cardiac pacemakers and resynchronization therapy

Ebook Cardiac pacemakers and resynchronization step-by-step (2e): Part 2

Ebook Cardiac pacemakers and resynchronization step-by-step (2e): Part 2

... 201 Cardiac Pacemakers and Resynchronization Step-by-Step: An Illustrated Guide, Second Edition S Serge Barold, Roland X Stroobandt and Alfons F Sinnaeve © 2010 S Serge Barold, Roland X Stroobandt, ... algorithms 395–7 cardiac arrhythmias diagnosis 283 pacemaker memory 295–7 cardiac memory 379–80 cardiac output 215, 216 cardiac pacing, retrograde conduction 266 cardiac perforation 382–3 cardiac remodeling, ... 390 cardiac resynchronization therapy 334, 335 DDD pacemakers 365 dual chamber pacing 267 endless loop tachycardia 133 prevention 371–2 functional atrial undersensing 121 lock in cardiac resynchronization

Ngày tải lên: 21/01/2020, 06:10

267 25 0
Ebook Cardiac pacemakers and resynchronization step-by-step (2e): Part 1

Ebook Cardiac pacemakers and resynchronization step-by-step (2e): Part 1

... Come Cardiac Pacemakers and Resynchronization Step-by-Step AN ILLUSTRATED GUIDE Cardiac Pacemakers and Resynchronization Step-by-Step: An Illustrated Guide, Second Edition S Serge Barold, Roland ... S Serge Cardiac pacemakers and resynchronization therapy step-by-step : an illustrated guide / S Serge Barold, Roland X Stroobandt, Alfons F Sinnaeve – 2nd ed p ; cm Rev ed of: Cardiac pacemakers ... 191 Cardiac Pacemakers and Resynchronization Step-by-Step: An Illustrated Guide, Second Edition S Serge Barold, Roland X Stroobandt and Alfons F Sinnaeve © 2010 S Serge Barold, Roland X Stroobandt,

Ngày tải lên: 21/01/2020, 18:56

211 24 0
Ebook Cardiac resynchronization therapy: Part 1

Ebook Cardiac resynchronization therapy: Part 1

... 6:45 PM Page i Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy 9781841846378-FM 6/18/07 6:45 PM Page iii Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy Edited by MARTIN ST JOHN SUTTON MD FRCP Professor, Cardiac Imaging ... failure with cardiac resynchronization therapy Hind Rahmouni, Ted Plappert, and Martin St John Sutton 71 Selecting appropriate patients for cardiac resynchronization therapy: What ... with both cardiac resynchronization and cardioverter–defibrillator capabilities Arthur M Feldman, Reginald T Ho, and Behzad Pavri 261 22 Efficacy of cardiac resynchronization therapy in

Ngày tải lên: 20/01/2020, 19:32

176 24 0
Ebook Cardiac resynchronization therapy: Part 2

Ebook Cardiac resynchronization therapy: Part 2

... Optimization of the interventricular (V–V) interval during cardiac resynchronization therapy S Serge Barold, Arzu Ilercil, Stéphane Garrigue, and Bengt Herweg Programmability of the interventricular ... 9781841846378-Ch12 6/14/07 10:08 AM Page 166 166 CARDIAC RESYNCHRONIZATION THERAPY possibly with right bundle branch activation alter QRS configuration and hemodynamics LVp LVp Delayed conduction ... monochamber LV pacing (Reproduced from Gassis S, Leon AR Cardiac resynchronization therapy: strategies for device programming, troubleshooting and follow-up J Interv Card Electrophysiol 2005;13:209–22.)

