... Back up and restore an Active Directory database • Use volume shadow copies Chapter 4: BACKING UP AND RESTORING DATA BACKING UP DATA • Why we back up data? • Why we need to back up data? Chapter ... Type Data Chapter 4: BACKING UP AND RESTORING DATA 16 BACKUP JOB TYPES: NORMAL • Backs up all files • Clears the archive bit • Can require large data storage capacity Chapter 4: BACKING UP AND ... Chapter 4: BACKING UP AND RESTORING DATA BACKUP SOLUTION • • • • Backup hardware Backup medium Backup software Data to be backed up Chapter 4: BACKING UP AND RESTORING DATA BACKUP HARDWARE •...
Ngày tải lên: 01/08/2014, 07:20
... with 25 molecules of O2 to form 16 molecules of CO2 and 18 molecules of H2O moles of C8H18 react with 25 moles of O2 to form 16 moles of CO2 and 18 moles of H2O mol C8H18 : 25 mol O2 : 16 mol ... McGraw Hill O + H H O + O H H 11 Limiting and Excess Reactants in the Combustion of Methane CH4(g) + O2(g) → CO2(g) + H2O(g) • If we have molecules of CH4 and molecules of O2, which is the limiting ... Yield, and Percent Yield Example: • When 28.6 kg of C are allowed to react with 88.2 kg of TiO2 in the reaction below, 42.8 kg of Ti are obtained Find the Limiting Reactant, Theoretical Yield, and...
Ngày tải lên: 28/11/2013, 01:11
Tài liệu Linux Device Drivers-Chapter 10 :Judicious Use of Data Types doc
... Use of Standard C Types Although most programmers are accustomed to freely using standard types like int and long, writing device drivers requires some care to avoid typing conflicts and obscure ... kernel offers the following data types to use whenever you need to know the size of your data All the types are declared in , which in turn is included by : u8; /* unsigned ... the standard types when you need "a twobyte filler'' or "something representing a four-byte string'' because the normal C data types are not the same size on all architectures To show the data...
Ngày tải lên: 24/12/2013, 01:17
Tài liệu Programming the Be Operating System-Chapter 4: Windows, Views, and Messages doc
... right, and the height by subtracting the top from the bottom On the main monitor, the left and top fields of the BRect returned by Frame() are 0, so the right and bottom fields provide the width and ... Windows, Views, and Messages from within a MyHelloApplication member function, and that a window has already been created and a reference to it stored in the MyHelloApplication data member fMainWindow: ... parameters (look and feel) in place of the one type parameter discussed above The separate look and feel parameters provide a means of more concisely stating just how a window is to look and behave...
Ngày tải lên: 26/01/2014, 07:20
Chapter 4: Operating Systems and File Management pdf
... Operating Systems and File Management 19 Handheld Operating Systems Chapter 4: Operating Systems and File Management 20 SECTION File Basics C File Names and Extensions File Directories and Folders ... value of your data, your current equipment, and your budget Chapter 4: Operating Systems and File Management 44 Backup Basics Chapter 4: Operating Systems and File Management 45 Data File Backup ... Operating Systems and File Management User Interfaces The combination of hardware and software that helps people and computers communicate with each other Chapter 4: Operating Systems and File Management...
Ngày tải lên: 06/03/2014, 09:21
Chapter 4 Menus, Functions And Common Dialog
... 22 © 2009 Windows Common Dialog Boxes (dlg prefix) • Predefined standard dialog boxes for: – – – – File Open and Saving Printing and Previewing Color selection Font selection • Add the Common Dialog ... tip p 204) • Enabled, True/False • Visible, True/False 4- 16 © 2009 Menu Design Standards • Follow the industry standards for Windows for names, order/location, access keys, shortcut keys • Basic ... Information • Code must be written to retrieve and use the choices made by the user in the Common dialog • Example – Color Dialog displayed – User selects color and clicks OK – Code must be written to...
Ngày tải lên: 13/05/2014, 11:31
Signals and data types in VHDL
... Declare ports and signals using appropriate data types List possible values for each data type Declare scalar and composite data types – • • array and records Declare one-dimensional and two-dimensional ... one-dimensional and two-dimensional arrays Declare and use VHDL subtypes Data Types • The wide range of available data types provides flexibility in hardware modeling and built-in error checking to ensure ... RES_OUT Composite Data Types • Composite data types are groups of elements in the form of an array or record – Bit_vector, Std_logic_vector, and String are all pre-defined composite types signal A_WORD...
Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 07:38
... multiply, we must take the two significant sets of digits (6.25 and 3.6) and multiply them together; and we need to take the two powers-of-ten and multiply them together Taking 6.25 times 3.6, we get ... pair of digits in the upper-right hand corner of the display, and are visible only in the "scientific" and "engineering" modes The difference between "scientific" and "engineering" display modes ... multiplication, we can handle the significant digits and powers-of-ten in separate steps (remember that you subtract the exponents of divided powers-of-ten): (2.25 / 6.25) x (1022 / 1018) And the answer...
Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 13:21
Lecture management a pacific rim focus chapter 4 social responsibility and ethics in management
... responsibilities of managers • Economic and legal Responsibility to make a profit and obey the law (invisible hand, hand of government, hand of management) • Ethical and discretionary Ethical behaviour ... perspectives: invisible hand, hands of government and management – Social responsibilities of managers – Social stakeholders: shareholders, employees, customers, local and international community, ... corporation can be summed up as ‘make profits and obey the law’ • Hand of government A view holding that the interests of society are best served by having the law and political process guide the corporation’s...
