... mode with the AVIC-VH99 and AVIC-ZH99 models Not compatible with the AVIC-ZH77 *5: Free of charge for up to three years from the month when use of the data services starts (from the day the user ... distance indicator The lock-on range for the target that indicates the distance between the driver’s vehicle and the vehicle in front has been extended The size and color of the inter-vehicular ... image of the speed sign is displayed on the screen in the main unit, and the driver is notified via a sound effect ・A longer lock-on range for the target indicating the distance to the vehicle...
Ngày tải lên: 07/03/2014, 11:20
Connecting with the elderly online 2
... cares – their orientation toward the world – in the form of the experiences that they claim for themselves (Larkin et al, 2006) The interpretative component contextualizes these claims within their ... time and effort on them These two theories form the theoretical framework for understanding the motivations and narratives of the elderly participants interviewed for this thesis The last section, ... technologies, rather it is the scope and intensity of the relationships that people develop with technologies and the nature of what they with them that is important’ (Selwyn et al., 2003) Data from the...
Ngày tải lên: 01/10/2015, 17:27
Connecting with the elderly online 1
... declare that this thesis is my original work and it has been written by me in its entirety I have duly acknowledged all the sources of information that have been used in the thesis This thesis has also ... Singapore 10) My Family DEDICATION I dedicate this Thesis to all the participants who showed me what it took to continue to learn in the midst of all their struggles I would also like to dedicate ... information gathering online ……………………………………………………….… 39 Perceived benefits of the Internet and new media ……………………………… 41 Research Question …………………… ……………………… …… … 44 Relationship with Family post-retirement...
Ngày tải lên: 01/10/2015, 17:27
Connecting with the elderly online
... cares – their orientation toward the world – in the form of the experiences that they claim for themselves (Larkin et al, 2006) The interpretative component contextualizes these claims within their ... time and effort on them These two theories form the theoretical framework for understanding the motivations and narratives of the elderly participants interviewed for this thesis The last section, ... technologies, rather it is the scope and intensity of the relationships that people develop with technologies and the nature of what they with them that is important’ (Selwyn et al., 2003) Data from the...
Ngày tải lên: 03/10/2015, 21:57
Connecting with the elderly online
... cares – their orientation toward the world – in the form of the experiences that they claim for themselves (Larkin et al, 2006) The interpretative component contextualizes these claims within their ... time and effort on them These two theories form the theoretical framework for understanding the motivations and narratives of the elderly participants interviewed for this thesis The last section, ... technologies, rather it is the scope and intensity of the relationships that people develop with technologies and the nature of what they with them that is important’ (Selwyn et al., 2003) Data from the...
Ngày tải lên: 04/10/2015, 07:58
... highest 168% UN Kofi Annan Popular to other countries: exports rising Now: US law: BASA pangasius fish should be named CATFISH 2011: USD1.5 bln to the world 2012: nearly bln Jobs for thousands ... Vietnam's import NĐT-thông Vilnius tin2012 tham khảo 2007 WTO coming to Vietnam as the mighty uragan devastating the economy?! Hai năm gia nh p V TO(WTO) Nhóm ng i lo nghĩ b ng kho ng i làm Thành ... FDI powerful and dynamic as DUO-HORSE CHARIOT with SAMSON and DANILA 500,000 local VN biz SME as DON KIHOTE riding a slim and weak horse, fighting with windmill Vilnius 2012 14 many ordinary foreigners...
Ngày tải lên: 22/06/2016, 23:00
How to negotiate anything with anyone anywhere around the world
... determine the full intent of the message from the context in which the message was sent In other words, the sender provides most of the pieces of the puzzle, but it is the responsibility of the receiver ... ng Let’s return to the issue of the settlement range, since you will be operating within it throughout the negotiation The Zone of Doability Within the Settlement Range Is the negotiation doable? ... where the meaning of the message is embedded in the context of the communication Individuals from these cultures tend to put more responsibility on the receiver than on the sender It is the receiver’s...
Ngày tải lên: 17/08/2013, 09:49
Interacting with the Outside World Using Simple IO Devices
... plate either of brass or stainless steel With their low power requirement, these devices can be driven by the microcontroller port to produce high acoustic output With the Application of the DC ... kick start the programming and enhances the confidence level It also clarifies the basic infinite loop theory of the embedded systems by using while{1} construct The concept of passing the delay ... connected to the port B The LEDs are ON-Off with the predefined software delay And after ONOff 10 times send the data stored in Array Program to illustrate the blinking and sending the data pattern...
Ngày tải lên: 03/10/2013, 01:20
The World with a Thousand Moons pdf
... With their hands raised, they walked out of the jungle into the brilliant silvery light of the clearing Instantly they were surrounded by Captain Walls, Murdock and the other armed crew-men The ... blast down the captives if they left their prison But from the hut, Kenniston and the others could see that the horde of Vestan-dominated animals around the camp had further increased With ghastly ... already had the door of the cabin open They plunged out into the corridor together "Our only chance is to make the bridge and grab the controls!" Kenniston cried as they raced down the corridor...
