... largest importer of textiles and apparel, and it accounted for 17.0 percent of world imports of these goods in 2005 This high value of imports occurred in spite of U.S textile and apparel import ... Representative 2005 “Memorandum of Understanding Between the Governments of the United States of America and the People’s Republic of China Concerning Trade in Textile and Apparel Products.” (November ... industries, 23 foreign regions, and a detailed handling of margins and taxes 28 Other features of the model include a detailed modeling of government expenditures and foreign liabilities USAGE-ITC...
Ngày tải lên: 12/04/2013, 16:17
... or K+ ions A number of isoforms of the a and b subunits has been isolated from various tissues of numerous species, and it has been repeatedly demonstrated that the function of Na+/ K+-ATPase requires ... groups of Val304, Ala305, and Ile307 (M4) and through the side-chain oxygen atoms of Asn796 and Asp800 (M6) and Glu309 (M4) [26] A similar situation could be assumed for the coordination of cations ... of Ca2+ becomes elevated in several organs through the opening of Ca2+ channels and leads to the production of inositol trisphosphate [57], the activation of phospholipase A2 and metabolism of...
Ngày tải lên: 24/03/2014, 00:21
Summary of doctoral thesis study on biological characteristics and technology of spawn production, cultivation of king oyster mushroom (pleurotus eryngii) and yunzhi mushroom (trametes versicolor) in vietnam
... Status of research and production of mushrooms in the world Research situation on multiplication of liquid spawns and cultivation of King Oyster and Yunzhi mushrooms As King oyster and ... The genetic differences of Yunzhi strains The results of electrophoresis of PCR products of samples with 10 primers, each primer obtained similar number of DNA bands and band size This result is ... effects of cultivation materials on the formation and development of fruiting bodies of King oyster and Yunzhi mushrooms 3.4.3 The influence of mixing formula on the size of fruiting bodies and yields...
Ngày tải lên: 14/07/2014, 17:33
Báo cáo y học: " Variability and seasonality of active transportation in USA: evidence from the 2001 NHTS" ppsx
... in adolescents and children, and least frequent in the adults and elderly Adolescents had a mean of 0.58 active trips per day, 26% had at least one active trip per day, and 43% of all trips less ... in active transportation and seasonal patterns in active transportation by different subgroups The probability of engaging in active transportation was generally higher for children and adolescents ... PAT for groups by race, level of household income and regions and Northeast and in areas with higher levels of urbanization had greater seasonal variation Children and adolescents were more likely...
Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 08:20
Estimation and control of contaminant transport in water reservoirs
... the local size of element none H The average depth of reservoir m A size of general ROM none Mu A size of ROM of velocity none Mc A size of ROM of contaminant none N The size of full order model ... up and boundary 36 3-2 Convergence rate of the solutions for various Reynolds numbers 37 3-3 Comparison of central profile of velocity 38 3-4 Geometry and mesh of ... error norm of solution none εy Time-dependent relative error norm of outputs none εT F Space-time norm erorr of solution none σ The width of the white noise none σsk The k th of the width of external...
Ngày tải lên: 09/09/2015, 10:06
Modeling and simulation of electron transport through nanoscale heterojunctions
... development of superconducting transport A typical nanoscale contact consists only of a small number of eigenchannels and each of them is characterized by a transmission coefficient τn Each of them ... and Hamiltonian of the centre region A typical transport system consists of a pair of reservoir leads and a scattering region in the centre as depicted in Fig.(2.3) The atomic configurations of ... expressed in terms of the sum of normal products with all possible pair contractions 16 2.1 GREEN’S FUNCTION FOR QUANTUM TRANSPORT The parameter and are the shorthand notation for time and momentum...
Ngày tải lên: 10/09/2015, 15:48
Structural characterization of nogo proteins implications for biological functions and moleculedesign of therapeutic applications
... of Nogo-B and Systematic Dissection of the Am-Nogo-A 92 3.3.1 Bioinformatics analysis 93 3.3.2 CD and NMR characterization of N- and C-termini of Nogo-B 97 3.3.3 CD and NMR characterization of ... and mediates chemotaxis and 3D tube formation of endothelial cells in vitro The identification of NgBR facilitate 20 understanding the function of NogoB as a regulator of vascular remolding and ... 3.3.4 CD and NMR characterization of the Nogo-B N-terminus 99 Figure 3.3.5 CD and NMR characterization of the Nogo-33 101 Figure 3.3.6 CD and NMR characterization of the first group of the dissected...
Ngày tải lên: 14/09/2015, 12:53
Researching mycotoxicosis, biological characteristics and toxicity of some common poisonous mushrooms in cao bang province
... zones and studies on farming breeding of fungi as the food and pharmaceuticals The “List of large mushrooms in Vietnam” (1996) of Trinh Tam Kiet made a list of names and allocations of 826 kinds of ... Image of histopathology (general situation of and microbials) of the white mice Image 3.36: Image of general situation of of the normal white mice Image 3.38: Image of covering microbials of the ... poisoned + Image of histopathology (general situation of and microbials) liver of the white mice: Image 3.31: Image of general situation of liver of the normal white mice Image 3.32: Image of general...
