
Tài liệu TCW-501 Fusion Splicer - User’s Manual pdf

Tài liệu TCW-501 Fusion Splicer - User’s Manual pdf

... Notice: 1) Auto operation and manual operation can’t be mixed. 2) Best to press “GAP” to setting gap when it’s manual operation. 3) The TCW-501won’t estimate loss when it’s manual operation. 9.2 Setting ... inner circuit fault probably. If you couldn’t solve Techwin (China) Industry Co., Ltd User s Manual 1 General information 1.1 Applicable range 1.2 Specifications 2 Terms about TCW-501 FUSION ... Techwin (China)Industry Co., Ltd TCW-501 Fusion Splicer Optical Fiber Fusion Splicer TCW-501 User s Manual Techwin (China) Industry Co., Ltd 8 Selecting fusion program 8.1 Overview of fusion...

Ngày tải lên: 19/01/2014, 10:20

29 555 0
Tài liệu ô tô Haynes Peugeot 205 (Phần Service And Repair Manual).pdf

Tài liệu ô tô Haynes Peugeot 205 (Phần Service And Repair Manual).pdf

... miles/12 months). Every 48 000 miles (80 000 km) or 4 years - whichever comes sooner ⅥⅥ˛ Renew the fuel filter - fuel injection models (Section 32). Every 12 000 miles (18 000 km) or 12 months - whichever ... items listed above, carry out the following: ⅥⅥ˛ Check the manual transmission oil level, and top-up if necessary (Section 21). ⅥⅥ˛ Renew the manual transmission oil (pre-1988 BE1 transmissions only) ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Manual transmission oil level check . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 Manual transmission oil renewal . . . . . . . . . ....

Ngày tải lên: 23/08/2012, 10:31

233 1.4K 7
Tài liệu hướng dẫnChevrolet Cobalt 2007 Owner Manual.pdf

Tài liệu hướng dẫnChevrolet Cobalt 2007 Owner Manual.pdf

... infant’s head rests toward the center of the vehicle. 47 Front Seats 9 Manual Seats 9 Driver Seat Height Adjuster 10 Manual Lumbar 10 Heated Seats 11 Reclining Seatbacks 12 Head Restraints 14 Easy ... 62 Section 1 Seats and Restraint Systems 7 Front Seats Manual Seats { CAUTION: You can lose control of the vehicle if you try to adjust a manual driver’s seat while the vehicle is moving. The ... “General Motors of Canada Limited” for Chevrolet Motor Division whenever it appears in this manual. This manual describes features that may be available in this model, but your vehicle may not be...

Ngày tải lên: 23/08/2012, 11:28

444 1.1K 2
Xe ô tô HUMMER H3 Owner Manual.pdf

Xe ô tô HUMMER H3 Owner Manual.pdf

... HUMMER whenever it appears in this manual. Keep this manual in the vehicle, so it will be there if it is needed while on the road. If the vehicle is sold, leave this manual in the vehicle. Canadian ... language copy of this manual can be obtained from your dealer or from: Helm, Incorporated P.O. Box 07130 Detroit, MI 48207 How to Use This Manual Many people read the owner manual from beginning ... owner manual to explain things. Index A good place to quickly locate information about the vehicle is the Index in the back of the manual. It is an alphabetical list of what is in the manual...

