c plus plus for c programmers

Expert C++/CLI .NET for Visual C++ Programmers phần 1 pot

Expert C++/CLI .NET for Visual C++ Programmers phần 1 pot

... Marcus Heege Expert C++/CLI: .NET for Visual C++ Programmers Expert C++/CLI: .NET for Visual C++ Programmers Copyright © 2007 by Marcus Heege All rights reserved. ... C++. .. implements the C++/ CLI standard to support executing code on the CLR Building C++/ CLI Applications To make the switch from C to C++, a new file extension was used As you can ... articles for. .. compatibility feature of C++/ CLI has an interesting analogy to the shift from C to C++ As shown in Figure 1- 1, the linker accepts object files compiled from C and C++

Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 16:21

34 389 0
Expert C++/CLI .NET for Visual C++ Programmers phần 2 pot

Expert C++/CLI .NET for Visual C++ Programmers phần 2 pot

... ReportException(Exception^ exc) { for (Exception^ exc2 = exc; exc2 != nullptr; exc2 = exc2->InnerException) Console::WriteLine(exc2->Message); Console::WriteLine("Stacktrace: {0}", exc->StackTrace); } The class System::SystemException, ... the discussion of small applications that act as clients of the FCL, this chapter also explains how C++/CLI language concepts for common tasks like using libraries, using namespaces, exception ... MSDN documentation for “composite... referencing project implicitly depends on the referenced project Therefore, the referenced project is built before the referencing one Assembly references

Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 16:21

33 324 0
Expert C++/CLI .NET for Visual C++ Programmers phần 3 pps

Expert C++/CLI .NET for Visual C++ Programmers phần 3 pps

... metadata table has a column structure specific for the abstraction. The structures for all tables start with a 32-bit column called a metadata token. Such a metadata token can be compared to a primary ... similar members exist. Such runtime-bound dynamic access to type members is obviously much slower than a direct method call or direct field access. (For static and non-static methods without argu- ... of objects from streams: // customSerialzation.cpp // CL /clr:safe customSerialization.cpp using namespace System; using namespace System::IO; using namespace System::Reflection; ref struct Person

Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 16:21

33 309 0
Expert C++/CLI .NET for Visual C++ Programmers phần 5 potx

Expert C++/CLI .NET for Visual C++ Programmers phần 5 potx

... to Chapter 11. The CTS does not have a concept for destructors, but you can implement a special .NET interface to support a destructor-like deterministic resource cleanup. This interface is called ... destruction code that is generated for base classes and members of native classes, the destruction code for managed types is performed exactly in the reverse order of its construction code. Access ... in C++. A C++ variable lives as long as its containing context. For local variables, this containing context is the local scope. The following code uses a local variable of the native class CFile

Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 16:21

33 248 0
Expert C++/CLI .NET for Visual C++ Programmers phần 6 pot

Expert C++/CLI .NET for Visual C++ Programmers phần 6 pot

... VISUAL C++ PROJECTS WITH MANAGED CODE The first catch block in this code catches C++ exceptions of type int, and the second one catches any CTS-compliant managed exceptions When a C++ exception ... C++ exception handling with managed exception handling. A single try block can have catch blocks for C++ exceptions as well as managed exceptions, as the following code shows: // CPlusPlusExceptions.cpp ... modopt([mscorlib]System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CallConvCdecl) main() cil managed { .maxstack 2 .locals (int32 filterResult) begin_: call int32 modopt([mscorlib]System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CallConvCdecl)

Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 16:21

33 552 0
Expert C++/CLI .NET for Visual C++ Programmers phần 8 pps

Expert C++/CLI .NET for Visual C++ Programmers phần 8 pps

... System::Runtime::InteropServices::SEHExceptions,... native resources, the GC supports a last-chance cleanup function Before the GC actually reclaims an object’s memory, it can call a special function on the object to inform ... library can be a C or a C++ library. This chapter gives you practical advice, general recommendations for all scenarios mentioned, and guidance for a couple of concrete problems. Up-Front Considerations ... following application depends on the compilation model: // GLECachingTrouble1.cpp // build with "CL /clr GLECachingTrouble1.cpp" // or with "CL GLECachingTrouble1.cpp" #include <windows.h>

Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 16:21

33 269 0
Expert C++/CLI .NET for Visual C++ Programmers phần 9 potx

Expert C++/CLI .NET for Visual C++ Programmers phần 9 potx

... reachable object refers to other objects, these objects are reachable, too. Determining the reachable objects is a recursive process because every object that is detected to be reachable can cause ... version declspec(constrained) XYZConnection() { xyzHandle.Handle = ::XYZConnect(); } CHAPTER 11 ■ RELIABLE RESOURCE MANAGEMENT In the current version of C++/ CLI, as well as C#, the explicit call ... that CHAPTER 11 ■ RELIABLE RESOURCE MANAGEMENT 263 // causes GC after half a second Thread t(gcnew ThreadStart(&ThreadMain)); t.Start(); XYZConnection^ cn = gcnew XYZConnection(); // call cn->GetData()

Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 16:21

33 296 0
C for java programmers

C for java programmers

... data x .java javac java args x .c, x.cc Oct 23, 2014 gcc, g++ Advanced a.out 26 The C compiler gcc  gcc invokes C compiler  gcc translates C program into executable for some target ... also “cross-compilation” $ gcc hello .c $ a.out Hello, World! Oct 23,... hello.o  Linking several modules:  a.o gcc c b .c  b.o gcc c a .c gcc –o hello a.o b.o  Using math library  gcc ... output only Oct 23, 2014 Advanced 28 Using gcc  Two-stage compilation  pre-process & compile: gcc c hello .c  link: gcc –o hello hello.o... Advanced 13 C vs Java Java C length of array

Ngày tải lên: 23/10/2014, 13:56

126 584 0
An introduction to google plus for business

An introduction to google plus for business

... basic marketing tactics related to the topic INTERMEDIATE Intermediate content is for marketers who are familiar with the subject but have only basic experience in executing strategies and tactics ... Google+ home screen and for each Circle of contacts Google+ streams are responsive, adapting to the screen size and orientation of browsers 33 34 an introduction to google+ for business Conclusion ... As for Google+ specifically,... perfect for interacting like you would face -to- face 15 16 an introduction to google+ for business 4 Include Hashtags to Make Posts Discoverable

Ngày tải lên: 05/03/2016, 09:52

36 328 0
Foundations of Java for ABAP Programmers

Foundations of Java for ABAP Programmers

... Sumser Project Manager: Richard Dal Porto Copy Edit Manager: Nicole LeClerc Copy Editor: Andy Carroll Assistant Production Director: Kari Brooks-Copony Production Editor: Janet Vail Compositor: ... No part of this work may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage or retrieval system, ... person or entity with respect to any loss or damage caused or alleged to be caused directly or indirectly by the information contained in this work The source code for this book is available

Ngày tải lên: 21/08/2012, 09:30

216 572 6
SmallTalk tutorial for java programmers

SmallTalk tutorial for java programmers

... can give you a solution. C++ is not often a solution because a good C programmers continue to use is as an "enhanced C" without using the full power of the OOP. C++ is for efficency: ... T. Pope (stp@create.ucsb.edu) for including this document in the Squeak cd-rom and for his supervision. I thank also my friends for reading this document before its final revision: Cristian Ghezzi, ... but efficency can lead to bad Object Oriented code, because you do NOT tend to isolate the classes as they should be. I used Java, C and C++, then I discovered Smalltalk. It seems incredible,

Ngày tải lên: 24/10/2014, 00:42

25 284 0
John wiley  sons innocent code a security wake up call for web programmers 2004  (by laxxuss)

John wiley sons innocent code a security wake up call for web programmers 2004 (by laxxuss)

... electronic books Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Huseby, Sverre H Innocent code : a security wake-up call for Web programmers / Sverre H Huseby p cm ”A Wiley-Interscience publication.” ... http://www.cert.org/advisories/CA2001-12.html Microsoft Microsoft Security Bulletin (MS01-026): Cumulative Patch for IIS, 2001 http://www.microsoft.com/technet/security/bulletin/ MS01-026.asp CERT CERT ... H Krawczyk, M Bellare, and R Canetti RFC 2104: HMAC: KeyedHashing for Message Authentication, 1997 http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc2104.txt 83 CERT CERT Web Pages http://www.cert.org/ 84 CERT CERT

Ngày tải lên: 23/05/2018, 13:53

250 260 0
Java to python  python learning guide for java programmers

Java to python python learning guide for java programmers

... getConnected(self): conn = cx_Oracle.connect('username/password@host:1251/database_name') dbConnection = conn.cursor() dbConnection.execute('select * from TABLE_NAME limit 10') data = dbConnection.fetchall() ... dbConnection = conn.cursor() executeQuery = dbConnection.execute('select * from TABLE_NAME limit 10') data = executeQuery.fetchall() print data dbConnection.close() QuerySQlite3() 14.2 MySQL Connection ... dbConnection = conn.cursor() executeQuery = dbConnection.execute('select * from TABLE_NAME limit 10') data = executeQuery.fetchall() print data dbConnection.close() QueryMySQL() 14.3 Oracle Working

Ngày tải lên: 05/03/2019, 08:44

159 80 1
Prentice hall UML for java programmers jun 2003 ISBN 0131428489 pdf

Prentice hall UML for java programmers jun 2003 ISBN 0131428489 pdf

... Panic Don ’t Panic Don’t Panic Don’t Panic Don’t Panic Don’t Panic Don’t Panic Don’t Panic Don’t Panic Don’t Panic Don’t Pan ic Don’t Pan ic Don’t Pan ic Don’t Panic Don’t Panic Don’t Panic Do ... Robert C Martin: unclebob@objectmentor.com Object Mentor Inc.: info@objectmentor.com www.objectmentor.com i Chapter : Chapter 1: Overview of UML for Java Programmers Diagram Types Class ... Principle (CCP) 98 The Common Reuse Principle (CRP) 99 The Acyclic Dependencies Principle (ADP) 99 The Stable Dependencies Principle (SDP) .99 The Stable Abstractions Principle