Ngày tải lên: 08/04/2016, 09:42
Fundamentals of the monte carlo method for neutral and charged particle transport
... Carlo calculation of the seating patterns of the members of an audience in an auditorium may This presupposes that all uses of the Monte Carlo are for the purposes of understanding physical phenomena ... complicated and coupled way on all the physics of electron and photon transport This use of the Monte Carlo method is depicted in Figure 1.6 In this case, theory can not provide a sufficiently precise and ... of Monte Carlo is that the Monte Carlo technique is one based upon a minimum amount of data and a maximum amount of floating-point operation Deterministic calculations are often maximum data and...
Ngày tải lên: 09/04/2014, 16:23
... The biofilter consisted of a series of columns with expanded/foamed polypropylene as packing material and connected to the circulation tank Air was supplied to the circulation tank and biofilter ... purposes of the study are to operate the biological solubilization and mineralization process without accumulation of food wastes and to increase mineralization rate for the reduction of organic ... the amount of carbon in the solid sample of the solubilization reactor from the total amount of carbon in fresh food waste supplied RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Effect of aeration The colors of SS in...
Ngày tải lên: 05/09/2013, 08:40
Salts Transport in Alkali Soil Reclamation by Gypsum and Prediction of Na Leaching in Field in China
... conductivity and the transport of salts such as cations (Na+, Ca2+, Mg2+ and K+) and Cl- in a column were investigated by using a tensiometer and a four-electrode sensor, and the amounts of these ... water retention and infiltration, the transport rates of chemicals, and the transport and chemical parameters that influence the distribution of the solid and liquid phase are very important for ... diameter of 60 mm, inner diameter of 50 mm, and height of 20 mm at a bulk density of 1.53 g/cm3 The acrylic rings were filled up to a height of 20 cm Degassed water was poured onto the top of the...
Ngày tải lên: 05/09/2013, 09:38
Ebook Fundamentals of computer organization and architecture (2005)
... Address of operand is the sum of an index value and the contents of an index register Address of operand is the sum of an index value and the contents of the program counter Address of operand is ... execution of assembly programs and an assembly language example of the X86 Intel CISC family The sequence of chapters and covers the design and analysis of arithmetic circuits and the design of the ... the XORing of two operands Perform the complement of an operand Perform logical comparison of two operands and set flag accordingly Perform logical shift (right or left) of the content of a register...
Ngày tải lên: 19/09/2013, 15:53
Tài liệu Experiences in Design and Implementation of a High Performance Transport Protocol doc
... between Chicago and Amsterdam TCP Throughput (Mbps) 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 Number of UDT flows 10 Stability • Stability index of UDT and TCP – Stability: average standard deviation of throughout ... 10 RTT (ms) 10 Fairness and Friendliness 50 TCP flows and UDT flows between SARA and StarLight Realtime snapshot of the throughput The UDT flows have similar performance and leave enough space ... asynchronously stable • But, inefficient and not scalable – In grid networks (with high bandwidth-delay product) • RTT bias Efficiency of TCP Gb/s link, 200ms RTT, between Tokyo and Chicago 28 minutes On 10...
Ngày tải lên: 15/01/2014, 15:59
Tài liệu Fundamentals of Robotic Mechanical Systems: Theory, Methods, and Algorithms, Second Edition P2 pdf
... sample of parallel manipulators: (a) The UTIAS Trussarm (courtesy of Prof P C Hughes); (b) the Merlet left hand (courtesy of Dr J.-P Merlet); and (c) the Hayward shoulder module (courtesy of Prof ... (Pettinato and Stephanou, 1989) The kinematics of grasping is discussed in Chapter The basic kinematic structure of a multifingered hand consists of a palm, which plays the role of the base of a simple ... and University of Toronto, among TLFeBOOK 12 An Overview of Robotic Mechanical Systems FIGURE 1.8 The four-fingered hydraulically actuated TU Munich Hand (courtesy of Prof F Pfeiffer.) others Of...
Ngày tải lên: 19/01/2014, 18:20
Tài liệu Fundamentals of Robotic Mechanical Systems: Theory, Methods, and Algorithms, Second Edition P1 ppt
... positioning of one point of their end-effector (EE), and a local architecture for the orientation of their EE In this chapter, the notation of Denavit and Hartenberg is introduced and applied ... problem of determining the angular velocity and the angular acceleration of a rigid body, when the velocity and acceleration of a set of its points are known Moreover, given the intermediate level of ... University of Munich was a source of encouragement and motivation to pursue the writing of the book Moreover, financial support from NSERC2 and Quebec’s FCAR, in the form of research and strategic...
Ngày tải lên: 19/01/2014, 18:20
Environmental barriers to trade of the united states and implications for vietnam
... Vietnam in ASEAN, Regional Intergration Process and Challenges, Hanoi 14 Damien J Neven (2000), Evaluating the effects of non-tariff barriers, University of Lausanne 15 The Australian APEC Study Centre-Monash ... Australian APEC Study Centre-Monash University (2003), European Unilateralism-Environmental Trade Barriers and the Rising Threat to Prosperity through Trade Website 16 http://www.census.gov/foreign-trade/statistics/index.html ... http:/thietbiphantichmoitruong.wordpress.com/2011/04/08/rao-can-moi-truongquan-trac-moi-truong-lien-tuc 43 http://environment-safety.com/courses/EnvManagement/envStandards.htm 44.http://vea.gov.vn/vn/khoahoccongnghe/nhanxanh/gioithieunhansinthai/Pages 45 http://www.census.gov/foreign-trade...
Ngày tải lên: 06/02/2014, 20:27