... retrieval at the user-end, the “intention gap” lies between the users’ search intent and the imperfect query, which hinders the understanding of the intent behind the query The cause of the semantic ... gap is called the “intention gap” between the envisioned intents of the users and the ambiguous semantics delivered by the query at hand, due to the inability of the query to express the users’ ... semantics; and (b) the Intention Gap between users’ search intent and the query [172, 52], which hinders the understanding of users’ intent behind a query In this thesis, we aim at bridging these...
Ngày tải lên: 10/09/2015, 09:08
... table The other room was quite the opposite with no windows and small stand alone tables Whenever possible I tried to make the atmosphere of the interview informal and relaxed Four of the interviews ... Sri Lanka, and the Philippines, and stayed in Singapore for the duration of their short contracts The latter were generally from Japan, Western Europe, Australia, and North America, and normally ... like second class citizens; that they are being displaced by foreign talent in the workforce and the classroom; and that they are angry about the government saying they not work hard enough to compete...
Ngày tải lên: 02/10/2015, 12:56
Tài liệu The former Vietnamese script and its past Contributions to Vietnamese literature pptx
... advantage of the Tây Sơn , revolt in the South, the Trịnh attacked and took Phú Xuân , the capital of the Nguyễn in the South However, both the Trịnh and the Nguyễn were finally overthrown by the Tây ... same way as the nôm character , giời Despite all these apparent similarities, in view of the differences between the Japanese and the Vietnamese languages as to their phonetic system and the historical ... with the above second example However, for reason of esthetics, the signific may change its position Thus it is placed on the right side in the first example, on the top in the third one and at the...
Ngày tải lên: 20/12/2013, 23:15
Tài liệu The Teredo Protocol: Tunneling Past Network Security and Other Security Implications pptx
... to the peer via the client’s server, and the peer responds back through the closest relay The server decapsulates the request and sends the ping directly over the IPv6 Internet to the peer The ... bubble to the address and port in the origin data (the relay) The encapsulated bubble is received by the NAT and forwarded to the relay The NAT now sees the relay as a recent peer and allows ... peer The server address is extracted from the client’s Teredo address The server passes the bubble along to the Teredo client, adding origin data (the IPv4 address and port of the relay) The NAT...
Ngày tải lên: 14/02/2014, 08:20
RKesneaorcwh arlteiclde ge and perception of pulmonary tuberculosis in pastoral communities in the middle and Lower Awash Valley of Afar region, Ethiopia docx
... study of the prevalence of latent and active TB in pastoralists and their livestock However, prior to the implementation of a survey on the prevalence of the disease, we attempted to assess the knowledge ... of the selected districts The participants were eligible if they were the member of that kebele, a husband/wife (or the responsible person) in the selected households, apparently healthy and ... behaviour of smokers, as the smokers may perceive their prolong cough as the cause of smoking, but not TB which could lead to delayed diagnosis and treatment On the other hand, the findings from this...
Ngày tải lên: 06/03/2014, 04:20
The Challenge for Indian MBA: Bridging the gap between Philip Kotler and Countryside India potx
... companies from the rest of the pack They are in a position to view their marketing mix in the form of 4+1P and 1R, and thereby customize their offerings to the rural market Further, to ensure ... wells, handpumps and ponds For the first in the history of advertising - these were branded Special stickers were put on the handpumps, the walls of the wells were lined with advertising tiles and ... is the application of the marketing concepts and not the concepts themselves that need to be looked at Often, in the rural marketplace it is the application of these concepts which differs the...
Ngày tải lên: 08/03/2014, 02:21
Báo cáo khoa học: Bridging the gap between in silico and cell-based analysis of the nuclear factor-jB signaling pathway by in vitro studies of IKK2 ppt
... binding GST-IjBa in the presence and absence of ATP, and the value of a indicates whether the binding of one substrate (ATP) affects the afnity of the enzyme for the other substrate (GST-IjBa) [59] ... wells and the plates left to incubate for 15 The plates were inverted to remove the detergent after the 15 incubation period and the wells were washed twice with wash buffer by inverting the plates ... vitro and in silico analysis of the data The plot shows nuclear NF-jB oscillation in the original model and in the updated model with newly measured kr1, ka1 and kd1 for IKKIjBa complex (D) In the...
