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The Schwarzschild Solution and Black Holes

The Schwarzschild Solution and Black Holes

... < χ < π) (I + and I − are pronounced as “scri-plus” and “scri-minus”, respectively.) Note that i + , i 0 , and i − are actually points, since χ = 0 and χ = π are the north and south poles of ... longer and longer interval ∆τ 2 from our point of view. This continues forever; we would never see the astronaut cross r = 2GM, we would just see them move more and more slowly (and become redder and ... coordinates, which we can call a and b. The theorem (7.2) is then telling us that the metric on a spherically 7 THE SCHWARZSCHILD SOLUTION AND BLACK HOLES 182 One way of understanding a geometry is to...

Ngày tải lên: 23/10/2013, 20:20

53 335 0
A Primer on Check and ATM Cards

A Primer on Check and ATM Cards

... the ATM and point-of-sale without writing a check. Each financial institution creates an identity for its debit card to customize the product and differentiate it in the market. Debit cards can ... financial service products, namely debit cards. what is a debit card? A debit card is a banking card enhanced with automated teller machine (ATM) and point-of-sale (POS) features so that it ... A Primer on Check and ATM Cards The following information has been gathered in order to assist you as you introduce your...

Ngày tải lên: 04/11/2013, 20:15

2 289 0
Tài liệu Best Practices and Techniques for Building Secure Microsoft® ASP.NET Applications pdf

Tài liệu Best Practices and Techniques for Building Secure Microsoft® ASP.NET Applications pdf

... Corporation Best Practices and Best Practices and Techniques for Building Techniques for Building Secure Microsoft Secure ... Console  C# and ASP.NET coding experience C# and ASP.NET coding experience  Familiarity with Microsoft Familiarity with Microsoft ® ® Visual Studio Visual Studio ® ® .NET .NET  Basic understanding ... security issues Basic understanding of Web application security issues Accessing Resources Accessing Resources System Resources and COM Objects System Resources and COM Objects  Creating event...

Ngày tải lên: 15/01/2014, 15:59

59 674 0


... Berkowitz and Hynes (1999) and Lin and White (2001) for discussion of the relationship between mortgage debt and homeowners’ gain from filing for bankruptcy. 7 See Ausubel (1997), Evans and Schmalensee ... some public offices England and Wales most unsecured and secured debts discharged; not student loans and debt arising from fraud household goods and pensions exempt; homestead ... (1999) and (2007), Kilborn (2004) and (2005),, and 30 Laibson, David, Andrea Repetto, and...

Ngày tải lên: 16/02/2014, 03:20

36 340 0
Tài liệu White and Recommunication pptx

Tài liệu White and Recommunication pptx

... SECURITY POPULATION AND AGING PUBLIC SAFETY SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY SUBSTANCE ABUSE TERRORISM AND HOMELAND SECURITY TRANSPORTATION AND INFRASTRUCTURE WORKFORCE AND WORKPLACE The RAND Corporation ... providing objective analysis and effective solutions that address the challenges facing the public and private sectors around the world. Visit RAND at Explore the RAND Corporation View ... now, and standing up a whole new agency would be too time-consuming. Second, and compounding the first, is that the new agency would, by necessity, strip personnel from existing organizations and...

Ngày tải lên: 18/02/2014, 01:20

34 297 0
Tài liệu Oracle Database Backup-and-Recovery Best Practices and New Features doc

Tài liệu Oracle Database Backup-and-Recovery Best Practices and New Features doc

... RECOVER command – Requires Active Data Guard (real-time query on physical standby database). Active Data Guard Standby Primary database Queries Automatic Block Repair Oracle Database Backup -and- Recovery Best ... physical standby database, as they are detected. – In-line and transparent. User sees brief wait from query on corrupt block while it is being repaired. – Can also be performed on-demand via RECOVER ... backups and archived logs – Estimate archived logs generated between successive backups on the busiest days and multiply total size by 2 to account for activity spikes. • Archived logs and Flashback...

Ngày tải lên: 20/02/2014, 05:20

52 566 0
Bankruptcy Reform and Credit Cards doc

Bankruptcy Reform and Credit Cards doc

... card with a $1,000 credit Credit Card Debt and Available Credit S79 Polivy and Herman 1985; Raghubir and Srivastava 2009; Soman and Cheema 2004), to the best of our knowl- edge, this research is ... Virtues: A Handbook and Classification, Christopher Peterson and Martin Seligman, eds. Washington, DC/New York: American Psychological Association/Oxford Press, 499–516. Choi, Candice andEileen ... Medicine, Edward S. Katkin and Steven B. Manuck, eds. New York: JAI Press, 1–37. Preacher, Kristopher J. and Andrew F. Hayes (2008), “Asymptotic and Resampling Strategies for Assessing and Comparing Indi- rect...

Ngày tải lên: 06/03/2014, 04:21

13 256 0
Báo cáo khoa học: "Coarse-to-fine n-best parsing and MaxEnt discriminative reranking" docx

Báo cáo khoa học: "Coarse-to-fine n-best parsing and MaxEnt discriminative reranking" docx

... the n -best parses using coarse-to-fine parsing The major difficulty in n -best parsing, compared to 1 -best parsing, is dynamic programming. For exam- ple, n -best parsing is straight-forward in best- first search ... context, and at the end is able to start at the root and piece together the overall best parse. Now comes the easy part. To create a 50 -best parser we simply change the fine-grained version of 1 -best ... the parser is 89.7%. 1 2 -best and 10 -best show dramatic oracle-rate improvements. After that things start to slow down, and we achieve an oracle rate of 0.968 at 50 -best. To put this in perspective,...

