
Book 1 – Ethical and Professional Standards, Behavioral Finance, and Private Wealth Management pptx

Book 1 – Ethical and Professional Standards, Behavioral Finance, and Private Wealth Management pptx

... Independence and Objectivity. Members and Candidates must use reasonable care and judgment to achieve and maintain independence and objectivity in their professional activities. Members and Candidates ... of each standard. Standards of Professional Conduct 2 I. PROFESSIONALISM A. Knowledge of the Law. Members and Candidates must understand and comply with all applicable laws, rules, and regulations ... 340) Level 3 Book 1.indb 16 8/9/2010 5:51:18 PM ©2010 Kaplan, Inc. Page 11 Book 1 – Ethical and Professional Standards, Behavioral Finance, and Private Wealth Management Readings and Learning...

Ngày tải lên: 07/03/2014, 04:20

368 681 4
Dictionary of Banking and Finance

Dictionary of Banking and Finance

... account holder, and giving specimen signatures and relevant information banknote / bŋknəυt / noun 1. a piece of printed paper money (in Eng- land, issued by the Bank of England; in Scotland, commercial banks ... by one bank telling an- other bank (usually in another country) to pay money to someone 2. GB same as banker’s bill 3. US same as banknote bank book / bŋk bυk / noun a book, given by a bank, ... a bank bank cheque / bŋk tʃek / noun a bank s own cheque, drawn on itself and signed by a bank official bank clerk / bŋk klɑk / noun a per- son who works in a bank, but is not a manager bank...

Ngày tải lên: 03/10/2012, 10:53

401 1.1K 13
101 ielts speaking part two tasks about sports and hobbies

101 ielts speaking part two tasks about sports and hobbies

... recommend that book to, and why Talk about a book you have at home. You should mention: - What it looks like - What the topic of the book is - Where you got the book from And say how it ... read that book - How long you it took you to finish it - What genre of book it was And say if you would like to read something else by the same author or not, and why Talk about a book you ... Where and when you saw it - Who you saw it with - What you thought about it And say if you would recommend that film or not, and why Food- see “Favourite” and “Cook” Free Speak about...

Ngày tải lên: 04/10/2012, 11:45

23 2.5K 9
About Java and xBaseJ- P4

About Java and xBaseJ- P4

... Chapter 1 ­ Fundamentals 1.11 1.111.11 1.111.11 1.11           Descending Indexes and Index Lifespan Descending Indexes and Index LifespanDescending Indexes and Index Lifespan Descending Indexes and Index LifespanDescending Indexes and Index Lifespan Descending Indexes and Index Lifespan You have already seen how indexes can be useful when it comes to keeping data in a sorted order.  Even if the data isn't physically sorted, the index allows you to retrieve it in the order you want.  ... Chapter 1 ­ Fundamentals roland@logikaldesktop:~/fuelsurcharge2$ source ./env1 roland@logikaldesktop:~/fuelsurcharge2$ javac jroland@logikaldesktop:~/fuelsurcharge2$ javac roland@logikaldesktop:~/fuelsurcharge2$ ... Chapter 1 – Fundamentals Once we have our key of reference established, the DBF class provides two handy index positioning methods:  startTop() and startBottom().  Once you have established a position and a key of  reference you can use either findNext()...

Ngày tải lên: 20/10/2013, 10:15

20 435 0
About Java and xBaseJ- P5

About Java and xBaseJ- P5

...  those records, then attempt to add three records which have the same primary key value. What happens? If you manage to get the records added, what happens when you attempt to reIndex()? How about when you try to undelete? 91 Chapter 1 – Fundamentals 1.13 1.131.13 1.131.13 1.13           Deleting and Packing Deleting and PackingDeleting and Packing Deleting and PackingDeleting and Packing Deleting and Packing I mentioned much of this information earlier but we are going to go over it again in detail because it tends to catch most newbies off­guard even after they have been told a hundred times. Deleting a record in an xBASE file does not physically delete the record (in most versions), nor does ...  type book and are looking to obtain actual skills.  Because of this application the book will also be useful to anyone who owns the rest of the book series and needs to quickly get up to speed using xBaseJ, or even Java under Linux. Unlike prior books in this series, this one is going to describe what the application looks like first, then we will discuss it.  ... over   and   over   again   using   different   tools   and   languages   allows   people   who   own legitimate copies of this book series to quickly transition between languages, tools, and platforms. The application is not all that involved.  It is a simple lottery tracking system which contains a primary data file ordered by drawing date and two statistics files ordered by element number. Admittedly, I used a very broad definition of the term  statistics  since we are simply keeping a few counts and a couple of percentages.  The application does encompass the minimum of what you need to know about any toolset before you can realistically begin using it.  You need to be able to create a menu, an import utility, an entry screen, a data browsing screen, and some reports.  If you can do all of that, you can pretty much figure everything else out as you go. Here are the three files: Drawing_Data Draw_dt...

Ngày tải lên: 24/10/2013, 09:15

20 383 0
Words about Books and Writing

Words about Books and Writing

... and a gratitude for every day of life, every crumb of success, each encounter of love. The Yiddish mentality is not haughty. It does not take victory for granted. It does not demand and command ... com- plicated and boisterous friendship during the 1970s with Ray- mond Carver, when both men were in the San Francisco Bay area.” —Washington Post 28 CHAPTER 7 Words about Books and Writing cmp01.qxd ... figurative way,Yiddish is the wise and humble language of us all, the idiom of frightened and hopeful Humanity. Many everyday English words such as bagel,klutz, and kibitz are borrowed from Yiddish....

