... problem (S3) her personality (S4 and S5) the friends she has made and the help they are giving her (S6 and S7) Note that S3 begins with the prepositional phrase At first, and S6 with the adverb Already. VARYING ... waste a good part of our lives standing in lines. 2 In the morning, we stand in line to get a bus. 3 At noon, we stand in cafeteria lines. 4 In the library, we stand in line to borrow or return ... or return a book. 5 At the supermarket, we stand in checkout lines. 6 In the post office, we stand in line to mail a package, and in the bank we stand in line to wait for the teller to help us. 7 Even...
Ngày tải lên: 23/10/2013, 13:20
... onions, lettuce, and carrots on your shopping list? 3. Paula, Emilio, or I will help with the decorations. 4. Cycling and rollerblading are my favorite sports. 5. Saturday and Sunday, fog and mist made travel ... 3. Make the following nouns singular. Sample: grandchildren 1. lamps 2. gentlemen 3. addresses 4. flowers 5. circuses grandchild feet wishes hands NOUNS 29 We are building up our library at: ... v and add es: leaf leaves loaf loaves half halves self selves shelf shelves thief thieves wolf wolves But not in a name: Mr. Wolf The Wolfs Rule 4. For three nouns ending in fe—knife, life, and...
Ngày tải lên: 18/03/2013, 01:45
Grammar And Usage For Better Writing - Adverbs
... cases, however, as in II and III that follow, we must make a change in the adjective before adding ly. II. If an adjective ends in ic, add al before adding ly. basic + al + ly = basically terrific ... gently toward his chin. Curious, Gulliver bent his eyes downward and saw that it was a six-inch human, armed with bow and arrow, and followed by about forty similar creatures. So loud did Gulliver ... figures: a man on horseback and two trackers on foot. Across the saddle, a long metal object gleams in the sun. It is a rifle. For the full story of Kino, Juana, and Coyotito, read The Pearl,...
Ngày tải lên: 23/10/2013, 13:20
Grammar And Usage For Better Writing - Compound Verbs
... was Ellen’s, and the handwriting was ______________, too. EXERCISE 2. Find the pronoun ( PRON .) and its antecedent ( ANTECED .), and write them in the spaces at the right. Samples: Sandra said ... subject and a compound verb? Answer: Yes. Here is an example: Cindy and Luke compound subject compound verb sang and danced. runs but uses read or watch moaned, whistled, and howled stumbled and ... audience. S. D.O. 2. Have some yogurt and fruit. V. S. D.O. 3. Are the snow and ice melting? V. S. D.O. 4. The World Wide Web and television V. provide information and entertainment. S. D.O. 5. Jonathan...
Ngày tải lên: 23/10/2013, 13:20
Grammar And Usage For Better Writing - Nouns
... snow is predicted. Did Terry and Mallika agree with you? 1. Vermont and New Hampshire are next to each other. Terry and Mallika Rain or snow Here are the singular and plural forms of a few more ... onions, lettuce, and carrots on your shopping list? 3. Paula, Emilio, or I will help with the decorations. 4. Cycling and rollerblading are my favorite sports. 5. Saturday and Sunday, fog and mist made travel ... 3. Make the following nouns singular. Sample: grandchildren 1. lamps 2. gentlemen 3. addresses 4. flowers 5. circuses grandchild feet wishes hands NOUNS 29 What Is a Common Noun? A common noun...
Ngày tải lên: 23/10/2013, 13:20
Grammar And Usage For Better Writing - Prepositions
... win and lose.) 4. A conjunction connects pronouns, or a noun and a pronoun: You and she are always on time. PRON. CONJ. PRON. (The conjunction and connects the pronouns You and she.) Alex and ... tired and in an angry mood. Donna was tired and angry. My neighbor and I are sports fans. Correct 1. We were treated decently and with fairness. 2. The problem has been discussed frequently and ... are and, but, and or. What Kinds of Work Do Conjunctions Do? 1. A conjunction connects nouns: Milk and cheese are dairy products. N. CONJ. N. (The conjunction and connects the nouns milk and...
