... rcÍrtgerators, washing machines and other houschold (goods/parts) 6 Biotechnology Is the new, industry of the 21st century (processing/emerging) Test Your Business Vocabulary in Use 19Trang 17Your ... system used for design and manufacture 7 KT tn 4 Another word for a ‘fault’ : | I Test Your Business Vocabulary in UseTrang 18 Toai [?Z Innovation and invention ge Fill the gap in each ... in services from an outside supplier 5 ‘Lean production’ means to make things .6 6 What ‘stocks’ are called in the US /18 Test Your Business Vocabulary in Use 27Trang 25 Rs 10 marks 18.3 Business
Ngày tải lên: 25/07/2023, 23:58
... Selling to the public on the Internet is business-to-consumer or B2C e-commerce Some experts think that the real future of e-commerce is going to be business-to-business or B2B, with firms ordering ... showing the amount to pay The activity of producing and sending invoices is invoicing or billing a? Trade credit Vaclav is talking about his furniture business: ‘Of course, we don’t expect our business ... part of controlling cash flow, the timing of payments coming into and going out of a business.’ Accounts Jennifer and Kathleen are businesswomen Jennifer has her own company in Britain and Kathleen
Ngày tải lên: 20/02/2015, 09:07
Business Vocabulary in Use - Intermediate and Upper Intermediate
... Businesspeople and business leaders Businesspeople and entrepreneurs A businessman, businesswoman or businessperson... 1946) Business Vocabulary in Use 29 Organizations I Business ... book for? Business Vocabulary in Use is designed to help intermediate and upper-intermediate learners of business English improve their business vocabulary It is for people studying English before ... Spain, with about 500... are used in front of 'job' and 'work': Isatisfying, stimulating, fascinating, exciting: the work is interesting and gives you positive feelings Idull, boring, uninteresting,
Ngày tải lên: 02/01/2016, 06:07
Business vocabulary in use intermediate bill mascull
... and the learning curve Business Vocabulary in Use Financial centres Q Getting paid A Shipping and billing B Trade credit C Accounts 80 A Financial centres B Stock markets C Other financial markets ... ‘meeting’ B Types of meeting C How was the meeting? TELEPHONE, FAX AND EMAIL w Telephoning 1: phones and numbers BUSINESS SKILLS Meetings 3: points of view 106 A Opening the meeting B Inviting ... B C D 108 Asking to speak to someone Giving and taking messages Spelling names Taking messages: checking information Telephoning 4: arrangements 110 A Making arrangements B Closing the conversation
Ngày tải lên: 18/02/2021, 11:46
Business vocabulary in use intermediate book with answers and enhanced ebook self study and classroom use, 3rd edition
... for? Business Vocabulary in Use Intermediate is designed to help intermediate and upper-intermediate learners of business English to improve their business vocabulary It is for people studying English ... interesting /Intr@stIẻ/ 60 intern /Intặ:n/ 54 internet banking /Int@net bẻkIẻ/ 35 internet seller /Int@net sel@/ 26 internet selling /Int@net selIỴ/ 26 Business Vocabulary in Use Intermediate 167 interrupt ... /Ind@stri/ 13 inflation /InfleIS@n/ 38 inflation rate /InfleIS@n reIt/ 38 inflationary /InfleIS@n@ri/ 38 information line /Inf@meIS@n laIn/ 47 in-house /InhaUs/ 7, 17 in-house training
Ngày tải lên: 20/05/2021, 10:16
1 english vocabulary in use elementary cambridge third edition
... bookintheseries, EnglishVocabularyinUse:Pre-intermediateandIntermediate, andafterthat,tothe higher levels, English Vocabulary in Use: Upper-intermediate and English Vocabulary in Use: Advanced English ... have finished and reviewed all the units in this book, they can move on to the next book in this series: English Vocabulary in Use: Pre-intermediate and Intermediate, by Stuart Redman Find more ... people travelling to work in the morning or when people are travelling home in the evening Making notes of the situations words are used in will help you to remember them and to use them at the
Ngày tải lên: 20/05/2023, 08:00
Cambridge - Business Vocabulary in Use.pdf
