autonomous underwater vehicle control using fuzzy logic

Adaptive Traffic Signal Control Using Fuzzy Logic

Adaptive Traffic Signal Control Using Fuzzy Logic

... of control provided by SCATS, where there is no explicit effort to optimize any specific performance measure, appears to have merit We believe implementing this type of control using fuzzy logic ... [4], fuzzy logic was applied to control an intersection of two one-way streets It was assumed that vehicle detectors were placed sufficiently upstream from the intersection to inform the controller ... done to further improve the present fuzzy controller, such as including queue length as an input and using trend data for predictive control The flexibility of fuzzy decision rules greatly simplifies...

Ngày tải lên: 04/06/2014, 18:15

6 459 0
Modular modeling and control for autonomous underwater vehicle (AUV)

Modular modeling and control for autonomous underwater vehicle (AUV)

... three control schemes are adopted and the specific controllers are designed to realize maneuverability of the AUV: forward speed control, steering control and depth control The simulation by using ... linearization control for AUVs can also be found in [5] 11 Chapter Literature Review Besides the controllers mentioned above, other control schemes have been designed for AUV Examples of fuzzy logic control ... 6.2.3 Steering controller 76 6.3 Feedback linearization controllers 78 6.3.1 Speed controller 79 6.3.2 Depth controller 81 6.3.3 Steering controller ...

Ngày tải lên: 26/11/2015, 12:46

104 518 0
Báo cáo hóa học: " Retina identification based on the pattern of blood vessels using fuzzy logic" doc

Báo cáo hóa học: " Retina identification based on the pattern of blood vessels using fuzzy logic" doc

... article as: Barkhoda et al.: Retina identification based on the pattern of blood vessels using fuzzy logic EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing 2011 2011:113 Submit your manuscript ... their system using 60 images of DRIVE [13] and STARE [14] databases and have reported 99% as the average success rate of their system in identification Ortega et al [10] used a fuzzy circular ... like in [13] (see Figure 6c) Also we have used a morphological algorithm [20] for thinning the extracted patterns A sample output of the morphological algorithm has shown in Figure 6d In fact we...

Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 22:20

8 465 0
robot control by fuzzy logic

robot control by fuzzy logic

... structure of a fuzzy logic control Mechanical structure q Robot Control by Fuzzy Logic 113 The main component is represented by the Fuzzy Logic Controller (FLC) that generates the control law by ... one obstacle Robot Control by Fuzzy Logic 125 Fuzzy logic algorithm for mobile robot control next to obstacle boundaries 4.1 Control algorithm In this section a new fuzzy control algorithm for ... subsystems Robot control system by fuzzy logic 2.1 Control methodology Consider the conventional control system of a robot (Fig 1) which is based on the control of the error by using standard controllers...

Ngày tải lên: 26/10/2014, 14:39

22 256 0
Modular dynamic modeling and development of micro autonomous underwater vehicle lancelet

Modular dynamic modeling and development of micro autonomous underwater vehicle lancelet

... Background Autonomous underwater vehicles (AUVs) are unmanned tether-free robotic devices that are controlled by onboard computers with preprogrammed underwater missions As a new generation of underwater ... capacity of the underwater vehicle in different environment, different tasks and different objectives, so a stronger adaptability of the underwater vehicle will be required An underwater vehicle system ... modular underwater vehicles, but also reflect the research level of the modular underwater vehicle technology nowadays The theory foundation of the modular design method for underwater vehicle...

Ngày tải lên: 10/09/2015, 09:21

127 998 0
introduction to fuzzy logic using matlab - sivanandam sumathi and deepa

introduction to fuzzy logic using matlab - sivanandam sumathi and deepa

... 200 8.4.1 Fuzzy Logic- Based Anesthetic Depth Control 200 8.5 Fuzzy Logic in Industrial and Control Applications 204 8.5.1 Fuzzy Logic Enhanced Control of an AC Induction ... 343 Fuzzy Logic Controller 343 Automatic Generation Control Using Fuzzy Logic Controllers 356 8.10 Fuzzy Pattern ... Treatment System Using Fuzzy Logic 223 8.5.5 Fuzzy Logic Applications in Industrial Automation 231 8.5.6 Fuzzy Knowledge-Based System for the Control of a...

