bergey s manual of systematic bacteriology to identify bacteria

Bergey s manual of systematic bacteriology (second edition 2004)

Bergey s manual of systematic bacteriology (second edition 2004)

... Fusobacteria Fusobacteria Leptotrichia hofstadii Fusobacteria Fusobacteria Leptotrichia shahii Fusobacteria Fusobacteria Leptotrichia wadei Fusobacteria Fusobacteria Luteococcus sanguinis Actinobacteria ... Manual of Systematic Bacteriology, 2nd Ed Methanothermobacter thermophilus comb nov is proposed in Volume of Bergey s Manual of Systematic Bacteriology, 2nd Ed 14 Bergey s Manual of Systematic Bacteriology, ... Actinobacteria Streptomyces niveiciscabiei Actinobacteria Actinobacteria Streptomyces puniciscabiei Actinobacteria Actinobacteria Streptomyces scabrisporus Actinobacteria Actinobacteria Streptomyces...

Ngày tải lên: 05/05/2014, 15:32

401 820 3
book of exercises to accompany e. friedrich richter's manual of simple and double counterpoint (1888)

book of exercises to accompany e. friedrich richter's manual of simple and double counterpoint (1888)

... moreover, of ascribing to these exercises, so far as they concern alto and bass, Here The essence of a pielody, so far, that is, as of a purely harmonic treatment, is, in the middle voices tenor, too ... the Manual, I a thorough taining modes it understanding was of course necessary of these ancient Church- to bring within the sphere of our observations the tetrachord-system of the Greeks, as the ... question is very often asked by students, how much PREFACE VI time should be devoted to the study of Counterpoint This is a difficult question to answer, in so far as progress depends upon the scholar's...

Ngày tải lên: 29/05/2014, 21:00

73 277 0
Tài liệu Pickard’s Manual of Operative Dentistry pptx

Tài liệu Pickard’s Manual of Operative Dentistry pptx

... assessment of caries risk Social factors will be assessed, MOD8E_01(1-32) 11/11/03 11:49 AM Page 17 Diagnosis of dental caries CARIES RISK ASSESSMENT LOW RISK HIGH RISK SOCIAL HISTORY Socially ... in use to assist in the diagnosis of approximal caries Shadowing indicates a lesion (Reproduced by courtesy of Dental Update.) Figure 1.35 lists some of the many factors relevant to the assessment ... further disease These matters will be dealt with in more detail shortly, but first it is necessary to understand the nature and status of this professional advice Professionalism The professional–client...

Ngày tải lên: 16/02/2014, 21:20

224 2,6K 0
Tài liệu The Mother''''s Manual of Children''''s Diseases ppt

Tài liệu The Mother''''s Manual of Children''''s Diseases ppt

... great causes of mortality in infancy, and of sickliness in later life The statistics of Foundling Hospitals bear sad testimony to the fact of its dangers, and the researches of physicians show that ... drawing up its legs to its stomach; and as the pain passes off, stretches them out again, and with many little sobs passes off into a quiet sleep If it has inflammation of the chest it does not cry ... of their parents.[1] Scrofula, which is another disease closely allied to consumption, is hereditary also; and hip disease, disease of the spine, abscesses, and enlarged glands in any members...

Ngày tải lên: 17/02/2014, 23:20

133 441 0
Nurse’s Manual of Laboratory and Diagnostic Tests pptx

Nurse’s Manual of Laboratory and Diagnostic Tests pptx

... children, usually have less storage iron In contrast, persons with disorders of excess iron storage such as hemochromatosis or hemosiderosis have extremely high serum ferritin levels.16 Serum ferritin ... Nephrosis Chronic hypersensitivity states Sickle cell disease Disseminated lupus erythematosus Asthma Acromegaly Chorea Elevated steroid levels Hypersensitivity reactions Stress Parasitic infestations ... effects of physical or emotional stress Monitoring desired responses to drug therapy and undesired reactions to drugs that may cause blood dyscrasias (Table 1–5) Monitoring progression of nonhematologic...

