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favaro, soatto - 3 - d shape estimation and image restoration

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  • Cover

  • 3-D Shape Estimation and Image Restoration

  • ISBN-10: 1846281768

  • Preface

  • Organizational chart

  • Contents

  • 1 Introduction

  • 2 Basic models of image formation

  • 3 Some analysis: When can 3-D shape be reconstructed from blurred images?

  • 4 Least-squares shape from defocus

  • 5 Enforcing positivity: Shape from defocus and image restoration by minimizing I-divergence

  • 6 Defocus via diffusion: Modeling and reconstruction

  • 7 Dealing with motion: Unifying defocus and motion blur

  • 8 Dealing with multiple moving objects

  • 9 Dealing with occlusions

  • 10 Final remarks

  • Appendix A Concepts of radiometry

  • Appendix B Basic primer on functional optimization

  • Appendix C Proofs

  • Appendix D Calibration of defocused images

  • Appendix E MATLAB implementation of some algorithms

  • Appendix F Regularization

  • References

  • Index

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3-D Shape Estimation and Image Restoration Paolo Favaro and Stefano Soatto 3-D Shape Estimation and Image Restoration Exploiting Defocus and Motion Blur Paolo Favaro Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh, UK http://www.eps.hw.ac.uk/~pf21 Stefano Soatto University of California, Los Angeles, USA http://www.cs.ucla.edu/~soatto British Library Cataloguing in Publication Data A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library Library of Congress Control Number: 2006931781 ISBN-10: 1-84628-176-8 ISBN-13: 978-1-84628-176-1 e-ISBN-10: 1-84628-688-3 e-ISBN-13: 978-1-84628-688-9 Printed on acid-free paper © Springer-Verlag London Limited 2007 Apart from any fair dealing for the purposes of research or private study, or criticism or review, as permitted under the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988, this publication may only be reproduced, stored or transmitted, in any form or by any means, with the prior permission in writing of the publishers, or in the case of reprographic reproduction in accordance with the terms of licences issued by the Copyright Licensing Agency Enquiries concerning reproduction outside those terms should be sent to the publishers The use of registered names, trademarks, etc in this publication does not imply, even in the absence of a specific statement, that such names are exempt from the relevant laws and regulations and therefore free for general use The publisher makes no representation, express or implied, with regard to the accuracy of the information contained in this book and cannot accept any legal responsibility or liability for any errors or omissions that may be made Springer Science+Business Media springer.com To Maria and Giorgio Paolo Favaro To Anna and Arturo Stefano Soatto Preface Images contain information about the spatial properties of the scene they depict When coupled with suitable assumptions, images can be used to infer threedimensional information For instance, if the scene contains objects made with homogeneous material, such as marble, variations in image intensity can be associated with variations in shape, and hence the “shading” in the image can be exploited to infer the “shape” of the scene (shape from shading) Similarly, if the scene contains (statistically) regular structures, variations in image intensity can be used to infer shape (shape from textures) Shading, texture, cast shadows, occluding boundaries are all “cues” that can be exploited to infer spatial properties of the scene from a single image, when the underlying assumptions are satisfied In addition, one can obtain spatial cues from multiple images of the same scene taken with changing conditions For instance, changes in the image due to a moving light source are used in “photometric stereo,” changes in the image due to changes in the position of the cameras are used in “stereo,” “structure from motion,” and “motion blur.” Finally, changes in the image due to changes in the geometry of the camera are used in “shape from defocus.” In this book, we will concentrate on the latter two approaches, motion blur