Ngày tải lên: 25/10/2013, 16:20

12 410 0
Write Better Essays - Thinking about Audience and Purpose

Write Better Essays - Thinking about Audience and Purpose

... issues or characteristics of the subject and elaborate. Evaluate Make a judgment about the effectiveness and success of the subject. What is good and bad about it? Why? Describe your criteria for ... compare and contrast. Therefore, you should locate and dis- cuss the similarities and differences between the two subjects (prohibition and the anti-tobacco movement). Rousseau offers judgments about ... to understand who you are writing for and why you are writing. LESSON Thinking about Audience and Purpose LESSON SUMMARY The first step toward effective essay writing is to know why and for whom...

Ngày tải lên: 25/10/2013, 17:20

12 359 0
About Java and xBaseJ- P6

About Java and xBaseJ- P6

...  It works only under the condition which lets it work here:  a very limited set of data stored locally and access read only.  I did it because most of you were going to whine and snivel about wanting to do it.   Most of you reading this book will not have had professional software development training. I ... Application   Developer   book   (ISBN­13 978­0­9770866­0­3) and the SOA book (ISBN­13 978­0­9770866­6­5).  The spreadsheet design is horribly inefficient.  I'm not talking about the code to create the spreadsheet itself, I'm talking about the concepts behind the  ...  Inc. really needs to get into this personal file server market.  There are probably still a lot of tools out there which support Btrieve and let end users create things by picking and pointing. Memory and bandwidth issues simply cannot be overlooked when designing an application.  I provided only a few hundred records for our test database and I'm creating the files locally.  What happens when you modify this application to open a DBF and NDX which are on a Web site or remote file server?  Unless you are on dial­up, you probably have enough bandwidth to transfer fewer than 400 records.  How about when the file is approaching 2GB and the end user is on a satellite connection with a 120MB per day bandwidth restriction? ...

Ngày tải lên: 28/10/2013, 16:15

20 415 0
About Java and xBaseJ- P7

About Java and xBaseJ- P7

...  the system is idle to update the display, or finds itself forced to update the display.  The lines of code in updateText() force the display manager to consolidate all of the updates and display them.  This step does slow down processing, so you should do it only at points in time when you feel the user must see the progress which has been made. I need to point out one tiny little thing at listing line 103.  You may not grasp why I called trim() after calling get().  The parseInt() static method throws exceptions if the numeric string you hand it contains spaces.  I don't know why it doesn't call trim() on its own, but it doesn't.  As you can see by listing line 111, parseDouble() managed to handle things just fine. Listing lines 123 through 131 contain something I truly hate about Java 1.4 and earlier.  The NumberFormat object is very primitive.  It does provide methods to set the minimum number of fractional digits, and minimum number of integer digits, but it has no concept of justification, fill character, or display width.  If you try to set both the integer and fraction digits for a column, it will zero fill on the front and force the display to look something like the following. ...  to the text area, we are appending.  It is our responsibility to insert the appropriate number of newLine characters at the appropriate places. Let's now discuss the call to sort() at listing lines 119 and 188.  I needed to pass in the second and third parameter because I chose to use elements 1­56 instead of 0­55.  The zero element was never filled in and I didn't want to have stale garbage influencing the outcome of the sort.  I have already discussed the fact that I implemented Comparable with our object because the compiler wouldn't let  ... and instead of left­to­right­top­to­bottom the screen might be displayed right­to­left­bottom­to­top.  In any case, NORTH is associated with the starting point and SOUTH with the finishing point.  We will discuss this topic in greater detail when we cover the Entry screen.  I just wanted to get you thinking about it now.  Layouts in Java are not an easy subject to discuss in a book.   Some readers will have ten years of coding under their belts and a few hundred source templates saved on disk; others will have only written We create our text area at listing lines 55 through 62, then place it in a scroll pane at listing line 63.  Most of what I did was pretty self­explanatory.  We do, however, need to talk about the setFont() call.  I chose to use the font name “Courier...

Ngày tải lên: 07/11/2013, 10:15

20 411 0
About Java and xBaseJ- P8

About Java and xBaseJ- P8

...   in   which   they   are   declared   and gridwidth You can change the gridwidth for the (>) button to 1 from RELATIVE and you can add both a leading and trailing space in the text of  both buttons.  ...  Some of you may have the impression that a panel is a screen.  As our constructor shows, this is simply not the case.  We allocate one panel to contain the the CSV file name prompt, text field, and the Choose button.   A second panel is created to contain the text area and scroll pane along with the Ok and Exit buttons.  When you are using the FlowLayout instead of the GridLayout it is quite common to have multiple panels in a containing object.  It provides a method of “controlling the flow” by grouping objects together. Notice listing lines 81 through 84.  After we have added the panels to the dialog, we have the button to choose a file request focus but we set the default button to be the import button.  If you have tried running the application you will already have learned “the ... just to set the look and feel 35) // 36) int nimbus_sub = -1; 37) int motif_sub = -1; 38) int chosen_sub; 39) 40) try { 41) // Set System Look and Feel 42) UIManager.LookAndFeelInfo lf[] = UIManager.getInstalledLookAndFeels(); 43)...

Ngày tải lên: 07/11/2013, 10:15

20 381 0
Tài liệu Steven Shreve: Stochastic Calculus and Finance doc

Tài liệu Steven Shreve: Stochastic Calculus and Finance doc

... that Y is also a standard normal random variable, X and Y are uncorrelated, but X and Y are not independent. The last claim is easy to see. If X and Y were independent, so would be X 2 and Y 2 , but ... A n =IPA 1 IPA 2 IPA n : 1.5.4 Correlation and independence Theorem 5.8 If two random variables X and Y are independent, and if g and h are functions from IR to IR ,then IE g X hY ... standard machine to get the result for general functions g and h .  The variance of a random variable X is defined to be Var X   = IE X , IEX 2 : The covariance of two random variables X and Y is...

Ngày tải lên: 09/12/2013, 19:15

348 442 1
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