chapter 2 the engine pdf p 7 13

Tài liệu Chapter 2: ABAP Query pdf

Tài liệu Chapter 2: ABAP Query pdf

... on the desired report output (as shown in the sample report on page 2 7) 13 13 Choose Next Screen to continue 11 12 2 20 Reporting Made Easy Chapter 2: ABAP Query Creating a Report with ABAP Query ... group In this example, we added the user Tbecker to the user group Choose Assign funct areas to assign the appropriate functional areas to the user group Report Development Tools 2 17 Chapter 2: ... Display only < Highlighted < Set defaults Report Development Tools 2 27 Chapter 2: ABAP Query Getting the Most from ABAP Query: Tips & Tricks The following example explains how to customize the...

Ngày tải lên: 11/12/2013, 14:15

34 442 1
Tài liệu Art of Surface Interpolation-Chapter 2 The ABOS method ppt

Tài liệu Art of Surface Interpolation-Chapter 2 The ABOS method ppt

... 9 7 7 2 2 2 2 2 9 9 7 7 1 2 1 9 9 7 77 1 2 1 9 99 9 7 7 1 2 1 9 9 7 7 2 Number of circulations = values of matrix K 2 2 2 8 8 2 2 8 8 1 8 8 1 8 88 1 8 8 8 Ordinal index of point XYZ 2 2 Values ... Of points 17 30 135 04 Domain range Grid size x Y 0-1 0-1 25 7x2 57 0-1000 0-640 101x65 0 -73 600 0-5 120 0 73 7x 513 Grid step Figure X Y 3.90 625 e-3 3.90 625 e-3 2. 4.1a 10 10 2. 4.2a 100 100 2. 4.3a The ... interpolation After computing the matrix of nearest points, per partes interpolation (see figure 2. 2.4) is very simple: Pi , j = DZ ( NBi , j ) Fig 2. 2.4: Per partes constant interpolation 2. 2.5...

Ngày tải lên: 21/01/2014, 07:20

17 623 0
Tài liệu CNNA3-Chapter 2: Part II pdf

Tài liệu CNNA3-Chapter 2: Part II pdf

... to the sessions set up for a router CCNA3-4 Chapter 2- 2 Configuring Password Options • Securing Privileged EXEC Access: • Always use enable secret for password encryption CCNA3-5 Chapter 2- 2 Configuring ... Configuring Password Options • Encrypting Switch Passwords: • You can encrypt all passwords assigned to a switch using the service password-encryption command CCNA3-6 Chapter 2- 2 Configuring Password Options ... IS NOT in the table, the frame is forwarded out all ports of the switch except the port that received the frame CCNA3- 12 Chapter 2- 2 Common Security Attacks • MAC Address Flooding: • The MAC address...

Ngày tải lên: 23/02/2014, 09:20

30 521 0
Chapter 2 OSI MODEL pdf

Chapter 2 OSI MODEL pdf

... functions the layer carried out Conversely, at the receiving end, headers are striped from the message as it travels up the corresponding layers TCP/IP Model TCP/IP MODEL TCP/IP Model OSI & TCP/IP Models ... (cryptography) OSI Model Application Layer Application layer interacts with application programs and is the highest level of OSI model Application layer contains management functions to support distributed ... TCP/IP MODEL TCP/IP Model OSI & TCP/IP Models TCP/IP Model TCP/IP Model Application Layer Application programs using the network Transport Layer (TCP/UDP) Management of end-to-end message transmission,...

Ngày tải lên: 30/03/2014, 07:20

18 909 0
Chapter 3: The Processor pdf

Chapter 3: The Processor pdf

... beq 20 0ps 100 ps 20 0ps 70 0ps 100 ps 600ps 500ps 20 09, CE Department dce 20 09 Pipeline Performance Single-cycle (Tc= 800ps) Pipelined ( c= 20 0ps) p (T p ) 20 09, CE Department dce 20 09 Pipeline ... single-cycle p g y datapath Instr Instr fetch Register read ALU op Memory access Register write Total time lw 20 0ps 100 ps 20 0ps 20 0ps 100 ps 800ps sw 20 0ps 100 ps 20 0ps 20 0ps R-format 20 0ps 100 ps 20 0ps ... 20 09, CE Department dce 20 09 Implementing Jumps address 31 :26 31 26 Jump 25 :0 25 • Jump uses word address • Update PC with concatenation of – Top b ts o o d PC op bits of old C – 26 -bit jump...

