arm and arm sound

Tài liệu Attaching Sounds and Controlling Sound Playback doc

Tài liệu Attaching Sounds and Controlling Sound Playback doc

... identifier name to the sound, click OK. 5. Repeat steps 3 and 4 for Sound 1 and Sound 2 in the library. Give Sound 1 an identifier name of Sound1 and Sound 2 an identifier name of Sound2 . NOTE Library ... 11. 12. var randomSound = random(3); 13. 14. dynaSounds.attachSound(" ;Sound& quot; + randomSound); 15. 16. dynaSounds.start(0, 1); 17. 18. } 19. This onMouseDown event handler causes ... dynaSounds :Sound = new Sound( ); 9. This step creates a new Sound object called dynaSounds. This Sound object will eventually be used to randomly play one of the sounds in the library (Sound0 ,...

Ngày tải lên: 24/12/2013, 07:17

8 273 0
Tài liệu ITIL® V3 and ASL Sound Guidance for Application Management and Application Development docx

Tài liệu ITIL® V3 and ASL Sound Guidance for Application Management and Application Development docx

... provide guidance and understanding about the synergy and distinctness of each framework. This publication explains how both ITIL V3 and ASL dene and address the Applications domain and provide ... provide guidance and understanding about the synergy and distinctness of each framework. This publication explains how both ITIL v3 and ASL dene and address the Applications domain and provide ... Management has been reduced to handling disturbances and failures. Triggers from hardware and logging-software are processed by Event Management. Questions and Standard Changes, which are given...

Ngày tải lên: 21/02/2014, 21:20

14 494 3
Báo cáo khoa học: Inactivation of tyrosine phenol-lyase by Pictet–Spengler reaction and alleviation by T15A mutation on intertwined N-terminal arm docx

Báo cáo khoa học: Inactivation of tyrosine phenol-lyase by Pictet–Spengler reaction and alleviation by T15A mutation on intertwined N-terminal arm docx

... fractionation between 50% and 70% saturation. The enzyme dissolved in the standard buffer was then loaded on to a Resource Q ion exchange (Pharmacia, Uppsala, Sweden), washed with the standard buffer, and eluted ... log A t A 0 ¼Àk 1 t , where A 0 and A t are the Fig. 3. Effect of temperature on stability and activity of C. freundii TPL and T15A mutant. (A) Stability, (B) activity with L-tyrosine, and (C) activity with L-DOPA ... sulfate precipitation between 50 and 70% saturation, followed by ion exchange and hydrophobic chromatography, the native TPL and T15A mutant were purified to homogeneity with a recovery yield of 45% and 39%, respectively....

Ngày tải lên: 16/03/2014, 12:20

10 385 0
cong ty ruou- bia- ngk ARM

cong ty ruou- bia- ngk ARM

... cho rượu trong, và không có mầu lạ - Khử andehit + Cần khử andehit vì đây là chất gây ngộ độc cho người dùng. + Chất lượng rượu sẽ cao hơn khi hàm lượng andehit thấp nhất. + Nhiệt độ của rượu tại ... rồi chuyển qua bình chứa trung gian. + Đây là bình để đánh giá lại lượng andehit trong rượu, xem rượu đã tách đủ số andehit hay chưa. - Tank chứa + Là nơi chứa rượu bán thành phẩm (muốn thành ... nhất. + Nhiệt độ của rượu tại nồi này là 61 0 c, áp suất môi trường (đây là điều kiện bay hơi của andehit, rượu chưa thể bay hơi) - Tank định mức b) Chuẩn bị - Chai in thành phẩm phải được chuyển...

Ngày tải lên: 11/01/2013, 20:26

22 1,1K 32


... hình ở các tiêu chuẩn âm thanh khác nhau bao gồm I2S Philips standard, MSB-justified standard, LSB- justified standard và PCM standard.  I2S chỉ có thể hoạt động ở chế độ half duplex. ... EASY KIT được phát triển bởi nhóm ARM Việt Nam, cung cấp một số Module đủ để phát triển các ứng dụng cho bước đầu làm quen với ARM Cortex-M3. Đặc điểm: CPU ARM Cortex-M3 STM32F103RC như giới ... phẩm. Phần 3: Giới thiệu về dòng ARM Cortex-M3, một số đặc điểm chính và nổi trội so với các dòng ARM khác.Trình bày những ngoại vi được tích hợp với lõi ARM để phát triển những ứng dụng vừa...