Ngày tải lên: 16/03/2014, 11:20
Báo cáo khoa học: Something from nothing ) bridging the gap between constraint-based and kinetic modelling pot
... the further approximation x()v) % I, the identity matrix, and thereby maintain the nonlinearity of the system 11ị The steady state is linearly stable if and only if all eigenvalues of J have ... only the stoichiometry of the network and cellular composition Like mechanistic approaches, our estimated model provides at least an intimation of the kinetic nature and behaviour of the system The ... in the absence of an accurate kinetic model and detailed kinetic rate equations for each reaction The predictions of the proposed model agree well with the Teusink et al model solutions and, therefore,...
Ngày tải lên: 23/03/2014, 07:20
... legendary in the film industry have several things in common They know how to draw, they study art and the history of their craft, they hang out with their peers, they are objective, and they make ... enjoy their work and recognize the value of knowing the history, the art, and the craft of animation T Jamie and Angie have pooled the knowledge of some truly talented professionals to help them ... essential to all the arts, especially the art of animation The structure, design, and composition of a scene, the gesture of a character, the angle of view, the location, the set, and the props are...
Ngày tải lên: 23/03/2014, 22:20
ACCELERATING TECHNOLOGY TRANSITION Bridging the Valley of Death for Materials and Processes in Defense Systems potx
... scientific and engineering research, dedicated to the furtherance of science and technology and to their use for the general welfare Upon the authority of the charter granted to it by the Congress ... from the workshop The committee acknowledges the outstanding support of the National Research Council staff and, in particular, the leadership and professional assistance provided by Arul Mozhi The ... understanding of the desired functionality, including the fabrication envelope and the use environment, would significantly accelerate finding the right material and the right technology solution, thereby...
Ngày tải lên: 28/03/2014, 11:20
Báo cáo " A numerical model for the simulation of wave dynamics in the surf zone and near coastal structures " pot
... five meshes from the lateral boundaries, and then increases linearly with the distances from the boundaries towards the ends of the wave absorbing zones. Finally, at the ends of the wave ... its two ends and the average water level on a cell side, the intersected point between the water surface and the cell side, and the wetted portion of the side are ... compute the new water level. Also, with the new water level, the thickness of the surface roller is evaluated. Then, Eqs. (5) and (6) are integrated to get k and ε , and consequently ...
Ngày tải lên: 28/03/2014, 15:20
Báo cáo khoa học: Biochemical and enzymological aspects of the symbiosis between the deep-sea tubeworm Riftia pachyptila and its bacterial endosymbiont pptx
... all the organs of the animal and the bacterium The fact that the first three enzymes are present only in the trophosome raised the question of whether these enzymes belong to the bacterium Therefore, ... products between the environment and the animal (Fig 2) The other tissues are within the Riftia tube The vestimentum is a muscle that the animal uses to position itself in the tube Within the large ... carbon and nitrogen to the worm All the enzymes indicated in the figure were characterized in the worm and/ or its bacterial symbiont The scheme describes the exchanges between the endosymbiont, the...
Ngày tải lên: 30/03/2014, 15:20
Báo cáo khoa học: "Bridging the Gap between Dictionary and Thesaurus" pptx
... matrix B for the WN synsets and the R O G E T classes A similarity score B(j, k) is computed for the jth WN synset (taking the synset itself, the hypernyms, and the coordinate terms) and the k th ... matrix for the L D O C E senses and the WN synsets A similarity score 4(i,j) is computed for the i th L D O C E sense and the jth WN synset using a weighted sum of the overlaps between the L D O ... membership, and so on, though we did not deal with them in this study the synsets Also collect the corresponding gloss definitions, Gl(Sn), if any, the hypernym synsets Hyp(Sn), and the coordinate...
