... prevailingly is the division of errors into interlingual errors and intralingual errors Because, two major factors that contributed to the presence of errors in students’ written work are interlingual ... and interpreted or describe the errors made by someone in speaking or in writing and it is carried out to obtain information on common difficulties faced by someone in speaking or in writing ... following objectives must be obtained: Identifying and classifying errors made by second-year non-major students specialized in office administration in using modal verbs in written texts Seeking...
Ngày tải lên: 18/12/2013, 19:50
Ngày tải lên: 29/09/2014, 18:59
The common errors in using some skinds of nouns in english made by the eleventh grade student at nguyen trai hight school, thai binh
... of errors The order is as follows: Errors in using irregular plural nouns 70.00 % Errors in using plural and singular compound nouns 59.40 % Errors in using singular nouns 48.00 % Errors in pronouncing ... II.2.2 Errors in using plural and singular compound nouns 24 II.2.3 Errors in using singular nouns 25 II.2.4 Errors in pronouncing plural nouns 26 II.2.5 Errors in identifying the ... in pronouncing plural nouns 48.00 % Errors in identifying the different meanings of common nouns in singular and plural forms 45.00 % Errors in using proper nouns 40.00 % Errors in using regular...
Ngày tải lên: 16/07/2015, 08:06
Adverbs in english language common errors in using adverbs, some suggested solutions
... Vietnamese students are afraid of judging their teachers and making their names known 1.2 Procedures In the process of finding common errors in using adverbs in English, there was a question raised: ... would focus on using adverbs after liking verbs, the first six questions, distinguishing adjectives and adverbs in parentheses in question 27, 28, 29 and using adverbs as conjunctions in the last ... study is aimed at achieving the following two goals: To show the kinds and the uses of the adverb in the sentence To find common errors which students usually make in using adverbs and then...
Ngày tải lên: 30/11/2015, 09:11
Common errors in the use of adjectives made by the students in grade eleven at Hoang Quoc Viet high school
Ngày tải lên: 06/10/2014, 16:18
Common errors in the use of negative prefixes to nouns and adjective
Ngày tải lên: 06/10/2014, 16:23
Common errors in the use of adjectives made by the students in grade eleven at hoang quoc viet high school
... Errors in the use of predicative adjectives beginning with “a” as attributive adjectives Errors in placing adjectives before indefinite pronouns Errors in placing adjectives before adverbs Errors in ... after linking 46.50 verbs Errors in the use of “The” + adjective 42.00 Errors in the use of adjectival participles ending in “-ed” and “- 36.35 ing” Errors in ordering adjectives 63.50 Errors in ... ending in “-ed’ and “-ing” Common pairs of –ed/-ing adjectives are amazed/ amazing; annoyed/ annoying; bored/ boring; excited/ exciting; interested/ interesting; pleased/ pleasing; tired/ tiring...
Ngày tải lên: 30/11/2015, 09:12
Common errors in the use of negative prefixes to nouns and adjective
... way, or the meaning of being in, to, at or on something 2.4 Errors in the distinction of prefix in- with negative meaning and in- with the meaning of emphasis 2.5 Errors in the distinction of the ... meaning and non with the meaning of nine Errors in the addition of the prefix in- to certain adjectives having the suffix -ed or -ing Errors in the identification of part of speech of words having ... being in, to, at or on something Errors in the distinction of prefix in- with negative meaning and in- with the meaning of emphasis Errors in the distinction of the prefix non- with negative meaning...
Ngày tải lên: 30/11/2015, 09:12
quick solutions to common errors in English
... trouble, you will find some words listed with a useful cross-reference dining or dinning? dine + ing = dining (as in dining room) din + ing = dinning (noise dinning in ears) See ADDING ENDINGS (i) and ... the -e in words like singeing (different from singing) and dyeing (different ADDING ENDINGS from dying) and whenever you need to keep the identity of the base word clear (e.g shoeing, canoeing) ... However, informally, CAN is used to cover both meanings: You CAN go now (= are permitted) caning or canning? cane + ing = caning CANING is now banned in all schools Can + ing = canning The CANNING...
Ngày tải lên: 09/04/2013, 11:16
Common errors in english usage
... of people and in fact is common in professional writing, but technically somebody specific needs to be mentioned in the sentence as doing the identifying Inserting a doer and shifting to the active ... FROM THE BEGINNING OF TIME Stephen Hawking writes about the beginning of time, but few other people People who write "from the beginning of time" or "since time began" are usually being lazy Their ... noun BRING/TAKE When you are viewing the movement of something from the point of arrival, use "bring": "When you come to the potluck, please bring a green salad." Viewing things from the point of...
