các biện pháp che chắn an toàn tt



... their financial support for my four years of study, and specifically to Ms Nguyen Ngoc Lien and Nguyen Thanh Mai for their kind assistance relating to my fees and allowances More than thanks are ... section will shift attention to the situations of teacher education and teacher development in Vietnam 25 2.4 Teacher education and teacher development 2.4.1 Pre-service language teacher education ... researchers and practitioners Fourthly, the chapter has provided an account of language teacher education and teacher professional development in Vietnam It generally indicates that language teacher...

Ngày tải lên: 19/08/2015, 21:19

394 600 0
Investigation into Task-based language teaching in teaching ESP to the non-English major 2nd year students at Academy of Finance

Investigation into Task-based language teaching in teaching ESP to the non-English major 2nd year students at Academy of Finance

... meaning and in which the intention is to convey meaning rather than to manipulate form” (2004: 9) Nunan’s definition expresses a matter in employing tasks in teaching a language, that is form and ... of Percentage teachers considered considered as tasks a List as many shift factors of demand and supply as you can and analyze these factors b Illustrate the change of the demand for rice during ... From teachers’ answer, teachers (80%) chose the order b in the question as their task organization most often used in their classes and two other teachers chose answer a and c From students’ answer,...

Ngày tải lên: 19/03/2015, 10:32

73 872 2
Application of task-based language teaching in teaching writing to non-major English students at Namdinh industrial college = Áp dụng phương pháp dạy học theo đ

Application of task-based language teaching in teaching writing to non-major English students at Namdinh industrial college = Áp dụng phương pháp dạy học theo đ

... Nunan (1991), bottom-up models as “the process of meaning interpretation” in which “the language is translated from one form of symbolic representation to another” Bottom-up reading requires language ... written in the foreign language by translating them into the native language As a result, meaning is taken at the sentence level with less attention paid to the meaning of the text as a whole and ... Web Le, Van Canh (2000) Language and Vietnamese Pedagogical Contexts, Partnership and 45 Interaction, Proceeding of the Fourth International Conference on Language and development Hanoi, Vietnam...

Ngày tải lên: 28/03/2015, 09:07

82 749 0
Reading skills for the first-year students at Vietnam Maritime University by implementing task-based language teaching = Nâng cao kỹ năng đọc cho sinh viên năm

Reading skills for the first-year students at Vietnam Maritime University by implementing task-based language teaching = Nâng cao kỹ năng đọc cho sinh viên năm

... consideration so that sound and effective tasks can be designed:  The principle of meaningful tasks: Language develops in response to the need to mean and to understand what others mean It follows that ... experience, and concepts that readers bring to the text, in other words, their schemata, are part of the process” (Dechant, 1991, p 25), and reading is more a matter of bringing meaning to than gaining ... individual words, and finally putting the words together to understand the author‟s written message, hereby the mechanism called Merlin is utilized to apply syntactic and semantic rules in order...

Ngày tải lên: 30/03/2015, 14:01

74 669 1
The Implementation of Task-based Language Teaching A case study of the upper-secondary school = Việc thực hiện phương pháp giảng dạy ngoại ngữ dựa vào các nhiệm

The Implementation of Task-based Language Teaching A case study of the upper-secondary school = Việc thực hiện phương pháp giảng dạy ngoại ngữ dựa vào các nhiệm

... (TBI) which has attracted the attention of second language acquisition researchers, curriculum developers, educationalists, teachers trainers, and language teachers worldwide can be seen as both ... of time, so students have chance of developing both language skills and language items.” Oanh echoed Anh and added “ TBLT has advantages over other methods, namely teachers not have to present, ... transcripts and the observation during and after the study In this process, I identified and noted recurrent themes, for example, teachers‟ understanding, teachers‟ attitudes, teachers‟ implementation...

Ngày tải lên: 30/03/2015, 14:34

56 909 0
Investigation into Task-based language teaching in teaching ESP to the non-English major 2nd year students at Academy of Finance

Investigation into Task-based language teaching in teaching ESP to the non-English major 2nd year students at Academy of Finance

... Students and teachers, the two key factors of any teaching and learning, have not been sufficiently studied In Academy of Finance, ESP is an obligatory subject in semesters for secondyear students and ... thesis, ULIS, VNU, Hanoi Littlewood, W (1993), Task- based language learning of Grammar, In N Bird, J.Harris and M Ingham (eds.): Language and Content, Hong Kong Institute of Language in Education ... communication and social interaction In this method, learners are presented with a task or problem to solve and not concentrate on language features during performance Language analysis is incorporated...

