b and the sample correlation coefficient r

equitability, mutual information, and the maximal information coefficient

equitability, mutual information, and the maximal information coefficient

... another, exhibiting nearly the same power as R2 on the linear relationship and retaining substantial power on all but the checkerboard relationship Power calculations were also performed for the ... violate R2 -equitability, the criterion adopted by Reshef et al (1) However, this nonequitable behavior of MIC is obscured in figure 2B of ref by two factors First, scatter due to the small size of the ... worse than the bias exhibited by MIC However, these observations are artifacts resulting from two factors First, Reshef et al (1) did not compute the true mutual information of the underlying relationship;...

Ngày tải lên: 09/07/2014, 08:12

6 252 0
Báo cáo y học: "Analysis of TNFAIP3, a feedback inhibitor of nuclear factor-κB and the neighbor intergenic 6q23 region in rheumatoid arthritis susceptibility" pot

Báo cáo y học: "Analysis of TNFAIP3, a feedback inhibitor of nuclear factor-κB and the neighbor intergenic 6q23 region in rheumatoid arthritis susceptibility" pot

... taken as reference for all comparisons, and minor allele frequencies are reported in the tables Allele frequencies of each SNP were compared between controls from each center or region of origin, ... (rs13207033 and rs6920220) are marked by arrowheads The position of the TNFAIP3 gene and its structure are shown Page of (page number not for citation purposes) Available online http://arthritis-research.com/content/11/2 /R4 2 ... classification of rheumatoid arthritis Arthritis Rheum 1988, 31:315-324 International HapMap Consortium, Frazer KA, Ballinger DG, Cox DR, Hinds DA, Stuve LL, Gibbs RA, Belmont JW, Boudreau A, Hardenbol P,...

Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 14:20

8 324 0
Báo cáo y học: " Regulation of IκBα expression involves both NF-κB and the MAP kinase signaling pathways." ppt

Báo cáo y học: " Regulation of IκBα expression involves both NF-κB and the MAP kinase signaling pathways." ppt

... further increase of LPS-induced I B mRNA in the liver Since the transcriptional activity of the I B promoter was suppressed bortezomib, we suspect that the increase of I B mRNA after bortezomib ... the brain The inhibition ranges from 50% to 80% in examined tissues excluding the brain We further attempted to establish a correlation between luciferase activity and I B mRNA expression In the ... effect of bortezomib on I B mRNA induction by LPS In both male and female mice, pre-treatment with bortezomib increased LPS-induced I B mRNA level in the liver tissue (Figure 3C) We further analyzed...

Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 08:21

9 456 0
Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: High affinity copper binding by stefin B (cystatin B) and its role in the inhibition of amyloid fibrillation docx

Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: High affinity copper binding by stefin B (cystatin B) and its role in the inhibition of amyloid fibrillation docx

... Stefin B pH5 kcal/mole of injectant Near UV CD spectra are a better measure of protein tertiary structure and thus the solution conformation There are cases where the tertiary structure can denature ... G, Gutierrez-Aguirre I, Rabzelj S, Ceru S, ˇ ˇ Kopitar-Jerala N, Macek P, Turk V & Zerovnik E (2005) Interaction of human stefin B in the prefibrillar oligomeric form with membranes Correlation ... temperature The instrument measured the heat generated or absorbed as the ligand-macromolecule reaction occured A binding isotherm was fitted to the data, expressed in terms of the heat change per...

Ngày tải lên: 19/02/2014, 06:20

14 586 0
Báo cáo khóa học: Disruption of the interaction between the Rieske iron–sulfur protein and cytochrome b in the yeast bc1 complex owing to a human disease-associated mutation within cytochrome b potx

Báo cáo khóa học: Disruption of the interaction between the Rieske iron–sulfur protein and cytochrome b in the yeast bc1 complex owing to a human disease-associated mutation within cytochrome b potx

... The samples were then heated for at 95 °C The analyses were performed as described previously [10] The mitochondrial membrane preparations (40 lg of total protein per sample) were electrophoresed ... verification of the sequence, the plasmids carrying the mutated genes were used for biolistic transformation The mitochondrial transformation by microprojectile bombardment was adapted from the ... (yeast numbering) harbouring the suppressor mutation, V164A, in ISP The nature of this double trough remains unclear It may reflect subtle structural heterogeneity in the sample, corresponding...