Ngày tải lên: 23/03/2014, 01:20

688 508 0
Pickard’s Manual of Operative Dentistry, Eighth edition pot

Pickard’s Manual of Operative Dentistry, Eighth edition pot

... assessment of caries risk Social factors will be assessed, MOD8E_01(1-32) 11/11/03 11:49 AM Page 17 Diagnosis of dental caries CARIES RISK ASSESSMENT LOW RISK HIGH RISK SOCIAL HISTORY Socially ... in use to assist in the diagnosis of approximal caries Shadowing indicates a lesion (Reproduced by courtesy of Dental Update.) Figure 1.35 lists some of the many factors relevant to the assessment ... further disease These matters will be dealt with in more detail shortly, but first it is necessary to understand the nature and status of this professional advice Professionalism The professional–client...

Ngày tải lên: 29/03/2014, 10:20

223 8,8K 0
báo cáo khoa học: " Analysis of anther transcriptomes to identify genes contributing to meiosis and male gametophyte development in rice" pptx

báo cáo khoa học: " Analysis of anther transcriptomes to identify genes contributing to meiosis and male gametophyte development in rice" pptx

... tissues/stages of development (Figure 7) Four of the five annotated cohesin genes showed similar expression levels in most tissues, but among these SMC3 and SCC3 had reduced expression in roots ... is known to be involved in meiosis but it is expressed in other vegetative tissues as well Likewise AtRAD51 is expressed in other stages but it has been shown to be essential for the progression ... florets (MA, SCP and TPA stages as marked) Corresponding microarray-based expression profiles of these two genes are also shown as bar graphs for comparison W, wall layers; V, vascular tissue;...

Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 11:20

20 344 0
Báo cáo y học: " Transcriptional profiling of inductive mesenchyme to identify molecules involved in prostate development and disease" ppsx

Báo cáo y học: " Transcriptional profiling of inductive mesenchyme to identify molecules involved in prostate development and disease" ppsx

... molecules / modulators Figure SAGE analysis of prostatic inductive mesenchyme SAGE analysis of prostatic inductive mesenchyme (a) The strategy used in construction and comparison of serial analysis of ... Scube1 was expressed in a specific subset of the mesenchyme, consistent with the VMP tissue used in the construction of the SAGE libraries Scube1 expression is not regulated by testosterone Ad ... Expression of Scube1 mRNA in prostate tumor stromal cells using CAFs and NPFs Figure Expression of Scube1 mRNA in prostate tumor stromal cells using CAFs and NPFs (a) Northern analysis of Scube1...

Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 08:20

14 286 0
Application of morphometric analysis to identify alewife stock structure in the gulf of maine

Application of morphometric analysis to identify alewife stock structure in the gulf of maine

... geographic distances (10 0s of kilometers), or both, and thus help inform questions about stock composition at these spatial scales for assessment surveys and bycatch events The Alewife Alosa pseudoharengus ... and assess the potential causes of this decline, led the Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission to close all river herring fisheries in 2012, although states with sustainable harvest plans will ... DISCUSSION The goal of this study was to develop classification models using morphometrics to determine the stock structure of Alewives from the Gulf of Maine region For the classification models...

Ngày tải lên: 04/09/2015, 08:12

11 491 0
báo cáo khoa học: "E-learning interventions are comparable to user’s manual in a randomized trial of training strategies for the AGREE II" pps

báo cáo khoa học: "E-learning interventions are comparable to user’s manual in a randomized trial of training strategies for the AGREE II" pps

... Page of 10 Control Group Step Step AGREE II (PDF) Review/Assess Test-PG Step Questionnaires Tutorial Group Step Step Tutorial AGREE II (PDF) Step Review/Assess Test-PG Step Questionnaires Tutorial ... post-test Learner s Scales and a demographics survey Participants were blinded to the study conditions, our research questions, and hypothesis measure, a 7-point response scale was used to answer the ... outcome of performance on the test PG, a series of secondary measures, known as the Learner s scale, were also collected This scale was comprised of Learner Satisfaction scale (i.e., satisfaction...

Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2014, 11:20

10 439 0
Ô tô Ford Escape Hybrid Owner’s Manual

Ô tô Ford Escape Hybrid Owner’s Manual

... press / to shift sound to the SEL rear/front speakers Menu: Press to access the following features: RDS (if equipped): Press and hold MENU to access RDS on/off Use SEL to toggle RDS on/off Press ... preset to eject a specific disc Press and hold to eject all loaded discs Bass: Press BASS; then press / to decrease/increase SEL the bass output Treble: Press TREB; then press / to decrease/increase ... show repeat status Press again to toggle status 11 SHUFFLE: Plays CD/MP3 tracks in random order when active (ON) Press to show shuffle status Press again to toggle status : Press to access 12 FOLDER...

Ngày tải lên: 23/10/2012, 08:12

336 574 2
A study on the use of language activities to enhance 11th grade student's speaking skill in pham hong thai school, hung nguyen district, nghe an province

A study on the use of language activities to enhance 11th grade student's speaking skill in pham hong thai school, hung nguyen district, nghe an province

... evaluation of the effectiveness of speaking tasks at school, students desire for several types of speaking tasks were shown How often you speaking tasks in textbook? Chart 4.1: The frequency of using speaking ... composing sentences but using sentences to make statements of different kinds, to achieve particular communicative goals For example, sentences to describe, to record, to classify, to ask question ... frequency of using discussion in class,given by students 58 Chart 4.11: The frequency of using discussion in class,given by teachers 58 Chart 4.12: Interest of the students in discussion ...

Ngày tải lên: 18/12/2013, 10:03

98 809 6
Tài liệu A Client-Centered Approach to Reproductive Health: A Trainer’s Manual docx

Tài liệu A Client-Centered Approach to Reproductive Health: A Trainer’s Manual docx

... both … or something else 31 Section II Trainer s Guide RAISE these questions and discuss them: Why did they see different things? What is the message of this exercise? DISCUSSION ASSISTANCE: What ... their strengths and weaknesses realistically This format is also used when participants discuss their roles as a member of society and as a service provider 3.2 Brainstorming, briefings, group discussions ... Checklist of materials and tools CHECKLIST OF ALL MATERIALS AND TOOLS REQUIRED FOR TRAINING in addition to THIS MANUAL! a a a a a a a Assessment sheet Case studies Content for charts Definitions/concepts...

Ngày tải lên: 13/02/2014, 10:20

287 500 0
Tài liệu Clinical Manual of Women’s Mental Health docx

Tài liệu Clinical Manual of Women’s Mental Health docx

... physical symptoms such as bloating and breast tenderness as well as depressive symptoms Oral contraceptives have numerous health advantages, such as prevention of bone loss and decreased risks of ... (e.g., antihypertensive medications, bronchodilators, antiulcer agents, corticosteroids, analgesics, sedatives, decongestants) Nutritional assessment Assessment of use of caffeine, salt, and alcohol ... Psychiatric Assessment of Women Gender-specific aspects of the psychiatric assessment of women are summarized in Table 1–2 Clinicians should be alert to the elements of the history that are specifically...

Ngày tải lên: 15/02/2014, 02:20

224 1,1K 0


... pumps and pipes The difficulty of keeping these utensils clean often leads to neglect and subsequent infection In Swiss cheese factories, the custom of using home-made rennet solutions is responsible ... point of gelatin Besides these solid media, different liquid substances are extensively used, such as beef broth, milk, and infusions of various vegetable and animal tissues Skim-milk is of especial ... groups there is no sharp line of division, and in some cases, certain species possess the faculty of growing either as parasites or saprophytes, in which case they are known as facultative parasites...