Ngày tải lên: 06/03/2014, 00:20
LEADING WITH CARE how women around the world are inspiring businesses, empowering communities, and creating opportunity docx
... safeguard the environment in your corner of the world? As you learn from these women and others like them, allow their lessons to carry over to the day-to-day activities of your own life: the way ... the suffering in so many parts of the world And as we look toward the future, we must provide for the education and health of the world s children—our children—who are our only hope Leading with ... that the success of a lion pride is due largely to the females’ ability to hunt and to protect the young The ‘‘King of the Beasts’’ would be lost without the support of strong females Bono then...
Ngày tải lên: 28/03/2014, 19:20
The World Beyond docx
... corridor of the globe, where with silent robed figures around them, they stood while the globe gently landed Then they were pushed forward, out through the exit port The new realm The World Beyond ... of its orbit the Moon was behind the Earth There were just the myriad blazing giant worlds of the stars—infinitely remote, with vast distances of inky void between them And now there was a visible ... Raymond King Cummings The Girl in the Golden Atom A classic work of science fiction, this novel was one of the first to explore the world of the atom The Girl in the Golden Atom is the story of a young...
Ngày tải lên: 29/03/2014, 16:20
delphi 8 - migrating delphi applications to the microsoft .net framework with delphi 8
... Borland Delphi applications to the Microsoft NET Framework with Delphi Introduction With the release of Delphi for the Microsoft NET Framework (a.k.a Delphi for NET), Borland has enabled Delphi ... Borland Delphi applications to the Microsoft NET Framework with Delphi Without a single change in the source code, we can migrate this sample project from Delphi to Delphi for NET The new ... Borland Delphi applications to the Microsoft NET Framework with Delphi Delphi projects that rely on frames migrate to Delphi for NET without problems, as you can see in Figure with the BDE...
Ngày tải lên: 16/04/2014, 11:17
committee on physics of the universe, national research council. connecting quarks with the cosmos.. eleven science questions for the new century
... and ideas The first was held in association with the April 2001 meeting of the APS; the second was held in conjunction with the June meeting of the American Astronomical Society; and the final ... the very nature of space and time with the frontier in the quest for an understanding of the origin and earliest evolution of the universe and of the most exotic objects within it Realizing the ... CONNECTING QUARKS WITH THE COSMOS ing of the universe and the laws that govern it, but not within the budgets of the three agencies as they stand The answer is not simply to trim the existing programs...
Ngày tải lên: 24/04/2014, 17:17
beyond the roof of the world music prayer and healing in the pamir mountains nov 2008
... or more of the FIGURE 2.1 The five factors 32 beyond the roof of the world other factors, each with the potential to create new efficacious links, effecting further transformations in the whole ... the point where it meets the soft palette; the tongue disallows airflow until the point of contact is released, thus producing the sound “g.” With the same process in mind, rather than using the ... not only across the continent of Africa, but any 10 beyond the roof of the world place in the world where music and the expressive arts can educate people to transform not only the persistent...
Ngày tải lên: 11/06/2014, 01:41
Expanding the world of photography with full-time flash. pptx
... adding natural shades to the subject - Adjust the distance between the flash and bounce surface The further the flash unit is moved from the bounce surface, the softer the resulting flash illumination ... above the subject may create unwanted shadows on the face The key to preventing such shadows is to bounce the flash diagonally off the ceiling toward the subject Bouncing the flash off the right ... expression The colour of the wall or ceiling, and its distance from the flash unit, affects the intensity of the illumination reaching the subject But the desired light level is easily achieved with...
Ngày tải lên: 02/08/2014, 09:21
Báo cáo y học: "Comparing the prevalence of rheumatic diseases in China with the rest of the world" pptx
... Asian migrants to the western world might help determine whether Asians retain a lower prevalence of rheumatoid arthritis, or whether their rate after migration rises to that of the surrounding ... than in the western world, might provide important insights into what causes these diseases Competing interests The author declares that they have no competing interests Acknowledgement The present ... strongly associated with the occurrence of gout The dramatic increase in gout in China probably reflects the rapid westernization and urbanization of the society Finally, the absence of fibromyalgia...
Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 10:22
báo cáo khoa học:" Validation of the "World Health Organization Disability Assessment Schedule, WHODAS-2" in patients with chronic diseases" ppt
... moderately correlated with most of the scores of the SF-36, with the main exception of 'Bodily pain', which presented quite low correlations with all the WHODAS-2 domains The 'Participation in ... evaluation of these patients were conducted In this case, the magnitude of the difference was also assessed with ES coefficients, but computed dividing the difference in the scores between the two ... over time Therefore, these results support the adequacy of the WHODAS-2 to measure disability in a wide range of physical and mental disorders The goodness of fit indices obtained with the CFA...
Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 01:21
Ant functional group succession dynamics correlates with the age of vegetation succession data analysis of worldwide studies and a case study of a secondary tropical rain forest in singapore
... relationship with age of the forest (Figure 9) The proportions of other functional groups did not change significantly with age There was no relationship between the proportions of any functional group with ... Borneo Therefore, the fragmented nature of succession and the rich ant fauna in the CCNR makes it ideal for the study of ant succession dynamics in the tropics I was able to use the results of the ... different stages of succession in the CCNR as the study sites Some of the hypotheses generated on the basis of the mega data analysis in the last chapter were: 43 (i) The proportions of Cryptic Species,...
Ngày tải lên: 29/09/2015, 13:01