... Read, Write, Execute, and Change permissions on the database file. The user identity needs Read, Write, Execute, Delete, and Change permissions on the folder containing the database files. The ... duplicate account on the Access computer with the same name and password. Grant the user account Log on Locally and Access this Computer from the Network permission to access the computer in ... Ensure that the TEMP and TMP environment variables are properly configured. Configure the Access server On the Access computer, the user account that is used to access the database requires Read,...
Ngày tải lên: 07/11/2013, 13:15
... event handler and a single method: Compact Button.Click Allows the user to specify the Access database to compact and the filename for the compacted Access database. It then calls the CompactAccessDatabase( ... Team LiB ] Recipe 10.10 Compacting an Access Database Problem You need to compact or repair an Access database. Solution Use COM interop to the compact the Access database using JRO, or the ... JRO can be used from .NET through COM interop to compact, repair, or create a replica from an Access database. The CompactDatabase( ) method of the JRO JetEngine object compacts an Access database. ...
Ngày tải lên: 21/01/2014, 11:20
Tài liệu Listing Tables in an Access Database ppt
... [ Team LiB ] Recipe 10.14 Listing Tables in an Access Database Problem You need a list of all tables in your Access database. Solution Use the GetOLEDBSchemaTable( ) method ... property of this object accesses the collection of tables from which the name and other information are displayed. The C# code is shown in Example 10-14 . Example 10-14. File: ListAccessTablesForm.cs ... reference to Microsoft ADO Ext. 2.7 for DDL and Security from the COM tab in Visual Studio .NET's Add Reference Dialog. The second technique creates an ADOX Catalog object through COM interop....
Ngày tải lên: 26/01/2014, 10:20
Chương trình quản lý xuất nhập cho kho hàng - đồ án Access
... hàng Kho hàng Gọi Form Nhap kho hang bằng Macro quanlykhohang: Đề tài số 1: Chương trình quản lý xuất nhập kho hàng. 47 Phạm Minh Tiến - 109053 47 + Ten_hang: tên mặt hàng được quy định là ... kho được lấy từ các bảng 6_Chi tiết sản phẩm, 4_chi tiết nhà cung cấp, 1_Hang_hoa, 10_Nhomhang, 5_Kho_hang, 2_Nhap_hang, 7_Chi_tiet_phieu_nhap. 1.2 Quy tắc nhập hàng. Trước khi nhập hàng vào ... bằng 100 kí tự. + Mo_ta_san_pham : (Mô tả sản phẩm) Phần này để mô tả chung về đặc điểm của hàng hóa trong kho. Dữ liệu là kiểu Text co số kí tự giới hạn là 250 kí tự. + Manhacungcap : (Mã nhà...
Ngày tải lên: 02/11/2012, 11:15
Tài liệu Connecting to a Password-Protected Access Database ppt
... distinct levels of access or permissions. Anyone with the password has unrestricted access to the database. The Set Database command from the Tools Security menu is used to set up a database password. ... result.ToString( ); } Discussion A Microsoft Access database password requires that users enter a password to obtain access to the database and database objects. This is also known as share-level ... DBPROP_JETOLEDB_DATABASEPASSWORD. A Microsoft Access database password does not provide strong security and should only be used as a simple deterrent. ...
Ngày tải lên: 24/12/2013, 05:15
Tài liệu Connecting to a Secured Access Database pptx
... Secured Access Database Problem You want to connect to a Microsoft Access database that has been secured with user-level security and a workgroup file. Solution Use the Jet OLEDB:System Database ... path and filename of the workgroup information file or system database. The sample code contains a single event handler: Connect Button.Click Creates and opens a connection to a Microsoft Access ... by ADO.NET. To open a database secured by Microsoft Access user-level security, use the Jet OLEDB:System Database attribute in the connection string to specify the path and filename of the workgroup...
Ngày tải lên: 24/12/2013, 05:15
Tài liệu Connecting to an Oracle Database docx
... Team LiB ] Recipe 1.9 Connecting to an Oracle Database Problem You want to connect to an Oracle database. Solution You can connect to an Oracle database using either the Oracle .NET data ... .NET data provider accesses an Oracle database using the Oracle Call Interface (OCI) through Oracle client connectivity software. The provider can access Oracle 7.3.4 or later and requires Oracle ... better than OLE DB or ODBC providers because they are built specifically for the database and because they remove a layer of indirection from the application to the database. OLE DB You can use...
