cardiovascular dysfunction in ischemic heart disease

Báo cáo y học: "Thioglycosides as inhibitors of hSGLT1 and hSGLT2: Potential therapeutic agents for the control of hyperglycemia in diabetes"

Báo cáo y học: "Thioglycosides as inhibitors of hSGLT1 and hSGLT2: Potential therapeutic agents for the control of hyperglycemia in diabetes"

... release (using biguanides) [7] In addition, manipulation of insulin through exogenous insulin administration or increase of endogenous insulin production, using sulfonylureas and meglitinides, are ... treat diabetes are mainly focused in different interventions directed to improve glucose disposal (using insulin sensitizers like metformin), to reduce insulin resistance (using glitazones like ... is absorbed through the small intestine and converted into its active form, a specific inhibitor of renal SGLT, resulting in inhibition of glucose reabsorption in the renal tubules [17, 19] This...

Ngày tải lên: 26/10/2012, 10:04

9 651 0
Báo cáo y học: "Foundation for the Community Control of Hereditary Diseases, Budapest, Hungary"

Báo cáo y học: "Foundation for the Community Control of Hereditary Diseases, Budapest, Hungary"

... early surgical intervention without residual defects or minimal after effects In Hungary early surgical intervention has resulted in a complete recovery in some types of congenital cardiovascular ... abnormalities not represent a single pathological entity and therefore there is no single strategy for their prevention Conflict of interest The author has declared that no conflict of interest exists References ... Congenital abnormality (CA) (e.g neural-tube defect) Fetal disease (e.g fetal toxoplasmosis) Genetic disease (e.g cystic fibrosis) Intrauterine growth retardation (idiopathic) Disability (e.g mental...

Ngày tải lên: 02/11/2012, 11:12

2 626 0
Control of Membrane Fouling by Coagulant and Coagulant Aid Addition in Membrane Bioreactor Systems

Control of Membrane Fouling by Coagulant and Coagulant Aid Addition in Membrane Bioreactor Systems

... washing, was obtained in R5 while in other cases it was less than day This result suggested that adding polysilicate and Fe(III) mixture would bring better effect to mitigate membrane fouling ... worked more effectively on protein and carbohydrate removal The removal amount increased according to the 206 increase in Fe(III) concentrations Particularly, the protein concentrations decreased ... carbohydrate) removal and fouling reduction were investigated by conducting batch and long-term MBR experiments The main goals of adding such modified coagulants were to increase particle size, and...

Ngày tải lên: 05/09/2013, 10:15

11 575 0
Development of DMC controllers for temperature control of a room deploying the displacement ventilation HVAC system

Development of DMC controllers for temperature control of a room deploying the displacement ventilation HVAC system

... Engineering from Harbin Institute of Technology, China in 2007 He is now pursuing his PhD degree in the same department in Harbin Institute of Technology and studying as a joint student in department of ... received PhD degree in control science and engineering from Harbin Institute of Technology, China in 2005 He was a Research Associate in the department of Mechanical Engineering the University ... In: Proceedings of the American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference & Exposition, pp.3513-3520 Zhicheng Li received his MS degree in Control Science and Engineering from Harbin...

Ngày tải lên: 05/09/2013, 16:11

12 557 0
BIOS Takes Control of the UHCI Host Controller

BIOS Takes Control of the UHCI Host Controller

... BIOS starts the operating system at some point and the operating system takes control of the PC and the host controller As shown in Figure 1, code in a routine in the operating system host controller ... cleared, interrupts are steered to the standard host controller interrupt 12* When the InterruptRouting bit is set, interrupts are steered to the SMI interrupt Note SMM is a processor mode in Intel® ... BIOS starts the operating system at some point and the operating system takes control of the PC and the host controller As shown in Figure 1, code in a routine in the operating system host controller...