Ngày tải lên: 08/04/2014, 10:12

441 437 0
cirstea, m. n. (2002). neural and fuzzy logic control of drives and power systemsl

cirstea, m. n. (2002). neural and fuzzy logic control of drives and power systemsl

... Fuzzy logic fundamentals Historical review Fuzzy sets and fuzzy logic Types of membership functions Linguistic variables Fuzzy logic operators Fuzzy control systems Fuzzy ... Britain Preface Control systems Control theory: historical review Introduction to control systems Control systems for a c drives 1 Modern control systems design using CAD techniques ... systems 4 Neural and Fuzzy Logic Control of Drives and Power Systems (E) The method of generating the control pulses: • Single-channel control systems • Multi-channel control systems (F) The...

Ngày tải lên: 18/04/2014, 12:29

408 629 0
Báo cáo hóa học: " Research Article Power-Constrained Fuzzy Logic Control of Video Streaming over a Wireless Interconnect" ppt

Báo cáo hóa học: " Research Article Power-Constrained Fuzzy Logic Control of Video Streaming over a Wireless Interconnect" ppt

... around Pe = 10−4 3.3 Fuzzy logic control A fuzzy subset is expressed as a set of rules which take the form of linguistic expressions These rules express experience of tuning the controller and are ... Information and Control, vol 8, no 3, pp 338–353, 1965 H Takagi, Application of Neural Networks and Fuzzy Logic to Consumer Products, vol of IEEE Technology Updates Series: Fuzzy Logic Technology ... Lastly, defuzzification converts inferred fuzzy control decisions from the inference engine to a crisp or precise value, which is converted to a control signal In a fuzzy subset, each member is an ordered...

Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 22:20

14 174 0
Báo cáo y học: "Norepinephrine weaning in septic shock patients by closed loop control based on fuzzy logic" docx

Báo cáo y học: "Norepinephrine weaning in septic shock patients by closed loop control based on fuzzy logic" docx

... closed-loop control based on fuzzy logic algorithm versus manual control by the clinician in patients with septic shock Our goal was to reduce the duration of poorly controlled haemodynamic status by using ... feedback system controlled by fuzzy logic The total amount of norpinephrine administered was much reduced in the fuzzy group compared with the control group, probably because the physiological requirements ... norepinephrine infused in the fuzzy group was significantly lower than that with manual control (the control group) • Further studies are needed assess the effect of fuzzy control of norepinephrine...

Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 11:23

8 330 0
fuzzy logic controller for an autonomous mobile robot

fuzzy logic controller for an autonomous mobile robot

... and terminologies used in fuzzy logic are described In Section 3.6 the fuzzy logic controller used is described Finally in Section 3.7 the tuning of the fuzzy logic controller is discussed 3.1 ... application and the control goals; • Modeling the control action of the operator; • Modeling the process; • Using a self organized fuzzy controller; • Using an artificial controller; 23 • Using artificial ... various techniques used and also the reasons for choosing fuzzy logic Chapter describes the basic concept of fuzzy logic, the use of fuzzy logic controller for path tracking of the robot, the hardware...

Ngày tải lên: 26/10/2014, 14:35

161 369 1
Proceedings VCM 2012 04 Điều khiển thích nghi dùng mạng nơron mờ hồi qui  áp dụng để điều chỉnh áp suất không khí Adaptive Control Using Recurrent Fuzzy Neural Network  Applied To Air Pressure Regulation

Proceedings VCM 2012 04 Điều khiển thích nghi dùng mạng nơron mờ hồi qui áp dụng để điều chỉnh áp suất không khí Adaptive Control Using Recurrent Fuzzy Neural Network Applied To Air Pressure Regulation

... Identification and Control of Dynamic Systems using Recurrent Fuzzy Neural Networks IEEE Trans Fuzzy Systems Vol.8, No.4, pp.349-366, 2000 [5] Wei, S.; Z.Lujin; Z.Jinhai and M Siyi: Adaptive Control based ... Adaptive Control based on Neural Network Adaptive Control, Kwanho You (Ed.), ISBN: 978-953-7619-47-3, InTech., 2009 [6] Zhang,M.;X.Wang;M.Liu: Adaptive PID control Based on RBF Neural Network Identification ... thực nghiên cứu thông qua đề tài tốt nghiệp Tài liệu tham khảo [1] Åström, K.J and T Hägglund: PID Controllers - Theory, Design and Tuning 2nd Ed., Instrument Society of America, Research Triangle...