and defocus, which are referred to collectively as “accommodation cues.” Accommodation cues can be exploited to infer the 3-D structure of the scene as well as its radiance properties, which in turn can be used to generate better quality novel images than the originals Among visual cues, defocus has received relatively little attention in the literature This is due in part to the difficulty in exploiting accommodation cues: the mathematical tools necessary to analyze accommodation cues involve continuous analysis; unlike stereo and motion which can be attacked with simple viii Preface linear algebra Similarly, the design of algorithms to estimate 3-D geometry from accommodation cues is more difficult because one has to solve optimization problems in infinite-dimensional spaces Most of the resulting algorithms are known to be slow and lack robustness in respect to noise Recently, however, it has been shown that by exploiting the mathematical structure of the problem one can reduce it to linear algebra, (as we show in Chapter 4,) yielding very simple algorithms that can be implemented in a few lines of code Furthermore, links established with recent developments in variational methods allow the design of computationally efficient algorithms Robustness to noise has significantly improved as a result of designing optimal algorithms This book presents a coherent analytical framework for the analysis and design of algorithms to estimate 3-D shape from defocused and blurred images, and to eliminate defocus and blur and thus yield “restored” images It presents a collection of algorithms that are shown to be optimal with respect to the chosen model and estimation criterion Such algorithms are reported in MATLAB notation in the appendix, and their performance is tested experimentally The style of the book is tailored to individuals with a background in engineering, science, or mathematics, and is meant to be accessible to first-year graduate students or anyone with a degree that included basic linear algebra and calculus courses We provide the necessary background in optimization and partial differential equations in a series of appendices The research leading to this book was made possible by the generous support of our funding agencies and their program managers We owe our gratitude in particular to Belinda King, Sharon Heise, and Fariba Fahroo of AFOSR, and Behzad Kamgar-Parsi of ONR We also wish to thank Jean-Yves Bouguet of Intel, Shree K Nayar of Columbia University, New York, and also the National Science Foundation September 2006 PAOLO FAVARO S TEFANO S OATTO Preface Organizational chart A 2.1 2.2 2.3 E D 2.4 2.5 F C B 10 Figure Dependencies among chapters ix Contents Preface Introduction 1.1 The sense of vision 1.1.1 Stereo 1.1.2 Structure from motion 1.1.3 Photometric stereo and other techniques based on controlled light 1.1.4 Shape from shading 1.1.5 Shape from texture 1.1.6 Shape from silhouettes 1.1.7 Shape from defocus 1.1.8 Motion blur 1.1.9 On the relative importance and integration of visual cues 1.1.10 Visual inference in applications 1.2 Preview of coming attractions 1.2.1 Estimating 3-D geometry and photometry with a finite aperture 1.2.2 Testing the power and limits of models for accommodation cues 1.2.3 Formulating the problem as optimal inference 1.2.4 Choice of optimization criteria, and the design of optimal algorithms 1.2.5 Variational approach to modeling and inference from accommodation cues vii 1 5 6 6 7 9 10 11 12 12 Contents Basic models of image formation 2.1 The simplest imaging model 2.1.1 The thin lens 2.1.2 Equifocal imaging model 2.1.3 Sensor noise and modeling errors 2.1.4 Imaging models and linear operators 2.2 Imaging occlusion-free objects 2.2.1 Image formation nuisances and artifacts 2.3 Dealing with occlusions 2.4 Modeling defocus as a diffusion process 2.4.1 Equifocal imaging as isotropic diffusion 2.4.2 Nonequifocal imaging model 2.5 Modeling motion blur 2.5.1 Motion blur as temporal averaging 2.5.2 Modeling defocus and motion blur simultaneously 2.6 Summary xi 14 14 14 16 18 19 20 22 23 26 28 29 30 30 34 35 Some analysis: When can 3-D shape be reconstructed from blurred images? 