Ngày tải lên: 03/07/2014, 11:20

134 459 0
Chapter 2 - The History of the IMS Standardization pps

Chapter 2 - The History of the IMS Standardization pps

... of the Release version of TS 23 .22 8 3GPP TSs and TRs are publicly available at the 3GPP web site at either of the following URIs: ... OAM &P WG5 Packet Data Service (PDS) Figure 2. 4: The structure of 3GPP2 2. 4 .2 3GPP2 Deliverables Like 3GPP, 3GPP2 does not produce standards but, instead, Technical Specifications and Technical Reports ... the TD-SCDMA Forum, and the IPv6 Forum 3GPP maintains an up-to-date web site at: 2. 4 THIRD GENERATION PARTNERSHIP PROJECT 15 2. 3.1 3GPP Structure 3GPP is organized as a Project...

Ngày tải lên: 01/08/2014, 17:21

15 298 0
CHAPTER 2-customer behavior pdf

CHAPTER 2-customer behavior pdf

... Slide 5 -77 Purchase Decision Process The purchase decision process is the stages a buyer passes through in making choices about which products and services to buy Slide 5- 72 Purchase decision process ... consist of the five aspects of the purchase situation that impacts the consumer’s purchase decision process: (1) the purchase task, (2) social surroundings, (3) physical surroundings, (4) temporal ... Reference Groups People to whom an individual looks as a basis for self-appraisal or as a source of personal standards Reference groups Dissociative group Aspiration singers, Membership distance...

Ngày tải lên: 06/08/2014, 10:20

36 271 0


... sound2 (v): to measure the depth of a mass of water, such as the sea or a lake Staple(n) Staple1 (n): a short thin piece of wire used to fasten sheets of paper together Staple2 (n): a main product ... (only used in the progressive tenses) Spade(n) Spade1 (n): ~card; one of the sets of cards; the cards have a black design shaped like pointed leaves with short items printed on it Spade2 (n): ~tool; ... or part of something Spell(n) Spell1 (n): #period; a period of time during which sth lasts Spell2 (n): #magic; words that are thought to have magic power or to make a piece of magic work, a piece...

Ngày tải lên: 08/08/2014, 10:20

4 621 3
Geophysics lecture chapter 2 the earths gravitational field

Geophysics lecture chapter 2 the earths gravitational field

... (2. 48) g(λ) = = = = GM sin2 λ − (1 + 2f sin2 λ) − 3J2 − m(1 − sin2 λ) a 2 GM (1 + J2 − m) + 2f − J2 + m sin2 λ a 2 2f − (9 /2) J2 + m GM (1 + J2 − m) + sin2 λ a2 + (3 /2) J2 − m GM (2. 53) (1 + J2 ... 3GJ2 M a2 − a2 (1 − f sin2 λ )2 a4 (1 − f sin2 λ)4 − aω (1 − f sin2 λ) cos2 λ sin2 λ − 2 (2. 52) 2. 2 GRAVITATIONAL POTENTIAL DUE TO NEARLY SPHERICAL BODY49 or, with the approximation (binomial expansion) ... zonal spherical harmonics For l = 0, 1, we get for Pl P0 (cos θ) = (2. 24) P1 (cos θ) = (2. 25) P2 (cos θ) = cos θ cos2 θ − 2 (2. 26) which are the same as the terms derived by application of the binomial...

Ngày tải lên: 04/12/2015, 00:25

47 202 0
Lecture concepts in enterprise resource planning (2nd edition)   chapter 2  the development of enterprise resource planning systems

Lecture concepts in enterprise resource planning (2nd edition) chapter 2 the development of enterprise resource planning systems

... computing • Unique applications like word processing, spreadsheets and presentation software were developed for the PC • Sharing expensive peripheral equipment let to the development of computer ... computer screen, not with paper • Lofty goals in 19 72 Concepts in Enterprise Resource Planning, Second Edition 16 SAP • SAP’s founders had to develop their first software package at night on their ... store the year • For example, 10 /29 /75 rather than 10 /29 /1 975 • With dates after 12/ 31/99, computer calculations were likely to be in error • 10 /29 /20 01 might be interpreted as 10 /29 /1901 by a program...