Ngày tải lên: 23/10/2013, 13:20
Grammar And Usage For Better Writing - Problems with Capitalization
... king 3. english and history 8. grandma and aunt louise 4. the planet saturn 9. in the southwest near phoenix 5. fourth of july holiday 10. fire island national seashore 218 COMMON USAGE ERRORS ... Homes and Gardens, “The Night the Ghost Got In” (Note: Articles—a, an, the—prepositions, and conjunctions are not capi- talized unless they occur at the beginning or end of a title.) Brand names Campbell’s ... bear with me for once: sit down and all shall happen as you wish. you turn your face, but does it bring your heart? —Robert Browning, “Andrea del Sarto” 220 COMMON USAGE ERRORS 2. “do you know,”...
Ngày tải lên: 23/10/2013, 13:20
Grammar And Usage For Better Writing - Problems with Nouns
... adjectives (Lessons 11 and 13) and adverbs (Lessons 12 and 13)—how they function, how they differ, and how some adverbs are formed from adjectives. In this lesson, we touch on a couple of usage concerns. Adjectives ... the cafeteria and sat down next to Page. 176 COMMON USAGE ERRORS 8. Alex walked confidently to the front of the room and speaks to the class. 9. My sister handed the clarinet to me and then cringes ... thriller first. Two: There aren’t hardly any sandwiches left. One: There are hardly any sandwiches left. One: There are almost no sandwiches left. 190 COMMON USAGE ERRORS These are the past tense forms: I...
Ngày tải lên: 23/10/2013, 13:20
Grammar And Usage For Better Writing - Problems with Pronouns
... pen pal in Bosnia wrote a long letter to Karin and (I, me). 19. We saw Marisol and (he, him) in the stands at the baseball game. 20. (Him and I, He and I) went on a rafting trip on the Nantahala ... Mollie and me (not I). Mollie and me form a compound indirect OBJECT. Go with Maura and him (not he) to the flea market. Say: Go with Maura. Go with him. Go with Maura and him (not he). Maura and ... interrupting words and expressions; and use of commas in letters, dates, and addresses. Commas in a Series Use a comma to separate items in a series. Last summer we hiked, swam, golfed, and played softball. My...
Ngày tải lên: 23/10/2013, 13:20
Grammar And Usage For Better Writing - Problems with Sentence Structure
... gems. 7. When a duck and her five ducklings waddled across the street. 8. Four runners standing in the starting line. 168 COMMON USAGE ERRORS 6. An electric guitar in one corner and an amplifier ... are three basic kinds of sentences: simple, compound, and complex. We already encountered these sentence types in Parts One and Two. Here, we learn about the parts of the sentences and how they ... SUBJECT : Cindy and Jeffrey smiled. COMPOUND VERB : Cindy smiled and laughed. COMPOUND SUBJECT AND VERB : Cindy and Jeffrey smiled and laughed. EXERCISE 1. Each numbered line consists of two sentences....
Ngày tải lên: 23/10/2013, 13:20
Grammar And Usage For Better Writing - Sentence Composition
... thousand languages in North and South America alone. b. Throughout the world, the number of languages is decreasing rapidly, and once there were more than a thousand languages in North and South ... patience and dexterity, is a challenging sport. 8. Dogs are intelligent and attuned to humans, so they make good working companions. 9. Nursing is a good career choice and is suitable for both men and ... schedule for the time of departure from Orlando and when the bus arrives at Tampa. b. I checked the bus schedule for the time of departure from Orlando and time of arrival at Tampa. 2. a. The path...
Ngày tải lên: 23/10/2013, 13:20
Editorial Stanley Publishing A To Zed or A To Zee - Grammar and Usage
Ngày tải lên: 25/10/2013, 15:20
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