Ngày tải lên: 19/03/2019, 10:42

247 122 0
Prentice hall UML for java programmers jun 2003 ISBN 0131428489 pdf

Prentice hall UML for java programmers jun 2003 ISBN 0131428489 pdf

... Panic Don ’t Panic Don’t Panic Don’t Panic Don’t Panic Don’t Panic Don’t Panic Don’t Panic Don’t Panic Don’t Panic Don’t Pan ic Don’t Pan ic Don’t Pan ic Don’t Panic Don’t Panic Don’t Panic Do ... Robert C Martin: unclebob@objectmentor.com Object Mentor Inc.: info@objectmentor.com www.objectmentor.com i Chapter : Chapter 1: Overview of UML for Java Programmers Diagram Types Class ... Principle (CCP) 98 The Common Reuse Principle (CRP) 99 The Acyclic Dependencies Principle (ADP) 99 The Stable Dependencies Principle (SDP) .99 The Stable Abstractions Principle

Ngày tải lên: 20/03/2019, 15:53

247 117 0
SKKN lựa chọn một số bài tập nhằm phát truển sức  mạnh tốc độ cho học sinh

SKKN lựa chọn một số bài tập nhằm phát truển sức mạnh tốc độ cho học sinh

... đ c phong trào thể d c thể thao c a đất n c không thể coi nhẹ vai trò c a giáo d c thể chất trong trờng h c. C ng t c giáo d c thể chất trong trờng h c là một bộ phận quan trọng c a cu c c ch ... dạy h c của giáo viên cha phù hợp với từng đối 6 tợng h c sinh 2.5. Đối với sự chi phối c a c c môn h c kh c trong chơng trình giáo d c trung h c phổ thông 6 II. C c biện pháp tổ ch c th c hiện ... hội bản chất c a vấn đề h c tập. 1.2. C c khái niệm c liên quan. - Khái niệm s c mạnh. S c mạnh là năng l c cơ bắp để kh c ph c l c cản bên ngoài bằng c ng c . S c mạnh đ c biểu hiện ở...

Ngày tải lên: 20/04/2014, 16:52

11 882 2
skkn phát huy tính tích cực của học sinh trong học tập bộ môn sinh học lớp 8

skkn phát huy tính tích cực của học sinh trong học tập bộ môn sinh học lớp 8

... c c m c độ c u tr c kh c nhau c a c c cơ quan đó, ho c đi sâu vào c u tr c chi tiết c a c c bộ phận quan trọng, tạo điều kiện cho vi c tìm hiểu ch c năng đư c thuận lợi. Trang 4 Người th c hiện: ... yêu thích môn h c. Chẳng hạn, qua nghiên c u một mẫu tim lợn tươi, bằng sờ nắn c c thành c c a c c ngăn tim, c c em c thể nhận biết thành c c a c c tâm nhĩ mỏng hơn so với thành c c c tâm ... năng như trư c đây, mà c n đ c biệt chú ý đến năng l c nhận th c, năng l c tự h c của h c sinh. Với quan điểm dạy h c tích c c có thể hiểu: "phương pháp dạy h cc ch th c, là con đường,...

Ngày tải lên: 24/04/2014, 09:31

11 685 1
C++ Primer Plus pot

C++ Primer Plus pot

... Windows compiler. You start by selecting File, New Project. You are then given a choice of project types. For CodeWarrior, choose MacOS :C/ C++:ANSI C+ + Console in older versions, or MacOS :C/ C++:Standard ... Console:Std C+ + Console in mid-vintage versions, or MacOS C+ + Stationery:Mac OS Carbon:Standard Console :C+ + Console Carbon. (You can make other valid choices; for example, you might opt for Classic ... Classic instead of Carbon or C+ + Console Carbon Altivec instead of plain C+ + Console Carbon.) CodeWarrior supplies a small source code file as part of the initial project. You can try compil- ing...

Ngày tải lên: 05/03/2014, 12:20

1,2K 2,7K 3
J For C Programmers ppt

J For C Programmers ppt

... 0-cells, each being paired with a copy of the shorter-frame operand cell: abc d abc e abc f abc g The operation dyad , is performed on each pair of cells: abcd abce abcf abcg ... quotes for characters and double quotes for strings. J uses only single quotes for defining character constants (the " character is a primitive in its own right). If exactly one character ... number or character is called an atom (object of basic type) which is said to have the type numeric or character as appropriate. (Actually, there are types other than number and character, including...

Ngày tải lên: 18/03/2014, 00:20

200 373 0
C primer plus

C primer plus

... basename. For example, compiling and linking a source code file called concrete .c produces a file called concrete.exe. Some compilers provide an option to create an executable named concrete.com ... contains all the machine code that the computer needs to get the job done. The Unix C compiler is called cc. To compile the inform .c program, you need to type the following: cc inform .c ... numbers; each character has a numeric code. The instructions that a computer loads into its registers are stored as numbers; each instruction in the instruction set has a numeric code. Second, computer...

Ngày tải lên: 19/03/2014, 13:32

800 778 1