can t have your cake and eat it



... high-growth firm, it s extremely important to have a top-notch business valuator Too many small practitioners not fully understand the limitations and the distortions in valuation that this method can ... present later in the book It is part of the fine-tuning of the valuation, and it deals with the level of control and marketability of the business interest being valued It is not part of getting us ... long it takes to liquidate For example, suppose we estimate that it will take one month to liquidate inventory and three months to liquidate machinery and equipment, and that each one has the...

Ngày tải lên: 06/03/2014, 09:22

320 478 0


... high-growth firm, it s extremely important to have a top-notch business valuator Too many small practitioners not fully understand the limitations and the distortions in valuation that this method can ... present later in the book It is part of the fine-tuning of the valuation, and it deals with the level of control and marketability of the business interest being valued It is not part of getting us ... long it takes to liquidate For example, suppose we estimate that it will take one month to liquidate inventory and three months to liquidate machinery and equipment, and that each one has the...

Ngày tải lên: 28/06/2014, 12:20

320 300 0


... high-growth firm, it s extremely important to have a top-notch business valuator Too many small practitioners not fully understand the limitations and the distortions in valuation that this method can ... present later in the book It is part of the fine-tuning of the valuation, and it deals with the level of control and marketability of the business interest being valued It is not part of getting us ... long it takes to liquidate For example, suppose we estimate that it will take one month to liquidate inventory and three months to liquidate machinery and equipment, and that each one has the...

Ngày tải lên: 28/06/2014, 18:20

320 295 0
Must (have) và can’t (have)

Must (have) và can’t (have)

... She passed me in the street without speaking She can t have seen me Cô ta bước qua cạnh đường mà không chào hỏi t cô ta không thấy - Tom walked straight into the wall He can t have been looking ... Mười ph t trước Tom nói anh có m t chẳng đến trễ chắn không đến Hãy xem cấu trúc sau: I / you / he (etc) must Can t be tired / hungry, etc be studying / waiting / coming, etc Go / / play etc T i ... Chuông điện thoại reo không nghe h t t ngủ - I made a lot of noise when I came home You must have heard me 2/3 Must (have) can t (have) T i gây nhiều tiếng ồn nhà t anh nghe thấy We went to Roy’s...

Ngày tải lên: 14/01/2016, 15:47

3 334 0
Could do and could have done & Must and can’t

Could do and could have done & Must and can’t

... couldn t have pass it (I wouldn t have been able to pass it if I had taken it. ) Anh làm t t để vư t qua kỳ thi T i chắn thi đậu (= T i khả thi đậu tham dự kỳ thi đó)       Must and can t Unit 28 Must ... they’ll be here They could arrive at any time T i họ đến Họ đến vào lúc Can không dùng ví dụ (ta nói It can be Tim’) Trong trường hợp could có nghĩa t ơng t might (xem UNIT 29, UNIT 30) The phone ... không nhìn thấy Tom walked straight into a wall He can t have been looking where he was going Tom thẳng phía bờ t ờng Anh không nhìn thấy anh đâu Có thể dùng couldn t have thay cho can t have She...

Ngày tải lên: 19/10/2013, 17:15

5 595 2
Measuring and Managing Project Quality - If you can’t measure it, you can’t manage it pptx

Measuring and Managing Project Quality - If you can’t measure it, you can’t manage it pptx

... fad, it was alarming to see it happen to the Quality Movement, something that had great benefit for those Enterprises that managed it well The Quality Movement Impact So is the Quality Movement ... less-competent practitioner whines, “But this will cost too much, take too long, and still gain us nothing!” Fine; stick with your incompetent status quo In fact, if all you really want to is save cost and ... factors they can influence that affect both the defect rate in results, and the perception of Quality Ineffective teams trade-off Quality for the easier-to-measure project success factors Effective...

