being such as environmental quality or leisure time

Ielts writing task 2   there have been many inventions in human history, such as the wheel,some people think the most important thing is the internet  to what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion

Ielts writing task 2 there have been many inventions in human history, such as the wheel,some people think the most important thing is the internet to what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion

... barriers" is a more appropriate introductory phrase, and the adverb "now" should be placed before the verb "are connected" for clarity and flow 7) Error: "By using apps ,such as: messenger or snap chat, ... in modern world use the internet as an tool to look up information needed for their projects and assignments at schools." Correction: "For example, almost all students in the modern world use the ... electricity,from that the quality of life are improved better than before." Correction: "This is obviously a leap forward for mankind when all aspects of life, such as production, education,

Ngày tải lên: 05/09/2023, 13:15

10 17 0


... being given to speaking or listening The central text for each lesson is literary Passages are selected from authors such as Mark Twain, George Orwell, Charles Dickens, or. .. encouraged to ... language classrooms... Communicative approach Background The emphasis is placed on using the target language to accomplish a function such as complaining, advising, or asking for information ... Pair work and group work are used to generate communication in activities such as problem solving and filling information gaps In one type of information gap... teaching It is referred to as

Ngày tải lên: 19/03/2014, 08:20

156 652 2
Business and Economics Q Manual A student guide for producing quality work on time ppt

Business and Economics Q Manual A student guide for producing quality work on time ppt

... manage your own time This applies to fulltime students who have a great deal of time available outside of classes, as well as for part -time students who have to balance work and study ... applying for Special Consideration for overall assessment, end-of-semester examinations, or additional assessment for a unit (or units) studied during the current semester Please refer ... contributors to the Q Manual. Your time, expertise and efforts are much appreciated. Thank you all for making this a truly collegial experience. Sebastian Borutta, Berwick Library Jenny Casey,

Ngày tải lên: 02/04/2014, 05:21

116 417 0
Understand basic OOP concepts, such as inheritance, encapsulation, and polymorphism. pot

Understand basic OOP concepts, such as inheritance, encapsulation, and polymorphism. pot

... the DateTime class and creates an object to store a date, time, and time zone Some of the original class’s methods, such as for setting and getting the time zone, are fine as they ... wheels or color of the bodywork as typical properties, and accelerate or brake as methods Although... when you extend the built-in PHP DateTime class The extended class inherits all the basic ... groundwork for advancing on to using an object-oriented framework, such as the Zend Framework, and taking your PHP coding skills to the next level. Powers CYAN YELLOW MAGENTA BLACK PHP OBJECT-ORIENTED

Ngày tải lên: 27/06/2014, 12:20

50 310 0
Báo cáo y học: "The value of animal models in predicting genetic susceptibility to complex diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis" ppsx

Báo cáo y học: "The value of animal models in predicting genetic susceptibility to complex diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis" ppsx

... remains. As in the tale of the tortoise and the hare, human genetics has been regarded as fast but unreliable, whereas animal genetics is slow and laborious but likely to find the gene sooner or later. ... in animals has progressed in recent years. A wealth of resources has been developed as a result of collaborative efforts, including bioinformatics tools, sequence and expression databases, and ... generating transgenic mouse lines for all genes, which can be used in confirmatory studies. Furthermore, the increasing access to sequence information from more and more inbred strains will facilitate

Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 01:22

10 416 0
Indoor Environmental Quality - Chapter 2 pot

Indoor Environmental Quality - Chapter 2 pot

... Inorganic contaminants: asbestos/radon/lead Inorganic substances such as asbestos, radon, and lead are major indoor contaminants. Though very different, they have in common a mineral or inorganic ... construction workers removing asbestos, as well as building occupants. As a consequence of these regulatory actions, asbestos in buildings, particularly in schools, became a major indoor air quality ... reported for a variety of mainte- nance activities. 5. Factors contributing to asbestos fiber release and potential airborne exposure When fibers or asbestos structures from ACM become airborne,

Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 04:20

39 523 0
Indoor Environmental Quality - Chapter 3 pps

Indoor Environmental Quality - Chapter 3 pps

... and furnaces, is more common and varies with appliance, building design, and environmental factors. For the past half century or more, residences in the colder regions of North America have been ... CO poisoning. Flue-gas spillage has been reported with gas furnaces, gas water heaters, and wood-burning appli- ances. It occurs in residences with aging or poorly installed or maintained combustion/flue ... kerosene has a sulfur content of 0.04% by weight; grade No. 2-K may have a sulfur content as high as 0.30%. The latter has been more widely used than the former. A variety of laboratory studies

Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 04:20

28 357 0
Indoor Environmental Quality - Chapter 4 potx

Indoor Environmental Quality - Chapter 4 potx

... reactions have lower odor thresholds and may cause more sensory irritation than their precursors Odor thresholds are reported as 1.9 pptv for cis-2-nonenal and trans-6-nonenal, 17 pptv for 8-nonenal, ... tem- perature. It has been used in a variety of deodorizing commercial products, such as lavatory and carpet preparations. Formaldehyde is also commercially available as formalin, an aqueous ... level. c. Decrease in formaldehyde levels with time. Formaldehyde levels decrease significantly with time. A generalized relationship between HCHO levels and product or home age with time can be

Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 04:20

47 609 0
Indoor Environmental Quality - Chapter 6 pptx

Indoor Environmental Quality - Chapter 6 pptx

... structures of a major class of fungi that are used for food or are known for their high toxicity. Fungi form true nuclei, which distinguishes them from lower organisms such as bacteria. They differ ... autumn season of leaf and other plant decay Such mold spores are deposited on indoor surfaces and, on resuspension, affect indoor airborne levels for some time after additional spores no longer ... yeast-like fashion and is a normal part of the microflora of humans As such, filtration Table 6. 4 Pathogenic and Opportunistic Fungal... observed, they are typically dominated by Aspergillus or

Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 04:20

30 307 0
Indoor Environmental Quality - Chapter 7 ppsx

Indoor Environmental Quality - Chapter 7 ppsx

... reactions such as runny nose or eyes, asthma-like symptoms among nonasthmatics; and odor and taste sensations such as changed sensitivity of olfactory and taste senses, or unpleasant odor and taste. ... indoor air quality/ SBS-type symptoms 7 Is working with carbonless copy paper an indoor air quality problem? Explain 8 How is inadequate ventilation a risk factor for indoor air quality ... may be more sensitive to environmental influences or be more aware of physical symp- toms. In the former case, studies have shown that females have a more responsive immune system and are more prone

Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 04:20

31 375 0
Indoor Environmental Quality - Chapter 8 pdf

Indoor Environmental Quality - Chapter 8 pdf

... risks, discomfort, or odor. With the exception of severe cases of acute illness or unpleasant odors, most problems (or potential problems such as radon) go unrecognized. In the case of residential ... includes basement and crawlspace (and, in some cases, attic as well). The investigator should be cognizant of any distinctive or unusual odors that may indicate the nature of the problem or factors ... experienced as well as to gain additional information on various factors observed during the inspection of the interior and exterior of the home. This interview may provide information on aspects

Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 04:20

36 313 0
Indoor Environmental Quality - Chapter 9 pdf

Indoor Environmental Quality - Chapter 9 pdf

... medium (absorption) or onto one or more solid sorbents (adsorption) such as charcoal, tenax, silica gel, etc. Exposed sorbent media must be analyzed by a laboratory. Depending on laboratory schedules, ... contaminants Airborne gas and particulate-phase substances have historically been the major focus of environmental sampling in indoor environments subject to indoor air quality/ indoor environment (IAQ/IE) ... in response to regulatory requirements (asbestos, and in some cases, lead); as a part of environmental site assessments; or as a condition of a real estate transaction (asbestos, lead, radon).

Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 04:20

38 703 0
Indoor Environmental Quality - Chapter 10 pdf

Indoor Environmental Quality - Chapter 10 pdf

... and other factors such as comfort and odor, it may be desirable to control either airborne or surface contaminants or both. There are two primary approaches to controlling indoor contaminants. ... family history of respiratory disease such as asthma. Unvented gas fireplaces and the burning of candles or incense pose relatively new exposure concerns. Though little scientific information is ... year make major purchase and leasing decisions. Factors that primarily determine purchasing and leasing decisions include cost, size, appearance, and location. Environmental factors are less

Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 04:20

32 349 1
Indoor Environmental Quality - Chapter 11 pot

Indoor Environmental Quality - Chapter 11 pot

... measurements are usually made using permeation tubes as sources and passive samplers as collectors. As such, air exchange measurements based on perfluorocarbons typically provide 7-day averages. The ... indoor and outdoor temperatures are the same or little different from each other. Such conditions exist for brief periods (hours) during diurnal changes in outdoor temperatures, and for more ... can be measured using tracer gas techniques. Tracer gases used in such measurements are characteristically unreactive, nontoxic, and easily measured at low concentrations. Sulfur hexafluoride and

Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 04:20

35 326 0
Indoor Environmental Quality - Chapter 13 (end) pptx

Indoor Environmental Quality - Chapter 13 (end) pptx

... lead-based paint hazards A risk assessment or inspection for possible lead-based paint hazards is recommended prior to purchase Seller’s Disclosure (a) Presence of lead-based paint and /or lead-based ... including shortness of breath, have been reported as a result of formalde- hyde exposure. Elderly persons and young children, as well as anyone with a history of asthma, allergies, or lung problems, ... chloride in paint strippers, chlordane for termite control, pentachlorophenol as a wood pre- servative, chlorpyrifos for broadcast flea control, and mercury biocides in latex paint by regulatory

Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 04:20

35 740 0
Food Security and Environmental Quality in the Developing World - Part 2 pptx

Food Security and Environmental Quality in the Developing World - Part 2 pptx

... the country such as Rajasthan in the west may receive as little as 0.2 m of annual rainfall, and Meghalaya in the east may receive as much as 11m. Floods and droughts are recurrances as a result ... also be determined by factors such as geological formation, rainfall, susceptibility to erosion and vegetation. In irrigated areas, the major environmental problems are associated with inten- sive ... together have more than 36% of the world population to feed, with more than 21 % of the world population living in South Asia Although world food- grain production has increased... improvement

Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 10:22

77 440 0
Food Security and Environmental Quality in the Developing World - Part 3 ppsx

Food Security and Environmental Quality in the Developing World - Part 3 ppsx

... judgment calculation of calories and protein intake. The © 2003 by CRC Press LLC importance of other nutritional bases such as vitamin A, iron and zinc as essential for the physical development ... contains as well as the regulatory regions that control them. The map will give a big push to efforts to create new rice germplasm to feed the developing world’s population. Syngenta has promised ... and greater food safety in collaborating countries. In Asia, for instance, vegetables in rice-based systems are the targeted crops for IPM research. Col - laborative IPM research is conducted

Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 10:22

76 440 0
Food Security and Environmental Quality in the Developing World - Part 4 pps

Food Security and Environmental Quality in the Developing World - Part 4 pps

... land are major assets with which poor women and men can improve their well -being and that agencies can alleviate poverty more effectively by targeting their support to the poor. Such inclusive ... the world’s species could be extinct within 25 years. Furthermore, increased intensification of agricul - ture, which has resulted from expanded use of irrigation, has been a major factor in ... the productivity of poor people and increase their opportunities for gainful employment. Fourth, the agricultural extension and education system as well as credit programs assisting © 2003 by

Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 10:22

63 407 0
Food Security and Environmental Quality in the Developing World - Part 5 pps

Food Security and Environmental Quality in the Developing World - Part 5 pps

... in marketing and information infrastructure, trade liberalization, more flexible irrigation systems and so forth, can increase opportunities for farmers to diversify. Unfortunately, the kinds ... better areas and urban jobs, rural population is nevertheless increasing. Population densities are still increasing in many less-favored areas and seem likely to do so for at least a few more decades. ... agroforestry products for the domestic market, by increased value-added opportunities in agro-industry and by export opportunities. Moreover, if future agricultural growth is to benefit the poor,

Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 10:22

55 833 0
Statistical Tools for Environmental Quality Measurement - Chapter 1 pps

Statistical Tools for Environmental Quality Measurement - Chapter 1 pps

... for assay by the laboratory according to the accepted assay protocol. The weight of the aliquot is 30 grams for organics and five (5) grams for metals (see Figure 1.2). Assuming an organic assay, ... support.” The “actual support” refers to the support of the aliquot assayed and /or assay results averaged. Ideally, the decision support and the actual support are the same. However, in the author’s ... to the laboratory, the assay is performed on only a small fractional aliquot. The support of the resulting measurement extends only to the assayed aliquot. In order to achieve support equivalent

Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 10:22

18 288 0