3.1 The problem of shape from defocus 3.2 Observability of shape 3.3 The role of radiance 3.3.1 Harmonic components 3.3.2 Band-limited radiances and degree of resolution 3.4 Joint observability of shape and radiance 3.5 Regularization 3.6 On the choice of objective function in shape from defocus 3.7 Summary 37 38 39 41 42 42 46 46 47 49 Least-squares shape from defocus 4.1 Least-squares minimization 4.2 A solution based on orthogonal projectors 4.2.1 Regularization via truncation of singular values 4.2.2 Learning the orthogonal projectors from images 4.3 Depth-map estimation algorithm 4.4 Examples 4.4.1 Explicit kernel model 4.4.2 Learning the kernel model 4.5 Summary 50 50 53 53 55 58 60 60 61 65 Enforcing positivity: Shape from defocus and image restoration by minimizing I-divergence 5.1 Information-divergence 5.2 Alternating minimization 5.3 Implementation 69 70 71 76 F.3 Regularization 235 estimation and image restoration problem is to enforce the uniqueness of the solution and to make sure that small changes in the image (for instance, due to noise) not cause major changes in the solution This is done through regularization, which we describe next F.3 Regularization In general terms, regularization refers to the approximation of an ill-posed problem by a collection of well-posed problems that are “close” to the original one, and converge to it in a sense that we make clear shortly The general theory was laid out by A N Tikhonov, although today “Tikhonov regularization” refers to a special case of least-squares problem In the context of the linear inverse problems that have (F.1) as their direct version, the main idea is that we are given noisy data I δ where δ denotes some perturbation (this could be additive noise, as in our case, or a more general perturbation, so we leave the notation generic at this point) such that Hr δ − I δ < δ (F.7) Then the approximate solution r δ , that must depend continuously on the data, can be computed by constructing a linear and bounded operator, call it R, so that r δ = RI δ (F.8) The operator R can be obtained as the limit of a family of bounded and linear operators Rα , α > such that lim Rα Hr = r α←0 ∀r (F.9) This is the requirement of a meaningful solution: when the parameter α tends to 0, the solution tends to the solution of the unperturbed problem Now, let I be the unperturbed data in the range of H, and I δ be the noisy data such that I − I δ ≤ δ If we define rα,δ = Rα I δ (F.10) as a family of approximate solutions to (F.1), then the discrepancy between our approximate solution and the unperturbed solution can be split into two parts: rα,δ − r ≤ Rα I δ − Rα I + Rα I − r ≤ Rα I δ − I + Rα Hr − r ≤ δ Rα + Rα Hr − r , (F.11) where the first term of the right-hand side is the noise-propagation error multiplied by the “condition number” Rα of the regularized problem The second term is the approximation error Whereas the noise-propagation error tends to infinity with α going to zero and to zero when α goes to infinity, the approximation error goes to zero when α goes to infinity and to infinity when α goes to zero 236 Appendix F Regularization Figure F.1 Behavior of the total error Whereas the noise-propagation error tends to infinity with α going to zero and to zero when α goes to infinity, the approximation error goes to zero when α goes to infinity and to infinity when α goes to zero The behavior is illustrated in Figure F.1 Because the discrepancy between our approximate solution and the unperturbed solution is a combination of the two, as shown in equation (F.11), and given their general behavior described above, there is a unique parameter α∗ that minimizes equation (F.11) It is part of a minimization strategy to find such optimal α∗ In our analysis it is important to know that such a parameter exists and is unique In summary, regularization can be defined as a general strategy to search for families of approximate solutions satisfying additional constraints coming from the physics of the problem For instance, one could require the solution to have bounded energy or intensity (Chapters 4–9), to be positive (Chapters 5), or be smooth (see Chapters 4–9), or be subject to statistical constraints on the noise distribution (Chapter 2) Remark F.1 Regularization versus post processing