co2e from natural gas

Citizen Investigation of Toxic Air Pollution from Natural Gas Development pdf

Citizen Investigation of Toxic Air Pollution from Natural Gas Development pdf

... 122 GASSED! Citizen Investigation of Toxic Air Pollution from Natural Gas Development Table of Contents Executive Summary pg Oil and Natural Gas Development and Air Pollution ... Development and Air Pollution pg a) Life Cycle of Natural Gas Development b) Air Pollution and Human Health Impacts of Natural Gas Development pg Natural Gas Development in Colorado and New Mexico a) ... water from natural gas and can release toxic gases in the process Flaring Unwanted gases in the production process may be burned off in the open air through flares, which can produce other toxic gases...

Ngày tải lên: 23/03/2014, 02:20

28 405 0
A White Paper Describing Produced Water from Production of Crude Oil, Natural Gas, and Coal Bed Methane pot

A White Paper Describing Produced Water from Production of Crude Oil, Natural Gas, and Coal Bed Methane pot

... 2001) 2.1.2 Produced Water from Gas Production Produced water is separated from gas during the production process In addition to formation water, produced water from gas operations also includes ... production and from less than to 189 g/L in produced waters associated with natural gas production 2.1.3 Produced Water from Coal Bed Methane (CBM) Production CBM produced waters differ from conventional ... of Produced Water 2.1.1 Produced Water from Oil Production 2.1.2 Produced Water from Gas Production 2.1.3 Produced Water from Coal Bed Methane (CBM) Production 2.2 Specific...

Ngày tải lên: 09/03/2014, 01:20

87 562 0
Protecting New Health Facilities from Natural Disasters: Guidelines for the Promotion of Disaster Mitigation potx

Protecting New Health Facilities from Natural Disasters: Guidelines for the Promotion of Disaster Mitigation potx

... Health Facilities from Natural Disasters Mitigation measure: Choosing a safe site for the new facility based on general criteria and an assessment of the existing risks from natural hazards 20 ... Protecting New Health Facilities from Natural Disasters Mitigation measure: Defining the protection objectives of the new facility 18 The effects of an adverse natural phenomenon on a health facility ... Patients also suffer from the decline in the provision of services as a result of damaged, partially evacuated or non-operational facilities • Protecting New Health Facilities from Natural Disasters...

Ngày tải lên: 06/03/2014, 00:22

53 1,2K 0
Báo cáo khoa học: "Extracting Social Power Relationships from Natural Language" potx

Báo cáo khoa học: "Extracting Social Power Relationships from Natural Language" potx

... related natural language processing problems are authorship attribution, sentiment analysis, emotion detection, and personality classification: all aim to extract higher-level information from language ... model personality suggests an ability to model social power lects as well Apart from text classification, work from the topic modeling community is also closely related to Social Power Modeling ... that including these features would also benefit from algorithmic means of selecting n-grams that are indicative of particular lects, and even from binning these relevant ngrams into sets to be...

Ngày tải lên: 07/03/2014, 22:20

10 384 0


... electricity and natural gas bills that are $245.1 million lower as a result of gas production from the Marcellus with $217.4 from lower natural gas bills and another $27.7 million from lower electricity ... in Marcellus natural gas production during 2010 reduced natural gas prices by 12.6 percent from what they would have been without Marcellus production This reduction in natural gas prices reduces ... prices for crude oil and natural gas On the other hand, natural gas also competes with coal, nuclear, and renewable energy in the power generation market The role of natural gas in generating electricity...

Ngày tải lên: 08/03/2014, 06:20

68 305 0
Báo cáo khoa học: "Acquisition of Conceptual Data Models from Natural Language Descriptions" doc

Báo cáo khoa học: "Acquisition of Conceptual Data Models from Natural Language Descriptions" doc

... relationships from natural language descriptions is being constructed using McCord's Slot Grammar (McCord 1982), selected for its syntactic coverage and trealanent of a variety of natural language ... with an integrated natural language and graphics interface is described in section An approach to knowledge representation within this system is discussed in section Approaches to natural language ... modelling constructs of the NIAM information structure diagrwn (ISD) The derivation of the model from natural language text is taken up in section The NIAM method uses similar constructs to ERA modelling,...