Ngày tải lên: 07/03/2014, 00:20

5 476 0
Leadership the Hard Way: Why Leadership Can’t Be Taught and How You Can Learn It Anyway

Leadership the Hard Way: Why Leadership Can’t Be Taught and How You Can Learn It Anyway

... worth its salt will spark considerable opposition and resistance And rather than avoiding it or minimizing it, it s far better to welcome it, seek it out, and engage with it head-on Indeed, I think ... doing it That means flying through the thunderstorm; embracing turbulence, not avoiding it; taking risks; trusting (but also testing) your intuitions; doing the unexpected This is not to say that there ... aware of potential threats to the business but also comfortable with taking the necessary risks to meet those threats and continue to succeed Setting “Impossible” Goals It s one thing to get an organization...

Ngày tải lên: 16/03/2014, 21:03

157 586 0
I haven''''t and I don''''t have- Khác nhau thế nào?

I haven''''t and I don''''t have- Khác nhau thế nào?

... ( ...

Ngày tải lên: 16/09/2013, 12:10

2 508 0
The verb to have in english and its equivalents in vietnamese

The verb to have in english and its equivalents in vietnamese

... indicates that an activity or situation took place and ended at a particular time in the past It is found with adverbs referring to past time such as: yesterday, ago, etc Eg My father visited me two ... If there is an object and a progressive verb after the verb to have Eg They have me talking to them * Have = Nên, t t hơn, t t If there is better and an infinitive without to follow Eg Id better ... The battery is all right now I have just got it recharged 38 With this sense, to have is the arrangement for things to * Have = Nhờ ,bảo and the verb following to "have" is infinitive without...

Ngày tải lên: 18/12/2013, 21:45

49 755 6
Tài liệu When I do/When I have done. When and If & Can, could and be able to pdf

Tài liệu When I do/When I have done. When and If & Can, could and be able to pdf

... T i đến hoàn thành công việc You’ll feel better after you have something to eat Hay You’ll feel better after you’ve had something to eat Bạn cảm thấy khỏe bạn ăn ch t Nhưng không dùng present ... viện bảo t ng Wait here until (or till) I come back Hãy đợi trở lại B Bạn dùng present perfect (have done) sau t when/after/until/as soon as Can I borrow that book when you’ve finished it? T i mượn ... Kate and after that we can have dinner) Khi gọi điện cho Kate xong, dùng cơm t i (= T i gọi điện cho Kate trước sau ăn cơm) When I phone Kate this evening, I’ll invite her to the party (not “when...

Ngày tải lên: 19/01/2014, 17:20

6 511 1
How to Add Ten Years to your Life and to Double Its Satisfactions pot

How to Add Ten Years to your Life and to Double Its Satisfactions pot

... good, that is not your trouble You not sit right nor stand right, your chest is too low, it not only cramps your breathing but what is still more important, it cramps your stomach and all the other ... and the exercises in sitting and standing, all tend to establish this most important condition How to Add Ten Years to your Life and to by S S Curry 45 There must be activity at the summit of the ... a time till the habit is formed Instantly control the attention and express it by action Give a positive welcome to the day and the light; express positive thanksgiving for the thought that you...

Ngày tải lên: 29/03/2014, 19:20

70 414 0
Báo cáo khoa học: "You Can’t Beat Frequency (Unless You Use Linguistic Knowledge) – A Qualitative Evaluation of Association Measures for Collocation and Term Extraction" pot

Báo cáo khoa học: "You Can’t Beat Frequency (Unless You Use Linguistic Knowledge) – A Qualitative Evaluation of Association Measures for Collocation and Term Extraction" pot

... portion TNs get demoted than with t- test With regard to Criterion (the promotion of TPs from the lower portion) in CE, t- test manages to promote 11.3% of its lower portion TPs to the adjacent third ... qualitative criteria for explicitly testing this assumption Using the best performing standard association measure (t- test) as a pars pro toto, our study indicates that the statistical sophistication ... subportion With respect to LPM, even 62.6% of all lower portion TPs make it to the upper portions – with the majority (23.9%) even getting promoted to the first upper subportion The respective scatterplot...