In many applications it is common to “clean up” the solution after it has been obtained This process is often called “post processing.” Post processing is a procedure where one applies the constraints above (e.g., positivity, smoothness) after having obtained some nominal solution From the analysis above, it should be clear that post processing is not a sensible method for ill-posed problems; although it may decrease the noise level, it does so at the cost of increasing the approximation error, and due to the non continuous dependency on the data perturbation, it may so in an unpredictable way F.3 Regularization F.3.1 237 Tikhonov regularization The term “Tikhonov regularization” often refers to a special case of the procedure described above to determine the smoothest approximate solution of a constrained least-squares problem, as developed by Phillips [Phillips, 1962] In this section we illustrate how Tikhonov regularization applies to our specific inverse problems, and how this relates to the truncated singular value decomposition presented in Section 4.2.1, Eα (r) = Hr − I δ + α r 2, (F.12) where α is a constant.1 If we seek to minimize equation (F.12) given the perturbed image I δ , then we obtain the following Euler equation (see Appendix B) (H ∗ H + αId )rα = H ∗ I δ , (F.13) ∗ where Id denotes the identity operator and (·) denotes the adjoint operator, defined in Section 2.1.4, equation (2.15) Then, the approximate solution rα,δ can be written as rα,δ = Rα I δ , (F.14) Rα = (H ∗ H + αId )−1 H ∗ (F.15) where As one can see, as α tends to zero, the approximate solution in equation (F.14) tends to the least-squares solution which we presented in Chapter 4, equation (4.26) Now, suppose that the perturbed image satisfies the following model I δ = Hr + w δ , (F.16) δ where w is a perturbation As we have seen before, the error between our solution and the unperturbed problem solution is given by Rα I δ − R0 I ≤ (Rα H − R0 )r + Rα wδ , (F.17) where the two terms on the right-hand side are the approximation error and the noise-propagation error If we use the singular value decomposition (see Chapter 4), we obtain that ∞ λi ui vi , H= (F.18) i=0 where λi is a sequence of nonnegative scalars, vi is an orthonormal set of vectors (because we consider that image to be a digital image, I is a vector), and ui is an Those familiar with constrained optimization will recognize α as being the Lagrange multiplier, part of the unknowns in the minimization of the energy in (F.12) Those interested in the many details we are glancing over here can consult [Polak, 1997], Chapter X 238 Appendix F Regularization orthonormal set of functions in L2 Then, ∞ λi ui vi , I δ λ2 + α i rα,δ = Rα I δ = i=0 (F.19) and we obtain that the squared approximation error is (Rα H − R0 )r ∞ = α2 i=0 (λi 2| + α) ui , r |2 (F.20) and the noise-propagation error is Rα w δ ∞ = λ2 i i=0 (λi + α) 2| vi , w δ | (F.21) Now we can observe that the behavior of equations (F.20) and (F.21) as α tends to or ∞ reflects the definitions given in the previous section F.3.2 Truncated SVD In this section we show that the truncated singular value decomposition used in Chapter is a type of Tikhonov regularization To see that, we recast the representation of the regularized solution (F.19) in the following form, ∞ rα,δ = i=0 gα,i ui vi , I , λi (F.22) where gα,i is a windowing function 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deblurring, 38 degree of resolution, 44, 45 depth of field, 23, 106 diaphragm of the lens, 16 difference operator, 31, 88 differentiability, 170 diffraction, 17 diffusion coefficient, 26, 28, 88 diffusion tensor, 34, 124 digitization, 18 Dirac’s delta, 28, 39 Dirac’s delta distribution, 39 direct problem, 38 discrete domain, 19 discretization, 60 divergence operator, 29 divergence theorem, 29 energy conservation principle, 27 equifocal plane, 16 Euler–Lagrange, 170 excitation, 57 exposure, 34 F-number, 16 F-stop, 16 248 Index first-order variation, 170 fixed point, 75 focal length, 15 focus setting, 15 forcing term, 29 foreshortening, 161 forward diffusion, 91 Fr´ chet derivative, 169 e fronto-parallel motion, 33 fronto-parallel translation, 33, 107 functional, 169 functional derivative, 