Ngày tải lên: 23/08/2012, 11:36

420 1.2K 2


... WARNING BEEXTREMELYCAREFULINTHEUSEOFTHISMETER.Improperuseofthisdevice canresultinelectricshockordestroyofthemeter.Followallsafeguardssuggestedinthis manualandthenormalsafetyprecautionsusedinworkingwithelectricalcircuits. Donotservicethisdeviceifyouarenotqualifiedtodoso. To ensuresafeoperation,andinordertoexploittothefullthefunctionalityofthemeter, pleasefollowthedirectionsinthissectioncarefully. ThismeterhasbeendesignedaccordingtoIEC-1010concerningelectronicmeasuringinstrumentswith anovervoltagecategoryCATⅢ600Vandpollution2. Followallsafetyandoperatinginstructionstoensurethatthemeterisusedsafelyandiskeptingood operatingcondition. Withproperuseandcare,thedigitalmeterwillgiveyouyearsofsatisfactoryservice. 1.1PRELIMINARY 1.1.1Whenusingthemeter,theusermustobserveallnormalsafetyrulesconcerning: -Protectionagainstthedangersofelectricalcurrent. -Protectionofthemeteragainstmisuse. 1.1.2Whenthemeterisdelivered,checkthatithasnotbeendamagedintransit. 1.1.3Whenpoorconditionunderharshpreservationorshippingconditionscaused,inspectandconfirm thismeterwithoutdelay. 1.1.4Beforeusingtocheckforvoltage,alwaystestthemeteronaknownlivecircuittoverifythatthe detectfunctionofthemeterisworkingproperly. 1.1.5 Test leadortestclipmustbeingoodcondition.Beforeusingverifythattheinsulationontestleador testclipisnotdamagedand/ortheleadswireisnotexposed. 1.1.6Fullcompliancewithsafetystandardscanbeguaranteedonlyifusedwithtestleadssupplied. Ifnecessary,theymustbereplacedwiththesamemodelorsameelectricratings. User& apos;sManual SinoMeter MS8211 ... 1.2DURINGUSE 1.2.1Beforeusing,youmustselecttherightfunctionandrange. 1.2.2Neverexceedtheprotectionlimitvaluesindicatedinspecificationsforeachrangeofmeasurement. 1.2.3Whenthemeterislinkedtoameasurementcircuit,donottouchtheprobetipofthemeterandtest lead(ortestclip). 1.2.4Atthemanualrange,whenthevaluescaletobemeasuredisunknownbeforehand,selectthe highestrange. 1.2.5Donotmeasurevoltageifthevoltageontheterminalsexceeds600Vaboveearthground. 1.2.6Alwaysbecarefulwhenworkingvoltagesabove60VDCor30VACrms,keepfingersbehindthe probebarrierwhilemeasuring. 1.2.7Neverconnectthemeterleadsacrossavoltagesourcewhilethetransformswitchisinthe resistance,diodeorcontinuitymode.Doingsocandamagethemeter. 1.2.8Neverperformresistance,diodeandcontinuitymeasurementsonlivecircuits. 1.2.9ACVdetectingiswithoutcontact,theprobeshouldberevolvedinthemetercompletelywhenuse, anddonotcontacttheCOMjackwhichatthebackofthemeterwiththetestlead(ortestclip). 1.2.10Beforerotatingthetransformswitchtochangethefunction,disconnectthetipofmeterandthe probe ofthetestlead(ortestclip)fromthecircuitundertest. 1.2.11Neverusethemeterundertheconditionoftheexplosiveair,steamordirt. 1.2.12Ifanyfaultsorabnormalitiesareobserved,themetercannotbeusedanymoreandithastobe checkedout. 1.2.13Neverusethemeterunlesstherearcaseisinplaceandfastenedfully. 1.2.14Pleasedonotstoreorusemeterinareasexposedtodirectsunlight,hightemperature,humidityor condensation. 1.3SYMBOLS Importantsafetyinformation,refertotheoperatingmanual. Doubleinsulation(Protectionclass((). CAT(((Overvoltage(Installation)categoryIII,PollutionDegree2perIEC1010-1referstothelevelof ImpulseWithstandVoltageprotectionprovided. Conformstoeuropeanuniondirective Earthground ACAlternatingcurrent DCDirectcurrent ACorDC(alternatingcurrentordirectcurrent) Diode Continuitybuzzer M.HThemaximumvalueisbeingheld. D-HThisindicatesthatthedisplaydataisbeingheld. AUTOAutorange ... (ortestclip)totheother side. 4.8.6Youcangetreadingfrom LCDdisplay. WARNING RiskofElectrocution. Youcan’tinputthevoltagewhichishigherthan600VrmsAC,it’spossibletoshowhigher voltage,butitmaydamagetheinnercircuitorcauseelectricalshock. Payattentiontoavoidgettinganelectricshockwhenmeasuringvoltage. NOTE: -Atthemanualrangemode,whenonlythefigure‘OL ’ isdisplayed,itindicatesoverrangesituationand thehigherrangehastobeselected. -Atthelittlevoltagerange,themeterwillshowunsteadyreadingwhentestleadshaven’treachthecircuit, it’snormalbecausethemeterisverysensitivity.Whentestleadstouchthecircuit,youcangetthetrue reading. -Atthemanualrangemode,whenthevaluescaletobemeasuredisunknownbeforehand,selectthe rangeatthehighestpositionandsetdowngradually. -TransformtothemanualrangewhenusethemVrange. 4.9MEASURINGRESISTANCE 4.9.1Rotatetheprobesocketclockwisetospinouttheprobefromthemeter. 4.9.2InserttheblacktestleadortestclipintheCOMjack. 4.9.3Setthetransformswitchatthe(rangeposition. Autorangeormanualrangecanbe transformedbyputtingthe“RANGE”. 4.9.4Connecttheprobetipofthe metertoonesideofthetested circuitandprobetipofthetest lead(ortestclip)totheotherside. 4.9.5YoucangetreadingfromLCDdisplay. WARNING RiskofElectrocution. Whenmeasuringin-circuitresistance,besurethecircuitundertesthasallpower removedandthatallcapacitorshavebeendischargedfully. NOTE: -Atthemanualrangemode,whenonlythefigure‘OL ’ isdisplayed,itindicatesoverrangesituationand thehigherrangehastobeselected. -Formeasuringresistanceabove1MΩ,themetermaytakeafewsecondstogetstablereading. -Whentheinputisnotconnected,i.e.atopencircuit,thefigure‘OL ’ willbedisplayedfortheoverrange condition. ...