... Trang 9 má Introduction Who is this book for? Business Vocabulary in Use is designed to help intermediate and upper-intermediate learners of business English improve their business vocabulary ... feelings w dull, boring, uninteresting, unstimulating: the work is not interesting @ repetitive, routine: the work involves doing the same things again and again @ tiring, tough, hard, demanding: ... Voicemail Business Vocabulary in Use Gi) Telephoning 3: messages 108 A Asking to speak to someone 2 B Giving and taking messages C Spelling names D Taking messages: checking information Telephoning
Ngày tải lên: 08/08/2012, 17:31
business vocabulary in use
... unstimulating:... 1931) Business Vocabulary in Use 29 Organizations 1 Business and businesses Business is the activity of producing, buying and selling goods and services A business, ... used in front of 'job' and 'work': I satisfying, stimulating, fascinating, exciting: the work is interesting and gives you positive feelings Idull, boring, Irepetitive, Itiring, uninteresting, ... Businesspeople and business leaders Businesspeople and entrepreneurs A businessman, businesswoman or businessperson is someone who works in their own business or as a manager in an organization
Ngày tải lên: 01/11/2014, 09:00
cambridge english vocabulary in use upper intermediate advanced phần 7 ppt
... monoboarding: the sport of skiing downhill on a large single ski snowsurfing: skiing downhill standing sideways on a large single ski vogueing: a style of dancing to house music incorporating the ... something because of distracting details] Do you think you could see your way to lending me a fiver? _ [feel it was possible to] I must be seeing things [having hallucinations] Run Iran into ... Underground English Vocabulary in Use Trang 28 New words in English No language stands still New words and expressions are always being created, usually because something new is invented or
Ngày tải lên: 23/07/2014, 23:21
cambridge english vocabulary in use pre intermediate phần 7 pdf
... them again? You can increase your English vocabulary in politics quite easily: Buy three newspapers (in English if you are in an English speaking country, or your own language if you are in your ... television in the room a telephone in the room writing paper in the room a machine for making tea and coffee in the room an electric trouser press (= a machine which presses/irons your trousers for ... reaching the earth; recent research shows that there is now a hole in parts of the ozone layer global warming: an increase in world temperature caused by an increase in carbon dioxide acid rain:
Ngày tải lên: 23/07/2014, 23:21
cambridge english vocabulary in use pre intermediate phần 2 potx
... salary) earring writing paper (= paper for writing letters) sunglasses washing machine (= the machine for washing clothes) traffic lights cheque book (= a book which has cheques) tin opener baby-sitter ... film/pop/rock star brother/sister/father/mother -in-law dining/sitting/waiting room Note: A traffic jam is a long line of cars which are moving slowly because the road is busy; and traffic wardens patrol ... the adverb adds the idea of completing the action of the verb, e.g drink up (= finish your drink), eat up (= finish eating), finish off But more often, the meaning of a phrasal verb is very different
Ngày tải lên: 23/07/2014, 23:21
English vocabulary in use pre intermediate intermediate (cambridge) 2017
... appears Find more resources for teachers at www.cambridge.org/elt/inuse We hope you enjoy using this new edition English Vocabulary in Use Pre-intermediate and Intermediate Study unit A Learning vocabulary ... give you ideas and information to help you to use your notebook and become a better learner I hope you enjoy using this book English Vocabulary in Use Pre-intermediate and Intermediate To the ... ɪgˈzɪstənts 58 existing ɪgˈzɪstɪŋ 54 exit (stop using an application) English Vocabulary in Use Pre-intermediate and intermediate v ˈeksɪt 54 expand ɪkˈspænd 1, 39 expect ɪkˈspekt 88 expecting a baby
Ngày tải lên: 12/07/2023, 23:02
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