Ngày tải lên: 24/07/2015, 16:57

6 594 1
Modelling and control of bioinspired robotic fish underwater vehicle and its propulsion mechanism

Modelling and control of bioinspired robotic fish underwater vehicle and its propulsion mechanism

... MPF MPG NACA NURB ORE PI PPy PSD PW SD SMA STARFISH TBF UDF UUV Autonomous Underwater Vehicle Bioinspired Autonomous Underwater Vehicle Body Caudal Fin Caudal Amplitude Computational Fluid Dynamics ... Unmanned Underwater Vehicles (UUV’s) for oceanographic observation, military surveillance and commercial search missions Existing Autonomous Underwater Vehicles (AUVs) [1,2] are relatively small vehicles ... extraordinary abilities to recognize objects using biosonars Forsythe et al.[24] demonstrated closed-loop control of his bio-inspired autonomous underwater vehicle using a simple dolphin-inspired biosonar...

Ngày tải lên: 09/09/2015, 08:13

276 637 0
Adaptive interval type 2 fuzzy logic control of marine vessels

Adaptive interval type 2 fuzzy logic control of marine vessels

... Tracking Control via Adaptive IT2 Fuzzy Control 5.1 93 94 5.1.1 Control Plant Model 94 5.1.2 Indirect Adaptive Fuzzy Control 95 5.1.3 Direct Adaptive Fuzzy Control ... interval type-2 (IT2) fuzzy logic controller (FLC) Approximation-based adaptive control technique in combination with IT2 fuzzy logic system (FLS) is employed in the design of the controller to reject ... 2.3 Interval Type-2 Fuzzy Set and System An IT2 FLS is a fuzzy system that uses IT2 fuzzy set and/or IT2 fuzzy logic and inference 2.3.1 Interval Type-2 Fuzzy Set ˜ A type-2 fuzzy set on a universe...

Ngày tải lên: 09/09/2015, 10:21

181 568 0
Control and navigation of multi vehicle systems using visual measurements

Control and navigation of multi vehicle systems using visual measurements

... ∗ Control results by the proposed control law with n = and θ1 = ∗ · · · = θ5 = 36 deg 3.9 96 ∗ Control results by the proposed control law with n = and θ1 = ∗ · · · = θ4 = 90 deg 3.8 96 ∗ ∗ Control ... in some multi -vehicle systems In multi -vehicle cooperative target tracking, suppose each vehicle carries a monocular camera to measure the bearing of the target If the multiple vehicles/cameras ... vision-based formation control In Chapter 3, vision-based formation control is formulated to a bearing-only formation control problem We propose a distributed bearing-only control law to stabilize...

Ngày tải lên: 09/09/2015, 11:08

196 740 0
Analysis and applications of the km algorithm in type 2 fuzzy logic control and decision making

Analysis and applications of the km algorithm in type 2 fuzzy logic control and decision making

... processes 1.1.1 Fuzzy control The application of fuzzy logic system in control, termed as fuzzy control, is primarily to design fuzzy controllers for the controlled plants Literatures on fuzzy control ... application of type-2 fuzzy logic, type-2 fuzzy logic control has been attracting increasing attention from the research community An open research issue is that whether a type-2 fuzzy logic controller ... compare interval type-2 fuzzy controller and type-1 fuzzy controller, it remains unclear whether an interval type-2 fuzzy controller can improve the performance of a type-1 fuzzy controller Hence,...