Ngày tải lên: 25/04/2013, 10:59

94 1,7K 6
ARM Architecture Reference Manual- P22

ARM Architecture Reference Manual- P22

... 0.0) and (Dd > 0.0) are false. This results in the FPSCR flags being set as N=0, Z=0, C=1 and V=1. FCMPZD only raises an Invalid Operation exception if the operand is a signaling NaN, and ... 0.0) and (Dd > 0.0) are false. This results in the FPSCR flags being set as N=0, Z=0, C=1 and V=1. FCMPZS only raises an Invalid Operation exception if the operand is a signaling NaNs, and ... == Dm) and (Dd > Dm) are false. This results in the FPSCR flags being set as N=0, Z=0, C=1 and V=1. FCMPES raises an Invalid Operation exception if the operand is any type of NaN, and is...

Ngày tải lên: 18/10/2013, 00:15

30 393 0
ARM Architecture Reference Manual- P25

ARM Architecture Reference Manual- P25

... separated by commas and surrounded by brackets. If d is the number of the first register in the list, the list is encoded in the instruction by setting Fd and D to the top 4 bits and the bottom ... Fd (top 4 bits) and D (bottom bit). <Sn> Specifies the register that contains the first operand for the subtraction. The register number is encoded as Fn (top 4 bits) and N (bottom bit). <Sm> ... which operands are in the first bank. The general principle behind the rules is that the first bank must be used to hold scalar operands while the other banks are used to hold vector operands....

Ngày tải lên: 24/10/2013, 19:15

30 403 0
ARM Architecture Reference Manual- P26

ARM Architecture Reference Manual- P26

... earlier versions of the ARM architecture which implement only a 26-bit address space. These are versions ARMv1, ARMv2, and ARMv2a. 32-bit architecture Means versions of the ARM architecture which ... watermark. Glossary Glossary-ii Copyright © 1996-2000 ARM Limited. All rights reserved. ARM DDI 0100E ALU Stands for Arithmetic Logic Unit. AND Performs a bitwise AND. Arithmetic_Shift_Right Performs a right ... © 1996-2000 ARM Limited. All rights reserved. ARM DDI 0100E 5.5.3 VFP load/store multiple - Increment This addressing mode is for VFP load multiple and store multiple instructions, and forms a...

Ngày tải lên: 24/10/2013, 19:15

30 447 0
ME-430 Introduction to Computer Aided Design ARM BRACKET - Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 2.0

ME-430 Introduction to Computer Aided Design ARM BRACKET - Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 2.0

... and Appearance. 12 Drag the reference handles onto the right and top surfaces of the part. The handle snaps to the reference and an offset value appears in the graphics window. ... pick TOP datum plane, and set Orientation to Top. Then click the Sketch button . 15 CHANGE THE COLOR OF ARM BRACKET From View pull down menu, select Color and Appearance. ... expand, and pick . Draw a horizontal centerline through coordinate system. This centerline is used to ensure symmetry of the section. Use the appropriate Sketcher Tools to create and...

Ngày tải lên: 27/10/2013, 17:15

18 525 0
ARM Architecture Reference Manual- P27

ARM Architecture Reference Manual- P27

... both operands have the same sign (bit[31]), and the sign of the result is different to the sign of both operands. Subtraction causes an overflow if the operands have different signs, and the ... watermark. Index ARM DDI 0100E Copyright © 1996-2000 ARM Limited. All rights reserved. Index-iii Branch with exchange (BX) instruction ARM A4-19 Thumb A7-32 Branch with link and exchange (BLX) instruction ARM ... A6-17 examples A6-16 Load and Store Coprocessor addressing modes A5-56–A5-62 instructions A3-25, A3-26 Load and Store Halfword and Load Signed Byte instructions A3-18, A3-20 Load and Store Multiple addressing...

Ngày tải lên: 29/10/2013, 02:15

30 477 0
Safe and sound

Safe and sound

Ngày tải lên: 14/12/2013, 13:51

1 223 0

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