... SRRQ Non-ideal channel One-tap DFE )(3.0)()( Tttth c −+= δδ Matched filter outputs at the sampling time ISI-no noise, No equalizer ISI-no noise, DFE equalizer ISI- noise No equalizer ISI- noise DFE ... filters )( )()( fj cc c efHfH θ = Non-constant amplitude Amplitude distortion Non-linear phase Phase distortion Lecture 6 27 Equalization – cont’d Equalization using MLSE (Maximum likelihood sequence estimation) Filtering Transversal ... 19 Equalization – cont’d Frequency down-conversion Receiving filter Equalizing filter Threshold comparison For bandpass signals Compensation for channel induced ISI Baseband pulse (possibly distored) Sample (test...
Ngày tải lên: 18/10/2013, 06:15
Tài liệu LabVIEW Basics I Course Manual P2 pptx
... as (Windows) Notepad, WordPad, (Macintosh) TeachText, (UNIX) Text Editor, vi, or vuepad ❑ LabVIEW Basics II course disk, containing the following files. Filename Description LVB2SW.exe Self-extracting archive containing VIs ... State Machine VI architecture is a method for controlling the execution of VIs in a nonlinear fashion. This programming technique is very useful in VIs that are easily split into several simpler ... Instruments Corporation 1-17 LabVIEW Basics II Course Manual Exercise 1-2 Verify Information VI Objective: To build a VI that demonstrates the simple VI architecture. You will build a VI that accepts...
Ngày tải lên: 13/12/2013, 01:15
Tài liệu LabVIEW Basics I Course Manual P1 pptx
... during the course and for doing certain course exercises basics1.llb VI library containing subVIs used during the course nidevsim.zip Zip file containing the LabVIEW instrument driver for the NI ... as (Windows) Notepad, WordPad, (Macintosh) TeachText, (UNIX) Text Editor, vi, or vuepad ❑ LabVIEW Basics I course disks, containing the following files. Filename Description Disk 1 LV Basics I Directory for saving VIs created ... 1 Introduction to LabVIEW â National Instruments Corporation 1-7 LabVIEW Basics I Course Manual 1 Toolbar 2 Owned Label 3 Digital Numeric Control 4 Free Label 5 Digital Numeric Control Terminal 6...
Ngày tải lên: 13/12/2013, 01:15
Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: "Hypertext Authoring for Linking Relevant Segments of Related Instruction Manuals" pptx
... MITSUBISHI, 1995a. MITSUBISHI Video Tape Recorder HV-BZ66 Instruction Manual. MITSUBISHI, 1995b. MITSUBISHI Video Tape Recorder HV-F93 Instruction Manual. MITSUBISHI, 1995c. MITSUBISHI ... the given input text into a hypertext in which pairs of segments having high similarity, say high cosine value, are linked. The similarity of those pairs are associated with their links ... cosine measure similarity based on tf. idf is a baseline in evaluation of similarity measures we propose in the rest of this section. As the first expansion of definition of tf ã idf,...
Ngày tải lên: 20/02/2014, 18:20
Hollywood Racks Sport Rider Hitch Rack Instruction Manual pdf
... retaining pins are properly inserted and secure Wheel straps are fastened Hitch pin is secure and hitch pin clip is installed Drive slowly on bumpy or dirt roads Assembly Instructions: Tools ... tighten nut I. 3. Insert pin H6 through holes H4 and B4.Then install clip R through the pin. The main beam will now be in a fixed Horizontal position. Tighten bolt G and nut I securely with ... to the exclusions and limitations of this warranty. Hollywood Racks will remedy defects in materials and workmanship by repairing or replacing (at its option) a defective part without charge...
Ngày tải lên: 07/03/2014, 15:20
Instruction Manual for the MoreBeer! BrewSculptures pot
... for this limited warranty or for consequential or incidental damages, including, without limitation, any liability for third-party claims against you for damages, for products not being available ... expressed and implied warranties for the products, including but not limited to any implied warranties and conditions of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose, are limited in time to ... place the immersion chiller in the boil for at least 15 minutes prior to the end, which will sanitize the chiller. If you’re using a counter flow chiller, you can sanitize it by pumping hot (>180)...