Ngày tải lên: 07/10/2013, 00:20

20 353 0
The Potential of Biofumigants as Alternatives to Methyl Bromide for the Control of Pest Infestation in Grain and Dry Food Products

The Potential of Biofumigants as Alternatives to Methyl Bromide for the Control of Pest Infestation in Grain and Dry Food Products

... Indole alkaloid pathway, 26 Induced systemic resistance(ISR), 146 Induction of Defense Metabolism, 154 Industrial sector, 107–116 Inteins, 83 Intellectual Property Rights, 378 International Institute ... (IITA), 375 International Potato Center (CIP) in Lima, 375 International Rice Research Institute (IRRI), 375 International Rice Research Institute in Los Ba˜ os, Philippines, 375 n International ... carried out in simulation glass columns of 10 cm in diameter × 120 cm in height, filled to 70% by volume with wheat (11% moisture content) The insects were introduced in cages, each holding 20 insects...

Ngày tải lên: 25/10/2013, 05:20

20 485 0
Alternative Processing Technologies for the Control of Spoilage Bacteria in Fruit Juices and Beverages

Alternative Processing Technologies for the Control of Spoilage Bacteria in Fruit Juices and Beverages

... properly before processing is among the main reasons for contamination in fruit juice Washing and brushing fruit before the juicing step is common in juice processing According to one industry survey, ... production, including preharvest practices of planting, growing of fruit, harvesting, postharvest handling, washing, and cooling and storage PREVENTIVE MEASURES IN THE ORCHARD Contamination of ... contamination is the best means of eliminating E coli O157:H7 from apple cider 32 NONTHERMAL ALTERNATIVE PROCESSING TECHNOLOGIES Since traditional thermal processes, though effective in inactivating...

Ngày tải lên: 25/10/2013, 21:20

21 693 2
Control of Cell Proliferation and Growth byMyc Proteins

Control of Cell Proliferation and Growth byMyc Proteins

... al 2005) In the small intestine, deletion of c-myc leads to a transient failure to form normal numbers of crypts in the small intestine, but in long-term experiments the mice maintain a normal ... TRRAP binds to a highly conserved domain in the amino-terminus of Myc proteins (MycboxII), and Myc controls acetylation of its target genes in a MycboxII-dependent manner Mutations in this domain ... Myc proteins are localized in this compartment Indeed, immunofluorescence experiments show that Myc can be found in the nucleolus, in particular after proteasome inhibition The latter finding also...

Ngày tải lên: 25/10/2013, 21:20

14 376 0
Electronics - Digital Control of Switching Power Supply

Electronics - Digital Control of Switching Power Supply

... switching power supply requires many features such as: Lower input current harmonics to meets the IEC 1000-3 harmonic limits High input power factor to minimize reactive requirements Minimum ... provide improved power factor Analog control can provide continuous processing of signal, thus allowing very high bandwidth It also gives infinite resolution of the signal measured Analog control, ... of the power supply by containing the complexity of control system within the software Therefore, since digital control is much flexible than analog control, is becoming lower cost, and applicable...

Ngày tải lên: 27/10/2013, 16:15

11 535 1
Intrathecal baclofen for the control of spinal and supraspinal spasticity

Intrathecal baclofen for the control of spinal and supraspinal spasticity

... result in a diminution of points or more in Ashworth scores in spasticity of both spinal and supraspinal origin (discussed below) Spasm score Flexion or extension spasms, more common in the lower ... baclofen, like orally administered baclofen, is not metabolized but is mainly excreted unchanged in the urine Pharmacokinetics of intrathecal baclofen Baclofen in cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) Baclofen ... management are ineffective or inadequate or cause unacceptable side effects In all patients with spasticity, remediable aggravating factors such as urinary retention or infection, skin infection or...

Ngày tải lên: 01/11/2013, 10:20

12 579 0
Tài liệu Điều khiển thích nghi máy công cụ điều khiển số ( Adaptive Control of CNC Machine Tools) ppt

Tài liệu Điều khiển thích nghi máy công cụ điều khiển số ( Adaptive Control of CNC Machine Tools) ppt

... Computer Integrated Manufacturing Printice-Hall, 1987 Yoram Koren: Computer Control of Manufacturing Systems McGraw-Hill, 1983 Japanese National Research Institute: Mechanical Engineering Laboratory ... kênh Analog Input (A/D Converter), kênh Analog Output (D/A Converter) với độ phân giải 12 bit, kênh Digital Input kênh Digital Output 16 bit Ngoài có Programmable Timer/Counter sở Intel 8253 Tốc ... Không lực Mỹ Vào khoảng thời gian đó, hãng Cincinnati Milacron xây dựng hệ tơng tự Cả hai nơi nhận tạo hệ thống có khả đo trực tuyến tiêu hiệu (Performance Index - PI) trình Mặt khác hệ AC đắt để...

