by the Orang Asli in Kampung Bawong, Perak, West Malaysia" docx

Báo cáo y học: "Ethnomedical survey of plants used by the Orang Asli in Kampung Bawong, Perak, West Malaysia" docx

... under the group ‘negrito’ (Fig 2, 3) Sixteen informants were involved in the interviews All informants were in the age group of 35 to 65 years All informants were male of them were practicing herbalists, ... were conducted in a local dialect of Malay language Interviewing individual informant was of fundamental importance to assure the reliability of the gathered information Individual interviews were ... which are used in Kampung Bawong (Table 1) Most of these species grow in the wild naturally and their medicinal properties are crucial in traditional medicine of the Orang Asli Majority of the species...

Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2014, 09:20

6 346 0
an analysis of grammatical cohesion used in the call of the wild  by jack london = phân tích liên kết ngữ pháp sử dụng trong tác phẩm tiếng gọi nơi hoang dã của jack london

an analysis of grammatical cohesion used in the call of the wild by jack london = phân tích liên kết ngữ pháp sử dụng trong tác phẩm tiếng gọi nơi hoang dã của jack london

... summarizing the major findings of grammatical cohesion used in The Call of the Wild” as well as providing some inplications for both teachers and learners of English in teaching and learning writing ... Deitics in The Call of the Wild” 26 Table 3.8: Numerative in The Call of the Wild” 27 Table 3.9: Verbal Ellipsis in The Call of the Wild” 29 Table 3.10: Clausal Ellipsis in The Call of the Wild” ... Reference in The Call of the Wild” 19 Table 3.4 Comparative Reference in The Call of the Wild” 19 Table 3.5: Substitution in The Call of the Wild” 21 Table 3.6: Specific Deitics in The Call of the...

Ngày tải lên: 02/03/2015, 14:25

49 1,4K 2
Concurrent validity of the English tests in the national secondary school leaving examination, school years 2008-2009, 2009-2010  Tính giá trị so sánh của bài t

Concurrent validity of the English tests in the national secondary school leaving examination, school years 2008-2009, 2009-2010 Tính giá trị so sánh của bài t

... not examining the validity of the test content or of event the test scores themselves, but rather the validity of the way we interpret or use the information gathered through the testing procedure ... affecting the reliability of a test: the extent of the sample of material selected for testing and the administration of the test He also suggested readministering the same test after a lapse of ... Part A has introduced the importance of language testing in general and of the English tests in the National School Leaving Examination in particular as the rationale for the study The scope,...

Ngày tải lên: 28/03/2015, 09:41

63 415 1
An investigation into how visual aids are used in the process of teaching english to10th grade classes at krongbuk high school

An investigation into how visual aids are used in the process of teaching english to10th grade classes at krongbuk high school

... anju1.htm) 2.2 The advantages of using visual aids in teaching English Visual aids should be used in the process of teaching in general and in teaching English in particular because of some following advantages ... chapter reports and discusses the results of the study The findings of the study of the study are presented in five main following issues: (1) What kinds of visual aids are used at KrongBuk High School ... always used the pictures in the textbooks in the process of teaching English Besides the pictures in the textbooks, teachers at KrongBuk High School also used other kinds of visual aids but the...

Ngày tải lên: 23/04/2015, 23:05

49 691 2
Sewing Thread - Types of Sewing Thread being Used in The Garments Industry of Bangladesh

Sewing Thread - Types of Sewing Thread being Used in The Garments Industry of Bangladesh

... Southeast University Department Of Textile Engineering I/A 251,252 Tejgaon Dhaka Bangladesh prepared by : Mazadul Hasan sheshir Sewing Thread Types of Sewing thread being used in the garments industry ... type of thread is produced by spinning staple polyester fibre around a core of high tenacity continuous filament polyester in yarn-spinning operation Two or more of these composite yarns are then ... twisted together to give the necessary size and tensile strength e.g Epic(Coats) Uses: Mainly used in topstitching of shirts, blouses, trousers, sportswear , jeans & work clothes Sewing Thread...

Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2015, 13:22

11 275 0
Investigations into the effects of traditional chinese medicinal herbs used in the treatment of human breast cancer

Investigations into the effects of traditional chinese medicinal herbs used in the treatment of human breast cancer

... diuretic effects The combination of these herbs might explain their efficacy in improving the quality -of- life (QOL) in cancer patients (Read, 1977) 10 The effects of the prescription herbs initially ... pathological structural changes in the organ The main principle of TCM treatment is to cure this deviation by eliminating the pathological factors and by strengthening the self healing (Cheng, 2005) Appropriate ... clinical trial designs very challenging 1.2 Herbs used in TCM for cancer treatment In TCM, cancer is viewed as the result of imbalance of the whole body-mind network by taking into account the...

Ngày tải lên: 15/09/2015, 17:10

143 772 0