c 6 in 21 days

Sams Teach Yourself Database Programming with Visual C++ 6 in 21 Days phần 1 potx

Sams Teach Yourself Database Programming with Visual C++ 6 in 21 Days phần 1 potx

... directories) Lines 31 and 32 define pointers to two OLE interfaces (IStorage and IStream) Line 34 calls CoInitialize to initialize the COM libraries Line 36 calls an API function, StgCreateDocFile, ... running the application is usually called the client machine, and the machine where the data file resides is usually called the server machine.) However, the capacity and efficiency of accessing ... a Glance Chapter 15 The ODBC API and the MFC ODBC Classes Chapter 16 The Ultimate Database API: OLE DB Chapter 17 Accessing a Data Source with OLE DB Chapter 18 Querying a Data Source Chapter...

Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 08:20

39 435 0
Sams Teach Yourself Database Programming with Visual C++ 6 in 21 Days phần 2 docx

Sams Teach Yourself Database Programming with Visual C++ 6 in 21 Days phần 2 docx

... http://www.simpopdf.com 4: CoCreateInstance(CLSID_CADOConnection, NULL,CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER, IID_IADOConnection, (LPVOID *)&piConnection); 5: 6: CoCreateInstance(CLSID_CADOCommand, NULL,CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER, ... Visual C+ + in 21 days Day 4-Retrieving SQL Data Through a C+ + API Add the try and the open brace in lines and Add the close brace and the catch blocks in lines 23-38 The catch in line 24 catches ... Visual C+ + in 21 days Day 4-Retrieving SQL Data Through a C+ + API OnNewDocument, you can call the ADO Connection object's Open function to connect to the data source In OnCloseDocument, you can call...

Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 08:20

39 400 0
Sams Teach Yourself Database Programming with Visual C++ 6 in 21 Days phần 3 potx

Sams Teach Yourself Database Programming with Visual C++ 6 in 21 Days phần 3 potx

... Next, include the DbComponent.h file in the CADOMFC1Doc.cpp file, like this: #include "DbComponent.h" Then add the code in Listing 9.2 to the CADOMFC1Doc::OnNewDocument function (You should, of course, ... C+ + function decorating (Function decorating is also called function name mangling, but decorating is a nicer word.) As you know, C+ + functions can be overloaded Overloaded functions are functions ... http://www.simpopdf.com With Visual C+ + name decorating, the function void Foo(int i) becomes ?Foo@@YAXH@Z You can witness C+ + function name decorating in the following example Open your ADOMFC1 project Click...

Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 08:20

39 325 0
Sams Teach Yourself Database Programming with Visual C++ 6 in 21 Days phần 4 pps

Sams Teach Yourself Database Programming with Visual C++ 6 in 21 Days phần 4 pps

... http://www.simpopdf.com Executing Executing Executing Executing myFunc myFunc myFunc myFunc in in in in myBaseClass myDerivedClass myBaseClass myDerivedClass Which class's myFunc was executed? This was determined ... which includes the CreateInstance function COM can call the CreateInstance function to create COM objects (instances of COM server classes) The class factory in msado15.dll knows how to create ... source code for use in building COM components A CLSID is a GUID that identifies a class In every COM component, each class and each interface (remember, COM interfaces are C+ + abstract base classes)...

Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 08:20

39 340 0
Sams Teach Yourself Database Programming with Visual C++ 6 in 21 Days phần 5 docx

Sams Teach Yourself Database Programming with Visual C++ 6 in 21 Days phần 5 docx

... records, using the code in lines 37 through 58 The user can edit the records' contents in the grid The user can cancel those changes by clicking the Cancel button, which executes the code in lines ... 35: 36: 37: 38: 39: Const adcExecSync = 40: Const adcExecAsync = 41: 42: Const adcFetchUpFront = 43: Const adcFetchBackground = 44: Const adcFetchAsync = ... NAME="BackColor" VALUE=" -214 748 364 3">

Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 08:21

39 422 0
Sams Teach Yourself Database Programming with Visual C++ 6 in 21 Days phần 6 pps

Sams Teach Yourself Database Programming with Visual C++ 6 in 21 Days phần 6 pps

... construct 43: virtual BOOL OnPreparePrinting(CPrintInfo* pInfo); 44: virtual void OnBeginPrinting(CDC* pDC, CPrintInfo* pInfo); 45: virtual void OnEndPrinting(CDC* pDC, CPrintInfo* pInfo); 46: //}}AFX_VIRTUAL ... the cache instead of the database Using a cache provides significant performance benefits because accessing data in RAM is much faster than accessing data in a database A cache can also reduce ... return specific information about the data source Some of these are q GetConnect-Is the ODBC connection string used to connect the CDatabase instance to a specific data source q IsOpen-Indicates whether...

Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 08:21

39 425 1
Sams Teach Yourself Database Programming with Visual C++ 6 in 21 Days phần 7 ppsx

Sams Teach Yourself Database Programming with Visual C++ 6 in 21 Days phần 7 ppsx


Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 08:21

39 393 0
Sams Teach Yourself Database Programming with Visual C++ 6 in 21 Days phần 8 ppt

Sams Teach Yourself Database Programming with Visual C++ 6 in 21 Days phần 8 ppt

... the following interfaces: TRowset { interface interface interface interface interface interface interface interface interface interface interface interface interface interface }; IAccessor; // ... object The TCommand CoType supports the following interfaces: TCommand { interface interface interface interface interface interface interface interface interface interface }; IAccessor; IColumnsInfo; ... 255-character string 50-character string 50-character string 50-character string 20-character string 50-character string 30-character string Date Long integer Currency Double SELECT The SELECT...

Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 08:21

39 501 0
Sams Teach Yourself Database Programming with Visual C++ 6 in 21 Days phần 9 ppsx

Sams Teach Yourself Database Programming with Visual C++ 6 in 21 Days phần 9 ppsx

... search for records, based on a key value The TIndex CoType is defined as follows: TIndex { interface interface interface interface interface interface interface interface }; IAccessor; IColumnsInfo; ... ITransactionLocal Interface r The ITransactionOptions Interface r The ITransactionObject Interface r The ITransactionJoin Interface r Creating Transactions r Committing and Aborting Transactions ... pDBColumnInfo[j].bScale; 38: 39: // Obtain Accessor Interface 40: pRowset->QueryInterface(IID_Accessor, (void **) &pAccessor); 41: 42: // Create an Accessor, Using the Binding Information 43: pAccessor->CreateAccessor(DBACCESSOR_ROWDATA,...

Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 08:21

39 234 0
Sams Teach Yourself Database Programming with Visual C++ 6 in 21 Days phần 10 potx

Sams Teach Yourself Database Programming with Visual C++ 6 in 21 Days phần 10 potx

... rules in the COM specification to provide access to the interfaces provided by a component What is interface factoring? Interface factoring is the capability of COM objects to support multiple interfaces, ... begin by using the GetErrorInfo method to access the IErrorInfo interface If the interface isn't available, use the CreateInstance method of the IClassFactory interface to create a new IErrorInfo ... DB_E_CANTCANCEL_ Cannot stop the current command DB_E_CANTCONVERTVALUE_ Cannot convert the specified value correctly DB_E_CANTFETCHBACKWARDS_ Cannot retrieve the row set rows backwards DB_E_CANTSCROLLBACKWARDS_...

Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 08:21

39 437 0
The essence of object oriented programming with java and UML

The essence of object oriented programming with java and UML

... Pattern in Wmvc Command Pattern in Wmvc Other Patterns used in Wmvc and MovieCat Chapter Summary Resources Chapter 8: Refactoring What is Refactoring? The Basic Refactoring Process When Do You Refactor? ... unique identity Instance and object are often used interchangeably instantiation Creating an instance of an object of a given class Instantiating an instance brings it into existence object lifetime ... Objects in Java Defining Classes in Java Visibility Inheritance Association, Aggregation, and Composition Java Interfaces Object lifetime in Java Constructors Garbage collection Memory leaks Class...

Ngày tải lên: 22/08/2013, 14:52

364 500 0
Tài liệu The Essence of Object-Oriented Programming with Java and UML pptx

Tài liệu The Essence of Object-Oriented Programming with Java and UML pptx

... Pattern in Wmvc Command Pattern in Wmvc Other Patterns used in Wmvc and MovieCat Chapter Summary Resources Chapter 8: Refactoring What is Refactoring? The Basic Refactoring Process When Do You Refactor? ... unique identity Instance and object are often used interchangeably instantiation Creating an instance of an object of a given class Instantiating an instance brings it into existence object lifetime ... Objects in Java Defining Classes in Java Visibility Inheritance Association, Aggregation, and Composition Java Interfaces Object lifetime in Java Constructors Garbage collection Memory leaks Class...

Ngày tải lên: 20/12/2013, 21:16

364 442 0
Tài liệu Advanced Object Oriented Programming with Visual FoxPro 6.0 ppt

Tài liệu Advanced Object Oriented Programming with Visual FoxPro 6.0 ppt

... tricky using logical composition References can even become cyclic, as in the following example: DEFINE CLASS Screen AS Custom MainProjector = NULL ENDDEFINE DEFINE CLASS Projector AS Custom Screen ... Cross-application reuse Reusing components that don't match your architecture Conclusion 261 261 264 266 266 267 268 269 269 Chapter 9: Three-Tiered Development 271 A brief introduction The model-view-controller ... Section 1 Section Basic Concepts Section Chapter 1: Basic Concepts Chapter Basic Concepts This book does not explain the ideas behind object-oriented programming in excruciating detail Its intention...

Ngày tải lên: 21/12/2013, 20:15

440 590 4
Tài liệu Object Oriented Programming With Cobol pptx

Tài liệu Object Oriented Programming With Cobol pptx

... objects of a particular type An account class defines account objects and a ledger class defines ledger objects An account object is said to be an instance of the account class, or an instance ... all instance objects For example, the factory object of an account class could include a data item for keeping a count of the number of account objects created In OO COBOL, a class is a COBOL ... anAccount object reference of BankAccount procedure division invoke BankAccount "new" returning anAccount In this example, BankAccount returns a handle to a new instance of itself in object...

