aren data and information the same thing

Tài liệu Data and Information on Women’s Health in the European Union docx

Tài liệu Data and Information on Women’s Health in the European Union docx

... Finland, France, Germany, Iceland, Italy, the Netherlands, Norway, Poland, the UK, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, and Switzerland) increased from 11% in the period 1988-1990 to 13% in 1997-1999. The ... life expectancy data and provides information on the quality of years lived rather than the quantity. HLYs also provide information on the structural and nancial burdens the health care system ... Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Iceland, Italy, the Netherlands, Norway, Poland, the UK, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, and Switzerland) increased from 48% to 54% in both sexes in the period 1988-1999...

Ngày tải lên: 12/02/2014, 23:20

92 728 0
Tài liệu Introduction for the security : Networks and exchanges of data Computer security The risks ppt

Tài liệu Introduction for the security : Networks and exchanges of data Computer security The risks ppt

... Intranet we find a lot of data and information. For the live of the company, they're critical. If in the network, the security is bad, the information can be divulged and the system's properties. Question ... security  The risks Networks and exchanges of data  For the exchange of the data, we've changed the technology   The paper before and now the electronic support The electronic version, it's ... properties. Question 1 : The persons use only the initial services ? Question 2 : How the persons use the services ? Introduction for the security  Networks and exchanges of data  Computer security  The risks ...

Ngày tải lên: 09/12/2013, 17:22

5 569 0
Tài liệu Decision Analysis and Risk Management: Two Sides of the Same Coin pdf

Tài liệu Decision Analysis and Risk Management: Two Sides of the Same Coin pdf

... decision we must understand the weaknesses in the inputs that have gone into the decision making process and in the approaches tak en to reaching the decision. The degree to which the v arious sources ... the decision maker’s interpretation of the avail- able information and their unique sense of risk and return. Risk in the Decision-Making Process Analyzing risk requires an understanding of the ... follows that the better our information and the more balanced and thorough the analysis, the higher can be the quality of our decisions. Better decisions are informed, reasoned, and balanced....

Ngày tải lên: 10/12/2013, 17:15

9 573 0
Tài liệu Security+: The Foundation for Solid Network and Information Security pdf

Tài liệu Security+: The Foundation for Solid Network and Information Security pdf

... demonstrate their compliance with the standards in this act is to verify certification of their network and information security staff. Financial industry and web-based attacks: The financial industry and ... sales, and efficiency. These intangibles have been the driving force to make the technology revolution the most important revolution during the existence of man. Along with the social and economic ... promotion.* The Security+ certification focuses on the major areas of Information security. The following certification out- line was taken from the CompTIA test objectives and shows the focus of the...

Ngày tải lên: 21/12/2013, 06:18

5 632 0


... remains the use of the NMDS in deter- mining some percentage points of the budget of the hospital. A few hospitals already use the data set to guide their staffing decisions. On the other hand, the ... is that the similar elements of the revised tool should give at least the same level and detail of information as the previously validated actual NMDS. Firstly, the data collected with the revised ... standardize these variables and to aggregate them per nursing unit. The use of RID- ITS makes it possible to assess the impact of the revised NMDS on the nursing profile of the nursing ward, the...

Ngày tải lên: 16/02/2014, 20:20

136 563 0


... follow the same format, so that readers can quickly identify:  The NITRD member agencies and participating agencies active in the PCA  The definition of the research covered in the PCA  The ... Interaction and Information Management (HCI&IM) The Federal Government generates and maintains the world’s largest digital collections of science and engineering data, historical records, health information, ... address the growing complexity and costs of emerging platforms and software, and to innovate despite the challenges of energy consumption and scalability. In view of these challenges, the HEC...

Ngày tải lên: 20/02/2014, 05:21

80 384 0
Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: The isolation and characterization of cytochrome c nitrite reductase subunits (NrfA and NrfH) from Desulfovibrio desulfuricans ATCC 27774 Re-evaluation of the spectroscopic data and redox properties ppt

Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: The isolation and characterization of cytochrome c nitrite reductase subunits (NrfA and NrfH) from Desulfovibrio desulfuricans ATCC 27774 Re-evaluation of the spectroscopic data and redox properties ppt

... well as the former simulation as they do to the experimental data. The large subunit NrfA, contains the high-spin heme, and four low-spin c-hemes with g max ẳ 3.6, 3.50, 3.2 and 2.96, while the NrfH ... containing the double of NrfA subunit in respect to the NrfH subunit. Nevertheless, inside these huge aggregates there are species of the type a 2 b 2. The present findings are in agreement with the ... buffer. According to the column calibration, the molecular masses of the two observed peaks (Table 1) are in good agreement to the NrfA and NrfH molecular masses, as further proved by the respective SDS/PAGE...