Ngày tải lên: 10/12/2013, 13:16

9 797 12
Tài liệu Điều khiển thích ứng hệ thống xác định một phần ( Adaptive control of partially known system) ppt

Tài liệu Điều khiển thích ứng hệ thống xác định một phần ( Adaptive control of partially known system) ppt

... B.O Kam, S.S Park and S.B Kim, Seam Tracking and Welding Speed Control of Mobile Robot for Lattice Type of Welding, Proc of the 6th IEEE Int Symposium on Industrial Electronics, Korea, Vol 2, pp ... Backstepping Kinematics into Dynamics, Proc of the 34th Conf on Decision & Control, pp 38053810, USA, Dec 1995 [17] N Sarkar, X Yun and V Kumar, Control of Mechanical Systems With Rolling Constrains: ... Systems, Japan, pp 1288-1294, July 1993 [19] Jean-Jacques E Slotine and Weiping Li, Applied Nonlinear Control, Prentice-Hall International, Inc., pp 122-125 ...

Ngày tải lên: 10/12/2013, 13:16

10 634 7


... reducing trust This, too, is a reinforcing spiral, but in a downward direction A reinforcing loop does not occur forever Limiting forces materialize Systems thinking recognizes that a change in ... supportive reinforcing learning system Figure 67.9 displays a reinforcing loop that we might call the adaptive control or learning engine The reinforcing loop shows the additional influence of ... staff learning After some time operating in this environment, during which time the teams developed and refined these skills, the process began to provide reinforcing feedback for increasing the...

Ngày tải lên: 17/12/2013, 14:15

18 424 0


... constructing work breakdown structures; planning and scheduling; resource loading, leveling and constrained resource scheduling; financial planning and costing; performance analysis and reporting; ... equipment •• I Install drain tile ^- -Erect tower ^- -Install connecting cable in tower Backfill and grade Pour roof slab Frame interior I—Cleanup ! Layroofing Install utilities Paint - -Install ... rule-of-thumb or heuristic procedures We examine each category in turn A number of optimal procedures exist for scheduling resources, including linear programming Uncertainty is a fundamental difficulty...

Ngày tải lên: 17/12/2013, 14:15

22 416 0
Vector control of three phase AC machines - N.P.Quang

Vector control of three phase AC machines - N.P.Quang

... is now obtained The three-winding system of a 3-phase AC machine is a fixed system by nature Therefore, a transformation is imaginable from the three-winding system into a two-winding system ... Cartesian dq coordinate system is chosen identical with one of the three winding axes, e.g with the axis of winding u (fig 1.2), it is renamed into αβ coordinate system A stator-fixed coordinate system ... 11.2.2 11.3 Nonlinear control structure with direct decoupling for wind power plants with DFIM Existing problems at linear controlled wind power plants Nonlinear control structure for wind power plants...

Ngày tải lên: 18/12/2013, 09:10

346 1,4K 0


... used In this method, the V/f ratio is kept constant which in turn maintains the magnetizing flux constant so that the maximum torque remains unchanged Thus, the motor is completely utilized in ... resistances can be connected in the rotor circuit during starting This increases the starting torque (Equation 2.9 with s=1) and reduces the starting current (Equation 2.3) By making use of appropriate ... during starting This can be used in applications requiring high starting torque Once the motor is started, the external resistance can be cut out to obtain high torque throughout the accelerating...

Ngày tải lên: 18/12/2013, 22:06

76 684 0


... changing the opening angle The openings are generally covered by insect screens to prevent insect intrusion The other is a Venlo type of greenhouse, as in use in moderate climate zones, for instance, ... controls Equation 3.18 is known as Pontryagin’s minimum principle This principle and the associated Hamiltonian have the following interesting interpretation Using Equations 3.12 and 3.8, the Hamiltonian ... attention in practical applications Finally, in Chapter 9, we sketch a number of exciting developments in the greenhouse industry Most of these are inspired by the strongly felt need to make the industry...

Ngày tải lên: 01/01/2014, 07:23

318 289 1