appendix f f 2 tcp segment header

professional f 2.0

professional f 2.0

... Subsets 25 7 25 7 25 8 25 8 filter 25 9 partition 25 9 CONTENTS Element Transformations 26 0 map 26 0 choose 26 2 collect 26 2 Accumulators 26 3 reduce 26 4 fold 26 5 scan 26 6 Summary 26 7 CHAPTER ... Safety 22 6 22 9 Data Mutation 23 2 A v o i d i n g Mutation 23 3 Bubble and Assign 23 5 Reference Cells 23 6 Passing by Reference 23 8 M e s s a g e Passing 23 8 Performance Considerations Lists 23 9 23 9 ... Arrays 24 2 Sequences 24 2 Tuples 24 3 Records 24 3 structs 24 3 Summary 24 5 CHAPTER 15: DATA TYPES 24 7 Ambiguously Typed Data Failing Fast Specificity 24 7 24 8 24 8 O p t i o n as an Example 24 9 Encapsulating...

Ngày tải lên: 05/05/2014, 16:33

410 200 0
expert f# 2.0

expert f# 2.0

... .22 5 An Example: Success/Failure Workflows 22 7 Defining a Workflow Builder .23 0 Workflows and Untamed Side Effects 23 2 Example: Probabilistic Workflows ... via a different name: let form2 = form form2.Text

Ngày tải lên: 01/08/2014, 16:14

625 600 0
Báo cáo toán học: "omputation of the vertex Folkman numbers F (2, 2, 2, 4; 6) and F (2, 3, 4; 6)" pdf

Báo cáo toán học: "omputation of the vertex Folkman numbers F (2, 2, 2, 4; 6) and F (2, 3, 4; 6)" pdf

... (2, 2, 2) and cl(G) = 2, proving that F (2, 2, 2; 3) ≤ 11 Chv´tal [1], proved that the Mycielski graph is the smallest a such graph and hence F (2, 2, 2; 3) = 11 The inequality F (2, 2, 2, 2; ... contradiction Proof of Theorem D According to the lemma, it follows from G → (2, 3, 4) that G → (2, 2, 2, 4) Therefore F (2, 2, 2, 4; 6) ≤ F (2, 3, 4; 6) and hence it is sufficient to prove that F (2, 3, 4; ... then F (2, 3, 4; 6) ≤ 14 Proof of the inequality F (2, 2, 2, 4; 6) ≥ 14 Let G → (2, 2, 2, 4) and cl(G) < We need to prove that |V (G)| ≥ 14 It is clear from G → (2, 2, 2, 4) that G − A → (2, 2, ...

Ngày tải lên: 07/08/2014, 06:23

7 380 0
Báo cáo sinh học: "Effects of major histocompatibility complex on antibody response in F 1 and F 2 crosses of chicken lines" ppt

Báo cáo sinh học: "Effects of major histocompatibility complex on antibody response in F 1 and F 2 crosses of chicken lines" ppt

... produce 761 F i animals From the F population, 24 3 females and 20 2 males were used to produce 1 033 F chicks Parents of the F and F populations were chosen from as many Z Z different families as ... estimated in the F and F I Where : ijk Ab = p = i sex = MHC! U2!! e2!! = = = the Ab titer of the kth chick, a constant, the fixed effect of the ith sex of the chick, the fixed effect of the jth MHC ... of partial confounding effects between MHC genotype and the effects of the sex and of U! It is, therefore, better to look at the difference in R between a z full model with and without MHC effect...

Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 19:22

14 263 0
Group 2 allergens from dust mite  epitope mapping and functional characterization of der p 2, and identification of a paralogue of der f 2

Group 2 allergens from dust mite epitope mapping and functional characterization of der p 2, and identification of a paralogue of der f 2

... antibodies 22 2. 3 Serum samples 22 2. 4 Immunological assays 22 2. 4.1 Immuno dot blot 22 2. 4 .2 Specific IgE binding ELISA 23 2. 4.3 Inhibition ELISA 24 2. 4.4 Histamine release assay 25 2. 4.5 Dust ... pairing of Der f 22 and Der f 80 Figure 4.4 Ribbon structures of Der f 22 and Der f 80 Figure 4.5 CD spectra of Der f 22 (solid line) and Der f (dashed line) 82 Figure 4.6 Location of intron ... against Der f 22 and Der f 2, and immunolocalization on D farinae sections 93 Figure 4. 12 Concentration of Der f 22 and Der f in dust samples 95 Figure 4.13 Binding of Der f 22 and Der f to cholesterol...