Ngày tải lên: 04/08/2015, 09:39

3 445 0
Reading skills for the first-year students at Vietnam Maritime University by implementing task-based language teaching

Reading skills for the first-year students at Vietnam Maritime University by implementing task-based language teaching

... researched single area of the whole curriculum, and yet, paradoxically, it remains a field in which a good deal of fundamental work has yet to be approached, and one in which a great many teachers ... pedagogical implications and points out the limitations of the study and suggestions for further research References Dechant, E (1991).Understanding and teaching reading: An interactive model Hillsdale, ... reading and writing: Analysis and Application Middlebury, Vermont: Northeast Conference on the Teaching of Foreign Languages 12 Kemmis and Me Taggart, R (1982) The action research planner, 3rd...

Ngày tải lên: 04/08/2015, 09:40

4 824 4
Learning and teaching practices in KinderWorld International School.doc

Learning and teaching practices in KinderWorld International School.doc

... become more selfreliant and aware of opportunities and rights It also enhances the abilities of individuals to manage health problem, improve nutrition and childcare and plan for the future The ... discipline: • Information Technolog • Commerce and Business Management • Tourism and Hospitality Management • Teachers' Education and Training • English Language KKPS is in negotiations with various ... there is strong desire to learn and to achieve and a rugged mental attitude to excel but always remain rooted in Truth and Charity- School Motto Yayasan Mendaki Yayasan MENDAKI is a self-help group...

Ngày tải lên: 27/10/2012, 16:45

35 970 1
An investigation into learning and teaching english vocabulary at cua lo hihg school and some suggested activities to help students learn better

An investigation into learning and teaching english vocabulary at cua lo hihg school and some suggested activities to help students learn better

... Words and their meanings It is said that Language without meaning is meaningless to emphasize the importance of the meaning of language Words can be divided into two types: function words and content ... concepts and new wants when the human society develops In other words, vocabulary is a mean of transferring the information, opinion and feelings Vocabulary plays an important role in language ... painting, teacher can communicate about many types of words For example: The teacher gives a picture and asks students: Teacher: What is this? Students: ???? Teacher: scarab Pictures can be wall...

Ngày tải lên: 18/12/2013, 10:08

60 996 2
behavioral game theorythinking, learning, and teaching lctn - colin f. camerer

behavioral game theorythinking, learning, and teaching lctn - colin f. camerer

... Camerer and Lovallo, 1999; Huber56 See Smith, Suchanek and Williams, 1988; Camerer and Weigelt, 1993; and Lei, Noussair and Plott, 2001 57 See Sonsino, Erev and Gilat, 2000; Sovik, 2000 43 man and ... representing the fraction of teachers and how much \peripheral vision" learners have (and some nuisance parameters), and predicts substantially better than a quantal response version of equilibrium ... change the mean or median and hence would not change future behavior much In other games players are usually paired randomly so the boomerang eđect again is muted We are currently redoing the analysis...

Ngày tải lên: 08/04/2014, 12:15

70 226 0
assessment in social work a guide for learning and teaching

assessment in social work a guide for learning and teaching

... other? Anti-racist, anti-discriminatory and anti-oppressive practice • Are there specific opportunities for students to engage with anti-racist, antidiscriminatory and anti-oppressive principles and ... Traditional, emancipatory and governance values • What materials and opportunities are available to help students explore the links between values and ethics, on the one hand, and the models, methods and ... Language, communication and assessment • What learning materials and opportunities are available to students to ensure that they understand and can act upon the multiple issues of language and...

Ngày tải lên: 26/05/2014, 23:30

102 660 0
learning and teaching social work education

learning and teaching social work education

... wide range of relevant information such as the client’s family background, medical and psychiatric history, current problems and symptomology, beliefs and attitudes, and any other relevant information ... options, identifying advantages and disadvantages and providing an indication of any delay or limitations in service delivery; 13 not make assessment a ‘battle’ in which users and carers feel they ... the knowledge relevant to decision making, and awareness of role boundaries; collecting information and analysing it against the legal component and an understanding of role; managing practice...

