Chapter 7 Advanced Modeling Tools-I
... option of the CHAIN menu is selected by default Using this option you can select an edge or curve individually, one by one When you select an edge using the left mouse button, the color of the ... Sel from the GET SELECT menu or by using the middle mouse button can also be unselected by selecting the Unselect option from the CHAIN menu Tangent Chain Using this option, you can select an ... select a chain of curves by using the Curve Chain option Bndry Chain The Bndry Chain option is used only for surface features You can define a chain by selecting a quilt and using its one-sided edges...
Ngày tải lên: 03/01/2014, 23:58
... 2.0 on the horizon as this is being written, please note that this chapter assumes that you are using Apache 1.3.x and mod_perl 1.22 or greater In addition, your mod_perl should have been compiled ... /some/component, Mason will look for a file at /home/httpd/htdocs/mason/some/component It can be confusing when the component root and the document root are not the same because this means that the ... better way to this is to use the Mason request object's abort() method, which we covered in Chapter Using the abort() method, we could rewrite /give_up.html like this: # I give up! use Apache::Constants...
Ngày tải lên: 14/12/2013, 12:15
... Introduction to Data Mining Approach by Srikant & Agrawal Preprocess the data – Discretize attribute using equi-depth partitioning • Use partial completeness measure to determine number of partitions ... support count will be greater than total number of documents! • Normalize the word vectors – e.g., using L1 norm • Each word has a support equals to 1.0 TID W1 W2 W3 W4 W5 D1 2 0 D2 0 2 D3 0 D4 0 ... Camera} {Shopping Cart} {Order Confirmation} {Return to Shopping} > Sequence of initiating events causing the nuclear accident at 3-mile Island: (
Ngày tải lên: 15/03/2014, 09:20
Heavy Metals in the Environment: Using Wetlands for Their Removal - Chapter 7 doc
... L1401-frame-C7 Page 88 Monday, April 10, 2000 9:46 AM 88 HEAVY METALS IN THE ENVIRONMENT: USING WETLANDS FOR THEIR REMOVAL Treatment Waters Acid, Lead Figure 7.1 Sketch showing seedling...
Ngày tải lên: 18/06/2014, 19:20
Giáo trình động từ tiếng Pháp - Part II Using Verbs Correctly with Questions, Commands, and Such - Chapter 7 pdf
... affect the verb 12_773883 ch07.qxp 80 8/2/06 1:28 PM Page 80 Part II: Using Verbs Correctly with Questions, Commands, and Such Using Inversion to Ask Questions Inversion means that you invert or ... 8/2/06 1:28 PM Page 82 Part II: Using Verbs Correctly with Questions, Commands, and Such Now it’s your turn to practice: Transform these statements into questions by using inversion Q Il s’amuse ... having lunch together, right?) ߜ Est-ce que: The third conversational way of asking a question is by using this expression at the beginning of a sentence For example, Est-ce que tu cherches tes clés?...
Ngày tải lên: 08/08/2014, 10:22
Advanced Control Engineering - Chapter 7 potx
... z-plane It is possible to map from the s to the z-plane using the relationship z esT (7:61) now s Æ j! therefore z e(Æj!)T eT e j!T (using the positive j! value) (7:62) //SYS21/D:/B&H3B2/ACE/REVISES(08-08-01)/ACEC07.3D ... compensator using the simple method, i.e equation (7.97) and find the step response of the system (c) Convert the lead compensator in equation (7.105) into a digital compensator using Tustin's ... Engineering Xi(S) –Ts s+1 1–e S Xo(S) T Fig 7.10 First-order sampled-data system Taking z-transforms using Table 7.1 G(z) (1 À zÀ1 ) or G(z) zÀ1 z & & which gives G(z) For T 0:5 seconds...
Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 06:23
... from the use of onsite systems using a variety of monitoring tools The hydraulic separation distance or the travel time between a drain field and a well can be measured using a tracer Once a performance-based ... reducing the quantity of wastewater using low flow devices (make sure the treatment can handle the higher strength) or reducing the quantity of effluent by reusing the treated effluent for toilet ... solution driven and performance based A system that allows an RME to offer wastewater services using the best available wastewater treatment and dispersal or recycle and reuse technologies and...
Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 17:21
Elementary mathematical and computational tools for electrical and computer engineers using Matlab - Chapter 7 pot
... obtained by multiplying Eq (7.28) on the left by m Using Eq (7.26), we deduce: © 2001 by CRC Press LLC mu = ∑c mn = n n ∑c δ n m, n = cm (7.29) n Next, using the Dirac notation, we present the proofs ... is u+v ≤ u + v PROOF (7.46) Using the relation between the norm and the dot product, we have: u+v = u+v u+v = u v +2 u v + v v 2 = u +2 u v + v ≤ u +2 u v + v (7.47) Using the Cauchy-Schwartz inequality ... quantities of different dimensions The MATLAB command for obtaining the norm of a vector is norm Using this notation, it is a simple matter to define the unit vector in the same direction as a given...
Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 02:21
Speech recognition using neural networks - Chapter 7 pdf
... search, using log (Yi /Pi), where Pi = prior of phoneme i 7.3.1 Network Architectures The following series of experiments attempt to answer the question: “What is the optimal neural network architecture ... classification networks were performed using frame level training In this section we will describe these experiments, reporting the results we obtained with different network architectures, input representations, ... c1 x) > P ( c2 x) If we wanted to classify the input using likelihoods, we would first have to convert these posteriors into likelihoods using Bayes Rule, yielding a more complex form of the...
Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 02:21
Structure and Architecture - Chapter 7 potx
... examples of bad architecture It does mean, however, that in much architecture in which exposed structure is used to convey the idea of technical excellence (most of High-Tech architecture falls ... and architecture which is commonly found in contemporary architecture and innumerable other examples could be cited It has, in fact, been the dominant relationship between structure and architecture ... discussion of architecture Two aspects of post-medieval architecture contributed to this Firstly, a subtle change occurred in the nature of the relationship between structure and architecture...
Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 10:22
Mechanisms and Mechanical Devices Sourcebook - Chapter 7
... its own drum If the output shaft tries to overrun, the output arm will apply tension to band B, causing it to tighten on the CCW rotating rum and stop the shaft 221 Sclater Chapter 5/3/01 12:33 ... misalignment (Fig 3C) Skewed shafts, up to 90º out of phase (Fig 3D) Right-angle and remote drives using guides or tubes (Figs 3E and 3F) These methods are suitable only for low-speed, low-torque ... Otherwise, frictional losses between the guide and the chain are unacceptable Mechanical timing, using oversize beads at intervals to trip a microswitch (Fig 3G) The chain can be altered or exchanged...
Ngày tải lên: 22/10/2012, 14:26
Chapter 7 - Beyond LINQ
... Copyright SELA Software & Education Labs Ltd 14-18 Baruch Hirsch St Bnei Brak 51202 Israel Using LINQ to Entities using (SalesEntities context = new SalesEntities()) { var everyone = context.CreateQuery(...
Ngày tải lên: 12/01/2013, 16:18
Process technology equipment and systems chapter 7 & 8
... increasing fluid velocity and lowering the temperature Fouling is often tracked and identified using check-lists that collect tube inlet and outlet pressures, and shell inlet and outlet pressures ... section of a heat exchanger is linked to the front-end design Industrial manufacturers are currently using over nine popular designs Head The heads (Figure 7.9) on a shell-and-tube heat exchanger can ... series flow through a heat exchanger 10 Draw an air-cooled heat exchanger 11 Explain the purpose of using finned tubes in heat exchangers 12 Describe the operation of a spiral heat exchanger 13 Draw...
Ngày tải lên: 20/08/2013, 10:39
CHAPTER 3 Hedging Strategies Using Futures
... various times in the future Once these estimates have been produced the company can choose between using futures and options to hedge its risk The results of the analysis should be presented carefully ... variance hedge ratio is always 1.0." Is this statement true? Explain your answer The statement is true Using the notation in the text, if the hedge ratio is 1.0, the hedger locks in a price of F1 + b2...
Ngày tải lên: 25/09/2013, 13:41
Chapter-7-The tools of the trade
... belong to this group as well If you find the concept of groups confusing, don’t worry about them You can get by quite happily without using them at all You’ll just see references to them when we come ... The entire panel is replaced by a single left-pointing arrow at the extreme right of the display Using the mouse By default, kde only uses the left and the right mouse buttons In general, the left ... doesn’t have any pattern; it’s just a grey crosshatch • You can move from one screen to the other using the cursor, and windows can overlap In this example, the galeon web browser window goes down...
Ngày tải lên: 16/10/2013, 16:15
Module 7: Advanced Administration of User Accounts and Groups
... file by using the csvde command ?? Using Group Policy to Redirect User Data to a Network Server In this topic, explain how to redirect four default user folders to a network server by using Group ... Windows 2000 Logon Names ? Using Group Policy to Configure Account Policies ? Creating Multiple User Accounts ? Using Group Policy to Redirect User Data to a Network Server ? Using Universal Groups ... Windows 2000 Logon Names ? Using Group Policy to Configure Account Policies ? Creating Multiple User Accounts ? Using Group Policy to Redirect User Data to a Network Server ? Using Universal Groups...
Ngày tải lên: 18/10/2013, 18:15