o'reilly - java reference library 1.2
... java.lang Package Chapter 26: The java.lang.reflect Package Chapter 27: The java.math Package Chapter 28: The java.net Package Chapter 29: The java.text Package Chapter 30: The java.util Package ... Package Chapter 20: The java.awt.event Package Chapter 21: The java.awt.image Package Chapter 22: The java.awt.peer Package Chapter 23: The java.beans Package Chapter 24: The java.io Package Chapter ... Fundamental Classes Reference, by Mark Grand and Jonathan Knudsen A complete reference manual for the java.lang, java.io, java.net, java.util packages, among others, in the core Java API Java Virtual...
Ngày tải lên: 25/03/2014, 10:45
... 1018 APPENDIX D: IMAGE LOADING The ImageFetcher creates a thread to get the image from its source The ImageFetcher reads data and passes it along to the InputStreamImageSource, which is a URLImageSource ... sun.awt.windows package includes WImage ( Java 1.1), while the sun.awt.motif package includes the X11Image, and the sun.awt.macos package includes the MacImage ImageRepresentation The ImageRepresentation ... specified by a URL • ByteArrayImageSource ( Java 1.1 only) is a subclass of InputStreamImageSource for images that are created by calling Toolkit.createImage(byte[]) Image decoders An ImageDecoder...
Ngày tải lên: 21/01/2014, 06:20
... ways that make large amounts of data manageable Every folder in Outlook 2000 has a set of standard views The standard views that are available depend on the type of items in the folder Standard ... Exchange Server is deployed and managed for messaging and collaboration Advantages of Shared Messaging and Public Folder Servers Messaging and public folder servers have the following advantage ... replicas offer the advantages of fault-tolerance and load balancing, but they also give replication overhead and require more hardware For example, replicating several gigabytes of data for every...
Ngày tải lên: 22/10/2013, 16:15
Tài liệu Appendix D: Web Reporting doc
... quotation marks in a URL string If parameter values contain spaces, replace each space with a + character If parameter values contain &, replace the symbol with a % character and its ASCII equivalent ... syntax This topic summarizes the report parameter syntax used in URLs Separate each parameter by & and follow the standard conventions for URL parameters ( = ) ... report RDTEST01 The parameter-value pairs are separated by & If you want to pass further criteria, you simply pack them into the URL as additional parameters and separate each by & Note: Never...
Ngày tải lên: 21/12/2013, 19:15
Tài liệu Appendix D: Authentication in CHAP, MS-CHAP, and MSCHAP v2 docx
... names of actual companies and products mentioned herein may be the trademarks of their respective owners Appendix D: Authentication in CHAP, MS-CHAP, and MS-CHAP v2 CHAP Challenge Handshake Authentication ... sends back an MS-CHAP Success message If the hashes are different, an MS-CHAP Failure message is sent Appendix D: Authentication in CHAP, MS-CHAP, and MS-CHAP v2 MS-CHAP v2 MS-CHAP v2 authentication ... different, a CHAP Failure message is sent MS-CHAP MS-CHAP authentication is an exchange of three messages: The remote access server sends an MS-CHAP Challenge message containing a session ID and an arbitrary...
Ngày tải lên: 18/01/2014, 05:20
Tài liệu Real-Time Digital Signal Processing - Appendix D: About the Software docx
... firlp64.dat firlp128.dat firlp48.dat Chapter exp 8a. c exp8b.c init.c random.c signal.c exp8.cmd adaptive.asm alp.asm fir_filt.asm randdata.dat LP_coef.dat noise.dat exam8_ 7a. m exam8_7b.m Chapter ex9_1.c ... bit_rev.asm fft.asm freqflt.asm olap_add.asm fir.m input7.dat input7_f.dat APPENDIX D: ABOUT THE SOFTWARE input7_i.dat firlp256.dat firlp512.dat firlp8.dat firlp16.dat firlp32.dat firlp64.dat firlp128.dat ... iir_i2.c signal_gen2.c exp6.cmd iirform2.asm sine.asm exam6_12.m exam6_13.m s671.m Chapter exp 7a. c exp7b.c exp7c.c exp7d.c fbit_rev.c fft _a. c fft_float.c ibit_rev.c test_fft.c w_table.c exp7.cmd...