Ngày tải lên: 27/05/2014, 03:54

114 347 0
Chinese Learning and Teaching pptx

Chinese Learning and Teaching pptx

... experiences, and a forum for teachers to share their experiences and teaching practices Dr George X Zhang 汉语教与学 2009年10月  Trend and Events Training and Professional Development for Teachers of Chinese ... Learning and Teaching Oct 2009  动态与研究 These rapid developments present, however, a range of issues and problems, and the learning and teaching of Chinese is faced with many challenges if it wants ... understanding of the issues related to the learning and teaching of Chinese from professionals and teachers of other modern foreign languages, and above all, lack of trained, qualified and experienced...

Ngày tải lên: 27/07/2014, 11:20

45 477 1
A study of using dictionaries in learning and teaching at Lam Son high school for the fifted, Thanh Hoa = Nghiên cứu việc sử dụng từ điển trong dạy và học tiếng

A study of using dictionaries in learning and teaching at Lam Son high school for the fifted, Thanh Hoa = Nghiên cứu việc sử dụng từ điển trong dạy và học tiếng

... CONCLUSION Summary of the study We can see that, using dictionaries play an important role in English language learning and teaching With an attempt to enhance students to learn English well ... their semantic and pragmatic similarities, their valence and collocation patterning, or their letter combinations It should be noted that Nesi refers to dictionaries on CD-ROM Many PEDs and dictionaries ... in the language that you are learning A bilingual dictionary provides a translation or explanation using another language, a language you are very familiar with, usually your native language...

Ngày tải lên: 28/03/2015, 08:58

59 968 4
Task based language

Task based language

... subject matter to be taught Materials- the things that learners can observe or manipulate Activities- the things the learners and teacher will be doing during the lesson Goals- the teacher’s general ... abilities, needs and interests are important Social communities- the class as a whole and its sense of “groupness” ( Shavelson and Stern, 1981,citedby Nunan,1990) • According to David Nunan (1989), ... and subject matter with the form and sequence of language presentation dictated by content material ( Brinton, Snow and Wesche, 1989) Content refers to the information or subject matter that we...

Ngày tải lên: 05/05/2015, 06:00

9 277 0
An investigation into the effectiveness of using task-based method in teaching and learning reading for 11th form students at Nguyen Trai High school, HN

An investigation into the effectiveness of using task-based method in teaching and learning reading for 11th form students at Nguyen Trai High school, HN

... knowledge on the target language Reading is an important way of expanding the students’ receptive knowledge of the language and in terms of classroom activities, it is also an effective way of stimulating ... using of Task-based language teaching in teaching and learning reading to 11th form students at Nguyen Trai High School in Hanoi held by teachers and students; To elicit teachers and students’ suggestions ... reading skills in a foreign language, London, Heinemann Educational Book Richard, J.C and Thomas, R (1987), Being an effective reader, Harper and Row Publisher Rossman, G.B and Rallis, S.F (2003),...

Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2015, 19:49

5 703 3
Slide an investigation into some approaches to vocabulary teaching and learning and the application of games in teaching and learning vocabulary at pre – intermediate level at foreign language center – haiphong university

Slide an investigation into some approaches to vocabulary teaching and learning and the application of games in teaching and learning vocabulary at pre – intermediate level at foreign language center – haiphong university

... in language teaching and learning 1.3 Approaches to language teaching and their relevance to vocabulary 1.4 Recent research about teaching and learning second language vocabulary 1.5 Advantages ... Approaches to language teaching and their relevance to vocabulary 1.4 Recent research about teaching and learning second language vocabulary 1.5 Advantages of the use games in vocabulary teaching and ... vocabulary become better since you joined the games? a b c d Yes, much better Yes, better Yes, little better No, not better at all Which stage of the lesson you want your teachers to use games...

Ngày tải lên: 29/01/2014, 14:36

29 1,4K 2
Báo cáo khoa học: "Hierarchical Reinforcement Learning and Hidden Markov Models for Task-Oriented Natural Language Generation" ppt

Báo cáo khoa học: "Hierarchical Reinforcement Learning and Hidden Markov Models for Task-Oriented Natural Language Generation" ppt

... between alignment and consistency (Pickering and Garrod, 2004; Halliday and Hasan, 1976) on the one hand, and variation (to improve text quality and readability) on the other hand (Belz and Reiter, ... type, and trained them on the annotated data Utterances typically contain five to ten semantic categories 3.3 An HMM-based Reward Function Induced from Human Data Due to its unique function in an ... pages 1009–1018 Richard S Sutton and Andrew G Barto 1998 Reinforcement Learning: An Introduction MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, USA Menno van Zaanen 2000 Bootstrapping syntax and recursion using alginment-based...

Ngày tải lên: 07/03/2014, 22:20

6 435 0