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Tài liệu Powertoys for Windows XP ­ những món “đồ chơi thần lực” cho Windows XP ppt

Tài liệu Powertoys for Windows XP ­ những món “đồ chơi thần lực” cho Windows XP ppt

... phím khi ứng dụng muốn mở được tô sáng. Powertoys for Windows XP - những món “đồ chơi thần lực” cho Windows XP Hai tháng trước khi Windows XP được Microsoft phát hành chính thức, dựa trên các ... thử “voọc” với bộ kit PowerToys for Windows XP. Bộ này gồm 8 “toy” khác nhau mà bạn có thể chọn cài đặt riêng biệt tùy ý mình. (Download 422KB) Bulk Resize for Photos (file cài đặt phototoys.exe): ... dụng bằng tổ hợp phím Alt + Tab của Windows XP. Nó cho bạn xem trước bằng thumnail các cửa sổ trong danh sách tác vụ (task list) và theo vẻ mới của Windows XP. Bạn phải Log Off rồi Log On trở...

Ngày tải lên: 23/12/2013, 03:17

4 418 0
Giáo trình autocad 2008

Giáo trình autocad 2008

... Khi ng AutoCAD 2007  khi ng AutoCAD 2007, ta có th thc hin theo cỏc cỏch sau: ã Double click vo biu tng trờn mn hỡnh nn. ã Click theo ng dn Start\programs\Auto Desk \AutoCAD 2007 \ AutoCAD ... CIRCLE Specify center point for circle or [3P/2P/Ttr (tan tan radius)]: ttr  Specify point on object for first tangent of circle: Chn ng tròn 1 Specify point on object for second tangent of circle: ... trình Autocad 2D - 2007 KS Nguyn Hi Hng 1 Trng i Hc Quc gia Hà Ni - Hc vin vnskills Giáo trình Autocad 2D - 2007. Ngi son tho: KS Nguyn Hi Hng. CHNG I PHN I GII THIU AUTOCAD...

Ngày tải lên: 30/10/2012, 15:43

128 1K 3
Mastering AutoCAD 2008 and AutoCAD LT 2008 P2

Mastering AutoCAD 2008 and AutoCAD LT 2008 P2

... drop-down menus and toolbars. For new and experienced users alike, menus and toolbars offer an easy-to-remember method for accessing commands. If you’re an experienced AutoCAD user who is used to ... duplicated in the toolbars, which you’ll explore next. Page 11 Monday, June 25, 2007 11:37 PM 8 CHAPTER 1 EXPLORING THE AUTOCAD AND AUTOCAD LT INTERFACE Below the Command ... in detail. For now, you can use it as a reference to tell you the direction of the axes. Page 8 Monday, June 25, 2007 11:37 PM 6 CHAPTER 1 EXPLORING THE AUTOCAD AND AUTOCAD LT...

Ngày tải lên: 06/11/2013, 11:15

10 356 0
Mastering AutoCAD 2008 and AutoCAD LT 2008 P1

Mastering AutoCAD 2008 and AutoCAD LT 2008 P1

... Autodesk  AutoCAD 2008AutoCAD 2008. You can also double-click the AutoCAD 2008 icon on your Windows Desktop. LT users will use AutoCAD LT 2008 in place of AutoCAD 2008. 2. The ... run on Windows 2000, Windows XP and Windows Vista. This book was written using AutoCAD 2008 on Windows XP Professional with a Windows Classic desktop theme. If you already installed AutoCAD ... 2008 and AutoCAD LT đ 2008 George Omura Page iii Monday, June 25, 2007 11:37 PM 4 CHAPTER 1 EXPLORING THE AUTOCAD AND AUTOCAD LT INTERFACE NOTE AutoCAD 2008...

Ngày tải lên: 06/11/2013, 11:15

40 297 0
Tài liệu KRONE - The effect of errors on TCP Application performance (Full version) docx

Tài liệu KRONE - The effect of errors on TCP Application performance (Full version) docx

... network, significantly degrade the performance of TCP. This degradation is directly apparent in the performance of the application which is dependent upon TCP to provide the transport platform for delivery of its ... twice the round-trip time. For example, if the average time for a packet to get from Station A to Station B across an internet connection would be 600 ms., the RTO for a segment sent by Station ... Inc. The timer is referred to by the acronym RTO for retransmission timeout. It is calculated for each outgoing segment by a rather complex algorithm. For our purposes, it is sufficient to know that...

