C++ Programming with CORBA pptx
... abstract Core Object Model that provides a more concrete specialization of the concepts defined in the core. The core together with one or more Security Service. Securing CORBA applications. Object ... the Common Object Request Broker Architecture (CORBA) and Specification document. CORBA builds on the OMA Core Object Model and provides ã An extended CORBA core including syntax and semantics ... instances of the basic concepts. It consists of an abstract set of concepts that allow understanding of objects and their interfaces. However, these concepts cannot be redefined or replaced, only extended...
Ngày tải lên: 18/03/2014, 00:20
C Programming Lecture Notes ppt
... (in time or space) machine language constructions when compiled. If you write a C program simply and succinctly, it is likely to result in a succinct, efficient machine language executable. If you ... performed.) Character codes are usually small the largest code value in ASCII is 126, which is the ~ (tilde or circumflex) character. Characters usually fit in a byte, which is usually 8 bits. In C, type ... alphabetically less than the second string. Since characters in C are represented by their numeric character set values, and since most reasonable character sets assign values to characters in...
Ngày tải lên: 03/04/2014, 15:20
Tài liệu Practical C Programming P2 pptx
... Turbo C+ + under MS-DOS Borland International makes a low-cost MS-DOS C+ + compiler called Turbo C+ +. This compiler will compile both C and C+ + code. We will describe only how to compile C code. ... their offerings is a C compiler called gcc. To compile a program using the gcc compiler use the following command line: % gcc -g -Wall -ohello hello .c The additional switch -Wall turns on the ... is: C: > bcc -ml -v -N -P -w -ehello hello .c The command-line options are the same for both Turbo C+ + and Borland C+ +. Microsoft Visual C+ + Microsoft Visual C+ + is another C+ + /C compiler...
Ngày tải lên: 12/12/2013, 22:15
Tài liệu Socket Programming in C# Part 1 – Introduction pptx
... m_socListener.Listen (4); // create the call back for any client connections m_socListener.BeginAccept(new AsyncCallback ( OnClientConnect ),null); cmdListen.Enabled = false; } catch(SocketException se) ... simple code: byte[] m_DataBuffer = new byte [10]; IAsyncResult m_asynResult; public AsyncCallback pfnCallBack ; public Socket m_socClient; // create the socket public void OnConnect() { m_socClient ... connection by calling EndAccept. The EndAccept returns a socket object which represents the incoming connection. Here is the code for the callback delegate: public void OnClientConnect(IAsyncResult...
Ngày tải lên: 18/01/2014, 08:20
Tài liệu Programming C# Jesse Liberty Publisher pptx
... simple character while \u0041 is a Unicode character. Escape characters are special two-character tokens in which the first character is a backslash. For example, \t is a horizontal tab. The common ... user-defined types. Chapter 7 and Chapter 8 introduce Structs and Interfaces, respectively, both close cousins to classes. Structs are lightweight objects, more restricted than classes, that make ... const int Republican = 2; const int Libertarian = 3; const int NewLeft = 4; const int Progressive = 5; int myChoice = Libertarian; switch (myChoice) { case Democrat: Console.WriteLine("You...
Ngày tải lên: 19/01/2014, 14:20
Tài liệu Advanced Linux Programming: C Table of Signals ppt
... kill command. SIGCHLD Linux sends a process this signal when a child process exits. See Section 3.4.4,“Cleaning Up Children Asynchronously,” in Chapter 3,“Processes.” SIGXCPU Linux sends a process ... pointer” can cause a SIGSEGV. SIGPIPE The program has attempted to access a broken data stream, such as a socket connection that has been closed by the other party. SIGALRM The alarm system call schedules ... illegal instruction.This could indicate that the program’s stack is corrupted. SIGABRT The abort function causes the process to receive this signal. SIGFPE The process has executed an invalid floating-point...
Ngày tải lên: 21/01/2014, 07:20
Tài liệu Real-Time Digital Signal Processing - Appendix C: Introduction of C Programming for DSP Applications ppt
... enhance the appearance of the comments; they are not necessary. Most of the C compiler nowadays also accepts the C programming language comments sequence, //. In our example, we mixed both comment ... as an example. C compiler translates high-level C programs into machine language that can be executed by computers or DSP proces- sors such as the TMS32 0C5 5x. The fact that C compilers are available ... example C program. C program comments may contain any message beginning with the characters sequence /* and ending with the characters sequence */. The comments will be ignored by the compiler....
Ngày tải lên: 25/01/2014, 19:20
Herb Schildt''''s C++ Programming Cookbook ppt
... same. Search a Null-Terminated String Key Ingredients Headers Classes Functions <cstring> char *strchr(const char *str, int ch) char *strpbrk(const char *str1, const char *str2) char *strstr(const ... more than count characters from source to target. If source contains less than count characters, null characters will be appended to the end of target until count characters have been copied. ... standard strcpy() function. char *strcpy(char *target, const char *source) { char *t = target; // Copy the contents of source into target. while(*source) *target++ = *source++; //...