169 functional singular value decomposition, 53 Gˆ teaux differential, 171 a Gaussian noise, 19 Gaussian point-spread function, 26 geometric optics, 17 gradient (of the functional), 170 gradient operator, 29 Green’s function, 28 harmonic function, 42 heat, 26 heat distribution, 26 heat equation, 26, 88 Heaviside function, 24, 123, 148 Helmholtz reciprocity principle, 163 Hilbert space, 19 I-divergence, 48, 69 ideal image, 18 idempotent matrix, 56 identity operator, 39 ill-posed problem, 46, 234 image formation process, 14 image plane, 14 image restoration, 38, 132, 135 imaging model, 18 impulse response, 28 in focus, 15 information divergence, 69 information-divergence, 48 inhomogeneous diffusion equation, 29, 90 initial condition, 28 inner product, 19 inverse problem, 38, 232 irradiance, 163 isotropic component, 110 isotropic heat equation, 28 iterative descent, 170 iterative descent algorithm, 94 iterative minimization, 72 Jensen’s inequality, 194 kernel, 17 Kuhn–Tucker conditions, 74 Kullback–Leibler divergence, 48 Lambertian, 21 Lambertian surface, 163 Laplacian operator, 28, 88 least-squares, 47, 48, 50 length constraint, 126 lens aberration, 18 level set, 24 level set function, 123 light source, 161 lossless, 27 magnification artifacts, 22 maximum likelihood, 48, 51, 70 mean-value property, 42 mean-value theorem, 191 minimum (of a function), 168 Moore–Penrose pseudo-inverse, 20, 52 motion blur, 30, 106 motion field, 33 multifocal vector image, 18 noise-free image, 18 noise-propagation error, 235 nonhomogeneous diffusion equation, 29 normal equations, 54 normalization, 27 nuisance factor, 38 occlusions, 23 Ockham’s razor, 71 optical axis, 14 optical center, 14 oriented-Laplacian, 90 orthogonal operator, 20 orthogonal projector, 20, 51 orthonormal basis, 44 Index partial differential equation (PDE), 26 photographic mask, 27 photometric stereo, pillbox function, 16 pinhole imaging model, 23 point-spread function (PSF), 17 Poisson noise, 19 positive-definite, 35 positive-definite kernel, 73 positive-semidefinite, 35 positivity constraint, 74 post processing, 236 preconditioner, 73 quantization, 18 radiance, 17, 162 radiometry, 161 regularization, 47, 71, 149 regularization theory, 232 regularized Dirac delta, 189 regularized Heaviside function, 189 relative blur, 89 relative blurring, 89 relative diffusion, 89 relative motion blur, 125 rigid motion, 32 rotational velocity, 32 rotationally symmetric, 42 sampling error, 18 saturation, 31 scale ambiguity, 33, 123 sensor noise, 18 shape from defocus, 6, 38 shape from shading, shape from silhouettes, shape from texture, shift-invariant, 17 shift-varying imaging model, 20 shutter interval, 30, 106 signed distance function, 25, 123 smoothed pillbox, 26 solid angle, 161 space-varying diffusion coefficient, 26 spectral-cutoff, 238 square-integrable function, 19 stereo, strongly distinguishable, 46 249 structure from motion, structured illumination, 39 sufficiently exciting, 41 support function, 24 symmetric matrix, 56 telecentric optical systems, 22 telecentric optics, 200 temporal window, 107 thin lens, 164 thin lens conjugation law, 15 Tikhonov regularization, 125, 235 time averaging, 142 translational velocity, 32 translucent materials, 21 truncated singular value decomposition, 237 truncation of singular values, 53 universally exciting, 41 variance tensor, 34, 108 velocity field, 33, 107, 121 weak observability, 190 weak solution, 195 weakly distinguishable, 40 weakly indistinguishable, 40 weakly observable, 40, 110 well-posed problem, 234 .. . 3- D Shape Estimation and Image Restoration Paolo Favaro and Stefano Soatto 3- D Shape Estimation and Image Restoration Exploiting Defocus and Motion Blur Paolo Favaro Heriot-Watt University,... framework for the analysis and design of algorithms to estimate 3- D shape from defocused and blurred images, and to eliminate defocus and blur and thus yield “restored” images It presents a collection... record for this book is available from the British Library Library of Congress Control Number: 2006 931 781 ISBN-10: 1-8 462 8-1 7 6-8 ISBN- 13: 97 8-1 -8 462 8-1 7 6-1 e-ISBN-10: 1-8 462 8-6 8 8 -3 e-ISBN- 13: 97 8-1 -8 462 8-6 8 8-9

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