chairman bernanke and inflation targeting

Preferences of the Central Reserve Bank of Peru and optimal monetary policy rules in the inflation targeting regime ppt

Preferences of the Central Reserve Bank of Peru and optimal monetary policy rules in the inflation targeting regime ppt

... (such as inflation, output and exchange rate) for a small open economy is crucial in an inflation target regime in order to try to meet the inflation target In the current inflation targeting ... specifically the inflation targeting regime, and also a different method (calibration) to determine the preferences of the CRBP Results showed that the Peruvian monetary authority in the inflation targeting ... for inflation stabilization and for exchange rate depreciation and a lesser preference for the output gap In the same vein as Cecchetti and Krause (2001) and Cecchetti and Ehrmann (1999), Bejarano...

Ngày tải lên: 15/03/2014, 14:20

37 561 0
Is there Room for Forex Interventions under Inflation Targeting Framework? Evidence from Mexico and Turkey pptx

Is there Room for Forex Interventions under Inflation Targeting Framework? Evidence from Mexico and Turkey pptx

... literature see Sarno and Taylor (2001), Dominguez and Frankel (1993b), and Edison (1993) A detailed analysis and description of the portfolio effect can be found in Domínguez and Frenkel (1993a) ... contain the effect of temporary exchange rate shocks on inflation and financial stability.2 In practice, it appears that all inflation targeting central banks explicitly allow for the option ... goal: the attainment of the annual inflation objective, and in the medium to long run, the gradual reduction of inflation This framework was maintained until 1997 and thereafter the monetary policy...

Ngày tải lên: 15/03/2014, 14:20

33 441 0
Inflation targeting, price stickiness and price adjustment speed

Inflation targeting, price stickiness and price adjustment speed

... trade-o¤s between in‡ ation and wages; and in‡ ation and output, and relationships between in‡ ation and zero-vintage relative price; in‡ ation and labor demand; and in‡ ation and price adjustment speed ... pricing 81 3.3a Real wage rate and long run 84 3.3b Real output and long run 3.3c Relative price q0 and long run 3.3d Labor demand and long run 3.3e Endogenous T and long run in‡ ation (Taylor ... neutrality of money in the long run Some important results are Fisher and Seater (1993), Gweke (1986), McCandless and Weber (1995), and King and Watson (1997) However, neo-Keynesian models with …xed adjustment...

Ngày tải lên: 10/09/2015, 15:51

144 79 0
Căn cứ và điều kiện để thực thi khuôn khổ chính sách tiền tệ hướng tới lạm phát (Inflation targeting)

Căn cứ và điều kiện để thực thi khuôn khổ chính sách tiền tệ hướng tới lạm phát (Inflation targeting)

... triển làm tăng tính minh bạch, uy tín NHTW, nhiên, nhà kinh tế Fillion and Léonard (1997), Landarretche et al (1999), Leiderman and Bar-Or (2000) rằng, nước thực khuân khổ sách tiền tệ mối quan hệ...

Ngày tải lên: 22/10/2013, 09:15

3 435 0
Tài liệu Căn cứ và điều kiện để thực thi khuôn khổ chính sách tiền tệ hướng tới lạm phát(Inflation targeting) ppt

Tài liệu Căn cứ và điều kiện để thực thi khuôn khổ chính sách tiền tệ hướng tới lạm phát(Inflation targeting) ppt

... triển làm tăng tính minh bạch, uy tín NHTW, nhiên, nhà kinh tế Fillion and Léonard (1997), Landarretche et al (1999), Leiderman and Bar-Or (2000) rằng, nước thực khuân khổ sách tiền tệ mối quan hệ...

Ngày tải lên: 20/12/2013, 18:15

3 460 3
money and inflation

money and inflation

... Presence of persistent government budget deficits High Employment Targets and Inflation Demand-Pull Inflation Budget Deficits and Inflation I Government Budget Constraint DEF = G – T = ∆MB + ∆B Where: ... Money and Inflation: Evidence • Inflation is always and everywhere a monetary phenomenon • Whenever a country’s inflation rate is extremely high for a sustained ... accommodating policy • Demand-pull inflation • Budget deficits – Can be the source only if the deficit is persistent and is financed by creating money rather than by issuing bonds Origins of Inflationary...

Ngày tải lên: 05/01/2014, 17:02

23 2,3K 2
Tài liệu An Empirical Decomposition of Risk and Liquidity in Nominal and Inflation- Indexed Government Bonds pptx

Tài liệu An Empirical Decomposition of Risk and Liquidity in Nominal and Inflation- Indexed Government Bonds pptx

... have a significantly smaller and less liquid market (Campbell, Shiller, and Viceira 2009, Gurkaynak, Sack, and Wright 2010, Fleming and Krishnan 2009, Dudley, Roush, and Steinberg Ezer 2009) If ... rate risk and inflation risk It would be interesting to understand the implications for portfolio management and pension investing and how these implications vary by investment horizon and the investor’s ... the demand for nominal and real bonds 25 References Acharya, Viral V., and Lasse Heje Pedersen, 2005, "Asset Pricing with Liquidity Risk", Journal of Finance, 77:375—410 Anderson, Nicola and John...