Ngày tải lên: 25/01/2014, 19:20
2-D and 3-D Image Registration for Medical, Remote Sensing, and Industrial Applications pptx
... [241], and Nevatia [286] Image registration found its way to biomedical image analysis as data from various scanners measuring anatomy and function became digitally available [20, 361, 397] Image ... of a Gaussian in the spatial domain is another Gaussian in the frequency domain [55] and, as the standard deviation of the Gaussian in the spatial domain is increased, the standard deviation ... cycles A Gaussian, however, approaches zero exponentially and in practice the infinity may be replaced by a small number Assuming the accuracy of a computer is and the standard deviations of all Gaussians...
Ngày tải lên: 06/03/2014, 12:20
favaro, soatto - 3 - d shape estimation and image restoration
... [Rajagopalan and Chaudhuri, 1998], [Asada et al., 199 8a] , [Watanabe and Nayar, 1998], [Chaudhuri and Rajagopalan, 1999], [Favaro and Soatto, 2000], [Soatto and Favaro, 2000], [Ziou and Deschenes, ... 2001], [Favaro and Soatto, 2002], [Jin and Favaro, 2002], [Favaro et al., 2003], [Favaro and Soatto, 2003], [Rajagopalan et al., 2004], [Favaro and Soatto, 2005] The latter can be used to generate ... [Pentland et al., 1994], [Gokstorp, 1994], [Schneider et al., 1994], [Xiong and Shafer, 1995], [Marshall et al., 1996], [Watanabe and Nayar, 199 6a] , [Rajagopalan and Chaudhuri, 1997], [Rajagopalan...
Ngày tải lên: 05/06/2014, 12:03
Appendix spudcan fixity under combined cyclic loading
... response of spudcan Installation stage AB was analyzed using Eulerian approach Stages BC (unloading), CD (consolidation) and DEF (reloading) were analyzed using Lagrangian approach -5 -10 -10 Depth ... Comparison with centrifuge results (a) (b) Fig 16 3D FEM model for (a) Eulerian and (b) Lagrangian analysis and Lagrangian analyses As before, the spudcan was penetrated to a depth of 16.5 m and ... using ABAQUS, one can in principle use different software for the Eulerian and Lagrangian stages Another advantage of this dual-stage Eulerian–Lagrangian approach is its required computational resource...
Ngày tải lên: 09/09/2015, 11:11
Analysis of 3 d maxillofacial image data 5
... such as convolution, and the employment of robust techniques such as GOA and surface normal analysis (SNA) for extracting image features As stated above, the advantage of GOA lies in its ability ... described above, computer-aided analysis of 3-D maxillofacial image data could lead to the realization of more advanced computerbased systems for orthodontic treatment and maxillofacial surgery ... segmentation is the orientation of the head in CT data The mandible is separated from the maxilla on a column-bycolumn basis under the assumption that the occlusal (biting) plane is approximately parallel...
Ngày tải lên: 16/09/2015, 17:11
Analysis of 3 d maxillofacial image data 4
... panoramic CT images In these images, the IAC appears as a tiny, dark, and approximately circular region Let f (i, j ) be a cross-sectional image, where x and y are the coordinate axes, and (ia ... that linearly maps gray values between and 50 to to 255 and those above 50 to 255 By doing this, bony parts that are bright are saturated and a hollow canal that is very dark is greatly enhanced ... the panoramic range image for a pair of mandibular foramina (Section 4.5.3) The foramina are small openings on the mandibular surfaces through which blood vessels and nerves pass 89 4.2 Extraction...
Ngày tải lên: 16/09/2015, 17:11
Analysis of 3 d maxillofacial image data 3
... maxillas and four mandibles Two casts, a maxilla and a mandible, out of 34 are of unknown class Visual inspection was used to evaluate the segmentation results The method correctly detected all ... small circular artifact in Figure 3.24(d) indicates a region that is far from the dental arch and was ignored when the panoramic range image was generated The segmentation results can be backprojected ... range image makes mathematical operations such as convolution readily applicable We employ both plan-view and panoramic range images to provide the 3-D information necessary for tooth segmentation...