Ngày tải lên: 12/02/2014, 23:20

238 2K 0


... 2 56 2 56 2 56 257 257 258 259 259 260 261 262 263 264 266 266 266 267 268 xx ftoc.indd xx 10/8/2012 8:54:08 AM CONTENTS Class Constants and Properties Class Methods The clsCardDeck Code Class Properties, ... Collections ArrayList Objects Summary 189 190 193 194 195 195 1 96 201 201 2 06 207 211 212 212 212 213 213 215 215 2 16 218 221 PART III: WRITING YOUR OWN CLASSES CHAPTER 9: DESIGNING CLASSES Class ... PART I Getting Started CHAPTER 1: Introducing C# CHAPTER 2: Understanding Objects c0 1.indd 10/8/2012 8: 46: 44 AM c0 1.indd 10/8/2012 8: 46: 46 AM Introducing C# WHAT YOU WILL LEARN IN THIS CHAPTER:...

Ngày tải lên: 15/02/2014, 07:20

628 5,8K 0
Object Oriented Programming With Java pptx

Object Oriented Programming With Java pptx

... ^ _ Unicode 0 060 0 061 0 062 0 063 0 064 0 065 0 066 0 067 0 068 0 069 006A 006B 00 6C 006D 006E 006F 0070 0071 0072 0073 0074 0075 00 76 0077 0078 0079 007A 007B 00 7C 007D 007E Character ' a b c d e f ... Breakfast Bar 267 Summary 282 Review Questions 283 Exercises 283 Programming Problems 285 Advanced Concepts with Classes 6. 1 6. 2 6. 3 6. 4 6. 5 6. 6 6. 7 6. 8 6. 9 6. 10 6. 11 6. 12 289 Inheritance 290 An Example ... Applications 67 4 Sound 67 5 Images 67 5 11.13 Conclusion 67 6 Summary 67 7 Review Questions 67 9 Exercises 68 0 Programming Problems 68 2 Chapter 12 Sorting, Searching, and Dynamic Data Structures 68 5...

Ngày tải lên: 05/03/2014, 13:20

846 4,2K 2
Beginning Object-Oriented Programming with VB 2005: From Novice to Professional pot

Beginning Object-Oriented Programming with VB 2005: From Novice to Professional pot

... interacts with a printer object, which interacts with the printer to accomplish the task of printing the page OOP concepts started surfacing in the mid-1 960 s with a programming language called ... combine general characteristics into a parent object and inherit these characteristics in the child objects For example, you can define an employee object that defines all the general characteristics ... four objects involved in carrying out the Process Movie Rental scenario: • The Customer object is an instance of the Customer class and is responsible for encapsulating and maintaining the information...

Ngày tải lên: 14/03/2014, 23:20

385 475 0
Object oriented programming with C++ - Session 1 - Basic Object Oriented Concepts doc

Object oriented programming with C++ - Session 1 - Basic Object Oriented Concepts doc

... Objects of the class exampleclass Specifications for exampleclass objects object_data 350 object2 exampleclass class specifier Object Oriented Passing Objects s Objects can be passed to a function ... object1.member_function2(); object2.member_function1(350); object2.member_function2(); } Object Oriented Defining Objects s exampleclass object1,object2; defines two objects, object1 and object2, ... return object_data;} Formal argument Object Oriented Passing Objects (Contd.) s The above function can be invoked using a function call such as, int variable = object1.function1(object2); actual argument...

Ngày tải lên: 16/03/2014, 01:20

50 814 0
Object oriented programming with C++ - Session 2 More on Classes potx

Object oriented programming with C++ - Session 2 More on Classes potx

... public: race_cars(){count++;} //constructor to increment count ~race_cars(){count ;} //destructor to decrement count }; int race_cars::count; The static data member should be created and initialised ... Static Member Functions class alpha{ private: static int count; //static data member public: alpha(){count++;} //constructor increments count static void display_count() //static member // function ... private category of the class, the non-member functions cannot access it If it is declared as public, then any member of the class can access Static member can become a global data for the class...

Ngày tải lên: 16/03/2014, 01:20

37 586 1
Object-Oriented Programming with PHP5 pptx

Object-Oriented Programming with PHP5 pptx

... ParentClass { } class ChildClass extends ParentClass { } $cc = new ChildClass(); if (is_a($cc,"ChildClass")) echo "It’s a ChildClass Type Object"; echo "\n"; if (is_a($cc,"ParentClass")) echo "It’s ... MDB2 Installing MDB2 Connecting to Database Executing Prepared Statements Introduction to ActiveRecord Creating a New Record via ActiveRecord Selecting and Updating Data Summary 168 169 170 171 ... Properties Exists Checking the Type of Class Finding Out the Class Name Exception Handling Collecting all PHP Errors as Exception Iterators ArrayObject Array to Object Accessing Objects in Array Style...

Ngày tải lên: 22/03/2014, 23:20

268 802 0