Ngày tải lên: 21/02/2014, 00:20

12 594 0
Health Continuum and Data Exchange in Belgium and in the Netherlands doc

Health Continuum and Data Exchange in Belgium and in the Netherlands doc

... indicators between the first and the second phase of the study) and compared the results between the pooled and restricted database. We did this analysis only with data from the paper group. ... organization of education, data collection, data input and data transmission to the research teams. These coordinators had previous experience with the NMDS and with data handling. The revised NMDS ... CHEMICAL, (2) the information structure of our EPR, and (3) the patient number of the specific patient, the EPR-query below is selected (the names of the database tables are in Dutch). Since the semantic...

Ngày tải lên: 05/03/2014, 23:20

136 592 0
The Financial Crisis and Information Gaps: Progress Report Action Plans and Timetables pptx

The Financial Crisis and Information Gaps: Progress Report Action Plans and Timetables pptx

... only the timeliness of the publications and the availability of the data on the BIS website, but also the coverage of the data to additional G-20 economies. Both the BIS and IMF continue to work ... priority. The experience of the ECB and Eurostat within Europe and the OECD should be drawn upon. In the medium term, including more sectoral balance sheet data in the data categories of the Special ... category, and sector. Agreements have been reached by the BIS with the reporting central banks to report these new datasets. The degree of granularity of the data released by the BIS will then be...

Ngày tải lên: 06/03/2014, 19:20

53 387 0
The Financial Crisis and Information Gaps: Implementation Progress Report potx

The Financial Crisis and Information Gaps: Implementation Progress Report potx

... 2011. The work of the BIS on banks can be further enhanced if the CGFS approves the enhancements to the IBS data (see recommendations 10 and 11). 5. The CGFS and the BIS to undertake further ... Most of the coordination work has been undertaken through the IAG, with the existing relevant bodies, such as the BOPCOM, the FSB, and the CGFS taking the decisions for the datasets under their ... of the IMF Data Standards Initiatives, scheduled for the first half of 2012, includes the possibility of strengthening the Data Standards, including integrated sectoral balance-sheet information, ...

Ngày tải lên: 06/03/2014, 19:20

40 378 0
Báo cáo khoa học: "Exploring and Exploiting the Limited Utility of Captions in Recognizing Intention in Information Graphics∗" pdf

Báo cáo khoa học: "Exploring and Exploiting the Limited Utility of Captions in Recognizing Intention in Information Graphics∗" pdf

... stable), where the change in trend occurred, the end of the second trend, and the slope of the second trend. If there was disagreement between the coders on either the intention or the instantiation of the ... value and in the caption of graphics pear on the bars and sometimes next to them, and the heading for the dependent axis appears in the empty white space of the graphic instead of below the values ... the probabilities of the different hypotheses. On the other hand, the verb class con- taining lag occurred both in the caption of graphics whose message was judged to convey the entity with the...

Ngày tải lên: 08/03/2014, 04:22

8 413 0
Báo cáo khoa học: "The FrameNet Data and Software" ppt

Báo cáo khoa học: "The FrameNet Data and Software" ppt

... sentences containing these LUs from corpora, and semi-automatically annotate the parts of the sentences which are the realizations of these FEs, including marking the phrase type (PT) and grammatical ... annotated sentences. We will dis- cuss the content and format of the data re- leases and how the software and data can be used by other NLP researchers. 1 Introduction FrameNet 1 (Fontenelle, 2003; ... consist of the predicator (verb, noun, or adjective), the lexical heads of its dependents the “marking” on the dependents (prepositions, complementizers, etc. if any), and the FEs of the dependents. To...

Ngày tải lên: 08/03/2014, 04:22

4 284 0
CÔNG NGHỆ THÔNG TIN VÀ TRUYỀN THÔNG VIỆT NAM (Information and Data on Information and Communication Technology) 2011 ppt

CÔNG NGHỆ THÔNG TIN VÀ TRUYỀN THÔNG VIỆT NAM (Information and Data on Information and Communication Technology) 2011 ppt

... industrialization and modernization” (Directive 58). Under the leadership of the Party and the Government in the last 10 years, the Viet Nam ICT sector has gained many important achievements and met the ... plans of the State on the IT application and development; 4. Checking, supervising and evaluating the results of the application and development of IT in ministries, sectors and localities and to ... appreciation of the ICT communities in Viet Nam and abroad. Following the success of the book over the last 2 years, the National Steering Committee on ICT and e Ministry of Information and Communications...

Ngày tải lên: 09/03/2014, 11:20

139 503 0