ascham margaret howe c 1535 1590 english letter writer

Unit 5 - C 2,3 (English 6)

Unit 5 - C 2,3 (English 6)

... more subjects) - Sinh h c - Thể d c - Lý - GDCD - Nh c - C ng nghệ * Today is (Thursday) - What you have today ? I have (………………) today Presentation: - C2 : Seven days of the week + Pre-teach - Monday ... sentences -T: Listen to the tape about the conversation Act out the dialogue -T: Nga muốn biết h c môn Sử, h c môn Toán Nga hỏi Ba tiếng Anh nào? + have+(subject)? - S + have/has + (subject) + ... -T: Look at the pieces of paper what you think of ? (T sticks the paper of the seven days on the board They are not in their correct order) -T: Arrange them in their correct order of the seven...

Ngày tải lên: 14/10/2013, 10:11

3 358 2


... quantity discount, overdue amount, account rendered, on account, receipt, under the circumstances, for and on behalf of, copy to or cc, enclosure or enc, fax, creditworthiness, reference, cheque, ... of letter references Copies of letters: carbon copies photocopies copies produced by word processing Files and records The functions of filing Filing schemes: alphabetic, numeric, chronologic, ... statements of account Credit in business: monthly accounts fixed periods of credit credit limits Objectives of accounts or financial letters: overdue account letters final warning or final demand letters...

Ngày tải lên: 24/03/2014, 19:20

40 1,3K 2
Start With English 1 Unit 1 A B C D

Start With English 1 Unit 1 A B C D

... Find out your number no yes a B C D cat cap dog doll apple ant book bag cat cap dog doll auto ...

Ngày tải lên: 19/08/2013, 01:10

9 4,5K 65
unit 14-C-english 6

unit 14-C-english 6

... MAKING PLANS C Listen and suggestions a read Vocabulary Minibus (n) Xe buýt ( – 12 chỗ ) Unit 14: MAKING PLANS C Listen and suggestions a read Vocabulary Minibus(n) Xe buýt ( – 12 chỗ ) Tent (n) ... we….? a d a) Go to the beach b e b) Visit museum c) Play volleybal d) Go to the zoo / take some photos c f e) Play badminton f) Go camping - Learn new words - Practice the dialogue at home ... a small……………… vacation minibus 2) We go to school by ……………… Unit 14: MAKING PLANS C Listen and b read structure: suggestions How to give your ideas or suggestions ? Let’s …………(chúng ta hãy……...

Ngày tải lên: 26/08/2013, 17:10

11 3K 24
English exam test certificate c

English exam test certificate c

... d a enough c a son a a rate c a chair c a look c b how c cow d row b cough c although d rough b only c lone d bone b late c private d date b cheap c chemist d child b book c soon d good ... Reagan > c 44 We can't reduce the number of nurses a cut back on b cut off on c cut out on d cut out a 45 Put on your coat just ………… it becomes cold a in fact b in time c in order d in case > ... had been coming c has come d has been coming a 29 I tried the bus, but I missed it a catching b to catch c catch d catch up >b 30 Women only began to gain with men in the 20th century a...

Ngày tải lên: 28/09/2013, 18:29

429 542 0
tài liệu học C++ nâng cao để trở thành hacker - english document

tài liệu học C++ nâng cao để trở thành hacker - english document

... example: conductor = root; if ( conductor != ) { //Makes sure there is a place to start while ( conductor->next != ) { coutx; conductor = conductor->next; } coutx; ... entire contents of src as well as its own contents April, 10th 2013 char *strcpy ( char *dest, const char *src ); strcpy is short for string copy, which means it copies the entire contents of src ... root->x = 12; conductor = root; // The conductor points to the first node if ( conductor != ) { while ( conductor->next != 0) conductor = conductor->next; } conductor->next = new node; // Creates a...

Ngày tải lên: 29/11/2013, 12:29

68 663 1
Tài liệu Phương thức tín dụng chứng từ ( Letter of Credit- L/C) pdf

Tài liệu Phương thức tín dụng chứng từ ( Letter of Credit- L/C) pdf

... ngân hàng mở L /C 4 .C c loại thư tín dụng thương mại: -Thư tín dụng huỷ ngang (irrevocable letter of credit) -Thư tín dụng huỷ ngang c x c nhận(Confirmed irrevocable letter of credit) -Thư tín ... giáp lưng(Back to Back lettet of credit) -Thư tín dụng ứng trư c điều khoản đỏ(Advanced letter of credit, Red clause letter of credit) -Thư tín dụng tuần hoàn(Revolving letter of credit) -Thư ... Phương th c tín dụng chứng từ phương th c toán theo yêu c u khách hàng ,ngân hàng phát hàn thư gọi L /C cam kết trả tiền chấp nhận hối phiếu cho bên thứ người xuất trình cho ngân hàng phát hành chứng...

Ngày tải lên: 25/01/2014, 18:20

4 2,9K 7
Letter Writing in English docx

Letter Writing in English docx

... Sincerely, Signature Scott Nelson Inventory Specialist 13 3/11/2011 Letters of Application  An application for a job may include several parts:  The letter of application  A Resume or Curriculum ... Street Val Haven, CT 95135June 30, 2004 Customer Service Cool Sports, LLC 8423 Green Terrace Road Asterville,WA 65435 Dear Sir or Madam: I have recently ordered a new pair of soccer cleats (item #6542951) ... enclosed a $25 gift certificate which can be used at any of our stores Once again I would like to apologize for the mix-up in your order and any inconveniences this may have caused you Sincerely,...

Ngày tải lên: 19/03/2014, 08:20

16 696 2