Ngày tải lên: 24/12/2013, 05:15
Tài liệu Creating a New Access Database pptx
... to specify the filename for the new Access database and then calls the CreateAccessDatabase( ) method in the sample to create the database. CreateAccessDatabase( ) This method uses ADOX through ... create the new Access database having the specified filename. The C# code is shown in Example 10-6 . Example 10-6. File: CreateAccessDatabaseForm.cs // Namespaces, variables, and constants using ... sfd.FileName; try { CreateAccessDatabase(fileName); MessageBox.Show("Microsoft Access database " + fileName + " created.", "Create Access Database& quot;, MessageBoxButtons.OK,...
Ngày tải lên: 24/12/2013, 05:15
Access Database Design & Programming, 3rd Edition pot
... the only way to access and manipulate a database from within another application. For instance, if you are working in Microsoft Excel, you can create and manipulate an Access database with as ... Books and Authors is many-to-many, meaning that a book may have many authors and an author may write many books. On the other hand, the relationship from Publishers to Books is one-to- many, meaning ... include Access Database Design and Programming, Writing Excel Macros, and Win32 API Programming with Visual Basic. OReilly Books ã Access Database Design & Programming, June 1997 ã Access Database...
Ngày tải lên: 17/03/2014, 19:20
o'reilly - access database design & programming 3rd edition
... Books and Authors is many-to-many, meaning that a book may have many authors and an author may write many books. On the other hand, the relationship from Publishers to Books is one-to-many, meaning ... how and why of creating an efficient database system, explaining such concepts as: ã Entities and entity classes ã Keys, superkeys, and primary keys ã One-to-one, one-to-many, and many-to-many ... programmatic interface to data in any format and in any location. The chapter examines when and why you might want to use ADO and shows you how to take advantage of it in your code. Chapter...
Ngày tải lên: 25/03/2014, 10:39
How to Create an Oracle9i Database in a UNIX Environment pdf
Ngày tải lên: 29/03/2014, 16:20
What is an EPICS Database? doc
... description ASG Access security group SCAN Scan mechanism PHAS Scan order (phase) PINI Process at IOC initialization? PRIO Scheduling priority SDIS Scan disable input link DISV Scan disable value DISS ... Energy What is an EPICS Database? Andrew Johnson October 26, 2004 16 Pioneering Science and Technology Office of Science U.S. Department of Energy Interrupt Input 6 Pioneering Science and Technology Office ... @parm CAMAC_IO #Bn Cn Nn An Fn @parm Branch, Crate, Node, Address, Function AB_IO #Ln An Cn Sn @parm or #Ln Pn Cn Sn Fn @parm Link, Adaptor, Card, Signal, Flag GPIB_IO #Ln An @parm Link, Address BITBUS_IO...
Ngày tải lên: 30/03/2014, 22:20
access database design & programming, ed 2 1999
... of relational database management, like entities, entity classes, keys, superkeys, and one-to-many and many-to-many relationships. Chapter 3 shows how these general concepts and principles ... a database at a given time and the world of all possible entities that the database might contain. The reason this is important is that the contents of a database are constantly changing and ... intersection, and so on) ã Normal forms and their importance Of course, once you have a basic understanding of how to create an effective relational database, you will want to take full advantage...
Ngày tải lên: 10/04/2014, 09:06
báo cáo hóa học: "Infrared thermography as an access pathway for individuals with severe motor impairments" docx
... data analysis, and drafted the manuscript. ANV read the manuscript and commented on the methods. TC conceived the study and edited the manuscript. All authors read and approved the final manuscript. Acknowledgements The ... Toronto, Canada and 4 Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Ryerson University, Toronto, Canada Email: Negar Memarian - negar.memarian@utoronto.ca; Anastasios N Venetsanopoulos - anv@comm.utoronto.ca; ... position the thermal camera at an angle and distance from the par- ticipant that was not consistent with the other partici- pants. Several improvements can be made to enhance the results in situations...
Ngày tải lên: 19/06/2014, 08:20
Creating an Oracle Database 3 potx
... you must plan: ã The logical storage structure of the database and its physical implementation: – How many disk drives do you have for this? – How many data files will you need? (Plan for growth.) – How ... able to do the following: ã Create a database with the Database Configuration Assistant (DBCA) ã Create a database design template with the DBCA ã Generate database creation scripts with the DBCA ... to: ã Create a database ã Create a database design template ã Generate database creation scripts 3-5 Copyright â 2005, Oracle. All rights reserved. Database Configuration Assistant (DBCA) 3-4 Copyright...
Ngày tải lên: 01/07/2014, 08:39
Giáo trình giới thiệu nguyên tắc lập trình trong access với blank access database p5 pdf
Ngày tải lên: 26/07/2014, 05:21
Giáo trình giới thiệu nguyên tắc lập trình trong access với blank access database p1 pdf
Ngày tải lên: 26/07/2014, 05:21
báo cáo khoa học: " SolRgene: an online database to explore disease resistance genes in tuber-bearing Solanum species" potx
Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 11:21