Ngày tải lên: 09/03/2014, 01:20

8 328 0


... ground-level ozone (smog) Data provided to EPA’s Natural Gas STAR Program show that some of the largest air emissions in the natural gas industry occur as natural gas wells that have been fractured are ... primary constituent of natural gas, is a potent greenhouse gas – more than 20 times as potent as carbon dioxide when emitted directly to the atmosphere Oil and natural gas production and processing ... allow natural gas to escape An estimated 11,400 new wells are fractured each year; EPA estimates another 1,400 existing wells are re-fractured to stimulate production or to produce natural gas from...

Ngày tải lên: 15/03/2014, 20:20

5 527 0
Acta Montanistica Slovaca: Heat - Integrated Design for Natural Gas Processing pot

Acta Montanistica Slovaca: Heat - Integrated Design for Natural Gas Processing pot

... the feed to the fourth tray from the top, and recovers 99 % of nC5 in the bottom products and 99 % of nC3 in the distillate Fig Process flow diagram for the natural gas processing Simulation Model ... N2 C1 C2 C3 nC4 nC5 nC6 Total Tab 2: Molar Flow Rates of the Gas, and Liquid Product Streams (in kgmole/h) Model A Model B Gas Liquid Gas Liquid (stream ZP) (stream S11) (stream ZP) (stream S11) ... 0.9 14.1 0.9 14.1 4490.6 45.4 4490.6 45.4 255 Jaroslav Poživil: Heat-Integrated Design for Natural Gas Processing We have built two models In model A we have determined as default specifications...

Ngày tải lên: 15/03/2014, 20:20

4 424 0


... demand The United Natural Gas Company (National Fuel Gas Supply Corporation) developed the first natural gas storage facility near Warren, Pennsylvania using a depleted natural gas reservoir As ... drilled to obtain natural gas The resulting limited supplies of natural gas were used primarily for street lighting In 1885, Robert Bunsen invented a burner that mixed air with natural gas This “Bunsen ... 1859, large quantities of natural gas were produced in association with oil production The iron and steel mills in Pittsburgh mixed this natural gas with gas produced from their coke-ovens Other...

Ngày tải lên: 31/03/2014, 05:21

39 439 0
fundamentals of natural gas processing

fundamentals of natural gas processing

... i-Butane Gas lift & reinjection n-Butane Natural gasoline Condensate Raw natural gas Compression Field treating Casinghead gas Lease separator Oil well Gas well Lease separator Gas Gas well Gas Oil ... liquids coming directly from gas and oil leases 1.3 NATURAL GAS COMPOSITIONS 1.3.1 TRADITIONAL NATURAL GAS Traditional natural gases, that is, associated and unassociated gas from wells, vary substantially ... of Natural Gas Processing or wellhead Gas produced in this fashion is also referred to as casinghead gas, oil well gas, or dissolved gas Nonassociated gas is sometimes referred to as gas- well gas...

Ngày tải lên: 02/04/2014, 15:58

429 3,5K 0
natural gas engineering handbook

natural gas engineering handbook

... of Natural Gas Resources The natural gases can be classified as conventional natural gas, gas in tight sands, gas in tight shales, coal-bed methane, gas in geopressured reservoirs, and gas in gas ... xv 1 1.1 What Is Natural Gas? 1.2 Utilization of Natural Gas 1.3 Natural Gas Industry 1.4 Natural Gas Reserves 1.5 Types of Natural Gas Resources 1.6 Introduction ... Because natural gas is petroleum in a gaseous state, it is always accompanied by oil that is liquid petroleum There are three types of natural gases: nonassociated gas, associated gas, and gas condensate...

Ngày tải lên: 02/04/2014, 15:59

456 1,4K 2
natural gas production engineering

natural gas production engineering

... natural gas will playas a source of energy Chapter reviews the properties of natural gases and condensate systems that are of importance in solving gas well performance, gas production, and gas ... depth is to teach it As a case in point, Natural Gas Production Engineering is a history of many years of successfully using the material for natural gas engineering courses at The University ... managers in the crude oil and natural gas production industry Chapters to serve as an introduction to the subject Chapter traces the development of the natural gas industry and tries to instill...

Ngày tải lên: 02/04/2014, 15:59

537 274 0
standard handbook of petroleum and natural gas engineering

standard handbook of petroleum and natural gas engineering

... Standard Handbook of Petroleum & Natural Gas Engineering Second Edition This page intentionally left blank Standard Handbook of Petroleum & Natural Gas Engineering Second Edition Editors ... petroleum & natural gas engineering.—2nd ed./ editors, William C Lyons, Gary J Plisga p cm Includes bibliographical references and index ISBN 0-7506-7785-6 Petroleum engineering Natural gas I Title: ... of Petroleum and Natural Gas Engineering As in the first edition, the first objective in this edition was to continue the effort to create for the worldwide petroleum and natural gas exploration...