Ngày tải lên: 17/08/2013, 09:19
Common Errors in English
... Common Errors in English Paul Hancock Penguin Ouick Guides Series Editors: Andy Hopkins and Jocelyn Potter @ pÉxculll ELollsH Contents Getting staÉéd I Moving around ^wy from ... was interesting to have class discussions with people fiom othel countries Í |ohn is a very usual name in Britain For maryexamples oÍ sometiing' sáy common, not usllal y' fohn is a very common ... ne*/this ' the di' aft€ ronomw PlaMingtifu agc.da/diary' tinet$lďschedule/itineŘiy 73 Óf rim foíduli nB ' sincďfor ' b€íoft/a8Ó Ni8hl llÍe night/ďoing ' )€ýerday ereninýlďt nighl goodnigbv8ood ďenjng...
Ngày tải lên: 08/12/2013, 12:11
Oxford university press common errors in english usage
... * individual * infact * infamous/notorious * infinite * inflammable * influencial * input * install/instill * instances/instants * intense/intensive * intensifiers * interment/internment * Internet/intranet ... great gift Back to errors file:///C|/Temp/livres/commonerrors /errors/ book.html (2 sur 2)03/09/2005 15:36:35 Linking to Common Errors in English Linking to Common Errors in English” This project ... and periodicals Common Errors in English Go to next page file:///C|/Temp/livres/commonerrors /errors/ index.html (5 sur 5)03/09/2005 15:36:31 Common Errors in English Common Errors in English Read...
Ngày tải lên: 10/05/2014, 09:45
common errors in english
... Common Errors in English Paul Hancock Penguin Ouick Guides Series Editors: Andy Hopkins and Jocelyn Potter @ pÉxculll ELollsH Contents Getting staÉéd I Moving around ^wy from ... was interesting to have class discussions with people fiom othel countries Í |ohn is a very usual name in Britain For maryexamples oÍ sometiing' sáy common, not usllal y' fohn is a very common ... ne*/this ' the di' aft€ ronomw PlaMingtifu agc.da/diary' tinet$lďschedule/itineŘiy 73 Óf rim foíduli nB ' sincďfor ' b€íoft/a8Ó Ni8hl llÍe night/ďoing ' )€ýerday ereninýlďt nighl goodnigbv8ood ďenjng...
Ngày tải lên: 30/05/2014, 10:16
common errors in english_2 docx
... However, informally, CAN is used to cover both meanings: You CAN go now (= are permitted) caning or canning? cane + ing = caning CANING is now banned in all schools Can + ing = canning The CANNING ... acceptable approach approached, approaching (not apr-) aquaint Wrong spelling See ACQUAINT 23 AQUAINTANCE aquaintance Wrong spelling See ACQUAINTANCE aquarium (singular) aquaria or aquariums (plural) ... EI/IE SPELLING RULE belief (not -ei) See EI/IE SPELLING RULE believe believed, believing, believer See EI/IE SPELLING RULE See ADDING ENDINGS (ii) benefit benefited, benefiting It is a common mistake...
Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 15:21
common errors in english_3 pot
... (singular) dingoes or dingos (plural) dining or dinning? dine + ing = dining (as in dining room) din + ing = dinning (noise dinning in ears) See ADDING ENDINGS (i) and (ii) diphtheria (not diptheria ... speaking it means a difficult choice between two possibilities dinghy or dingy? A DINGHY is a boat (plural - dinghies) See PLURALS (iii) DINGY means dull and drab dingo (singular) dingoes or dingos ... machine) DEFICIENT means lacking something vital (a diet DEFICIENT in vitamin C) defer deferred, deferring, deference See ADDING ENDINGS (iv) deffinite Wrong spelling See DEFINITE deficient See DEFECTIVE...
Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 15:21
common errors in english_5 ppsx
... ILLUSION? imaginary or imaginative? IMAGINARY = existing only in the imagination IMAGINATIVE = showing or having a vivid imagination, being creative, original imformation Wrong spelling See INFORMATION ... feelings information (not im-) in front two words (not frount) ingenious or ingenuous? INGENIOUS = skilful, inventive, original INGENUOUS = innocent, unsophisticated 116 INTERESTING inhuman or inhumane? ... -nn-) inquiry See ENQUIRY OR INQUIRY? instal/install Both spellings are correct installed, installing, installment/instalment insurance See ASSURANCE OR INSURANCE? intelligence (not -ance) intelligent...
Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 15:21
common errors in english_6 docx
... with snooze) loping or lopping? lope + ing = loping He was LOPING along with long strides, lop + ing = lopping LOPPING the trees will just encourage them to grow taller See ADDING ENDINGS (i) and ... MASTERLY - very skilful mathematics (not mathmatics) mating or matting? mate + ing = mating mat + ing = matting See ADDING ENDINGS (i) + (ii) matrix (singular) matrices or matrixes (plural) See FOREIGN ... mimicking See SOFT c AND SOFT G miniature minuscule (not miniscule) minute (not minuit) miracle miscellaneous miscellany 138 MOPING OR MOPPING? mischief See EI/IE SPELLING RULE mischievous (not mischievious,...
Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 15:21