bài tích cực tham gia việc lớp việc trường tiết 2

giao an Anh 6 ki II

giao an Anh 6 ki II

... ThÞ Minh N¨m häc: 20 09 - 20 10 26 Lam Cot Secondary School ENGLISH LESSON PLAN UNIT 11: WHAT DO YOU EAT ? Date of planning: 1 /2 Date of teaching: 2/ 2 Period 67 : Lesson 2: A2 I Aims and objectives ... Th«ng hiĨu KQ TL 5c©u 2, 5®iĨm 8c©u 4®iĨm IV Writing Tỉng sè 8c©u 4®iĨm 5c©u 2, 5®iĨm VËn dơng KQ TL c©u 1®iĨm 5c©u 2, 5®iĨm c©u 3,5®iĨm Tỉng sè 5c©u 2, 5®iĨm 12 5®iĨm 5c©u 2, 5®iĨm 22 c©u 10®iĨm C-Néi ... N¨m häc: 20 09 - 20 10 T 40 7.C 8.B Lam Cot Secondary School ENGLISH LESSON PLAN UNIT 12: SPORTS AND PASTIMES Period 73: Lesson 1: A1 > A2 Date of planning: 25 /2 Date of teaching: 27 /2 I Aims and...

Ngày tải lên: 06/07/2014, 12:00

113 549 0
giao an anh 6 - Bac Giang

giao an anh 6 - Bac Giang

... häc: 20 09 - 20 10 -Repeat the main content of the lesson - Copy UNIT 11: WHAT DO YOU EAT ? 25 N¨m Lam Cot Secondary School ENGLISH LESSON PLAN Date of teaching: 2/ 2 Period 67 : Lesson 2: A2 I Aims ... Th«ng hiĨu KQ TL 5c©u 2, 5®iĨm 4®iĨm 4®iĨm 5c©u 2, 5®iĨm VËn dơng KQ TL c©u 1®iĨm 5c©u 2, 5®iĨm c©u 3,5®iĨm Tỉng sè 5c©u 2, 5®iĨm 12 5®iĨm 5c©u 2, 5®iĨm 22 c©u 10®iĨm C-Néi dung: I READING: §äc kü ®o¹n ... -GV thu bµi vµ nhËn xÐt bµi kiĨm tra Date of planning: 25 /2 Date of teaching: 27 /2 UNIT 12: SPORTS AND PASTIMES Period 73: Lesson 1: A1 > A2 I Aims and Objectives: - Ss further practice in Present...

Ngày tải lên: 09/07/2014, 18:00

108 873 0
A study on possible effective pre-reading activities to improve reading skills for 2nd- year english majors at the military science academy

A study on possible effective pre-reading activities to improve reading skills for 2nd- year english majors at the military science academy

... sometimes rarely never 15% 45% 30% 10% 65% 25 % 10% 0% 40% 35% 5% 20 % 70% 5% 10% 15% 60% 20 % 15% 5% 20 % 45% 20 % 15% 20 % 25 % 50% 5% 55% 25 % 10% 10% Table 2: Frequency of using Pre-reading activities ... Students’ preferences for pre-reading activities normal 15% 25 % 30% 50% 45% boring 10% 15% 20 % 15% 25 % 58% 20 % 25 % 22 % 0% 10% Look at the table 3, the most noticeable thing is that (80%) of the students ... (Karolin and Karin, 1988: 2) Reading means comprehending written language so when understanding break down, reading actually does not occur 7 1 .2. 2 Classification of reading 1 .2. 2.1 According to manner...

Ngày tải lên: 07/11/2012, 14:50

45 1,7K 22
Pre-Reading Strategies

Pre-Reading Strategies

... You must have 20 /40 and 20 /100 vision You must be 18 if you have not graduated from high school Males must be registered with the Selective Service False You don’t need to have 20 /20 vision You ... when, where, why, and how questions will help you get these facts so that you can remember them 21 22 READ BETTER, REMEMBER MORE ASKING QUESTIONS The Questions to Ask Ask the questions who, what, ... classes that “met” online through the Internet These online classes were offered by 25 26 READ BETTER, REMEMBER MORE 29 different universities All students surveyed were in degree programs A large...

Ngày tải lên: 25/10/2013, 17:20

16 386 0
Pre reading activities for the 1st year english majors at haiphong private university

Pre reading activities for the 1st year english majors at haiphong private university

... II .2. 1.1 Context 16 II .2. 1 .2 Survey questionnaire 18 II .2. 2 Major findings 26 II .2. 3.Pre-reading activity’s organizing 27 Tapestry reading Chapter 29 ... nghiệp giao ngày 25 tháng 03 năm 20 13 Yêu cầu phải hoàn thành xong trước ngày 29 tháng 06 năm 20 13 Đã nhận nhiệm vụ ĐTTN Đã giao nhiệm vụ ĐTTN Người hướng dẫn Sinh viên Hải Phòng, ngày tháng năm 20 13 ... is Reading? II.1 .2. Classification of Reading skills? II.1 .2. 1 Skimming II.1 .2. 2 Scanning II.1 .2. 3 Intensive reading II.1 .2. 4 Extensive reading ...