Ngày tải lên: 14/04/2016, 12:25

49 570 0
BÀI GIẢNG kế TOÁN QUỐC tế chapter 2   the regulatory framework

BÀI GIẢNG kế TOÁN QUỐC tế chapter 2 the regulatory framework

... Objectives The regulatory system IASB The regulatory system International influences EU IFAC UN OECD • The international influence on European accounting is very important All listed companies in the ... the UK now have to prepare their consolidated accounts under International Financial Reporting Standards Treatments in IASs/IFRSs • A number of accounting standards gave preparers of accounts ... Financial statements must give a ‘true and fair view’ or ‘present fairly’ the entity’s financial position IASB Standard setting process The procedure can be summarised as follows ...

Ngày tải lên: 05/12/2016, 23:18

7 279 1
Lecture Auditing and assurance services (Second international edition)  Chapter 2 The financial statement auditing environment

Lecture Auditing and assurance services (Second international edition) Chapter 2 The financial statement auditing environment

... Reporting • ISA 70 0 Forming an Opinion and Reporting on Financial Statements • ISA 70 5 Modifications to the Opinion in the Independent Auditor’s Report • ISA 70 6 Emphasis of Matter Paragraphs ... and Other Matter Paragraphs in the Independent Auditor’s Report • ISA 71 0 Comparative Information – Corresponding Figures and Comparative Financial Statements • ISA 72 0 The Auditor’s Responsibilities ... other explanatory material © The McGraw-Hill Companies, 20 10 Society’s Expectations and the Auditor’s Responsibilities The auditor has a responsibility to plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable...

Ngày tải lên: 15/05/2017, 08:06

34 594 0
Lecture AP Biology  Chapter 2 The chemical context of life

Lecture AP Biology Chapter 2 The chemical context of life

... endorphin (euphoria, relieve pain) Chemical Reactions • Reactants  Products • • Eg 6CO2 + 6H2O  C6H12O6 + O2 Some reactions are reversible: • • Eg 3H2 + N2 2NH3 Chemical equilibrium: point at which ... Chapter The Chemical Context of Life Ants & the Duroia Trees Ants use formic acid to prevent other plants from growing so that the Duroia trees can serve as their home You Must Know • • The ... The three subatomic particles and their significance The types of bonds, how they form, and their relative strengths I Matter vs Energy Matter Energy  Has mass & takes up space  Moves matter...

Ngày tải lên: 18/05/2017, 09:03

18 289 0
Chapter 2  the structure and synthesis of process flow diagrams

Chapter 2 the structure and synthesis of process flow diagrams

... the process concept diagram represents the most basic or rudimentary representation of a process, then the process flow diagram (PFD) represents the other extreme However, the same input/output ... and 2. 2 have the same overall input/output structure The input streams labeled toluene and hydrogen shown on the left in Figure 2. 1 appear in the streams on the left of the PFD in Figure 2. 2 In ... input/output concept diagram Figure 2. 2 shows the basic input/output structure for the PFD (see Figure 1.3) The input and output streams for the toluene HDA PFD are shown in bold Both Figures 2. 1...

Ngày tải lên: 13/06/2017, 13:57

36 372 0


... in the sun, the retired artist sat on a barrel in the shade close by, dangled his legs, munched his apple, and planned the slaughter of more innocents There was no lack of material; boys happened ... last touch with the eye of an artist, then he gave his brush another gentle sweep and surveyed the result, as before Ben ranged up alongside of him Tom's mouth watered for the apple, but he stuck ... an hour of pure freedom So he returned his straitened means to his pocket, and gave up the idea of trying -29 - to buy the boys At this dark and hopeless moment an inspiration burst upon him! Nothing...

Ngày tải lên: 15/12/2013, 07:15

10 664 0
Tài liệu Web Client Programming with Perl-Chapter 2: Demystifying the Browser-P1 pdf

Tài liệu Web Client Programming with Perl-Chapter 2: Demystifying the Browser-P1 pdf

... URL: The browser interprets the URL as follows: http:// In the first part of the URL, you told the browser to use HTTP, the Hypertext Transfer Protocol ... example, the document path is / So the browser connects to using the HTTP protocol Since no port was specified, it assumes port 80, the default port for HTTP The message that the ... what happened when we visited For example, when you click on the hyperlink from the previous example, the browser looks at its associated HTML: ...

Ngày tải lên: 26/01/2014, 07:20

15 525 1