Ngày tải lên: 16/09/2015, 17:11
Analysis of 3 d maxillofacial image data 2
... principal component analysis (PCA) of the GST By analyzing the three eigenvalues obtained by PCA, the technique can extract a 3-D object of a particular structure, such as, a blob, a line, and a plane ... variances to the background of GOA are larger than 46 those of eigenvalue analysis as GOA sensitively responds to bright and dark spots (see Table 2.1) As the false responses appear like a random ... detect crease edges using the second derivative of an image The second derivative can be obtained by applying the Laplacian operator to an image or applying a first-derivative operator twice...
Ngày tải lên: 16/09/2015, 17:11
Analysis of 3 d maxillofacial image data 1
... have made the use of 3-D maxillofacial image data increasingly more common 3-D data are obtained in two forms, surface-scan data and volumetric data Surface-scan data is generally provided as ... information of an object Volumetric data, on the other hand, is provided as a stack of 2-D images A significant advantage over surface-scan data is that volumetric data delivers internal information ... internal structure is the mandibular nerve canal It is difficult to locate the nerve canal in CT data because the nerve canal passes through a number of CT images and thus appears only as a small...
Ngày tải lên: 16/09/2015, 17:11
Appendix A
... TẬP ORACLE Các đặc trưng Data Access Object? Các đặc trưng DAO: • Bạn phải mua Data Access Objects, version 3.51, version hành code 32-bit Tuy nhiên, dạng 16-bit để chạy Visual Basic hay version ... Page • ADO có đối tượng Connection cho phép bạn tạo kết nối qua Recordset hay đối tượng Command • ADO truy xuất nhanh Oracle, đặc biệt với provider khiết OLE-DB Một cursor forward-only, read-only ... trưng ADO? Các đặc trưng ADO • ADO có sẵn dạng 32-bit • Version hành ADO 2.0 phát hành với Visual Basic • ADO khiến code client nhẹ nhàng thích hợp để phát triển Web, tiêu chuẩn Active Server Page...
Ngày tải lên: 22/08/2012, 09:50
Kỹ thuật thu nhận ảnh image representation and modeling
... hay giấy suốt đợc chiếu sáng liên tục để tạo nên ảnh điện tử cảm quang Tuỳ theo loại camera mà cảm quang chất quang dẫn hay quang truyền Hệ thống camera ống sử dụng phơng pháp scan-outdigitalizer; ... ch a n đối tợng Header Image (10 byte) Palete of Imge 1(nếu có) Data of Image ' ,' ký tự liên kết ';' GIF terminator Phần đầu cuối ảnh GIF(terminator) - Chứ ký ảnh GIF có giá trị GIF8 7a Nó ... x-y-z 2.2 Lấy mẫu lợng tử hoá (Image Sampling and quantization) Yêu cầu xử lý ảnh máy tính a ảnh dạng biểu diễn số thích hợp, ngh a ảnh phải đợc biểu diễn ma trận hữu hạn tơng ứng với việc lấy...
Ngày tải lên: 27/08/2012, 10:19
Ghép lồng hai hình sử dụng apply image
... Guitar-rock Nhân đôi layer background ( Ctrl + J) Chọn layer Vào Image / Apply Image L a chọn thông số hình Chú ý: Source hình concert-crowd.jpg Sau kích vào OK ta sau: Soure: photoshoptutorials ... photoshoptutorials Bước 3: Tiếp tục sử dụng Apply Image với l a chọn Blending Options khác This image has been resized Click this bar to view the full image The original image is sized 650x437 Bước 4:Vẫn ... 650x437 Bước 4:Vẫn sử dụng Blending: Difference ý l a chọn Channel: Red Bước 5: Sử dụng Apply Image lần cuối với Mode Blending: Hard Light, Channel: RGB Kết quả: ...
Ngày tải lên: 27/08/2012, 13:54