Ngày tải lên: 31/03/2014, 04:20
Báo cáo Y học: Chemical structure and immunoreactivity of the lipopolysaccharide of the deep rough mutant I-69 Rd–/b+ of Haemophilus influenzae docx
... linked to the a-GlcN (A) of the lipid A backbone leading to a splitting of the signal of its anomeric proton and another phosphate linked to the 4-position of the b-configured GlcN (B) The far downfield ... downfield position of the chemical shifts of proton H-4 and carbon C-4 of the Kdo-residue (C) of compound and the downfield shift to the same frequencies of proton H-5 and carbon C-5 of the Kdo-residue ... whereby the Kdo is phosphorylated either at position or There was some uncertainty in the beginning whether the Kdo-5P was the result of phosphate migration [4], however, when mAbs specific for the...
Ngày tải lên: 31/03/2014, 21:21
yale university press in pursuit of ancient pasts a history of classical archaeology in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries oct 2006
... first of the revolution and then of the emperor, dominated Italy They defeated the Austrians and the Bourbons and humiliated the popes They also had a major cultural and archaeological impact They ... the Germans, who resumed their Winckelmannand Goethe-inspired love affair with the city and its ruins While the English had dominated the foreign community during the age of the Grand Tour, the ... imbued the landed elite with an appreciation of Greek and Roman art in the same way the new art museums with their mixture of casts and originals were to for the expanding bourgeoisie and new...
Ngày tải lên: 11/06/2014, 12:46
kolomoki settlement ceremony and status in the deep south a d 350 to 750 sep 2003
... to the Middle and Late Woodland periods, before the era of the Mississippian chiefdoms 1.1 Location of Kolomoki and other sites mentioned in the text 1.2 The Kolomoki site chapter Kolomoki and ... Kolomoki and a few other Middle and Late Woodland mound sites confound simple categorizations of Woodland and Mississippian, tribe and chiefdom, egalitarian and ranked, and simple and complex societies ... understand the role of ceremony during the Woodland period in the Southeast and its role among middle-range societies in general Because ritual often provides the context for exchange (Dietler and...
Ngày tải lên: 11/06/2014, 13:27
Báo cáo hóa học: " Bridging the Divide between Science and Journalism" potx
... to educate the public about it They can be helpful to you by generating news releases and other announcements about your work and distributing the information to the right people in the media ... consumer and health reporters and can help make this process go smoothly Keep in mind that any and all responses are “on the record” and must be “quotable” - the key here again is to limit jargon and ... realize that the best media spokespersons are subject matter experts, they’re highly “quotable,” and they readily make themselves available for interviews If you meet these requirements, the more...
Ngày tải lên: 18/06/2014, 16:20
báo cáo hóa học:" The fields of HIV and disability: past, present and future" doc
... both in terms of the (in)attention paid to the plight of people in poor versus wealthy countries until the recent past, and the delivery of HIV treatment in these two environments The International ... rehabilitation in the context of HIV, and highlights the expanded role that health providers and services have in the rehabilitation of people living with HIV, including their role in enhancing their labour ... society as the site of the problem, as opposed to the body Second, the definition of disability in the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities includes the requirement of the impairment...
Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 08:20
cyber crime investigations bridging the gaps between security professionals law enforcement and prosecutors
... abuse: The computer is the object, or the data in the computer are the objects, of the act The computer creates a unique environment or unique form of assets The computer is the instrument or the ... suspects and trace their connection back to their Internet service provider We then issued subpoenas to identify the connection location and referred the case to the local jurisdiction In the end, ... to play in the investigation of computer crime Understanding the definitions, and more importantly the connotations, of the words we speak are critical in bridging the gaps between these disparate...
Ngày tải lên: 03/07/2014, 16:06
Báo cáo toán học: "The plethysm sλ[sµ] at hook and near-hook shapes" pot
... peel off the i = term in the first summation and the i = s − r term in the second summation, and combine the remaining terms, we get the first three expressions in statement of Lemma 4.7 The remaining ... just need to switch the above formulas This completes the proof of statements and of Theorem 4.5 We now turn to statement of Lemma 4.7 and statements and of Theorem 4.5 For the lemma, if λ = (1k ... partition of the positive integer n Then the set {1λ }λ n forms a basis for C(Sn ), the center of the group algebra of Sn There is a fundamental isometry between C(Sn ) and Λn , the vector space...
Ngày tải lên: 07/08/2014, 08:20