Ngày tải lên: 31/03/2014, 01:20

8 435 0
I can t do it yes you can transforming fear

I can t do it yes you can transforming fear

... being able to either take it, or leave it, then all resistance and all conductivity balances out When in that state of balance, that is take it, or leave it, then one can choose what it is they experience ... this death on earlier than desired Y et it is vital to realize that the perception of unhealthy food is just that It is a perception, and not necessarily the absolute truth The truth is that many ... that way, with a state of balance in between Place a small amount of something on the left and naturally it gravitates to the left Place something on the right, and according to the amount, the...

Ngày tải lên: 06/05/2014, 13:51

67 473 0
sexual selections what we can and can’t learn about sex from animals

sexual selections what we can and can’t learn about sex from animals

... on the table He gazed at it and put it down, but only after clutching it a little tighter and intoning, “Goodbye, Brother Loon.” At the time I just rolled my eyes and put the bird in a plastic ... plastic tubes But the most important reason that so many scientists study Drosophila is that so many other scientists study it as well The great geneticist Thomas Hunt Morgan suggested its use ... write it, and many people helped it get written For advice, support, and in some cases merely for responding with interest rather than incredulity to the idea that I was writing a book, I thank...

Ngày tải lên: 01/06/2014, 10:54

243 445 0
Unit 28. Must and can’t potx

Unit 28. Must and can’t potx

... họ trả lời rồi) The phone rang but I didn t hear it I must have been asleep Điện thoại reo không nghe thấy Lúc ngủ I’ve lost one of my gloves I must have dropped it somewhere T i làm găng tay T i ... past me without speaking She can t have seen me Jane ngang qua mà không nói Cô không nhìn thấy Tom walked straight into a wall He can t have been looking where he was going Tom thẳng phía bờ t ờng ... Anh không nhìn thấy anh đâu Có thể dùng couldn t have thay cho can t have She couldn t have seen me Cô trông thấy Tom couldn t have been looking where he was going Tom nhìn thấy anh đâu ...

Ngày tải lên: 22/06/2014, 20:20

3 357 0


... situations that involve you and your actions that are under your control, and it s at those times that you must realize: It is what it is, but it doesn t have to stay that way.” I can honestly ... about the flight not taking off on time Is it disappointing? Sure it is But, can you anything about it? Nope! So, times like that, it s best to take on my motto: It is what it is.” When things ... may have to put your back into it, but it s definitely doable That’s within your power Getting your home just the way you want it takes time, energy, patience, and money Turning your house into...

Ngày tải lên: 28/06/2014, 00:20

93 409 0
Cách dùng "Must and can’t" pps

Cách dùng "Must and can’t" pps

... không nhìn thấy Tom walked straight into a wall He can t have been looking where he was going Tom thẳng phía bờ t ờng Anh không nhìn thấy anh đâu Có thể dùng couldn t have thay cho can t have She ... lần không trả lời They must have gone out Họ vắng h t (otherwise they would have answered) (nếu không họ trả lời rồi) The phone rang but I didn t hear it I must have been asleep Điện thoại reo ... thoại reo không nghe thấy Lúc ngủ I’ve lost one of my gloves I must have dropped it somewhere T i làm găng tay T i làm rơi Jane walked past me without speaking She can t have seen me Jane ngang...

Ngày tải lên: 12/07/2014, 04:20

8 364 0
Must and can’t pot

Must and can’t pot

... không nhìn thấy Tom walked straight into a wall He can t have been looking where he was going Tom thẳng phía bờ t ờng Anh không nhìn thấy anh đâu Có thể dùng couldn t have thay cho can t have She ... lần không trả lời They must have gone out Họ vắng h t (otherwise they would have answered) (nếu không họ trả lời rồi) The phone rang but I didn t hear it I must have been asleep Điện thoại reo ... thoại reo không nghe thấy Lúc ngủ I’ve lost one of my gloves I must have dropped it somewhere T i làm găng tay T i làm rơi Jane walked past me without speaking She can t have seen me Jane ngang...

Ngày tải lên: 12/07/2014, 17:20

8 215 0