Ngày tải lên: 22/12/2013, 11:17

12 546 0
Tài liệu Wiley - Microsoft SQL Server 2008 All-in-One Desk Reference For Dummies (2008)01 doc

Tài liệu Wiley - Microsoft SQL Server 2008 All-in-One Desk Reference For Dummies (2008)01 doc

... implicit and explicit transactions 293 Creating a transaction 293 Performing error checking 295 Finding Information with Full- Text Search 296 Enabling full- text search capabilities 297 Using full- text ... 60 Object Explorer 60 Template Explorer 62 Solution Explorer 63 Running Queries 64 04_179543-pp01.qxp 8/23/08 12:24 AM Page 8 Microsoft đ SQL Server đ 2008 All-in-One Desk Reference For Dummies đ Published ... 378 02_179543-ftoc.qxp 8/23/08 12:23 AM Page xiii Microsoft SQL Server 2008 All-in-One Desk Reference For Dummies xx Book IX: Appendixes 701 Appendix A: Ten Sources of Information on SQL Server 2008 . ....

Ngày tải lên: 27/01/2014, 09:20

40 473 0
Tài liệu Wiley - Microsoft SQL Server 2008 All-in-One Desk Reference For Dummies (2008)02 pdf

Tài liệu Wiley - Microsoft SQL Server 2008 All-in-One Desk Reference For Dummies (2008)02 pdf

... Server. They include ã Windows Server 2008 (Standard, Data Center, Enterprise) ã Windows Server 2003 (Standard, Data Center, Enterprise) ã Windows XP Professional Edition ã Windows Vista (Ultimate, ... solutions without the need for expensive software and consulting services. Figure 2-3 highlights how, again, the Visual Studio development environment is the foundation for developing a SQL Server–related ... that your installation efforts are for naught or that your SQL Server instance runs poorly (or not at all!). Fortunately, as the next chapter illustrates, Microsoft thoughtfully includes a system...

Ngày tải lên: 27/01/2014, 09:20

10 510 0
Tài liệu AutoCAD 2008 McFarlane Beginning AutoCAD ISBN 0 340 58571 4 doc

Tài liệu AutoCAD 2008 McFarlane Beginning AutoCAD ISBN 0 340 58571 4 doc

... 6 Beginning AutoCAD R14 for Windows NT and Windows 95 ISBN 0 340 72017 4 Advancing with AutoCAD R14 for Windows NT and Windows 95 ISBN 0 340 74053 1 Modelling with AutoCAD R14 for Windows NT and Windows ... 1 Beginning AutoCAD R13 for Windows ISBN 0 340 64572 5 Advancing with AutoCAD R13 for Windows ISBN 0 340 69187 5 Modelling with AutoCAD R13 for Windows ISBN 0 340 69251 0 Using AutoLISP with AutoCAD ... alterations Help: gives further information in Windows format. The Windows can be cancelled with File-Exit or using the Windows Close button from the title bar (the right- most button). The AutoCAD 2002 graphics...

Ngày tải lên: 13/02/2014, 20:20

400 1.4K 0
Tài liệu A junk‐free childhood: Responsible standards for marketing foods and beverages to children doc

Tài liệu A junk‐free childhood: Responsible standards for marketing foods and beverages to children doc

