behavior of thin films

The Materials Science of Thin Films 2010 pptx

The Materials Science of Thin Films 2010 pptx

... years Thin Films - A Historical Perspective Thin- film technology is simultaneously one of the oldest arts and one of the newest sciences Involvement with thin films dates to the metal ages of antiquity ... 10 Electrical and Magnetic Properties of Thin Films 451 10.1 Introduction to Electrical Properties of Thin Films 451 Conduction in Metal Films 455 ... connection between thin films and the broader discipline of materials science and engineering A dramatic increase in our understanding of the fundamental nature of materials throughout much of the twentieth...

Ngày tải lên: 05/03/2014, 17:20

742 915 1
Báo cáo hóa học: " Effect of Composition on Electrical and Optical Properties of Thin Films of Amorphous GaxSe1002x Nanorods" pptx

Báo cáo hóa học: " Effect of Composition on Electrical and Optical Properties of Thin Films of Amorphous GaxSe1002x Nanorods" pptx

... diameter of the nanorods varies from 140 to 180 nm, and the length is of several hundreds of nanometers Figure presents the temperature dependence of the dc conductivity of thin films of a- GaxSe100-x ... well-established knowledge of the electrical and optical properties of GaSe thin films, in this paper, we report the results on electrical and optical measurements of amorphous thin films of GaSe nanorods ... system, the value of pre-exponential factor (r0) is of the order of 101 X-1 cm-1 On the basis of this value of r0, it is suggested that the conduction is taking place in the band tails of localized...

Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 17:20

6 413 0
The Materials Science of Thin Films potx

The Materials Science of Thin Films potx

... years Thin Films - A Historical Perspective Thin- film technology is simultaneously one of the oldest arts and one of the newest sciences Involvement with thin films dates to the metal ages of antiquity ... 10 Electrical and Magnetic Properties of Thin Films 451 10.1 Introduction to Electrical Properties of Thin Films 451 Conduction in Metal Films 455 ... connection between thin films and the broader discipline of materials science and engineering A dramatic increase in our understanding of the fundamental nature of materials throughout much of the twentieth...

Ngày tải lên: 27/06/2014, 06:20

692 332 2
The Materials Science of Thin Films 2011 pptx

The Materials Science of Thin Films 2011 pptx

... years Thin Films - A Historical Perspective Thin- film technology is simultaneously one of the oldest arts and one of the newest sciences Involvement with thin films dates to the metal ages of antiquity ... 10 Electrical and Magnetic Properties of Thin Films 451 10.1 Introduction to Electrical Properties of Thin Films 451 Conduction in Metal Films 455 ... connection between thin films and the broader discipline of materials science and engineering A dramatic increase in our understanding of the fundamental nature of materials throughout much of the twentieth...

Ngày tải lên: 27/06/2014, 17:20

742 623 0
The Materials Science of Thin Films 2011 Part 1 ppt

The Materials Science of Thin Films 2011 Part 1 ppt

... years Thin Films - A Historical Perspective Thin- film technology is simultaneously one of the oldest arts and one of the newest sciences Involvement with thin films dates to the metal ages of antiquity ... 10 Electrical and Magnetic Properties of Thin Films 451 10.1 Introduction to Electrical Properties of Thin Films 451 Conduction in Metal Films 455 ... connection between thin films and the broader discipline of materials science and engineering A dramatic increase in our understanding of the fundamental nature of materials throughout much of the twentieth...

Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 20:21

50 232 0
The Materials Science of Thin Films 2011 Part 2 ppsx

The Materials Science of Thin Films 2011 Part 2 ppsx

... the rate of change of the normal component of momentum of impinging molecules per unit area of surface Thus, the pressure is normally defined as a force per unit area, and examples of these units ... vapor deposition of Si from chlorinated silanes at 1200 “C will yield single-crystal films, and amorphous films can be produced below 600 “C In between, polycrystalline Si films of varying grain ... temperature dependence of the rate of many processes in thin films In such cases the kinetics can be described graphically by an Arrhenius plot in which the 38 A Review of Materials Science a...

Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 20:21

50 578 1
The Materials Science of Thin Films 2011 Part 4 ppt

The Materials Science of Thin Films 2011 Part 4 ppt

... involved deposition of TaN resistors employing dc diode sputtering at voltages of 3-5 kV, and pressures of about 30 x torr The dependence of the resistivity of "tantalum nitride" films is shown in ... indicative of the excellent properties of ICB films Among the advantages of ICB deposition are vacuum cleanliness ( - lo-’ torr in the chamber) of evaporation and energetic ion bombardment of the ... the molar heat of vaporization of Si and Ga Exercises 141 Design a laboratory experiment to determine a working value of the heat of vaporization of a metal employing common thin- film deposition...

Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 20:21

50 481 0
The Materials Science of Thin Films 2011 Part 5 docx

The Materials Science of Thin Films 2011 Part 5 docx

... metal films (From Ref 18) 5.6.3 Columnar Grain Structure The columnar grain structure of thin films has been a subject of interest for several decades This microstructure consisting of a network of ... transition of polycrystalline Cu to single-crystal Cu films can be thought of as the onset of ( 1 1) epitaxy ( i * = 2) from atomic nuclei (i* = 1) The Arrhenius plot of the line of demarcation ... measurement of the energy and intensity of the Auger electron signal emitted from atoms located within some 5-15 of a surface excited by a beam of incident electrons The subject of AES will be...

Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 20:21

50 430 0
The Materials Science of Thin Films 2011 Part 6 doc

The Materials Science of Thin Films 2011 Part 6 doc

... Electrons of 100 keV energy have wavelengths of 0.037 A and are capable of effectively transmitting through about 0.6 pm of Si 272 Characterization of Thin Films Figure 6-11 Dark-field TEM image of ... essential 256 Characterization of Thin Films Interferometry of Transparent Films A perfectly suitable method for measuring the thickness of transparent films is to first generate a step, ... - 262 Characterization of Thin Films One of the important applications of stylus measurements is to determine the flatness and depth of a sputtered crater during depth-profiling analysis by AES...

Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 20:21

50 254 0
The Materials Science of Thin Films 2011 Part 8 pps

The Materials Science of Thin Films 2011 Part 8 pps

... Fundamentals of Diffusion films Aspects of both of these broad applications will be discussed in this chapter in a fundamental way within the context of the following subjects: 8.2 Fundamentals of Diffusion ... Polycrystalline films Polycrystalline films (100) epitaxial Polycrystalline films (1 11) epitaxial Polycrystalline films Polycrystalline films Textured film Polycrystalline films Polycrystalline films ... patterns of the (7 x 7) structure of the Si(ll1) surface are shown in Fig 7-26 To obtain some feel for the nature of these diffraction patterns, we think in terms of reciprocal space Arrays of reciprocal...

Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 20:21

50 223 0
The Materials Science of Thin Films 2011 Part 9 pot

The Materials Science of Thin Films 2011 Part 9 pot

... probable nature of the compound-substrate interface The thermal stability of a thin- film superlattice consisting of an alternating stack of 100-A-thick layers of epitaxial GaAs and AlAs is of concern ... the kinetics of thermal oxidation In this treatment of the model, we assume a flow of gas 396 interdiffusion and Reactions in Thin Films containing oxygen parallel to the plane of the Si surface ... Interdtffusionand Reactions in Thin Films t+z A2/ 40 Figure 8-23 Oxidation kinetics behavior of Si in terms of dimensionless oxide thickness and time The two limiting forms of the kinetics are shown...

Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 20:21

50 199 0
The Materials Science of Thin Films 2011 Part 10 pps

The Materials Science of Thin Films 2011 Part 10 pps

... Magnetic Properties of Thin Films 10.1 INTRODUCTIONTO ELECTRICAL PROPERTIES OF THINFILMS 10.1 l General Considerations Electrical properties of thin films have long been of practical importance ... properties of thin metal, insulating, and superconducting films Almost half of the classic Handbook of Thin Film Technology, edited by Maissel and Glang, is devoted to a treatment of electrical ... studies on the resistivity of thin metal films from which useful values of p o & (or pf and P ) may be deduced” (Ref 462 Electrical and Magnetic Properties of Thin Films 9) Among the reasons...

Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 20:21

50 255 0
The Materials Science of Thin Films 2011 Part 11 pot

The Materials Science of Thin Films 2011 Part 11 pot

... Optical Properties of Thin Films 11.l.INTRODUCTION Thin films were first exploited practically for their optical properties In the latter part of the nineteenth and first half of the twentieth ... properties and applications of metal and dielectric thin films 11.2 PROPERTIES OPTICAL OF FILM MATERIALS 11.2.1 General Considerations In order to understand the optical behavior of films and film systems, ... Properties of Thin Dielectric and Semiconductor Films The optical properties of dielectric and semiconductor films are collected in Table 11-2 Practically all of the data are for evaporated films, ...

Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 20:21

50 301 0
The Materials Science of Thin Films 2011 Part 12 pptx

The Materials Science of Thin Films 2011 Part 12 pptx

... case of a variable number of alternating layers of ZnS and MgF, Also shown is a portion of the microstructure of a multifilm stack composed of these materials It is clear that the magnitude of ... only five layers? 544 Optical Properties of Thin Films 11 The inner surface of an incandescent lamp bulb is coated with a thin- film sandwich consisting of ZnS (0.03 p m thick) Ag (0.02 pm thick) ... York (1987) S Heavens, Optical Properties of Thin Solid Films, Dover, New York (1965) H Anders, Thin Films in Optics, Focal Press, London (1967) K Chopra, Thin Film Phenomena, McGraw-Hill, New York...

Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 20:21

50 339 0
The Materials Science of Thin Films 2011 Part 13 ppt

The Materials Science of Thin Films 2011 Part 13 ppt

... Distribution of implanted ions as a function of depth 614 Modlflcation of Surfaces and Films with a peak magnitude varying directly as the fluence or dose of incident ions Dose has units of number (of ... Boving and H E Hintermann, Thin Solid Films 153, 253 (1987) 24 H E Hintermann, Thin Solid Films 84, 215 (1981) 25 S Mrowec and T Werber, Gas Corrosion of Metals U.S Dept of Commerce, NTIS TT 76-54038, ... Stecura, Thin Solid F l s 136, 241 (1986) 27 R A Miller and C C Berndt, Thin Solid Films 119, 195 (1984) 28 G Johner and K K Schweitzer, Thin Solid Films 119, 301 (1984) Modification of Surfaces...

Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 20:21

50 224 0
The Materials Science of Thin Films 2011 Part 14 doc

The Materials Science of Thin Films 2011 Part 14 doc

... the center is a thin film whose thickness is of the order of the wavelength of the light propagating through it, i.e., pm The index of refraction of this film (nf)exceeds that of either the substrate ... better control of deposition processes, the expanded use of these films can certainly be anticipated 14.3 HIGHT, SUPERCONDUCTOR FILMS THIN 14.3.1 lntroduction The unexpected discovery of high T superconductivity ... density of lo3 tracks per thick electroplated Co-P and inch Thin film media consisting of lo00 Co-Ni-P films, already used for computer data storage on rigid risks, offer the capability of significantly...

Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 20:21

50 289 0
The Materials Science of Thin Films 2011 Part 15 ppt

The Materials Science of Thin Films 2011 Part 15 ppt

... thickness of a CVD diamond film that can grow epitaxially on bulk diamond without generating misfit dislocations Consider the web coating of a polymer film of thickness, d,, by a magnetic alloy of thickness, ... would be required for MBE growth of diamond films b Diamond has an extraordinarily high surface energy What are the prospects for heteroepitaxial growth of diamond films? Consider a film medium ... AIGaAs-GaAs, laser, 323 Alloy films, 374 AISb, properties, 325 Aluminum, vapor pressure, 82 Aluminizing, 580, 581 Amorphous carbon, 637 f l ,resistivity, 238 im films, 653 films, Au-Co, Ni-Zr, 236...

Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 20:21

42 291 0
The Materials Science of Thin Films Episode 7 pps

The Materials Science of Thin Films Episode 7 pps

... phosphorous doping profiles obtained as shown in Fig 6-26 Characterization of Thin Films 300 Figure 6-26 SIMS depth profile of P implanted in Si obtained with Cs+ ions (Courtesy of H Luftman, AT&T ... Characterizationof Thin Films c Are the stoichiometries of Au,Al and AuAl, consistent with the value for uAU /aA,? 12 Refer to the RBS spectra of Fig 13-9 - a What is the significance of the yield counts of ... epitaxial films of equivalent thickness This is certainly true of epitaxial films exhibiting island and S.K.growth and most of the films reported in the older literature However, some of today’s...

Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 17:20

50 253 0