Ngày tải lên: 22/05/2016, 14:23
Textbook Groundwater Chapter 4 : groundwater potential and discharge areas
... following four rock types in the area: unconsolidated sands and gravels; sandstones; limestones; and basaltic lava flows Of course it is possible to quote examples of sandstone, limestone, and basalt ... Gently dipping sandstone aquifers with outcrop area along mountain front; (b) interfingering sand and gravel aquifers extending from uplands in intermountain region; (c) faulted and folded aquifers ... Stratigraphy and Structure The nature and distribution of aquifers and aquitards in a geological system are controlled by lithology, stratigraphy, and structure of the geological deposits and formations...
Ngày tải lên: 08/06/2016, 14:00
Data Mining Classification: Basic Concepts, Decision Trees, and Model Evaluation Lecture Notes for Chapter 4 Introduction to Data Mining pptx
... same data! 10 © Tan,Steinbach, Kumar Introduction to Data Mining Decision Tree Classification Task Decision Tree © Tan,Steinbach, Kumar Introduction to Data Mining Apply Model to Test Data Test Data ... Underfitting and Overfitting Missing Values Costs of Classification © Tan,Steinbach, Kumar Introduction to Data Mining 50 Underfitting and Overfitting (Example) 500 circular and 500 triangular data points ... Usually, the given data set is divided into training and test sets, with training set used to build the model and test set used to validate it © Tan,Steinbach, Kumar Introduction to Data Mining Illustrating...
Ngày tải lên: 15/03/2014, 09:20
Book Econometric Analysis of Cross Section and Panel Data By Wooldridge - Chapter 4 ppt
... (4.29) (except ability, of course) Find y1 and its ^ standard error; find y2 and its standard error when Deduc ¼ 4.2 a Show that, under random sampling and the zero conditional mean as^ sumption ... Eð y j x1 ; x2 Þ, and let a2 be the same for x2 Find a1 and a2 in terms of the bj and mj b Rewrite the regression function so that a1 and a2 appear directly (Note that m1 and m2 will also appear.) ... Given a random sample, what regression would you run to estimate a1 and a2 directly? What if you not know m1 and m2 ? d Apply part c to the data in NLS80.RAW, where y ¼ logðwageÞ, x1 ¼ educ, and x2...
Ngày tải lên: 06/07/2014, 08:20
The Water Encyclopedia: Hydrologic Data and Internet Resources - Chapter 4 potx
... HYDROLOGIC DATA AND INTERNET RESOURCES Table 4F.18 Seepage Rates for Canals Canal Soil Material Seepage (Feet per Day) Sandy loam Gravelly loam Fine sandy loam and adobe Sand and sandy loam Loam and sandy ... Surface Erosion Initial Status of Land Use Type of Disturbance Forestland Grassland Forestland Forestland Forestland Forestland Row crop Pastureland Forestland Planting row crops Planting row ... sandy loam Adobe Fine sandy loam 8.2 5.3 3.8 3.4 3.3 3.0 2.1 Canal Soil Material Seepage (Feet per Day) Loam and adobe Loam Silty clay Sand and silty clay Sand and clay Loam and gravelly loam 1.4...
Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 21:21
... created: OJ and milk, OJ and detergent, OJ and soda, OJ and cleaner Milk and detergent, milk and soda, milk and cleaner Detergent and soda, detergent and cleaner Soda and cleaner This is ... to analyze data and to get a start Most data mining techniques are not primarily used for undirected data mining Association rule analysis, on the other hand, is used in this case and provides ... Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining though, was based on analyzing hundreds of thousands of point-of-sale transactions from Sears Although it is valid and well-supported in the data, it is still...
Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 02:21
Principles of GIS chapter 2 geographic information and spatial data types
... not twice as warm as 10 0C, and thus centigrade temperatures are interval data values, not ratio data values Rational data have a natural zero value, and multiplication and division of values are ... without intersecting nodes, and that different areas cannot overlap There is, on the other hand, one important aspect in which 2½ D data does differ from standard 2D data, and that is in their association ... classification, and (3) further classification using a land cover change model The land cover classes are: Data source: Wietske Bijker, ITC 2.4.2 Spatiotemporal data models In spatiotemporal data models,...
Ngày tải lên: 21/10/2014, 10:09
Principles of GIS chapter 4 data entry and preparation
... these cases, data and/ or cartographic generalization must be performed to restrict the original data set 4.3.1 Data checks and repairs Acquired data sets must be checked for consistency and completeness ... 4.3 Data preparation Spatial data preparation aims to make the acquired spatial data fit for use Images may require enhancements and corrections of the classification scheme of the data Vector data ... formats and data standards Different formats were implemented by different GIS vendors; different standards come about with different standardization committees The good news about both formats and...
Ngày tải lên: 21/10/2014, 10:09
chapter 4 types of e-commerce providers and vendors
... management, pricing and promotions, and content management And finally, merchandise planning includes optional applications for seasonal planning, demand forecasting, replenishment, and purchase order ... cart, and order processing functionality Although the ECISP builds and hosts the store, clients retain complete control over design elements and merchandising Consumers see only the client’s brand, ... brand, content, and merchandise The ECISP handles everything technical, including site uptime, response time, and the management of customer shopping sessions The ECISP also handles tax calculation,...
Ngày tải lên: 13/11/2014, 12:59
Chapter 4: Getting Images into and out of Photoshop
... command and a 1- or 2-pixel radius to snatch up those stray, deselected pixels The Smooth command can also eliminate jagged edges along the outside of your selection ߜ Expand: The Expand command ... modification commands The next group of commands in the Select menu actually holds six separate commands, including Refine Edge (discussed earlier in this chapter), and the five Modify commands, each ... the Grow and Similar commands, which are somewhat like the Magic Wand with Contiguous (Grow) and without Contiguous (Similar) selected on the Options bar (In fact, they use the Magic Wand’s Tolerance...
Ngày tải lên: 27/08/2012, 14:35