china s socio demographic and economic characteristics

báo cáo sinh học:" Community characteristics that attract physicians in Japan: a cross-sectional analysis of community demographic and economic factors" potx

báo cáo sinh học:" Community characteristics that attract physicians in Japan: a cross-sectional analysis of community demographic and economic factors" potx

... medical demand is still largely unknown As shown in the results, these variables are parameters of community attractiveness Attractiveness, however, is not necessarily the same as demand In particular, ... into account distribution analysis of physicians against these parameters enables us to obtain a clearer sense of the demand/supply balance of physicians in communities, and to ascertain what ... medical demand and representing it quantitatively is necessary in order to arrive at an accurate assessment of resources and subsequently a desirable distribution of health resources Therefore,...

Ngày tải lên: 18/06/2014, 17:20

10 477 0
Mitigating China’s Water Scarcity And Pollution: Environmental And Economic Accounting, Modelling And Pholicy Analysis

Mitigating China’s Water Scarcity And Pollution: Environmental And Economic Accounting, Modelling And Pholicy Analysis

... techniques, a series of assessment indicators is calculated to assist in tracking both direct and indirect effects of freshwater consumption and wastewater discharge in the economic sector, as well as ... chapters and discusses some policy implications of these findings This chapter gives a brief general conclusion and highlights the prospects for further and future studies 10 Chapter An Analysis of ... effects of freshwater consumption and wastewater discharge in the economic sector, as well as to distinguish the economic sectors that have greatest influence on water demand and pollution Assessment...

Ngày tải lên: 10/12/2016, 15:29

186 298 0
Demographic and clinical characteristics of tuberculosis: A report of 2404 cases at a referral hospital pot

Demographic and clinical characteristics of tuberculosis: A report of 2404 cases at a referral hospital pot

... sweating, weight loss and persistent cough, as well as other presumptive tests, such as X-rays, which can reveal features consistent with the disease The most common comorbidity was alcoholism ... diagnosis and follow-up of PTB, clinicians frequently use chest X-ray in the differential diagnosis and the assessment of treatment responses We found that the number of positive results for sputum ... clinical risk factors such as presence of co-morbidities A fluorometric BACTEC technique (BACTEC MGIT 960 system; Becton–Dickinson Diagnostic Instrument Systems) was used for routine testing of susceptibility...

Ngày tải lên: 15/03/2014, 03:20

5 549 0
báo cáo hóa học:" Association of measured physical performance and demographic and health characteristics with self-reported physical function: implications for the interpretation of self-reported limitations" pdf

báo cáo hóa học:" Association of measured physical performance and demographic and health characteristics with self-reported physical function: implications for the interpretation of self-reported limitations" pdf

... Following Janssen, we expressed skeletal muscle mass as skeletal muscle index (SMI) to account for differences in non-skeletal muscle mass, where SMI = (skeletal muscle mass/body mass) × 100 [32] ... composition was assessed by body mass index (BMI) and skeletal muscle mass, which are prognostic indicators of physical function BMI, measured as weight in kilograms/height in meters squared, was ... United States [21] In this cross-sectional study, we included participants aged ≥ 60 years because only these persons were eligible for an assessment of physical function Among this subset, we...

Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 16:20

13 374 0
Tài liệu Socio-demographic characteristics and sexual health related attitudes and practices of men having sex with men in central and southern Malawi doc

Tài liệu Socio-demographic characteristics and sexual health related attitudes and practices of men having sex with men in central and southern Malawi doc

... analysed using SPSS version 14.0 (SPSS, Chicago, Illinois, United States of America) Frequency and proportions of selected socio- demographic variables, knowledge, perceptions and behaviours were ... prevalence of MSM outside prison and jails in Malawi remains understudied and under-appreciated This exploratory study aimed at understanding MSM socio- demographic characteristics, sexual health ... involvement of MSM as research assistants possibly minimised potential stigma and discrimination This study was exempt from full ethical review by the National Research Council of Malawi Results A total...