Ngày tải lên: 07/03/2014, 15:20

7 499 0
Báo cáo khoa học: Interaction of human stefin B in the prefibrillar oligomeric form with membranes Correlation with cellular toxicity doc

Báo cáo khoa học: Interaction of human stefin B in the prefibrillar oligomeric form with membranes Correlation with cellular toxicity doc

... of fibril formation, conditions were defined in which the protein exists in the form of prefibrillar oligomers ⁄ aggregates, which persist during the lag phase These have been confirmed by both transmission ... with the prefibrillar aggregates obtained at pH 3.3 (up to 40% loss of viable cells) Therefore, the MTS test appears suitable for discriminating the cytotoxic effect of the stefin prefibrillar forms ... of the proteins differs markedly The lowest critical pressure was observed for stefin A at pH on both membranes, whereas the highest was observed for stefin B aggregate at pH 4.8 In DOPG membranes,...

Ngày tải lên: 07/03/2014, 17:20

10 477 0
Báo cáo khoa học: Carbohydrate binding sites in Candida albicans exo-b-1,3-glucanase and the role of the Phe-Phe ‘clamp’ at the active site entrance ppt

Báo cáo khoa học: Carbohydrate binding sites in Candida albicans exo-b-1,3-glucanase and the role of the Phe-Phe ‘clamp’ at the active site entrance ppt

... shell) Number of unique reflections Rcryst Rfree ˚ r. m.s.d for bonds (A) r. m.s.d for angles (deg) ˚ r. m.s.d for chiral volume (A3) Number of protein atoms Number of ligand atoms Number of water atoms ... chemistry Curr Opin Chem Biol 12, 539–555 10 Cantarel BL, Coutinho PM, Rancurel C, Bernard T, Lombard V & Henrissat B (2009) The CarbohydrateActive EnZymes database (CAZy): an expert resource for ... Average main chain B- factor (A2) ˚ Average side chain B- factor (A2) ˚ Average ligand B- factor (A2) BGC1a ˚ Average ligand B- factor (A2) BGC 2b ˚ Average ligand B- factor (A2) L3-1c ˚ Average ligand...

Ngày tải lên: 15/03/2014, 23:20

13 498 0
Báo cáo " The dependence of the parametric transformation coefficient of acoustic and optical phonons in doped superlattices on concentration of impurities" pot

Báo cáo " The dependence of the parametric transformation coefficient of acoustic and optical phonons in doped superlattices on concentration of impurities" pot

... ωq nn' r Bq (ω − l Ω) r Pl (q ,ω ) r ω − l Ω + ωq (8) r r r r r r In the similar equation for Bq (ω ) , functions such as Cq (ω ) , Cq (ω − l Ω) , Bq (ω − lΩ) , υq , ωq , r r r r r r r r r Cq , ... final result consists of coupled equations for the Fourier transformations Cq (ω ) r r r and Bq (ω ) of 〈 cq 〉 t and 〈 bq 〉 t r For instance, the equation for Cq (ω ) can be written as: ∞ r r (ω ... h =1): + + r r r r r r H (t ) = ∑ε α (t ) aα aα + ∑ωq bq+ bq + ∑υq cq cq + r q α r + + r r r r + ∑∑Cq I ' ( q )aα aα (bq + b q )∑∑Dq I n ,n r q αα '′ r q αα '′ r q n , n' r + + r r ( q )aα aα...

Ngày tải lên: 22/03/2014, 11:20

6 375 0
Báo cáo khoa học: Nuclear factor kappa B and tumor necrosis factor-alpha modulation of transcription of the mouse testis- and pre-implantation development-specific Rnf33⁄Trim60 gene pot

Báo cáo khoa học: Nuclear factor kappa B and tumor necrosis factor-alpha modulation of transcription of the mouse testis- and pre-implantation development-specific Rnf33⁄Trim60 gene pot

... TNF-a, both TM3 and TM4 cells were treated with TNF-a for 24 h before RNA was prepared and quantitative RTPCR assays were carried out The Rnf33 mRNA level for the untreated TM4 cells was arbitrarily ... cultured for a further 24-h period before being harvested for luciferase assays Open and hatched bars represent relative luciferase activities (RLU) in the absence or presence of TNF-a, respectively ... p65 protein seems to be preferred over p50 in targeting the Rnf33 jB site, and the protein–target site interactions also appear to be weak To further verify the specificity of NF-jB transcriptional...

Ngày tải lên: 29/03/2014, 00:20

14 382 0
Báo cáo khoa học: Interaction with model membranes and pore formation by human stefin B – studying the native and prefibrillar states docx

Báo cáo khoa học: Interaction with model membranes and pore formation by human stefin B – studying the native and prefibrillar states docx

... approximately 27 mNÆm)1 were observed for the G 4R prefibrillar aggregates in both PC and PG monolayers and for the StB-Y31 prefibrillar aggregates in PG monolayers Critical pressure of the StB-wt ... G 4R Similar results were obtained with the prefibrillar form of G 4R The traces were acquired at +100 mV The lower pannel shows a tipical membrane break observed by G 4R, which prevented any further ... been proposed that only annular structures of prefibrillar amyloid proteins are able to form pores [19] After G 4R addition and increased membrane permeability, the membrane usually broke after...