Ngày tải lên: 15/09/2015, 17:09

235 904 0


... ε reff ε +1 ε r −1  h = r + + 12   2  w −1 4.5 + 4.5 −  1.66 *10 −3  = + + 12   2  0.04307  −1 = 4.18 Độ dài hiệu dụng anten xác định theo công thức: Leff ≈ c f ε reff ≈ * 10 * 2. 4 ... tính theo công thức: ∆L = 0.412h (ε reff (ε reff w  + 0.3) + 0 .26 4  h  = 27 mm Độ dài thực mặt xạ tính w  − 0 .25 8) + 0.8  h  công thức: L = Leff − 2 l = 25 .54mm Kích thước mặt đất (Wg ... rông: Lf W f = 3.96 TÌM ĐIỆN DẪN G1 VÀ G 12 TÍNH G1 I1=1.1354 TRONG ĐÓ X = koW W=37.68mm f0 =2. 4Ghz k0 = 2 /λo Si = sin integral Với Si tính theo công thức: TÍNH G 12 Với J0 hàm bassel loại bậc G 12 =...

Ngày tải lên: 01/04/2016, 08:20

9 1,3K 12
Tài liệu Module 2: TCP/IP as a Solution for Networking pdf

Tài liệu Module 2: TCP/IP as a Solution for Networking pdf

... strategies for efficient use of IP traffic data transmission Module 2: TCP/ IP as a Solution for Networking Introducing TCP/ IP Slide Objective To define the role of TCP/ IP in a network and review the features ... Host/Network C 1 92- 223 25 5 .25 5 .25 5.000 Host/Network D 22 4 -23 None Multicast groups E 24 0 -25 None Experimental Module 2: TCP/ IP as a Solution for Networking ... Module 2: TCP/ IP as a Solution for Networking Performance Improvement The following features of TCP/ IP have been enhanced to improve the performance of TCP/ IP solutions: Large TCP Windows TCP window...

Ngày tải lên: 21/12/2013, 05:18

58 440 0
Networking and Network Programming 2 TCP/IP phần 1 ppt

Networking and Network Programming 2 TCP/IP phần 1 ppt

... differ, it’s still useful to use the seven-layer model as a frame of reference when discussing data communications Figure 2. 2 shows the layered architecture of TCP/ IP FIGURE 2. 2 TCP/ IP layered architecture ... complete definition of a protocol stack TCP/ IP History The history of the TCP/ IP protocol suite can be traced back to one of the first widearea networks consisting of computers from different manufacturers ... registration of the names of Internet-connected computers One example of an RFC is RFC 7 42, which defines the finger protocol The finger protocol is usually accessed by the user using a finger program Finger...

Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 22:21

33 300 1
Networking and Network Programming 2 TCP/IP phần 2 doc

Networking and Network Programming 2 TCP/IP phần 2 doc

... tullis 11.14.94 CH 02 LP #3 41 42 Part I s Introduction to Networking FIGURE 2. 12 TCP message format Source Port Destination Port Sequence Number Acknowledgement Number Offset Reserved Flags Checksum ... associate a specific message to a particular function name ClassWizard creates the function prototype for that function in the header file for the class and also creates a stub function for you to ... Sensitive Help FIGURE 4.1 Visual Workbench Figure 4 .2 shows the option dialog of AppWizard The output of AppWizard is several C++ source and header files, the project makefile, and the resource file Below...

Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 22:21

33 360 1
Networking and Network Programming 2 TCP/IP phần 3 docx

Networking and Network Programming 2 TCP/IP phần 3 docx

... referenced data, therefore it should be at leastMAXGETHOSTSTRUCT bytes long buflen is the size of the buf buffer It should be MAXGETHOSTSTRUCT for safety’s sake hWnd WSAAsyncGetHostByAddr() If ... buflen is the size of the buf buffer It should be MAXGETHOSTSTRUCT for safety’s sake hWnd WSAAsyncGetServByName() If the asynchronous operation is initiated successfully, the return value of ... specifics of the problem Possible error values include WSAEFAULT if the buffer was too small to accept the host name, WSANOTINITIALIZED if WSAStartup() wasn’t called successfully, WSAENETDOWN if...

Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 22:21

33 342 1
Networking and Network Programming 2 TCP/IP phần 4 ppsx

Networking and Network Programming 2 TCP/IP phần 4 ppsx

... of out-of-band data handling does not follow RFC 1 122 Most TCP/ IP stack providers document their implementation so that you know which they use: BSD or RFC 1 122 Because of this difference of ... bytes sent static char *pszBuf, *pszBufTmp; // buffer to send static int nBufLen; // length of buffer // check for an error if (WSAGETSELECTERROR(lParam) != 0) p2v6snrp2 Prog WinSock #30594-1 Everly/aw ... the buffer pszBufTmp = pszBuf; // fill the buffer with some useful data to send } break; // case FD_CONNECT case FD_WRITE: // client can send data now // is there any data to send? if (nBufLen...

Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 22:21

33 244 1
Networking and Network Programming 2 TCP/IP phần 5 pdf

Networking and Network Programming 2 TCP/IP phần 5 pdf

... still benefits from the Microsoft Foundation Classes The first source files to look at are STDAFX.H and STDAFX.CPP These files support the precompiled header feature By including STDAFX.H in each ... STDAFX.H for DESERV // stdafx.h : include file for standard system include files, // or project specific include files that are used frequently, but // are changed infrequently // #include ... supplied by Microsoft FIGURE 8.1 About to select WinSock Information from Help menu FIGURE 8 .2 WinSock Information for the Windows NT TCP/ IP Stack You may want to use the CWinSockInfoDlg class in...

Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 22:21

33 273 1
Networking and Network Programming 2 TCP/IP phần 6 doc

Networking and Network Programming 2 TCP/IP phần 6 doc

... m_nTotalBytesToSend; char m_pBuf[101]; protected: CMainView(); socket address of server IP address of server bytes left to send in the buffer // total bytes in the buffer // buffer to send // protected ... : header file // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // CMainView form view #ifndef AFXEXT_H #include #endif class CMainView : public CFormView ... MAINVIEW.H for SESERV // mainview.h : header file // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // CMainView form view #ifndef AFXEXT_H #include #endif...

Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 22:21

33 268 1
Networking and Network Programming 2 TCP/IP phần 7 pptx

Networking and Network Programming 2 TCP/IP phần 7 pptx

... asynchronous event notification long lEvent; if (m_bServer) lEvent = FD_READ | FD_WRITE | FD_ACCEPT | FD_CLOSE; else lEvent = FD_READ | FD_WRITE | FD_CONNECT | FD_CLOSE; if (WSAAsyncSelect(m_s, ... programs p2v6 Prog WinSock #30594-1 tullis 11.14.94 CH11 LP #3 Chapter 12 s CStreamSocket 22 5 12 CStreamSocket CStreamSocket p2v6 Prog WinSock #30594-1 tullis 11.14.94 CH 12 LP #3 22 6 Part III ... address of the other end of the socket // connection into the pointer provided // Useful for server’s to use after an Accept() // p2v6 Prog WinSock #30594-1 tullis 11.14.94 CH 12 LP #3 23 5 23 6 Part...

Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 22:21

33 286 1
Networking and Network Programming 2 TCP/IP phần 8 ppt

Networking and Network Programming 2 TCP/IP phần 8 ppt

... structure pointer to buffer to send total length of buffer to send pointer into buffer to send number of bytes left to send while (1) { // check to see if there is any data to send if (m_listWrite.IsEmpty()) ... BUF LEN)) lstrcat(pszError, pszMessage); AfxMessageBox(pszError); } If the WinSock error is WSANOTINITIALISED, the result of the following code looks like Figure 13.1: if ( WinSock function fails ... the following sample, results in that shown in Figure 13 .2: if ( WinSock function fails ) CWinSockErrorBox(WSAGetLastError(), “Contact your software distributor for technical support”); FIGURE...

Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 22:21

33 189 1
Networking and Network Programming 2 TCP/IP phần 9 ppt

Networking and Network Programming 2 TCP/IP phần 9 ppt

... command identifier database command INI file section of INI file entry within section of INI file value of entry within section of INI file ClassWizard is used to limit the number of bytes that ... MAINVIEW.H for CSECLNT // mainview.h : header file // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // CMainView form view #ifndef AFXEXT_H #include #endif ... MAINVIEW.H for INISRV // mainview.h : header file // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // CMainView form view #ifndef AFXEXT_H #include #endif...

Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 22:21

33 251 1
Networking and Network Programming 2 TCP/IP phần 10 pps

Networking and Network Programming 2 TCP/IP phần 10 pps

... #define #define #define #define #define #define #define PF_PUP PF_CHAOS PF_NS PF_IPX PF_ISO PF_OSI PF_ECMA PF_DATAKIT PF_CCITT PF_SNA PF_DECnet PF_DLI PF_LAT PF_HYLINK PF_APPLETALK #define PF_MAX ... Appendix A #define #define #define #define #define #define #define #define #define #define #define #define #define #define #define #define #define #define #define #define #define #define #define ... #define AF_NS #define AF_ISO #define AF_OSI #define AF_ECMA #define AF_DATAKIT #define AF_CCITT #define AF_SNA #define AF_DECnet #define AF_DLI #define AF_LAT #define AF_HYLINK #define AF_APPLETALK...

Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 22:21

31 163 1
tiểu luận môn lập trình mạng mô phỏng quá trình làm việc của 2  tcp ip

tiểu luận môn lập trình mạng mô phỏng quá trình làm việc của 2 tcp ip

... Status DoneTime 129 Done 6/6 /20 08 2: 58:36 PM 130 Done 6/6 /20 08 2: 58:37 PM 131 Done 6/6 /20 08 2: 58:38 PM 1 32 Done 6/6 /20 08 2: 58:39 PM 133 Done 6/6 /20 08 2: 58:40 PM 134 Done 6/6 /20 08 2: 58:50 PM SVTH: ... VIII .2 Cài hai máy tính Thiết lập lại : Trên Server 1: + chọn form start frmServer1 + tcpServer1.RemoteHost= Địa IP Server2 + tcpServer1.RemotePort= Cổng Server2 Trên Server 2: + chọn form start ... Server tcpServer2.Listen Server thực lắng nghe tcpServer2.Accept Server thực chấp nhận kết nối requestID tcpServer2.SendData Server thực gửi liệu (lưu Message biến Message) lên mạng tcpServer2.GetData...

Ngày tải lên: 31/01/2015, 22:52

20 341 3
báo cáo tiểu luận môn lập trình mạng mô phỏng quá trình làm việc của 2  tcp ip

báo cáo tiểu luận môn lập trình mạng mô phỏng quá trình làm việc của 2 tcp ip

... cổng của Server kết nối với Server tcpServer2.Listen Server thực hiện lắng nghe tcpServer2.Accept requestID Server thực hiện chấp nhận kết nối tcpServer2.SendData Message Server thực hiện ... này, chọn giao thức TCP 10 GIẢI PHÁP (tt)  Giới thiệu lệnh điều khiển Winsock: Trên Server tcpServer1.RemoteHost= "IP/name" Khai báo địa IP/tên của Server kết nối với Server tcpServer1.RemotePort= ... Server kết nối với No Server tcpServer1.Connect Server thực hiện kết nối vào mạng tcpServer1.SendData Message Server thực hiện gửi liệu (lưu biến Message) lên mạng tcpServer1.GetData strData...

Ngày tải lên: 31/01/2015, 23:02

18 650 2