Ngày tải lên: 09/09/2015, 18:49

206 340 0
Classification of EMG signals using wavelet features and fuzzy logic classifiers

Classification of EMG signals using wavelet features and fuzzy logic classifiers

... multifunctional prosthesis 2.2.3 Hybrid Fuzzy- Neural approaches Apart from using neural networks and fuzzy logic, researchers also tried their combination called neuro -fuzzy or fuzzy- neural systems for EMG ... an interesting research 2.2.2 Fuzzy approach There have been many works on applying the fuzzy approach to EMG classification and control of assistive devices Fuzzy logic has the ability to deal ... outputs from this controller Fuzzy logic was also used to detect the onset of EMG and to classify user intention in a multifunction prosthesis controller [1] The fuzzy logic system did the EMG classification...

Ngày tải lên: 03/10/2015, 20:57

111 531 0
Design and development of command and control system for autonomous underwater vehicles

Design and development of command and control system for autonomous underwater vehicles

... Introduction This thesis presents a novel command and control (C2) system developed for modular Autonomous Underwater vehicle (AUV) performing autonomous underwater surveying missions C2 system of an ... great number of autonomous mission controllers has been developed and implemented in autonomous underwater, ground or air robotic systems A complete C2 system is described by its control architecture ... technology and came out with another control architecture called O2 CA2 There are three levels in this control architecture where the Vehicle level” implements the vehicle controller while the ”Task...

Ngày tải lên: 04/10/2015, 10:26

103 635 0


... phép xem mối quan hệ input output dạng đồ thị Ứng dụng Fuzzy Logic vào hệ thống IEEE 30 bus 4.1 Mô hình SVC sử dụng fuzzy logic Khối SVC _fuzzy cấu tạo tương tự khối SVC nguyên thủy Matlab 4.2 ... t(s) Hình Điện áp bus 24 4.7 Tổng kết mô ☼ SVC không sử dụng fuzzy logic Điện áp bus hiệu chỉnh tốt với Ki = 50 ☼ SVC kết hợp với fuzzy logic vào luới điện chuẩn Không đặt SVC Bus 10 : ∆V = -25% ... dụng mô hình SVC kết hợp với Fuzzy Logic thực tế hợp lý với lưới điện lớn Nếu xác định cách xác đầy đủ số liệu tải, sụt áp dung lượng tụ bù kết hiệu chỉnh xác Khối Fuzzy logic thiết kế tốt với tập...

Ngày tải lên: 28/12/2015, 19:03

5 440 0
Fuzzy logic in embedded microcomputers and control systems

Fuzzy logic in embedded microcomputers and control systems

... in a talk on Fuzzy Logic For Control Systems at the 1993 Embedded Systems Show in Santa Clara A fuzzy logic tutorial There is a clear lack of basic tutorial materials for fuzzy logic I decided ... aspects of fuzzy logic are becoming important and may in fact be the over riding reason for the use of fuzzy logic Byte Craft Limited i Fuzzy Logic in Embedded Microcomputers and Control Systems ... actual code for a fuzzy PID controller as well as the block diagram of the PID controller used in my Santa Clara talk entitled Fuzzy Logic For Control Systems Adjusting to fuzzy design While...

Ngày tải lên: 08/03/2016, 11:34

75 606 0
A comparative assessment of prediction capabilities of modified analytical hierarchy process (MAHP) and Mamdani fuzzy logic models using NetcadGIS for forest fire susceptibility mapping

A comparative assessment of prediction capabilities of modified analytical hierarchy process (MAHP) and Mamdani fuzzy logic models using NetcadGIS for forest fire susceptibility mapping

... catchment area using frequency ratio, fuzzy logic and multivariate logistic regression approaches J Indian Remote Sens 38:301À320 Pradhan B 2011 Manifestation of an advanced fuzzy logic model coupled ... respectively (figure 7(a)) 4.3 Forest fire susceptibility mapping (FFSM) by Mamdani fuzzy logic To produce FFSM using Mamdani fuzzy inference system (FIS), at first, conditioning factors were created in ... Brazilian Amazon using MODIS images and artificial neural networks Int J Appl Earth Obs 11:265À272 Mamdani EH, Assilian S 1975 An experiment in linguistic synthesis with a fuzzy logic controller Int...

Ngày tải lên: 25/04/2016, 07:43

26 498 0