Ngày tải lên: 14/03/2014, 23:20
The C# Programming Language Fourth Edition ppt
... acme.cs, the command line csc /t:library acme.cs compiles the example as a library (code without a Main entry point) and produces an assembly named acme.dll. Assemblies contain executable code ... dynamically created instances of the class, also known as objects. Classes support inheritance and polymorphism, mechanisms whereby derived classes can extend and specialize base classes. New classes ... a computation or action that can be performed by an object or class. Static methods are accessed through the class. Instance methods are accessed through instances of the class. Methods have...
Ngày tải lên: 15/03/2014, 17:20
C Programming # Rob Miles Edition 2.1 January 2011 ppt
... Terms 184 Abstract 184 Accessor 184 Base 184 Call 184 Class 184 Code Reuse 185 Cohesion 185 Collection 185 Compiler 185 Component 185 Constructor 185 Coupling 186 Creative Laziness ... used to store this logical state. We can create conditions which return a logical result. These are called "logical conditions". Which is logical. The simplest condition is simply the ... more classes. A class is a container which holds data and program code to do a particular job. In the case of our double glazing calculator the class just contains a single method which will...
Ngày tải lên: 17/03/2014, 13:20
C Programming for Embedded Systems ppt
... The accumulator ã The index register ã The stack pointer ã The program counter ã The processor status register Direct access to the accumulator and index register in C is only occasionally ... microcontroller to run on a different microcontroller may remove any incentive to make the change. You can reduce costs through traditional programming techniques. This book emphasizes C code ... shutdown command is sent, shut down operating units immediately. (2) If cycle selection command is sent, change to next cycle record. (3) If time setting is sent, adjust time in current cycle record. (4)...
Ngày tải lên: 22/03/2014, 09:20
Object oriented programming with C++ - Session 5 Inheritance pptx
... Member Functions (Contd.) void main() { Base b1; //base class object b1.func(); //calls base class func Derived a1; //derived class object a1.func(); //calls derived class func } Object Oriented ... Object Oriented Programming with C+ +/ Session 5 / 12 of 41 Protected Access Specifier The protected section is like the private section in terms of scope and access. ã Protected members can ... with C+ +/ Session 5 / 13 of 41 Accessing Base Class members (Contd) Members of the derived class can access public and protected members; they cannot access the private members of the base class....
Ngày tải lên: 23/03/2014, 04:21
C++ Network Programming, Volume 1 pptx
... ACEJPC-SAP Class 52 3.4 The ACE.SOCK Class 54 3.5 The ACEJ3OCK_Connector Class 56 3.6 The ACE_SOCK_IO and ACE_SOCK_Stream Classes 60 3.7 The ACE_SOCKAcceptor Class 64 3.8 Summary 68 Chapter ... Message-passing IPC is usually more practical than developing a DSM mechanism and managing it via complex distributed cache coherency protocols. Since DSM is an advanced research topic that's not commonly ... interprocess communi- cation mechanisms. This chapter described how IPC mechanisms yield a number of communication dimensions to consider when designing net- worked applications. We described connection...
Ngày tải lên: 23/03/2014, 22:21
visual c-sharp programming basics
... !! A0!'.901!RpublicT!70$#,0!108%-,)/2!'(0!$+/8')#/!*#!&0!8-/!+*0!)'!#+'*)10!'()*!8%-**N! S#&=!2#!7-8;!'#!RU#,3]N8*T!-/1!108%-,0!'(0!8%-**!,)2('!#/!'#9!#$!'(0!Main!$+/8')#/4! Calculator Calc = new Calculator();! ! 16" VISUAL" ;C# " ;PROGRAMMING& quot ;BASICS# ! //This is the switch-case command //it works like multiple if's switch (String) ... void checkBox1_CheckedChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (checkBox1.Checked == true) { button1.Enabled = true; } else 4" VISUAL" ;C# " ;PROGRAMMING& quot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llContent = OtherName.ReadToEnd(); //Reading everything to end OtherName.Close(); }! 2" VISUAL" ;C# " ;PROGRAMMING& quot ;BASICS# ! VISUAL" ;C# " ;PROGRAMMING& quot ;BASICS& quot; 3# ! Genera...
Ngày tải lên: 28/04/2014, 15:33
C++ Programming for Game Developers Module II ppt
... try-catch block. In particular, we wrap the code that can potentially throw an exception in the try block, and we write the exception handling code in the catch block. Note that the catch block ... thrown exception immediately; rather the stack will unwind until it finds a catch block that handles the exception. This is convenient because, as functions can call other functions, which call ... specified argument- type), we can create instances of them. That is what intVec and floatVec are—they are instances of the matching vector class generated by the compiler. Note: To further clarify,...
Ngày tải lên: 27/06/2014, 09:20