... weaklyorinconsistentlyenforced Thisreportwillnotexploretheissuesofmonitoringandenforcement,althoughtheseare seriousconcernsthatneedtobeaddressedbypolicymakers.Atpresent,monitoringand complainthandlingbodiesdonotenforcecompanyledinitiatives.Alackofanindependent complaintmechanismcanleaveconsumersfrustrated,andalackofenforcementallows companyledinitiativestoberolledbackatanytime.Ifamonitoringandcomplaint handlingbodywereestablisheditwouldneedtogainconsumerconfidence,forwhichit wouldneed(a)tobetransparentinoperationwithroutineregularpublicationsoftheir activities;(b)tobeindependentandfreefromindustryinfluence,andseentobeso;and(c) toensurethattheirservicesareeasilyandinexpensivelyaccessedbyconsumers.Penalties mustbecommensuratewiththesizeofthemarketingbudgetsinvolvedandwiththe estimatedexposureofchildrentotheoffendingcommercialmessages. Afurtherconcernistheneedtoensurethat,whateverthedifferencesindefinitionsor approaches,allcompaniesshouldmakesomecommitmenttoofferselfrestraint.Inthe Europeanregiononly11companieshavejoinedthescheme,alongwiththeEuropean SnacksAssociation.Severalmajorcompanies,includingMcDonalds,KFCandHaribo,and manysmalleronesarenotincluded. Problemsofdefinitions Companieschoosetherulestoimposeuponthemselves.Asaresulttherearelikelytobe discrepanciesandinconsistencies.Hereweshalllookatsuchproblemsencounteredwithin thepledgesandpromisesandactivitiesundertakenbycompaniesintheEuropeanUnion. Whatageisachild? Thetablebelowprovidesexamplesofdefinitionsoftheagerangeforchildbycompanies participatingintheEUpledgescheme.Pleasenotethattheinterpretationofacompany policycanbecomplex,andreadersareadvisedtocheckthecompanystatementsfor themselves(hyperlinksareprovided). ... 0‐12* *≥50%ofaudiencemustbechildren;**≥35%ofaudiencemustbechildren;***≥30%ofaudiencemustbe children.****≥25%ofaudiencemustbechildren.~unlessanadultispresent.~~unlessadults predominate. + ≥35% for someshowsand≥50% for others. ++ 11 for printmedia,otherwise12.   Whichproductscanbepromoted?  IntheUSAalargenumberofcompany‐promotedmodelshavebeenproposed for defining thenutritionalcriteria for foodstobemarketedtochildren 21 andasimilarproblemhas ariseninEurope.Thenexttablegivesexamplesofnutrientmethods for definingfoodsas suitable for marketingtochildren,asproposedbysomeofthecompaniesintheEUpledge:  Table2Company‐setcriteria for foodstheycanmarkettochildren Company ... 5  bordermarketing,usinginternet,satellite,andproductplacementinimportedprogrammes, isnotamenabletocontrolbyasinglejurisdiction.  Inresponsetopublicconcern,civilsocietyorganisationshaveproposedstandardswhich wouldapplytocommercialoperatorsinallcountriesandtherebyprotectchildrenwhether ornotthelocalregulatoryenvironmentwasabletodoso.Suchstandardswouldhave considerablemoralauthorityandwouldactasa‘soft’regulatoryprocessakintotheforms ofgovernanceknowninEuropeastheOpenMethodofCoordination,i.e.theyrelyon identificationofgoodandbadpracticesandpublicitytoencouragehighstandards.  InMay2010the63 rd WorldHealthAssemblyof193governmentsendorsedasetof recommendationsonmarketingoffoodsandnon‐alcoholicbeveragestochildrenandcalled for internationalactiontoreducetheimpactonchildrenofthemarketingoffoodsor beverageshighinsaturatedortransfats, free sugarsorsalt(HSTFSS). 20 The recommendationsformedpartoftheWorldHealthOrganization’sglobalstrategy for the preventionandcontrolofnon‐communicablediseases.TheAssemblyurgedmember nationstotakeactiontoreduceboththeexposureofchildrento,andthepowerof, marketing for suchfoods.  However,nationalgovernmentsmaynotbeabletocontrolallthemarketingpracticesthat influenceachild’sdiet.MarketingopportunitiesarisewhenTVchannelsarereceivedfrom sourcesoutsidenationalboundaries,whenInternetaccessislargelyunmediated,when sponsoredsportingeventsaretransmittedglobally,andwhenfilmsandvideogamesare tradedacrossnationalborders.Itfollowsthatasetofuniversalstandardscanhelpto ensurethatthemarketingofHSTFSSproductscanfullycomplywiththeWorldHealth Assembly’srecommendations.  Universalmarketingstandardshavefurtherbenefits.Restrictedmarketingcanserveto equalisethecompetitiveenvironment for companiesofdifferentsizes.Froman enforcementviewpoint,aset ofuniversalstandardscansupportnationalauthorities,the privatesectorandcivilsocietytoensurecomplianceandtorespondtoinfringements. Further,wherenationalauthoritiesdonothavethecapacitytoensurechildrenand adolescentsareprotectedfromlocalorcross‐bordermarketingoffoodsandbeverages,a setofinternationally‐agreedstandardscanensureacommon,minimumlevelofprotection for youngpeopleinallnations.    20 WHO,2010.63 rd WorldHealthAssembly.‐ en.pdf.Seealso ...

Ngày tải lên: 18/02/2014, 02:20

26 521 0
Basic Accounting Supplement for Using Simply Accounting Version 8.0 for Windows pdf

Basic Accounting Supplement for Using Simply Accounting Version 8.0 for Windows pdf

... Interest Expense 2 140.00 Legal Expenses 200.00 Repairs & Maintenance 500.00 Telephone Expense 86.40 Wages 20 812.24 EI Expense 817.64 CPP Expense 532.62 WCB Expense 1 416.85 EHT Expense ... Basic Accounting Supplement for Using Simply Accounting Version 8.0 for Windows by M. Purbhoo and D. Purbhoo Basic Accounting Supplement for Using Simply Accounting Version 8 Page 6 of 13 Purbhoo ... transactions do not normally occur Liabilities - CR (inc) Expense - DR (dec) recording expenses in preparation for payment, wage-related expenses that become payables Equity - CR (inc) Revenue -...

Ngày tải lên: 06/03/2014, 15:21

13 341 0