Ngày tải lên: 08/03/2014, 04:22

8 388 0
The Idea Hunter: How to Find the Best Ideas and Make them Happen

The Idea Hunter: How to Find the Best Ideas and Make them Happen

... distinction. “If you have an apple and I have an apple and we exchange these apples, then you and I wil stil have one apple,” he wrote. “But if you have an idea and I have an idea and we exchange these ideas, ... about as professionals and where they’re heading. Sel ing happiness in a healthy and wholesome way is what lends identity to both the legendary Disney brand and the up -and- coming Dr. Fresh. • ... guidance and tools that wil increase your capacity to find great ideas and put them into play.” —Michael Raynor, director, Deloitte Consulting LLP, and author, The Strategy Paradox and The about...

Ngày tải lên: 15/03/2014, 23:18

375 567 0
best career and education web sites

best career and education web sites

... 6/9/03 3:18 PM Page 3 Best Career and Education Web Sites 28 University Links Search for colleges and universities by traditional categories such as name, location, and area of study, ... country and/ or subject. The site also has separate directories for high school students interested in foreign programs and for overseas internships, volunteer and teaching opportunities, and overseas jobs. CH01 ... Internet Tips and Electronic Resumes 1 Here you’ll find tips on searching the Web, using e-mail effectively in your online job hunt, and creating and using an electronic resume. College and Financial...

Ngày tải lên: 01/06/2014, 00:53

209 370 0
White and Gibson Journal of Orthopaedic Surgery and Research 2010, 5:27 docx

White and Gibson Journal of Orthopaedic Surgery and Research 2010, 5:27 docx

... distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.Journal of Orthopaedic Surgery and Research 2010, 5:27 White and Gibson Journal of Orthopaedic Surgery and Research ... 145:795-808. White and Gibson Journal of Orthopaedic Surgery and Research 2010, 5:27 Open Access RESEARCH ARTICLE BioMed Central © 2010 White and Gibson; ... article as: White and Gibson, The effect of oxygen tension on cal- cium homeostasis in bovine articular chondrocytes Journal of Orthopaedic Surgery and Research 2010, 5:27 White and Gibson Journal...

Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 07:20

7 294 0
Báo cáo hóa học: " Research Article Coincidence Point, Best Approximation, and Best Proximity Theorems for Condensing Set-Valued Maps in Hyperconvex Metric Spaces" pptx

Báo cáo hóa học: " Research Article Coincidence Point, Best Approximation, and Best Proximity Theorems for Condensing Set-Valued Maps in Hyperconvex Metric Spaces" pptx

... Reich, and P. Veeramani, “Proximinal retracts and best proximity pair theorems,” Numerical Functional Analysis and Optimization, vol. 24, no. 7-8, pp. 851–862, 2003. 11 N. Aronszajn and P. ... cited. 1. Introduction and preliminaries The best approximation problem in a hyperconvex metric space consists of finding conditions for given set-valued mappings F and G and a set X such that ... F  x 0  /  ∅  , 2.2 8 Fixed Point Theory and Applications 2 J. T. Markin and N. Shahzad, Best approximation theorems for nonexpansive and condensing mappings in hyperconvex metric spaces,”...

Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 23:20

8 183 0
Describe your best friend and tell why you likehim or her pot

Describe your best friend and tell why you likehim or her pot

... Describe your best friend and tell why you like him or her Describe your best friend and tell why you like him or her In our daily activities we often get in touch with the others and from ... interests, characteristics and behaviors are similar to ours and we choose them “Birds of a feather flock together”, Nam and I are keen on learning. We are the best pupils in our class. Nam ... me, one of my best friends is Nam. Nam is only over eighteen but he is well developed; so he is thought to be twenty or more. He has black hair, a broad forehead, a straight nose and bright eyes....

Ngày tải lên: 22/07/2014, 04:20

5 962 1
Applied thin layer chromatography   best practice and avoidance of mistakes 2nd ed   e  hahn deinstrop (wiley, 2007) WW

Applied thin layer chromatography best practice and avoidance of mistakes 2nd ed e hahn deinstrop (wiley, 2007) WW

... from Muttenz (Switzerland) and Hous- ton (Texas, USA). During the last few years I held a series of lectures on chromatography and partook in TLC workshops at high schools and universities within ... only for iden- tification and purity testing. The improvements achieved over 30 years in sorbents, solvent sys- tems and detection reagents and the use of partially and fully automated equipment ... Thin-Layer Chromatography Best Practice and Avoidance of Mistakes Second, Revised and Enlarged Edition Translated by R. G. Leach 1807–2007 Knowledge for Generations Each generation has its unique needs and aspirations....

Ngày tải lên: 23/07/2014, 13:49

331 498 0
Tài liệu Anh văn: Describe your best friend and tell why you like him or her ppt

Tài liệu Anh văn: Describe your best friend and tell why you like him or her ppt

... patience to overcome difficulties, helpfulness and filial piety. Describe your best friend and tell why you like him or her Describe your best friend and tell why you like him or her In our ... the others and from these relations we meet some people whose interests, characteristics andbehaviors are similar to ours and we choose them as our friends. To me, one of my best friends ... is thought to be twenty or more. He has black hair, a broad forehead, a straight nose and bright eyes. He is very good-looking. He has a kind heart and is easy to get on with everybody. We...

Ngày tải lên: 25/07/2014, 19:21

3 814 3