Ngày tải lên: 30/03/2014, 04:20

12 315 0
Báo cáo khoa học: Residues near the N-terminus of protein B control autocatalytic proteolysis and the activity of soluble methane mono-oxygenase doc

Báo cáo khoa học: Residues near the N-terminus of protein B control autocatalytic proteolysis and the activity of soluble methane mono-oxygenase doc

... The truncated constructs and the proteins they encoded were numbered according to the first amino acid after the start codon The forward PCR primers for the various constructs were as follows: G13Q-tag ... protein B did not require detectable extrinsic proteases To determine whether the proteolytic activity responsible for cleavage was intrinsic or extrinsic to protein B, proteins B and B were ... described previously [22,29] As protein B underwent truncation during purification, protein prepared by this method contained a mixture of proteins B and B The relative abundance of proteins B and...

Ngày tải lên: 31/03/2014, 09:20

9 288 0
thomas and patnaik-serial correlation in high-frequency data and the link with liquidity

thomas and patnaik-serial correlation in high-frequency data and the link with liquidity

... of Baroda and Dabur Industries for the period from March 1999 to February 2001 Variance Ratio (BANKBARODA) Variance Ratio Statistics(BANKBARODA) Variance Ratio 95% Bound 99% Bound 1.4 VR (Heteroscedastic ... the behaviour of intra-day trade data are based on the presence of asymmetric information between informed traders and uninformed traders When a large order hits the market, there will be temporary ... data, then this could cause problems with our inference of the serial correlations of returns Andersen et al (2001) regress the data using it’s Fourier Flexible Form and analyse the behaviour of the...

Ngày tải lên: 24/04/2014, 00:23

26 422 0
d. Hadn''''t it been b 41. The talks in the classroom, in the corridor and in the schoolyard do not pdf

d. Hadn''''t it been b 41. The talks in the classroom, in the corridor and in the schoolyard do not pdf

... brother, Peter b Her brother, Peter, was like her c Like her brother, Peter d That she was like her brother, Peter c 21 ………… player tried his best, our team could win the match a Each b Since each ... d transfer b 31 There are three kinds of solar eclipses: one is total, another is annular, and a the another is partial b the partial is other c other is partial d the other is partial > ... a more busy than b busier than c more busier than d busier that b 29 Don’t depend on him, he’s a very person a rely b reliable c reliability d unreliable > d 30 He was the first foreigner ...

Ngày tải lên: 18/06/2014, 17:20

43 554 0
Báo cáo sinh học: " High Chromosome Number in hematological cancer cell lines is a Negative Predictor of Response to the inhibition of Aurora B and C by GSK1070916" potx

Báo cáo sinh học: " High Chromosome Number in hematological cancer cell lines is a Negative Predictor of Response to the inhibition of Aurora B and C by GSK1070916" potx

... prolonged drug treatment with Aurora inhibitors These findings warrant further investigation about the relationship of chromosome number in primary and secondary populations of the tumor during ... “intermediate” required a 72 hour exposure, and “late” responders required greater than or equal to a 96 hour exposure with GSK1070916 for the majority of cells to contain sub2N DNA Furthermore, the ... performed For the DSMZ cell bank STR DNA typing is performed for authentication and numerous authentication tests are performed at the ATCC cell bank (STR, Sequencing, SNP fingerprinting) Four...

Ngày tải lên: 18/06/2014, 22:20

10 618 0
Báo cáo sinh học: " Hepatitis C (HCV), hepatitis B (HBV), the human immunodeficiency viruses (HIV), and other viruses that replicate via RNA intermediaries," pdf

Báo cáo sinh học: " Hepatitis C (HCV), hepatitis B (HBV), the human immunodeficiency viruses (HIV), and other viruses that replicate via RNA intermediaries," pdf

... depends on the functionality of protein(s) translated from any RNA synthesized by RNApol For viruses, and their polymerase, evolutionary survival – i.e whether the polymerase, and its viral shell, ... effector mechanism – the efferent arm – that determines rate of viral RNA replication and mutation The afferent arm needs to measure both the rate of viral replication and degree of viral mutation ... fall by 102–3 over days between time A and B or C? There is, of course, no evidence immune pressures fall, and very considerable evidence both antibody and adaptive T cell responses are increasing...