Ngày tải lên: 14/02/2014, 21:20

7 449 0
Tài liệu China’s Economic Rise: History, Trends, Challenges, and Implications for the United States pdf

Tài liệu China’s Economic Rise: History, Trends, Challenges, and Implications for the United States pdf

... industries This report surveys the rise of China s economy, describes major economic challenges facing China, and discusses the implications of China s economic rise for the United States Congressional ... Nations estimates Congressional Research Service 19 China s Economic Rise: History, Trends, Challenges, and Implications for the U .S China s Merchandise Trade Patterns Economic reforms and trade and ... reproducers, television image and sound recorders and reproducers, and parts and accessories of such articles Congressional Research Service 24 China s Economic Rise: History, Trends, Challenges, and Implications...

Ngày tải lên: 20/02/2014, 20:20

43 641 0


... effectiveness of the pollution levy in reducing environmental effluents Our first set of regressions addresses this objective and it also provides estimates (instruments) for the endogenous inputs to ... equation fits are satisfactory and most coefficients satisfy expectations We examined these regressions (and the two regressions for predicting endogenous factors of production) for heteroskedasticity ... technologies and increasing recovery and re-use of some environmental wastes The general statistical insignificance of the price terms leaves us uncertain about the assessment of these factors Time has...

Ngày tải lên: 24/03/2014, 05:20

31 316 0
Energy and Environmental Problems behind China’s High Economic Growth – A Comprehensive Study of Medium- and Long-term Problems, Measures and International Cooperation pptx

Energy and Environmental Problems behind China’s High Economic Growth – A Comprehensive Study of Medium- and Long-term Problems, Measures and International Cooperation pptx

... concern This study is designed to clarify the present shape of energy-related and environmental problems lurking behind China s high growth, and then to assess what self-help domestic efforts and international ... water resources available in China, water shortages in the northern areas are worsening If this phenomenon interacts with advancing desertification, disappearing arable lands and grasslands, degeneration ... expanding at the fast rate of 3,436 km2 a year In addition, arable lands are decreasing by 300 to 600 thousand hectares yearly and deterioration of soils is advancing Natural grasslands are also...

Ngày tải lên: 31/03/2014, 05:21

5 474 0
China’s banking reform: Issues and prospects for the future

China’s banking reform: Issues and prospects for the future

... and supervision How are banks doing? Suggestions for future steps Restricted Why all care for China s financial reform?  China s outstanding growth performance justifies optimism  And yet, such ... the costs • Distribution of costs not very transparent Restricted a Restructuring (con’t)  Even larger disposal of bad assets: NPLs transferred to Asset Management Companies (AMC): – In first wave, ... As s tandards • lig htly le s s than 10% o f to tal as s e ts are NPLs ) S 12 Restricted How are banks doing? (cont’)  Efficiency slightly lower than international standards but not a big issue...

Ngày tải lên: 26/10/2013, 16:15

20 472 0
Tài liệu Population Aging and Economic Growth in China doc

Tài liệu Population Aging and Economic Growth in China doc

... needs of China s urban and rural elderly in the coming years and decades 22 These studies draw on the successes and failures of pension systems around the world and select what seem to be the best ... products and provide the services to satisfy China' s domestic demand and to staff its export industries? These concerns demand answers, but the challenge that aging poses to the Chinese economy is ... measures, China s government has tried to ameliorate the disparities between China s leading coastal provinces and the western and northeastern and now the central provinces, with some success...

Ngày tải lên: 13/02/2014, 18:20

42 749 0
Tài liệu Cleaner Water in China? The Implications of the Amendments to China’s Law on the Prevention and Control of Water Pollution pptx

Tài liệu Cleaner Water in China? The Implications of the Amendments to China’s Law on the Prevention and Control of Water Pollution pptx

... items covered by federal WEQ standards or establish local standards for items not covered.84 The development of these standards is similar to the standards in the United States The EPA sets treatment ... governments may create local standards for items not covered by the WEQ standards and must report their standards to the State Council.80 Using the WEQ standards and the country s economic and technological ... Discharge Permit Systems.51 Under these different systems, permits have been issued in increasing numbers In 1996, over forty thousand permits were issued in the cities that implemented a system.52...

