Best free software-Phần Mềm
... vào các Website, mật khẩu e-mail, hỗ trợ kéo - thả các account( gồm username và password). Chương trình nặng 1,63MB, tải tại hay ROTATE 1.02 (free) xoay ... trình có dung lượng 157 kb, tải tại hay Access Manager 2.0 ( free) Chương trình quản lý mật khẫu miễn phí đơn giản và dễ sử dụng. Người sử dụng dùng 1 mật ... Các phần mềm miễn phí hay: nBINDER 3.0 Nén, bảo vệ và đóng gói dữ liệu (free) nBinder là chương trình miễn phí cho phép nén các tập tin thi hành mà không làm thay đổi...
Ngày tải lên: 14/09/2013, 05:10
... SOLUTIONS: DYNAMIC WEB DESIGN MADE EASY 30 7311ch02.qxd 10/10/06 10:14 PM Page 30 INTRODUCTION Dynamic Web Design Made Easy—that’s a pretty bold claim. How easy is easy? It’s not like an instant ... and CSS, you’re ready to take your web design skills to the next stage by adding PHP to your arsenal. Figure 1-1. CSS Zen Garden has opened the eyes of web designers to the importance of code. Creating ... SOLUTIONS: DYNAMIC WEB DESIGN MADE EASY 26 7311ch02.qxd 10/10/06 10:14 PM Page 26 Figure 1-4. Server-side languages like PHP are intolerant of most coding errors. PHP isn’t like XHTML: you can’t...
Ngày tải lên: 09/01/2013, 09:45
Ngày tải lên: 20/09/2013, 09:09
Professional Web Design: Techniques and Templates- P12
... file names: Designs—Fourth Edition/161-180-css /design_ 170/ main.psd, bg-main.psd XHTML pages: index.htm, menu-item-2.htm, menu-item-3.htm Photo credits: A 5design Design 169 Homepage design. Chapter ... This software is pretty much extinct in Web development; however, any quality software will be somewhat similar in style. It also shows that the designer does not need the latest and greatest software ... resolutions. Designs—Third Edition Folder ■ Designs 1–80: XHTML table-based designs that were originally created for 800 Â 600 resolution but were also coded as liquid designs, which, if the designer...
Ngày tải lên: 17/10/2013, 23:15
Web Design
... Before&After| 5 of 5 DesignTalk5:FiveDesignIdeas 0634 0634 DesignTalk5:FiveDesignIdeas Before&Aftermagazine Before&Afterhasbeensharingitspracticalapproach tographicdesignsince1990.Becauseourmodernworld hasmadedesignersofusall(readyornot),Before& Afterisdedicatedtomakinggraphicdesignunderstand- able,usefulandevenfunforeveryone. JohnMcWadePublisherandcreativedirector GayeMcWadeAssociatepublisher VincentPascual ... 0634 X i U LayoutManyphotos?Displaytheminagrid! Neaterthanascrapbook-stylecollageyetjustasversatile,agridisabeautifullysimple waytodisplayagroupofphotos. Agridaccommodateslargeandsmallphotos,sideby sideandoverlapped,yetfunctionsasasingle,easy-to-designunit. GridofsquaresSometimesyoucantndthatoneperfect photo.Usemany!Setupauniformgrid,thencropyourpho - tostotasquareorsomemultipleofsquares.A16-unitgrid (above)cancontainbetweenoneand16images.Note(right) thatthegridlinesremainontop. Griddividesthe pageneatlyinto threesections;type alignstoagridline. ChildHealth&Nutrition Abrightfuturestartswithahealthybeginning Aparentsguideforchildren frombirthtove AsupplementofWashingtonHealthcare Imageoverlapping another Designtalk3of 9 Before&After| 3 of 5 Design Talk5:Five Design Ideas 0634 0634 Design Talk5:Five Design Ideas DrawthereaderintoyourstorywithatechniquethatJeepisusing—addto yourpageasmallobjectortwofromthescen e.Thissoftenshardedgesandgives yourlayoutaninviting,humandimension. Warmthescene (Above)TheJeepsarebigandmechanicalandcoming atyou!Byaddingobjectsthataresmallenoughtohold inyourhand,you’llwarmthescenebygivingitahuman scale.Naturalobjects like stonesandleavesserveto softenstraight,artificialedges.(Right)Forthemosttac - tilelook,removetheobjectfromitsoriginalbackground, andplaceitrightonthepage!Addahintofshadow. ImageSmallobjectssoftenthescene Small,fast,low-budgetjobsareeasiestto dowhenyouthinkinextremes—makeyour imageverylarge,ormakeitverysmall.Dip intoyourclip-art(orpicture-font)collection, andhavealook: It’s ... Before&After| 2 of 5 Design Talk5:Five Design Ideas 0634 0634 Design Talk5:Five Design Ideas ChildHealth&Nutrition Abrightfuturestartswithahealthybeginning Aparents’guideforchildren frombirthtofive AsupplementofWashingtonHealthcare Web design Visualhierarchyisthekeytohandlinglotsofinformation Gridofsquares...
Ngày tải lên: 05/11/2013, 11:15
Tài liệu Effective Web Design, Second Edition docx
... connect your Web pages to each other Effective Web Design page 14 Even in the United States, most of the population is not yet online. Among those who are, hardware configurations are likely ... world, chasing after that cutting edge can be like juggling kitchen knives: You're likely to get nicked in the process. How then, do you, a Web designer, balance the requirements of the existing ... Integration Language (SMIL) Pronounced "smile," SMIL allows Web designers to bring television -like content to the Web, without the traditional constraints of massive bandwidth requirements...
Ngày tải lên: 10/12/2013, 14:15
Tài liệu Ecodial V3.38 Low-voltage electrical installation design software Fupact and variable speed drive ppt
... With Ecodial V3.38, design low-voltage electrical installations the easy way Ecodial V3.38 complies with the latest electrical standards, bringing LV installation design software to a new ... design software Building a New Electric World Fupact and variable speed drive integrated For further details concerning Ecodial V3.38, ask your Schneider Electric representative for a free ... the design process and for the printout of the project file. It can be modified at any time. New standards Ecodial V3.3 series have been approved by the UTE. It can be used to produce design...
Ngày tải lên: 12/12/2013, 13:15
Tài liệu Web Design in a Nutshell: A Desktop Quick Reference doc
... Cube of the Web Palette Red (255,0,0) Green (0,255,0) Blue (0,0,255) Black (0,0,0) White (255,255,255) 30 Chapter 3 – Web Design Principles for Print Designers Color on the Web Web Design in a ... as images, rules, or multimedia objects on a web page. 20 Chapter 2 – Designing for a Variety of Displays Fixed versus Flexible Web Page Design Web Design in a Nutshell, eMatter Edition Copyright ... pop-up windows, browser-detection, and status-bar messages. 32 Chapter 3 – Web Design Principles for Print Designers Color on the Web Web Design in a Nutshell, eMatter Edition Copyright â 2000 O’Reilly...
Ngày tải lên: 21/12/2013, 05:17