Ngày tải lên: 18/06/2014, 22:20

14 329 0
o cáo hóa học:" High Chromosome Number in hematological cancer cell lines is a Negative Predictor of Response to the inhibition of Aurora B and C by GSK1070916" ppt

o cáo hóa học:" High Chromosome Number in hematological cancer cell lines is a Negative Predictor of Response to the inhibition of Aurora B and C by GSK1070916" ppt

... prolonged drug treatment with Aurora inhibitors These findings warrant further investigation about the relationship of chromosome number in primary and secondary populations of the tumor during ... “intermediate” required a 72 hour exposure, and “late” responders required greater than or equal to a 96 hour exposure with GSK1070916 for the majority of cells to contain sub2N DNA Furthermore, the ... performed For the DSMZ cell bank STR DNA typing is performed for authentication and numerous authentication tests are performed at the ATCC cell bank (STR, Sequencing, SNP fingerprinting) Four...

Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 04:20

10 665 0
Báo cáo hóa học: " Effect of Interfacial Bonds on the Morphology of InAs QDs Grown on GaAs (311) B and (100) Substrates" potx

Báo cáo hóa học: " Effect of Interfacial Bonds on the Morphology of InAs QDs Grown on GaAs (311) B and (100) Substrates" potx

... bonds and further to modify the equilibrium 123 structures These structural characteristics would surely induce different properties So this effect offers one parameter for the design and fabrication ... Ga–As bonds in the IF layer;however, only Ga–As bonds can be found in the buffer and only In–As bonds can be found in the film So, the bonds configuration is different from the film and the buffer Accordingly, ... were not grown at the same time Besides, this difference suggests that there may be other factors that contribute to the equilibrium shape of QDs grown on GaAs and InGaAs buffer layers: for example,...

Ngày tải lên: 22/06/2014, 00:20

5 326 0
Báo cáo hóa học: " Research Article Spatial-Temporal Correlation Properties of the 3GPP Spatial Channel Model and the Kronecker MIMO Channel Model" pdf

Báo cáo hóa học: " Research Article Spatial-Temporal Correlation Properties of the 3GPP Spatial Channel Model and the Kronecker MIMO Channel Model" pdf

... Thus, the spatial correlation matrix RMIMO of the MIMO channel can be written as the Kronecker product of RBS and RMS [7], that is, RMIMO = RBS ⊗ RMS , where ⊗ represents the Kronecker product, RBS ... RBS and RMS are the spatial correlation matrices at the BS and MS, respectively 3.2 The temporal ACF The temporal ACF of the KBSM is determined by the inverse Fourier transform of the Doppler power ... θv BS array v θMS BS array broadside MS array broadside MS array Figure 1: BS and MS angle parameters in the 3GPP SCM with one cluster of scatterers [14] THE 3GPP SCM AND ITS SPATIAL-TEMPORAL CORRELATION...

Ngày tải lên: 22/06/2014, 22:20

9 373 0
Báo cáo khoa học: "Analysis of the seroprevalence of bovine paratuberculosis and the application of modified absorbed ELISA to field sample testing in Korea" potx

Báo cáo khoa học: "Analysis of the seroprevalence of bovine paratuberculosis and the application of modified absorbed ELISA to field sample testing in Korea" potx

... feeb derberup ni sisolucrebutarap rof srotcaf ksir dna fo ecnelaverP AJ nospmohT ,SK gnilraB ,BT evorgriaH ,LR kcoltihW ,CM labiL ,JA lessuoR 23 06-75 ,08 ,2002 J teV tsuA elttac nailartsuA nrehtron ... dedivorp saw troppus rehtruF ytisrevinU lanoitaN luoeS ,enicideM yranireteV fo egelloC ,ecneicS yranireteV fo etutitsnI hcraeseR eht dna ecneicS yranireteV rof margorP 12 aeroK niarB eht yb trap ni ... sisolucrebutaraP DC yhpruM ,OB nrubkcalB ,OC neohT ,SG evorgloC 262-812 ,47 ,4891 teV llenroC stcepsorp erutuf dna sutats tnerruc eht :)esaesid s’enhoJ( sisolucrebutarap tnanimuR SR lakreM ,JH...

Ngày tải lên: 07/08/2014, 18:21

6 248 0
Báo cáo y học: "Abnormalities of B cell phenotype, immunoglobulin gene expression and the emergence of autoimmunity in Sjögren’s syndrome" pdf

Báo cáo y học: "Abnormalities of B cell phenotype, immunoglobulin gene expression and the emergence of autoimmunity in Sjögren’s syndrome" pdf

... genes were also greater in the productive VL chain rearrangements of B cells from the parotid gland than in cells from the peripheral blood, but the VL rearrangements accumulated a large number of ... parotids of the patient, with retention of particular mutated VL rearrangements CDR3 analysis of IgV gene rearrangements Remarkably, the productive glandular VH rearrangements, but not VL rearrangements, ... (RAG) and RAG2 enzymes in the bone marrow However, recent studies provide evidence that immature B cells outside the bone marrow [9,47,48] retain RAG activity and can therefore replace their receptors...

Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 01:21

12 351 0