Ngày tải lên: 21/01/2020, 18:38

161 50 0
sepsis induced cardiac dysfunction and adrenergic blockade therapy for sepsis

sepsis induced cardiac dysfunction and adrenergic blockade therapy for sepsis

... of cardiac systolic function, cardiac work, and cardiac efficiency, was impaired in a CLP rat, compared with a sham rat [25] These experimental studies demonstrated structural and functional cardiac ... sepsis-induced cardiac dysfunction is identifiable as a reduction in stroke volume and ejection fraction [6, 7] Many factors have been shown to contribute to sepsis-induced cardiac dysfunction [8], and ... pathophysiology of sepsis-induced cardiac dysfunction and discuss the potentially therapeutic effects of β-adrenergic blockade on sepsis-induced cardiac dysfunction and other damaged organs during

Ngày tải lên: 04/12/2022, 16:15

10 0 0


... IMPROVEMENT IN MEDICAL AND INTERVENTIONAL THERAPY Edited by Branislav Baškot Coronary Angiography – The Need for Improvement in Medical and Interventional Therapy Edited ... diabetes mellitus, and lipid disorders and by campaigning against the smoking are important components of this medical success. Furthermore, improvements in medical and interventional therapy have ... complication of coronary angiography, and coronary intervention. That includes related to cardiac catheterization and diagnostic coronary angiography, and those that occur as a consequence of

Ngày tải lên: 28/06/2014, 05:20

218 308 0
Báo cáo y học: "High frequency of corticosteroid and immunosuppressive therapy in patients with systemic sclerosis despite limited evidence for efficacy" doc

Báo cáo y học: "High frequency of corticosteroid and immunosuppressive therapy in patients with systemic sclerosis despite limited evidence for efficacy" doc

... corticosteroid and immunosuppressive agent use with subspecialty, disease subset and organ involvement Variable Corticosteroid therapy vs. no corticosteroid therapy Immunosuppressive therapy vs. ... patients) and overlap subsets (11.9%; 168/1,416 patients) (Table 1). Complete data sets on corticosteroid therapy were available for 1,396 registered patients and data sets on immunosup- pressive therapy ... statistical power and an often marked clinical heterogeneity in these patients. SSc was therefore chosen as a paradigm to investigate the use of corticosteroid therapy and immunosuppressive therapy in

Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 13:22

10 500 0
Báo cáo y học: "Left ventricular diastolic dysfunction of the cardiac surgery patient; a point of view for the cardiac surgeon and cardio-anesthesiologist" pptx

Báo cáo y học: "Left ventricular diastolic dysfunction of the cardiac surgery patient; a point of view for the cardiac surgeon and cardio-anesthesiologist" pptx

... of overall cardiac dysfunction Mandinov L et al [69] 2000 Cardiovasc Res Doppler Echo definitions Vasan and Levy [70] 2000 Circulation Development of criteria for definite, probable and possible ... pressure and lower cardiac index compared to patients with normal to mild RVDD. Difficult separation from car- diopulmonary bypass was present in 65.5% and 72% of patients with moderate/severe LVDD and ... contrast to 40.9% and 48% of patients with nor- mal/mild LVDD/RVDD. They concluded that moderate and severe degree of LVDD and RVDD can be identified with very good reproducibility, and both degrees

Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2014, 10:20

10 491 0
báo cáo khoa học: "The applicability of normalisation process theory to speech and language therapy: a review of qualitative research on a speech and language intervention" pps

báo cáo khoa học: "The applicability of normalisation process theory to speech and language therapy: a review of qualitative research on a speech and language intervention" pps

... language, and communication needs (SLCN) i n England and Wales, Bercow [1] said that, ‘The requ irements of children and young people with SLCN and their families will be met when, and only when, ... Bercow review suggest that these are priority areas for speech and language therapy research and practice. Speech and language therapy interventions are good examples of complex interventions. ... Finally, the evidence base for speech and language therapy interventions is still developing. A systematic review of speech and language therapy for children found 25 randomised controlled trials since

Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2014, 11:20

10 601 0
An Introduction to Molecular Medicine and Gene Therapy - part 3 ppt

An Introduction to Molecular Medicine and Gene Therapy - part 3 ppt

... Second strand transfer The second DNA strand hybridizes to the first DNA strand in the PBS region (i) Completion of the first and second strands RT copies the remainder of the first and the second ... co-HIV receptors, CD4, and a chemokine receptor After binding to the 78 VECTORS OF GENE THERAPY Trang 11cellular receptor, the viral RNA enters the cytoplasm and is copied into stranded DNA via reverse ... RNase repre-H and remains associated with the first DNA strand ( f ) Initiation of second strand synthe-sis The primer at the PP tract initiates polymerization of the second strand Polymerization

Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2014, 14:22

40 787 0
An Introduction to Molecular Medicine and Gene Therapy - part 4 ppsx

An Introduction to Molecular Medicine and Gene Therapy - part 4 ppsx

... HEMATOPOIETIC STEM AND PROGENITOR CELLS AS TARGETS FOR GENE THERAPY 143 144 GENE THERAPY FOR HEMATOLOGICAL DISORDERS restoration of cellular and humoral immunity were documented after gene therapy Data ... factors such as flt-3 ligand and megakaryocyte growth and development factor (MGDF)/thrombopoietin (TPO) have augmented the level of genetically modified cells These cytokines and growth factors maintain ... the HIV genome and incorporation of the nuclear transport mechanism(s) into otherwise standard MuLV vectors for gene therapy has not been successful Beyond these HEMATOPOIETIC STEM AND PROGENITOR

Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2014, 14:22

40 296 0
An Introduction to Molecular Medicine and Gene Therapy - part 6 ppsx

An Introduction to Molecular Medicine and Gene Therapy - part 6 ppsx

... experience numbness and muscle weakness in the limbs and difficulty with coordination and balance These symptoms can be severe enough to impair walking and standing Speech difficulty, fatigue, and dizziness ... to further improve the understanding and treatment of complex acquired and congenital diseases previously unresponsive to traditional surgical and pharmacologic therapy KEY CONCEPTS • • • • The ... investiga- GENE THERAPY OF VASCULAR GRAFTS 193 FIGURE 8.4 Control oligonucleotide-treated (A and B) and antisense oligonucleotide (against c and kinase/PCNA)-treated vein grafts (C and D) in hypercholesterolernic

Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2014, 14:22

40 351 0
An Introduction to Molecular Medicine and Gene Therapy - part 7 pdf

An Introduction to Molecular Medicine and Gene Therapy - part 7 pdf

... toxicty and immunogenicity and transduction efficiencies need to be increased for both viral and nonviral vectors Tumor targeting and specificity need to be advanced and a further understanding ... provide targets for therapy Currently, surgery, radiation, and chemotherapy (drug therapy) form the medical management of cancer With the emphasis of human protocols in cancer gene therapy, successful ... effective than Ab1 (expanded repitoire) tumor-specific antigens and targets for vaccine imunotherapy Haptens, adjuvants, and cytokines have been used to increase idiotype immunogenicity and established

Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2014, 14:22

40 356 0
An Introduction to Molecular Medicine and Gene Therapy - part 10 pot

An Introduction to Molecular Medicine and Gene Therapy - part 10 pot

... therapy (see Chapters and 5) Matching a gene therapy methodology to a target disease involves a number of factors The technical issues that must be considered include determining the tissue and ... proteins (severe immune deficiency, hemophilia A and B) provide larger markets where gene therapy could have an impact As with any new therapy, gene therapy approach for a disease state would need ... standards supported by validated analytical methods and controlled unit operations All components of the process must be generally recognized as safe and must meet all applicable regulatory standards

Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2014, 14:22

34 253 0
Báo cáo y học: " Overall asthma control achieved with budesonide/formoterol maintenance and reliever therapy for patients on different treatment steps" pps

Báo cáo y học: " Overall asthma control achieved with budesonide/formoterol maintenance and reliever therapy for patients on different treatment steps" pps

... maintenance and reliever therapy vs. same maintenance dose ICS/ LABA + SABA, 247 patients (12.2%) vs. 437 patients (21.4%), respectively [3,7]; and BUD/FORM maintenance and reliever therapy vs. ... treatme nt step, the BUD/FORM maintenance and reliever therapy Figure 2 Mean FEV 1 by visit and GINA step at study entry. BUD/FORM maintenance and reliever therapy vs. higher maintenance dose ICS ... Budesonide/formoterol maintenance and reliever therapy vs. higher maintenance dose ICS + SABA Step 2 Step 3 Step 4 Higher maintenance ICS + SABA (N = 262) BUD/FORM maintenance and reliever therapy (N = 231)

Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 13:22

11 284 0
Cardiac Pacemakers - Biological Aspects, Clinical Applications and Possible Complications

Cardiac Pacemakers - Biological Aspects, Clinical Applications and Possible Complications

... of Cardiac Pacing Chapter Biologic Pacemaker - Role of Gene and Cell Therapy in Cardiac Arrhythmias Hadi A.R Hadi Khafaji Chapter Coherent Resonant Properties of Cardiac Cells A Chorvatova and ... Santiago Sandoval-Navarrete and Rocío Moz-Sandoval Chapter Permanent Cardiac Pacing in Adults with High Grade Atriovetricular Block and Preserved Left Ventricular Function: Optimal Mode and Site ... implementation of modern pacemakers and different cardiac pacing methods in various clinical indications A forehanded glance on the ways of further development in cardiac pacing methods and means is also...

Ngày tải lên: 11/04/2015, 11:36

206 399 0
Tài liệu Types of pacemakers and the hemodynamics of pacing pptx

Tài liệu Types of pacemakers and the hemodynamics of pacing pptx

... Chapter 10, pacing after cardiac surgery is quite common and that does allow temporary transthoracic atrial and ventricular leads to be placed, and AAI pacing, VVI pacing, and DDD pacing are all ... 1990;15:658 Bleeker GB, Kaandorp TAM, Lamb HJ, et al Effect of posterolateral scar tissue on clinical and echocardiographic improvement after cardiac resynchronization therapy Circulation 2006;113:969-976 ... Engineers and electrophysiologists have attempted to mimic sequential atrial and ventricular electrical activation of the heart with artificial pacemakers for decades A permanent AV sequential cardiac...

Ngày tải lên: 24/01/2014, 01:20

11 415 0
Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: Mixed lineage leukemia: roles in human malignancies and potential therapy pdf

Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: Mixed lineage leukemia: roles in human malignancies and potential therapy pdf

... phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase and Hedgehog, and thus affects metabolism, the cell cycle, gene expression, developmental processes and oncogenesis Active GSK3 is indicative of absent WNT-signaling and leads to ... leukemia patients and collected a total of 64 different MLL fusion partners The analyzed MLL fusion alleles were classified according to their occurrence in ALL and AML patients and their putative ... localization and their putative function Twenty-five of them represent nuclear proteins and 33 represent cytosolic proteins; one fusion partner could not be classified With few exceptions (e.g the AF4 and...

Ngày tải lên: 16/02/2014, 14:20

10 658 0


... osteotome therapy and restoration with a stock abutment and crown Implant placement with concomitant sinus augmentation therapy and restoration with a stock abutment and crown Sinus augmentation therapy ... regenerative therapy, or the necessity of performing regenerative therapy and placing the implant at a second surgical visit These considerations significantly impact the time and cost of therapy and the ... periodontal therapy continues to be handicapped by an incomplete understanding of diagnostic and technical criteria for success BLBS033-Fugazzotto March 13, 2009 18:56 Tooth Retention and Implant...

Ngày tải lên: 16/02/2014, 21:20

423 449 2
Báo cáo khoa học: Expression profiling reveals differences in metabolic gene expression between exercise-induced cardiac effects and maladaptive cardiac hypertrophy pot

Báo cáo khoa học: Expression profiling reveals differences in metabolic gene expression between exercise-induced cardiac effects and maladaptive cardiac hypertrophy pot

... Western world and is commonly associated with cardiac hypertrophy Sustained cardiac hypertrophy leads to cardiac dysfunction, heart failure, arrhythmia and sudden death As a result, cardiac hypertrophy ... factor for cardiac morbidity and mortality [1] Exercise-induced cardiac hypertrophy is distinct from the hypertrophy seen in different pathological settings, as it is not accompanied by cardiac ... synthesized from 10 ng heart RNA Standard curve reactions contained cDNA pooled from all samples and diluted : 2, : 4, : 10, : 50 and : 100 (corresponding to 50, 25, 10, and ng of total heart RNA, respectively)...

Ngày tải lên: 23/03/2014, 13:20

12 341 0