Ngày tải lên: 18/02/2014, 04:20

22 662 0
Connecting gender and economic competitiveness: lessons from Cambridge''''s high-tech regional economy potx

Connecting gender and economic competitiveness: lessons from Cambridge''''s high-tech regional economy potx

... conferences, seminars, talks, and other social activities organised by local business organisations, but also in more informal venues such as bars, clubs, and cafes In these social contexts, relationships ... embodiment in individuals as specific skills (Maskell and Malmberg, 1999) Our results suggest that gender divisions impact on this processes in two key ways First, based on an analysis of employee career ... firms This was based on a series of ten group interviews with between three and seven male and female professional scientists and technologists sitting in on each interview We segregated these...

Ngày tải lên: 08/03/2014, 06:20

21 826 0
China’s Economic Rise—A Technical Note (Draft) pot

China’s Economic Rise—A Technical Note (Draft) pot

... measures are not really very useful PPP measures of a country s GDP are useful almost exclusively for assessing its standard of living PPP values are based on surveys of prices for goods and services ... of Statistics long-term price series and author calculations assumptions about procurement ratios and obsolescence indicate is a possibility, should China want to or see the need to make decisions ... standard is only somewhat higher than India s and is still significantly below that of economies like Brazil s, Mexico s and Russia s It is far below living standards in South Korea, Taiwan and Hong...

Ngày tải lên: 08/03/2014, 09:20

16 300 0
An Unbreakable Cycle - Drug Dependency Treatment, Mandatory Confinement, And HIV/AIDS In China''''s Guangxi Province potx

An Unbreakable Cycle - Drug Dependency Treatment, Mandatory Confinement, And HIV/AIDS In China''''s Guangxi Province potx

... Arrest and Access to Services China s Public Security system deploys some 17,000 policemen in anti-drug squads.26 In 2004, the authorities took into custody at least 273,000 drug users IDUs say ... Users in High Risk Countries: An Assessment of the Evidence,” National Academies Press, 2006 31 Sun Junyi, Wen Aiyu and Shen Hulili “Analysis of 272 cases of swallowing foreign body in compulsory ... the costs of incarceration RTL centers segregate detainees by sex and in some cases separate drug users from individuals sentenced for other administrative offenses Sixteen of the 19 IDUs interviewed...

Ngày tải lên: 14/03/2014, 23:20

48 306 0
BIS Working Papers No 312 China’s high saving rate: myth and reality potx

BIS Working Papers No 312 China’s high saving rate: myth and reality potx

... This section summarises the main data issues in measuring the Chinese saving rate and highlights some of its most salient stylised facts 2.1 Data and measurement issues To lay a sound basis for ... industrial sales and assets doubled in the 200 0s This questions the theory that the Chinese corporate earnings are mainly inflated by distortions and subsidies Graph Profits, sales and assets of ... domestic demand The paper is organised as follows The next section discusses the data issues and highlights China s gross national saving in an international perspective Section provides a broader...

Ngày tải lên: 15/03/2014, 10:20

31 691 0
China's Superbank: Debt, Oil and Influence - How China Development Bank is Rewriting the Rules of Finance

China's Superbank: Debt, Oil and Influence - How China Development Bank is Rewriting the Rules of Finance

... that serves both sovereign wishes as well as those of the market But this is not a book only about China s triumphs The good-news story also comes with a dark side What CDB has wrought also has ... affairs, and policy affecting investors and business people Titles are written by wellknown practitioners, BLOOMBERG NEWS® reporters and columnists, and other leading authorities and journalists ... secure access for its stateowned oil companies to long-term supply in the competitive global oil market as China s demand continues to rise It has also been good business for a host of Chinese...

Ngày tải lên: 16/03/2014, 21:32

226 566 0