Ngày tải lên: 16/03/2014, 15:20
Digital Communication I: Modulation and Coding Course-Lecture 2 potx
... spectral density and bandwidth efficiency) Bit synchronization capability Error detection capability Interference and noise immunity Implementation cost and complexity Lecture 2 18 PCM ... quantization It is achieved by uniformly quantizing the “compressed” signal. At the receiver, an inverse compression characteristic, called “expansion” is employed to avoid signal distortion. compression+expansion ... input. Not using the user-related specifications Robust to small changes in input statistic by not finely tuned to a specific set of input parameters Simple implementation Application of linear...
Ngày tải lên: 23/03/2014, 10:21
Digital Communication I: Modulation and Coding Course-Lecture 5 potx
Ngày tải lên: 23/03/2014, 10:21
MECHANICAL EQUIVALENT OF HEAT - Instruction Manual and Experiment Guide for the PASCO scientific Model TD-8551A potx
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kanji mnemonics instruction manual for learning japanese characters
Ngày tải lên: 27/03/2014, 12:07
Digital Communication I: Modulation and Coding Course-Lecture 10 potx
Ngày tải lên: 30/03/2014, 10:20
Digital Communication I: Modulation and Coding Course-Lecture 13 ppt
Ngày tải lên: 30/03/2014, 10:20
gonzalez, woods - digital image processing. instructors manual. 2nd
Ngày tải lên: 05/06/2014, 11:40
ABB Drives User’s Manual Digital I/O Extension FIO-01
... Overview This chapter contains a short description of the FIO-01 Digital I/ O Extension. The FIO-01 Digital I/ O Extension module The FIO-01 is a general purpose digital input/output extension. It offers ... 321 21212121 CHASSIS DIGITAL IO EXTENSION FIO-01 Diagnostic-LED Electromechanical relays digital I/ O Fixing screw Installation 16 Programming The communication between the module and the drive is activated ... relays Digital I/ O Fixing screw Connection to the drive X65 X61 X62 X63 X64 Installation 13 Installation Warning! Follow the safety instructions given in this guide and in the drive’s hardware manual. Mounting Warning!...
Ngày tải lên: 20/10/2013, 02:15
... 4.12.1Rotatetheprobesocketanti-clockwisetospintheprobeintothemeter. 4.12.2Setthetransformswitchatthe Vrangeposition. 4.12.3Besurethatthedisplayisnot shown“ ”,otherwise,the batteryshouldbereplaced. 4.12.4Setthetransformswitchto theTESTrange.ThenthegreenLEDoftheLEDIndicatorisbright. 4.12.5Rotatethesensitivityadjustingknobinthemiddleofthetransformswitchanti-clockwise,setthe meter tothehighestdetectingsensitivityinordertoenlargethedetectingrange. 4.12.6Puttheprobesocketclosetotheleadorthepowersocket,IfACelectricalvoltageispresent,the redLEDIndicatorwhichinfrontofthemeterwillflashandtheaudiblewarningwillsound. 4.12.7Intheplaceswithmanyleadsandjacks,rotatethesensitivityadjustingknobinthemiddleofthe transformswitchclockwise,setthemetertothelowerdetectingsensitivityinordertoconfirmwhichone iselectriferous. NOTE: -WhenusingACVdetectingfunction,alwayssetthemetertothehighestsensitivity. -Inthisrange,eventhoughthereisnoanysoundandlightindication,themeterwillstillconsume electricity. -Thereisnoautopowerofffunctioninthisrange. -AlwayssetthepowerswitchtotheOFFpositionwhenthemeterisnotinuse. 5.MAINTENANCE 5.1BATTERYREPLACEMENT WARNING Beforeattemptingtoopenthebatterycoverofthemeter,besurethattheprobetipofthe meterandtestlead(ortestclip)havebeendisconnectedfrommeasurementcircuitto avoidelectricshockhazard. 5.1.1Ifthesign‘ ’ appearsontheLCDdisplay,itindicatesthatthebatteryshouldbereplaced. 