Ngày tải lên: 17/12/2013, 20:37

74 1,4K 3
Some suggested techniques in the pre reading stage to improve reading comprehension for the 12th form student at xuan truong a high school

Some suggested techniques in the pre reading stage to improve reading comprehension for the 12th form student at xuan truong a high school

... aloud I .2. 2.1 .2 Silent reading I .2. 2 .2 According to the purposes of reading I .2. 2 .2. 1 Skimming I .2. 2 .2. 2 Scanning 10 I .2. 2 .2. 3 Intensive reading ... I .2 Overview of reading I .2. 1 Definition of reading comprehension I .2. 2 Classification of reading I .2. 2.1 According to the manner of reading I .2. 2.1.1 ... 10 I .2. 2 .2. 4 Extensive reading 11 I .2. 3 Reading process 11 I .2. 4 Schema 13 iv I .2. 5 Stages of a reading lesson 14 I .2. 5.1 Pre-reading...

Ngày tải lên: 16/07/2015, 08:43

57 763 0


... vocabulary in the text 39 10 31 ,25 18,75 26 26 26 15, 625 12, 5 6 ,25 81 ,25 81 ,25 81 ,25 24 75 24 75 22 68,75 Ineffective in helping Ss predict the content of the text 17 53, 125 Table 3: Reasons for effectiveness ... 9,375 21 65, 625 25 0 exercise Information recall 0 15, 625 15, 625 14 43,75 25 Reading Analysis 0 12, 5 28 ,175 12 37,5 21 ,875 Wordform 0 15, 625 12, 5 14 43,75 28 ,175 Vocabulary in 0 9,375 25 25 13 ... Information recall 0 12, 5 18,75 Reading Analysis Wordform 0 0 15, 625 12, 5 45 21 ,875 25 while and post stages difficult No % very difficult No % 13 40, 62 10 31 ,25 12 37,5 25 13 40, 62 21,875 Vocabulary...

Ngày tải lên: 02/02/2016, 20:01

159 244 0
Listening and reading skill pre intermediate

Listening and reading skill pre intermediate

... bronzes. He bought the horse for 6.3 million pounds in 20 07 and gave it to the museum. So far,  the museum has recovered the tiger, the monkey and the ox, as well as the horse of course.  In February 20 09, the rabbit and the rat appeared in an auction at Christie’s in Paris. They had  ... It is now March 20 09 and the rabbit and the rat are still in France.  449 words  Grammar: the passive voice www.autoenglish.org  Written by Bob Wilson ©Robert Clifford McNair Wilson 20 09  Listening ... pebre (28 7) Phone number and address La balsa de San Antonio - Carretera Serra-Torres-Tores (Valencia) tel 961.688.434 www.autoenglish.org Written by Bob Wilson ©Robert Clifford McNair Wilson 20 10...

Ngày tải lên: 12/10/2015, 09:55

8 825 0
Get ready for IELTS reading pre intermediate a2

Get ready for IELTS reading pre intermediate a2

... abroad Education Completing tables and flow charts 20 Review 26 Science and technology at home Science and technology Completing sentences 28 Back to nature The natural world Completing and labelling ... given questions 74 12 Travel Places and travel Identifying w riters' view or claims; Yes / No / Not given questions 80 Review 86 Practice test 88 Answer key 98 Glossary 122 книга выложена группой ... exercises Writing Task 1: 20 minutes: description of a table, chart, graph or diagram (150 words minimum) Task 2: 40 minutes: an essay in response to an argument or problem (25 0 words minimum) Speaking...

Ngày tải lên: 19/04/2016, 07:54

136 4,5K 2
History Of Modern Biotechnology II

History Of Modern Biotechnology II

... Th Scheper © Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 20 00 N.W.F Kossen 4 .2. 1.1 4 .2. 1 .2 4 .2. 1.3 4 .2. 1.4 4 .2. 1.5 4 .2. 2 4 .2. 3 4 .2. 4 4 .2. 5 4.3 4.3.1 4.3 .2 Building Blocks Transport ... Expert systems Introduction 43 Fundamentals 2. 1 2. 2 2. 3 2. 4 2. 5 2. 5.1 2. 5 .2 2.5.3 2. 5.4 2. 6 Fluid Dynamics and Transport Processes Macroscopic Total Mass, ... of the Results 28 Conclusions and Prospects 29 Appendix 11 11 12 13 13 14 15 20 21 24 25 26 ...

Ngày tải lên: 08/08/2012, 09:49

165 548 1
READING TEST (Recovered) page 71 tomato.docx

READING TEST (Recovered) page 71 tomato.docx

... would develop (D) simultaneous 1 12 All employees are expected to make the 120 You need to pay the parking ticket in full effort… the company’s new emergency … the next 20 days, or you will face protocol ... slight 1 12 Several members of the opposition 118 Customers who join the Tracey party … to the way in which the Department Store Membership Club can legislation was drafted get as much … 20 percent ... all items (A) object in stock (B) reject (A) than (C) subject (B) as (D) eject (C) for (D) with 1 12 Ms Luxton and her team of 118 Ms Carson and the other managers not specialists… a new marketing...

Ngày tải lên: 15/08/2012, 11:55

3 3,3K 39

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