Ngày tải lên: 05/03/2013, 13:43

11 382 0
User manual

User manual

Ngày tải lên: 18/06/2013, 16:21

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Nasdaq Trader Manual(PDF)

Nasdaq Trader Manual(PDF)

... negotiation results. Notice: This manual is in no way intended to be a substitution for, or relied upon in lieu of, the rules contained in the NASD Manual. Nasdaq Trader Manual Market Maker Requirements ... zero, you may update your quote and size manually, or rely on the auto-refresh capability described above. You must restore your supplemental exposure size manually—the system will not automatically ... are separated into tiers of 200, 500, and 1,000 shares, depending on the trading characteristics of the stock. SmallCap securities are separated into 100- or 500- share tiers. All order-entry...

Ngày tải lên: 22/10/2013, 14:15

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Tài liệu Hướng dẫn-Exchange2007-phần 1-Local User-Group pdf

Tài liệu Hướng dẫn-Exchange2007-phần 1-Local User-Group pdf

... Local User B1: Click nút phải chuột trên My Computer → Mange → System tools → Local user and group → Users B2: Click nút phải chuột trên Users → New Users B3: Nhập tên “U1” vào ô User ... Switch User Lúc này ta thấy trên màn hình Logon báo user U1 có 1 ứng dụng đang chạy B8: Phải chuột lên My Computer → Manage → System tools → Local user and group → Users ... Fast User Switching Mục đích: Khi các User logoff các ứng dụng đang làm sẽ được giữ nguyên B1: Logon Administrator B2: Start → Setting → Control Panel → User Accounts → Change the way users...

Ngày tải lên: 10/12/2013, 00:15

9 1K 2
Tài liệu Hướng dẫn tạo User Skype pdf

Tài liệu Hướng dẫn tạo User Skype pdf

... E/z/,9$dy,5#`Tz/,$l,i,9,GxW/?,;*_'//9 @Tz/,M= (E/z/,9@H,5#,GxW/?,;*_*/0?StartI >E,*_`,;/(.,5GW/?,;0ia(`09Z?W,', $E*_/2#?$%*_"= HƯỚNG DẪN CÀI ĐẶT, TẠO USER VÀ SỬ DỤNG CHƯƠNG TRÌNH SKYPE. Vài nét về chương trình Skype:  !"#$% & $' & ( ) ** + * + ,- + . + */01,%*,2 (3*450678/*9:1/,;<= >/'?,(</@,/,2$$(A,5/ ... contact ?Find= @z/,*?Add Skype Contact -> Xong. HƯỚNG DẪN CÀI ĐẶT,TẠO USER VÀ SỬ DỤNG CHƯƠNG TRÌNH SKYPE  bvAx$E$dyz/,(A#I HƯỚNG...

Ngày tải lên: 13/12/2013, 14:15

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... DE/DH 1/7/2003 2 MAKEUP AIR DEHUMIDIFICATION DESIGN MANUAL The energy crisis of the mid 1970’s gave birth to a movement to conserve energy. Over the ... dehumidification systems for makeup air is a specialized area of HVAC design engineering. This design manual provides a simple method for sizing dehumidification equipment for makeup air. Nautica ... Cfm/room Florists 15 Bedrooms 30 Clothiers, furniture 0.30 Living rooms 30 Hardware, drugs, fabric 15 Baths 35 Supermarkets 15 Lobbies 15 Pet shops 1.00 Conference rooms 20 Sports and Amusement Assembly...

Ngày tải lên: 20/12/2013, 23:15

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Tài liệu Cisco Secure ACS Switch Security for Controlled User Access pdf

Tài liệu Cisco Secure ACS Switch Security for Controlled User Access pdf

... ALSwitch(config)#tacacs-server key superman c. Configure the local user account with user level access only ALSwitch(config)#username admin password 0 cisco d. Configure a local enable password ... DLRouter(config)#tacacs-server key superman c. Configure the local user account with user level access only DLRouter(config)#username admin password 0 cisco d. Configure a local enable password ... security for controlled user access Scenario: Your network consists of several network devices. You would like to configure access security to your devices by user where possible. You...

Ngày tải lên: 21/12/2013, 19:15

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