5.1.2Loosenthescrewfixingthebatterycoverandremoveit. 5.1.3Replacetheexhaustedbatterywithanewone. 5.1.4Putthebatterycoverasitsorigin. 5.2TESTLEADS(ORTESTCLIP)REPLACEMENT WARNING Fullincompliancewithsafetystandardscanbeguaranteedonlyifusedwithtestleads supplied.Ifnecessary,theymustbereplacedwiththesamemodelorsameelectric ratings.Electricratingsofthetestleads:600V10A. Youmustbereplacedthetestleadiftheleadisexposed. 6.ACCESSORIES ⑴ Test Lead:ElectricRatings600V10Aonepiece ... WARNING BEEXTREMELYCAREFULINTHEUSEOFTHISMETER.Improperuseofthisdevice canresultinelectricshockordestroyofthemeter.Followallsafeguardssuggestedinthis manualandthenormalsafetyprecautionsusedinworkingwithelectricalcircuits. Donotservicethisdeviceifyouarenotqualifiedtodoso. To ensuresafeoperation,andinordertoexploittothefullthefunctionalityofthemeter, pleasefollowthedirectionsinthissectioncarefully. ThismeterhasbeendesignedaccordingtoIEC-1010concerningelectronicmeasuringinstrumentswith anovervoltagecategoryCATⅢ600Vandpollution2. Followallsafetyandoperatinginstructionstoensurethatthemeterisusedsafelyandiskeptingood operatingcondition. Withproperuseandcare,thedigitalmeterwillgiveyouyearsofsatisfactoryservice. 1.1PRELIMINARY 1.1.1Whenusingthemeter,theusermustobserveallnormalsafetyrulesconcerning: -Protectionagainstthedangersofelectricalcurrent. -Protectionofthemeteragainstmisuse. 1.1.2Whenthemeterisdelivered,checkthatithasnotbeendamagedintransit. 1.1.3Whenpoorconditionunderharshpreservationorshippingconditionscaused,inspectandconfirm thismeterwithoutdelay. 1.1.4Beforeusingtocheckforvoltage,alwaystestthemeteronaknownlivecircuittoverifythatthe detectfunctionofthemeterisworkingproperly. 1.1.5 Test leadortestclipmustbeingoodcondition.Beforeusingverifythattheinsulationontestleador testclipisnotdamagedand/ortheleadswireisnotexposed. 1.1.6Fullcompliancewithsafetystandardscanbeguaranteedonlyifusedwithtestleadssupplied. Ifnecessary,theymustbereplacedwiththesamemodelorsameelectricratings. User'sManual SinoMeter ... WARNING BEEXTREMELYCAREFULINTHEUSEOFTHISMETER.Improperuseofthisdevice canresultinelectricshockordestroyofthemeter.Followallsafeguardssuggestedinthis manualandthenormalsafetyprecautionsusedinworkingwithelectricalcircuits. Donotservicethisdeviceifyouarenotqualifiedtodoso. To ensuresafeoperation,andinordertoexploittothefullthefunctionalityofthemeter, pleasefollowthedirectionsinthissectioncarefully. ThismeterhasbeendesignedaccordingtoIEC-1010concerningelectronicmeasuringinstrumentswith anovervoltagecategoryCATⅢ600Vandpollution2. Followallsafetyandoperatinginstructionstoensurethatthemeterisusedsafelyandiskeptingood operatingcondition. Withproperuseandcare,thedigitalmeterwillgiveyouyearsofsatisfactoryservice. 1.1PRELIMINARY 1.1.1Whenusingthemeter,theusermustobserveallnormalsafetyrulesconcerning: -Protectionagainstthedangersofelectricalcurrent. -Protectionofthemeteragainstmisuse. 1.1.2Whenthemeterisdelivered,checkthatithasnotbeendamagedintransit. 1.1.3Whenpoorconditionunderharshpreservationorshippingconditionscaused,inspectandconfirm thismeterwithoutdelay. 1.1.4Beforeusingtocheckforvoltage,alwaystestthemeteronaknownlivecircuittoverifythatthe detectfunctionofthemeterisworkingproperly. 1.1.5 Test leadortestclipmustbeingoodcondition.Beforeusingverifythattheinsulationontestleador testclipisnotdamagedand/ortheleadswireisnotexposed. 1.1.6Fullcompliancewithsafetystandardscanbeguaranteedonlyifusedwithtestleadssupplied. Ifnecessary,theymustbereplacedwiththesamemodelorsameelectricratings. User'sManual SinoMeter...
Ngày tải lên: 05/03/2013, 13:43