Ngày tải lên: 16/02/2014, 02:20

41 556 1
Florian Kajuth und Sebastian Watzka: Inflation expectations from index-linked bonds: Correcting for liquidity and inflation risk premia docx

Florian Kajuth und Sebastian Watzka: Inflation expectations from index-linked bonds: Correcting for liquidity and inflation risk premia docx

... State-space inflation forecast Liquidity premium Inflation risk premium Figure 11: Smoothed time series from the state-space model and Cleveland Fed adjusted inflation forecast: Cleveland Fed and state-space ... on-the-run and off-the-run nominal bonds The Cleveland Fed assumes that there is a positive and stable correlation between the TIPS liquidity premium and the on/off-the-run premium, and in particular ... in (7) and IPt is a measure for the inflation risk premium, and εt is assumed normally distributed whited noise Daily data for spreadt and LPt are taken from the Cleveland Fed homepage and run...

Ngày tải lên: 06/03/2014, 04:20

27 322 1
Macroeconomics Presentation Topic: Monetary Policy and Inflation Control in Vietnam

Macroeconomics Presentation Topic: Monetary Policy and Inflation Control in Vietnam

... Year 2010: 11.75%  Year 2011: 18.58% Inflation – Figure and fact Inf lation rate 25 20 15 Inflation rate 10 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 Inflation – Figure and fact CPI in some recent years   ... reasonable levels contribute to curb inflation, stabilize macroeconomy and ensure social security Inflation – Figure and fact Inflation rate in some recent years  Year 2007: 12.63%  Year 2008: ... contain inflation and stabilize asset markets” (Frenkel and Taylor 2005) Evaluation: While indirect monetary policy has been introduced, there appears to exist a strong belief in the government and...

Ngày tải lên: 01/07/2014, 10:41

24 421 4
Nanosized magnetofluorescent fe3o4–curcumin conjugate for multimodal monitoring and drug targeting

Nanosized magnetofluorescent fe3o4–curcumin conjugate for multimodal monitoring and drug targeting

... MR scanner (Netherlands) with the slice thickness of mm on transversal and coronal planes, and using two sequences – T2weighted and T1-weighted Results and discussion 3.1 Size and structural characterizations ... first study reported about the original characteristics and application of Cur in cellular imaging and drug targeting Experimental 2.1 Chemical and biochemical materials All the chemicals were of ... et al / Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochem Eng Aspects 371 (2010) 104–112 lular debris and pathogens either as stationary or as mobile cells, and to stimulate lymphocytes and other immune cells...

Ngày tải lên: 02/07/2014, 14:14

9 271 0
Does inflation targeting decrease exchange rate passthrough in emerging countries?”

Does inflation targeting decrease exchange rate passthrough in emerging countries?”

... changes and Inflation in Post – Crisis Asian Economies” 43 Nghiên cứu Takatoshi Ito Kiyotaka Sato (2007) “Exchange Rate Pass-Through and Domestic Inflation: A comparison between East Asia and ... Coulibaly and Hubert Kempf (2010) “Does inflation targeting decrease exchange rate pass-through in emerging countries?” GVHD: PGS.TS Nguyễn Thị Ngọc Trang LỜI MỞ ĐẦU Trong nghiên cứu “Does inflation targeting ... nghiên cứu “Does inflation targeting matter?” 16 17 Industrial-country inflation targeters Merging-economy inflation targeters Nhóm 7- Lớp TCDN Đêm – K20 Page 38 Dramane Coulibaly and Hubert Kempf...

Ngày tải lên: 04/07/2014, 10:38

55 176 0
Báo cáo y học: "Nipah virus infection and glycoprotein targeting in endothelial cells" ppsx

Báo cáo y học: "Nipah virus infection and glycoprotein targeting in endothelial cells" ppsx

... lysis and immunoprecipitation, F and G proteins were separated by SDS-PAGE and blotted to Table Summary and comparison of NiV infection and glycoprotein targeting in polarized epithelial and endothelial ... formed confluent and polarized monolayers and were labeled without prior fixation with NiV-specific antibodies and AlexaFluor 568-conjugated secondary antibodies from both, the apical and basolateral ... (C) Cells were fixed and surface-stained from both sides with a EB2-specific ligand (EphB4/Fc) and a AlexaFluor 568-labelled secondary antibody Then cells were permeabilized and incubated with...

Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 02:20

10 366 0
Báo cáo y học: "The roles of binding site arrangement and combinatorial targeting in microRNA repression of gene expression" ppt

Báo cáo y học: "The roles of binding site arrangement and combinatorial targeting in microRNA repression of gene expression" ppt

... expression and oncogenesis [21] Given the complexity and degree of interactions between miRNAs and target genes, understanding how miRNAs achieve their specificity is important to understanding miRNA ... factors that affect the degree and specificity of miRNA targeting by examining the effects of both single and multiple miRNAs targeting a gene In the case of single miRNA targeting, we explore the ... elucidate miRNA mechanisms in both single and multiple targeting and can further our understanding of disease Datasets reports Conclusion Materials and methods reviews We anticipate that the...

Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 08:20

18 367 0
calberg - unemployment and inflation in economic crises (2012)

calberg - unemployment and inflation in economic crises (2012)

... Inflation Inflation Money Supply Money Supply Unemployment Unemployment Inflation Inflation Money Supply Money Supply Unemployment Unemployment Inflation Inflation Money Supply Money Supply and ... Inflation Inflation Money Supply Money Supply Unemployment Unemployment Inflation Inflation Money Supply Money Supply Unemployment Unemployment Inflation Inflation Money Supply Money Supply and ... Inflation Inflation Money Supply Money Supply Unemployment Unemployment Inflation Inflation Money Supply Money Supply Unemployment Unemployment Inflation Inflation Money Supply Money Supply and...

Ngày tải lên: 01/11/2014, 16:57

280 236 0
bemholz - monetary regimes and inflation (2003)

bemholz - monetary regimes and inflation (2003)

... standard was abolished from 1931, but by France, the Netherlands and Switzerland only in 1936 Since then all countries were and are on a discretionary paper money standard, though Switzerland ... 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 Inflation and monetary regimes Inflations: long-term historical evidence A description of different monetary regimes Monetary regimes and inflation The inflationary bias of ... therefore, hyperinflations will be seen as extreme cases of high inflations We will also employ the term moderate inflation The borderline between this type of inflation and high inflations will...

Ngày tải lên: 03/11/2014, 14:48

225 75 0
bài giảng ktvm  thị trường lao động - thất nghiệp và lạm phát labor markets, unemployment, and inflation

bài giảng ktvm thị trường lao động - thất nghiệp và lạm phát labor markets, unemployment, and inflation

... nghi p th c t ng v i t th t nghi p t nhiên th t Khi h cách s n l ng d ng (h cách l m phát - an inflationary gap), t th t nghi p th p h n t nhiên Khi h cách s n l ng âm (h cách suy thoái - a recessionary ... Phillips dài h n 19 NAIRU ng Phillips dài h n th t nghi p không làm gia t ng l m phát (nonaccelerating inflation rate of unemployment – NAIRU), t th t nghi p mà l m phát không thay i theo th i gian Nó...

Ngày tải lên: 15/11/2014, 14:00

11 1,3K 1
monetary policy in vietnam alternatives to inflation targeting

monetary policy in vietnam alternatives to inflation targeting

... priorities, and whether it would Bernanke and Mishkin, 1997 However, Mishkin (2000), an advocate of inflation targeting, acknowledges that price stability is “a means to an end, a healthy economy, and ... Macroeconomics and institutional frameworks of central banking 3.1 Issues surrounding scope for inflation targeting Although there is interest in inflation targeting (IT) on the part of the SBV, and a ... percent in 1988) only worsened the inflationary spiral The 1987-89 macroeconomic and fiscal crisis 17 and hyperinflation provided the impetus for the comprehensive and coordinated Doi Moi reforms...

Ngày tải lên: 28/11/2014, 17:18

34 557 4
monetary policy in vietnam alternatives to inflation targeting

monetary policy in vietnam alternatives to inflation targeting

... priorities, and whether it would Bernanke and Mishkin, 1997 However, Mishkin (2000), an advocate of inflation targeting, acknowledges that price stability is “a means to an end, a healthy economy, and ... Macroeconomics and institutional frameworks of central banking 3.1 Issues surrounding scope for inflation targeting Although there is interest in inflation targeting (IT) on the part of the SBV, and a ... percent in 1988) only worsened the inflationary spiral The 1987-89 macroeconomic and fiscal crisis 17 and hyperinflation provided the impetus for the comprehensive and coordinated Doi Moi reforms...

Ngày tải lên: 29/11/2014, 11:26

34 315 1
The impact of exchange rate policy on trade balance and inflation in Vietnam = Tác động của chính sách tỷ giá hối đoái đối với cán cân thương mại và lạm phát ở Việt Nam

The impact of exchange rate policy on trade balance and inflation in Vietnam = Tác động của chính sách tỷ giá hối đoái đối với cán cân thương mại và lạm phát ở Việt Nam

... in depreciation on trade balance and inflation and computes variance decomposition to understand the role of exchange rate in the variance of trade balance and inflation For empirical study, the ... balance and inflation • Chapter - Overview of the impact of exchange rate on trade balance and inflation in Vietnam • Chapter - Empirical study on impact of exchange rate on trade balance and inflation ... production increased and so did food prices, which all made inflation resume at the rate of 9.5% In 2005, the economy and society continued for development and stabilization The economy and key indexes...

Ngày tải lên: 05/03/2015, 09:08

74 2,1K 12