Ngày tải lên: 16/02/2014, 22:20

201 541 0
Tài liệu Effect modification of air pollution on Urinary 8-Hydroxy-2’-Deoxyguanosine by genotypes: an application of the multiple testing procedure to identify significant SNP interactions ppt

Tài liệu Effect modification of air pollution on Urinary 8-Hydroxy-2’-Deoxyguanosine by genotypes: an application of the multiple testing procedure to identify significant SNP interactions ppt

... ROS and has been associated with increased risk of cardiovascular diseases [15,43,44] Previous studies have shown that variations of HFE C282Y, HFE H63 D, HMOX-1, GSTs genes modify associations ... inputting sequence containing the SNP site and 100 bp of flanking sequence on either side of the SNP Assays were genotyped using the Sequenom MassArray MALDI-TOF mass spectrometer (Sequonom, CA, USA) ... We selected family-wise error rate and step-down maxT methods in this study In step-down procedures, the hypotheses corresponding to the most significant test statistics are considered successively,...

Ngày tải lên: 17/02/2014, 22:20

9 773 0
Tài liệu Cleaner Water in China? The Implications of the Amendments to China’s Law on the Prevention and Control of Water Pollution pptx

Tài liệu Cleaner Water in China? The Implications of the Amendments to China’s Law on the Prevention and Control of Water Pollution pptx

... items covered by federal WEQ standards or establish local standards for items not covered.84 The development of these standards is similar to the standards in the United States The EPA sets treatment ... Discharge Permit Systems.51 Under these different systems, permits have been issued in increasing numbers In 1996, over forty thousand permits were issued in the cities that implemented a system.52 ... permitting of discharges As a result, the development of the permit system has been “practice ahead of legislation, local legislation ahead of state legislation.”41 This has led to a permit system...

Ngày tải lên: 18/02/2014, 04:20

22 662 0
Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: "Using adaptor grammars to identify synergies in the unsupervised acquisition of linguistic structure" docx

Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: "Using adaptor grammars to identify synergies in the unsupervised acquisition of linguistic structure" docx

... Parentheses indicate optional constituents in these rules, so this grammar says that a Sentence consists of a sequence of Words, and each Word consists of a Stem followed by an optional Suffix The ... achieves Inspection of the parses shows that the unigram syllable grammar also tends to misanalyse long collocations as Words Specifically, it seems to misanalyse function words as associated with the ... generates Sentences as sequences of Colloc(ations), where each Colloc consists of a sequence of Words, and each Word consists of a Stem followed by an optional Suffix, as shown in Figure 10 This grammar...

Ngày tải lên: 20/02/2014, 09:20

9 644 0
Tài liệu Coaching Manual: The Definitive Guide to the Process, Principles & Skills of Personal Coaching pot

Tài liệu Coaching Manual: The Definitive Guide to the Process, Principles & Skills of Personal Coaching pot

... responses to the coachee Focuses instinctively on the key Misses or disregards key information, perhaps parts of a conversation, e.g ‘Can we wanting to ‘press on’ with the intention of just stop ... years, we’ve developed it into a profession This profession focuses on techniques and methods that we understand make a difference to the results someone else is getting Coaching is now firmly established ... A therapist may decide that an in-depth assessment, analysis and diagnosis of someone s problem is appropriate before the individual can progress Whilst a level of self-awareness is also valuable...

Ngày tải lên: 21/02/2014, 16:20

257 659 2


... little susceptible to exposure Of the mummies of the second class (also filled with resins and asphaltum), we must assume that their skins and flesh have been subjected to sodaic or saline products; ... collections were as follow: Mammals, species 405; birds, species 2400; constituting altogether in specimens the sum total of 4659 Of reptiles we could boast — species 600, specimens 1300; fish 1000 specimens ... specimens These figures did not contrast favourably with the Paris Museum as in the days of old for now Paris stood: Mammals, species 500; birds, species 2300; grand total of specimens 6000 Of fish...

Ngày tải lên: 06/03/2014, 13:20

363 612 0