Ngày tải lên: 02/04/2014, 16:08

1,6K 994 2
lyons (1996) standard handbook of petroleum and natural gas engineering v 2

lyons (1996) standard handbook of petroleum and natural gas engineering v 2

... 1.902 From Reference 12 Gas Formation Volume Factor The behavior of gas can be predicted from: pV = znRT where p V T absolute pressure volume of gas = absolute temperature n = number of moles of gas ... obtained from Figure 5-9), the effect of solution gas can be estimated with the aid of Figure 5-10 [6] The gas- free viscosity and solution gas- oil ratio are entered to obtain viscosity of the gas- saturated ... electrical logs Fluid Viscosities Gas Viscosity Viscosities of natural gases are affected by pressure, temperature, and composition The viscosity of a specific natural gas can be measured in the laboratory,...

Ngày tải lên: 04/06/2014, 13:25

1,1K 621 0
Combustion and emission characteristics of a natural gas fueled diesel engine with EGR

Combustion and emission characteristics of a natural gas fueled diesel engine with EGR

... 5–15 34 120 N/A 580 16.82 Natural gas consists of various gas species; from which methane (CH4) is the main constituent (methane represents about 91% (v/v) of the natural gas used in the present ... [7,8] However, direct injection of natural gas requires the development of special highpressure gaseous injectors Therefore, in most appli- cations to date, natural gas is inducted or injected in ... [1–3] The most common natural gas diesel operating mode is re- ferred to as the pilot ignited natural gas diesel engine; where most of the engine power output is provided by the gaseous fuel, while...

Ngày tải lên: 15/06/2014, 09:26

12 573 0
Natural Gas Part 1 doc

Natural Gas Part 1 doc

... aspects of natural gas and describes the importance of natural gas reforming, its odorisation, synthetic natural gas, comparison with biogas, natural gas hydrates, thermal decomposition of sour natural ... the composition of natural gas; Uses: application and the important of energy source; natural gas versus environment: emission from the combustion of natural gas; natural gas technology: role ... different from natural gas The 'gas' in the common barbecue is actually propane, which, while closely associated and commonly found in natural gas, is not really natural gas itself While commonly Natural...

Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 11:20

40 237 0
Natural Gas Part 3 docx

Natural Gas Part 3 docx

... 104 Natural Gas Synthetic Natural Gas (SNG) from coal and biomass: a survey of existing process technologies, open issues and perspectives 105 X Synthetic Natural Gas (SNG) from coal and ... Syngas production for gas- to-liquids applications: technologies, issues and Outlook, Fuel Processing Technology, No 71, pp 139-148 ISSN: 0378-3820 86 Natural Gas Natural gas odorization 87 X Natural ... natural gas in the worldwide energy matrix, and also on the basic principles that guide the reforming of natural gas catalytic processes History of the Use of Natural Gas as Fuel The use of natural...

Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 11:20

40 308 0
Natural Gas Part 4 ppt

Natural Gas Part 4 ppt

... data on biogas as fuel LCA databases consist of several datasets for natural gas but none or few for biogas 132 Natural Gas Method and tools To be able to compare natural gas and biogas, a literature ... Energigaser och miljö (Energy gases and the environment), Swedish Gas Centre Swedish Biogas Association (2004) Biogas – renewable energy from organic waste, broschure Natural gas hydrates 147 X Natural ... (2008) Substitute natural gas from biomass gasification, Swedish Gas Centre, report SGC 187, 1102-7371, ISRN SGC-R-187-SE SGC (2007) Biogas - basic data on biogas – Sweden, Swedish Gas Centre, broschure...

Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 11:20

40 342 0
Natural Gas Part 5 potx

Natural Gas Part 5 potx

... Recovery From Gas- Hydrate Reservoirs SPE Gas Technology Symposium, Calgary, Alberta, Canada 162 Natural Gas Kvamme B., Graue A., Buanes T., Ersland G (2007) Storage of CO2 in natural gas hydrate ... production from sour natural gas 165 Depending on the way that heat is supplied to sour natural gas, carbon black furnaces can be classified as follows: Type 1: Part of the natural gas or any ... increase, abundant sour natural gas, so called sub-quality natural gas resources become important alternatives to replace increasingly exhausted reserves of high quality natural gases for the production...

Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 11:20

40 304 0